The Armory

A few paths from the dormitories look to have been lit by ground-hugging lamps whose concrete receptacles remain in place; they all lead to The Armory. This particular building looks designed to be easily defensible with heavy steel doors, imposing looking concrete walls that curve into the ground like a bunker. The single entrance is through a thick steel door, built to withstand attempts at forced entry. Unfortunately, the locking mechanism seems to have been melted through, and no longer functions to keep the door shut.

While this was no doubt built as a redoubt for a war never fought, it seems to have been primarily used by the villagers to store supplies and stocks of firearms for fending off polar bears. The inside of the armory is poorly lit, and the thick walls create a conspicuously quiet atmosphere. Shelves of equipment line each of the rooms, with long-expired gas masks and rows of Red Army-issued cold weather gear, as well as row upon row of empty gun racks. Several stocks of standard issue Soviet rifle ammunition remain in wooden crates, though years of cold storage mean that their reliability is somewhat in question.

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