
These six buildings loom over the town square. Standardized Soviet bloc housing, each building is four stories high and identical, differing only in their respective states of decay. Each floor is accessible by a pair of concrete stairwells on either side of a central corridor with six apartments on either side of the halls. The final flight of stairs opens out onto the roof, where backup generators and support systems for the buildings’ heating systems sit rusting and neglected. Four of the buildings seem quite well preserved, but the two closest to the approach from the docks appear to have sustained more decay and damage, with clear signs of a firefight and blast damage to some of the outer walls.

None of the apartments are locked, and some are missing doors altogether. Each apartment is a tight squeeze, with two closet-like bedrooms, a tiny kitchen, and a living room. Each floor featured a communal bathroom, which was common in buildings of that era. Many of the furnishings have been left in place, including quilts, lamps, wardrobes, bed frames, and the occasional radio or television. The furniture is often tightly packed into what little space there is, leaving little space to move, and occasionally trinkets of the past lives that called these places home can be found and read - if one knows Russian.

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