The Recesses (Danger Zone)

The Recesses consist of the lower, below ground levels of The Compound. Accessing The Recesses requires passing through the upper levels of the Compound itself and down its central, spiral staircase to the depths below. The Recesses are pitch black, even during the day, and the average person will need to use a flashlight to be able to see.

The rooms on the outer edges of below ground floors of The Compound contrast heavily with the ones above ground, with each being much larger and seemingly all having distinct intended purposes. Rooms vary from obstacle courses, to shooting galleries, to operating rooms, most of which have attached observation rooms with one-way glass panels. Two notable rooms consist of one full of decrepit, 70s era computers, and another that has a coal fired generator that takes up most of the room, with an exhaust pipe leading up into the ceiling and out.

Just like the above ground floors, furniture has been clearly displaced to create cover in the hallways, but only some of the furniture of the below ground floors has been moved in this way, in contrast to the above ground floors. As a result, the majority of the furniture within The Recesses remain seemingly undisturbed, though most useful items have still been removed.


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