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Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:11 pm
by Ruggahissy
((Grace Faraday continued from Mischief Managed))

The morning cold was horrid, and between that and the dew covered grass, Grace was finding her resting spot less and less comfortable with each minute that passed.

At this point, she was almost ready to turn back and give up. It didn't seem they would be here anytime soon.

She had slipped away from the rest of the party in the morning shortly after the announcements. Joaquim had gotten the kill award and the prize was going to be dropped in the southern part of town, just next to where they had left.

Grace decided to take this chance. She had grabbed her pack, and started for the nearby woods. She felt a little responsible. She didn't, couldn't stop them from getting a weapon. And now they were playing.

And yet it seemed weird, waiting here, for them to show up.  The freighter wasn't so far away. She could turn back if she wanted. Just that little expanse of beach between her and Gavin and Megan and all the others there.

Perhaps she should turn back after all. She stood watching the ship a little longer.

Five more minutes, she decided, picking up her pack as she did.  If they didn't turn up, she'd go back.

Re: Rendezvous

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:12 pm
by Ruggahissy
((Jaquilyn Locke and continued from ...And Home Before Dark))

"Okay. You go... and I'll wait here."

She really didn't want to be alone. The thinning trees marked the end of the forest, which meant Jaq could not continue. This part of town was now "out of bounds" which meant "come here and lose your fucking head." The rules dictated that the winner of the best kill award would be allowed to the area to claim a weapon, but she was not that person.

Jaq pulled the gun off her shoulder and handed it to Joachim. He was the killer, he was the one headed into the "dangerzone." With two other accredited killers allowed in the area, he needed the gun more. They needed to get another kill for today, and taking out one of the "best" killers was the best move. Fucking Max, killing three people in one day. That was disgusting. That was wasteful. It was bad enough that one person a day had to die. It was bad enough that more people were dying than had to. Max wasn't playing this game day-to-day. Max was going to kill all of his classmates so that he could win the whole thing.

"If Max shows up, you destroy him. He's in this game to win it, and that means we lose."

Joachim took the gun. All that was left now was for him to leave, get the weapon, and come back. So many things could happen until then, they hadn't even come up with much of an after plan. There was too much they couldn't plan for. She started to take another step before remembering her collar. She had to stay here and wait.

Her fingers started trembling, then her hands. She balled them into tough-looking fists, hoping Joachim wouldn't notice, but her knuckles continued to twitch and shake.

Re: Rendezvous

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:12 pm
by Ruggahissy
[Joachim Lovelace, continued from ...And Home Before Dark]


The face of his ally seemed much dirtier than before. Certainly, being on SotF for a few days - Just mere days? Not weeks? Not months? - had to take their toll on Jaq, and Joachim was not much cleaner, too. Perhaps it was just his perception that shifted, if only a bit.

What Joachim would normally (?) feel, what he did feel, if only as something in the background was some kind of anticipation. Battling with both Max and Rosemary, talking them out to carry a trophy back to Jaq. A very useful trophy. However, things were different as he stood at the border of the Danger Zone. There was anxiety present, but unlike the others. Nothing about guilt, but... concern? Yes, that fit. Concern for Jaq. For them both. As allies, partner-in-crimes and perhaps even as friends?

"Take care."

Maybe, maybe not.

[Joachim Lovelace continued in Path of Pins]

Re: Rendezvous

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:13 pm
by Ruggahissy
Six minutes had passed.

She should go back. Grace was uneasy with returning back to them, but surely that would be better than staying here wracked with indecision. Better than trying to whatever foolish plan she would come up with to stop Joaquim. It wasn't as if she could politely tell him to stop killing people and expect that to work.

"Gah!" She shouted, flopping against a tree dejectedly. Why was it so hard to make this sort of decision? She was always like this. Why couldn't she just make a decision and stick with it?

She wiped away the tears that were forming and stood back up. She wasn't going to start sobbing in front of a national audience.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?" She muttered to herself.

Re: Rendezvous

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:14 pm
by Ruggahissy
Joachim turned and left abruptly. Jaq stepped forward and opened her mouth, but it was too late. He was going.

She stared at his back as he walked away. She eyed the buildings in the distance for snipers, ready to shout caution to Joachim. He disappeared behind a building. Things were better this way. The less they talked, the less they had to get to know each other. They were protecting each other, they were partners. Partners had to be professional. They could be friends after SotF, if they had that option. Rescue seemed less likely by the day, but their sole goal was day to day survival.

How did she exactly feel about Joachim Lovelace, though? She knew she trusted him. Maybe it was just because he reminded her of somebody she'd always trusted. Even if that was the case, he hadn't done anything to make her question him. And they had been through a lot together. She watched him kill two people, and still slept in the same room with him. If he hadn't launched that knife into her back now, he probably wasn't going to. She knew she didn't want to kill him. Be it a quirky charm, or just the fact that she was loyal back, she knew she didn't want to take him out, not even to go home... As she thought about it more, she realized there might be a hitch in their relationship. She didn't want Joachim to die either.

Their alliance was solid. Their teamwork was good. Their luck wasn't bad either. But she didn't actually know if they could both make it out of this. He was notorious now. People would come for them. And even if they managed to beat out all the rest, she would eventually have to make a choice.

Five minutes passed.


Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.

There was a voice. Female. Not happy. Not known to be dangerous, but it was safer to assume. She turned around and crouched low, hoping she could spot whoever before they spotted her. She had not encountered many friends on the island. She had made even less. Impending doom knocked social niceties down a few priorities. And she had robbed and tried to rob everybody she had seen... And was, at the very least, an accessory to multiple murders.

A girl from the first day was leaning on a tree. Jaq pat the pockets of her sweatshirt, trying to find the knife Joachim had given her. It had been Adonis's, but he didn't need it now. She pulled it out and held it in front of her. Her eyes flicked between the lost girl and the knife.

Joachim might not see anybody at the town.

Adonis hadn't killed anybody.

Had this girl been in the woods the whole time?

None of that mattered. They were just distraction thoughts. She was stalling herself from what she knew she had to do. The girl was alone, somebody had to die, and this knife was a virgin.

No more freezing up. Jaquilyn gripped the handle and launched herself into a sprint.

Re: Rendezvous

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:14 pm
by Ruggahissy
It came suddenly, the sound of a person running through the grass, snapping her momentarily out of her own self pity. Grace looked up, recognising the face that was running towards her.

"Jaq? What the hell-" She stopped halfway. The thought just stopped there. Jaq was actually here. She was actually here. And she was holding a knife. It was dark and jagged, but definitely a knife. That told her all she needed to know. Jaq wanted her dead.

At that moment, she realised how much trouble she was actually in. She was supposed to have come up with a plan by now. She was supposed to have the advantage of surprise. She was supposed to get a chance to parley. But none of those assumptions or suppositions had turned out right. And that was going to come and bite her in the ass.

Grace struggled with her pack, trying to get at her pistol, but the other girl was too close already. She had barely enough time to open her pack before the other girl hurtled into her, knocking her to the ground.

If there had ever been a plan, that most certainly wouldn't have been it.

Re: Rendezvous

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:15 pm
by Ruggahissy
Grace looked up. Their eyes met, and all the cards fell to the table. Jaq's knuckles turned white around the knife. She leaned forward as she ran, her legs pumping harder to keep up.

Grace grabbed at her bag, but Jaq was too close now. It didn't matter what weapon she had, she was about to be on the ground. Jaq crossed her arms in front of her and launched herself forward. The girl had barely unzipped her pack before Jaq's weight propelled into her.

They both hit the forest floor. Grace flailed wildly, desperate to get away, but Jaq had the physical edge. Jaq wrapped her arms around Grace's waist and pulled her over herself to slam her back into the ground. She kicked her leg up and got into a seated position over Grace. She grabbed one of Grace's wrists and slammed it into the ground before bringing the knife to her throat.

Spit flew from her mouth as she shouted at the girl.


The answer didn't come right away. Grace hadn't been expecting the question.


Her grip tightened around Grace's wrist and the dark obsidian blade pressed into the tender skin on her neck.


Re: Rendezvous

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:15 pm
by Ruggahissy
Grace was trapped. Jaq was pressing the blade against her neck and she was sure if she go tan opportunity to check there would be blood. Of course that was a big if.

Jaquilyn seemed to have gone full on crazy, shouting about something that didn't make sense. Why was she asking her? Wouldn't the announcement tell her all she needed to know?

"I don't know. I really don't know." Grace was on the verge of tears once more. She tried to move, but Jaq held the knife close, pressing it against her.

"Please. J-just stop it," she begged. "Just stop."

Re: Rendezvous

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:15 pm
by Ruggahissy
Jaq's entire body deflated as she sighed. She sat forward and took in another quick breath, holding it in as she let pressed down with her palm. The skin cut, and the neck beneath it began to struggle. Jaq screamed as she dragged the blade through the flesh. The horrible resistance of the throat trying to stay together. It came through the other side, pulling free of the tissue.


It was done. It was over. It was time to get moving.

"I'm going to make it stop."

She pushed herself up quickly and moved back. Falling backwards on her ass, the knife fell from her hands. Jaquilyn scrambled up to her feet and took off away from the town. She was crying before she could even get up to full speed. She needed to get away from this, and she needed to find somebody. She could explain to Joachim later, but now she had a duty.

She swallowed another scream. It was time to stop being afraid.

((Jaquilyn Locke continued in Little Red Reaper))

Re: Rendezvous

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:16 pm
by Ruggahissy
It was sharp and quick.

The knife sliced into her neck quickly, giving her no time to even comprehend what was going on, let alone react to it.

The pain came, and even sobbing was getting harder, the burning pain in her throat overwhelming all thoughts. It was impossible to think, impossible to stop crying, impossible to do anything but to lie there, a pool of blood, snot and tears.

Somewhere in her rapidly asphyxiating brain came a thought, "That wasn't how it was supposed to go."

And then nothing.

Grace Faraday - Deceased