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The Snake Chat

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 4:50 am
by MurderWeasel
Dodd: Anyone have any theories?
Solitair: It was Garnett.
Dodd: Garnett exploded?
Solitair: Yes, Dodd. Garnett exploded.
Dodd: Daaaamn.
AnimeDutchess: Primitive A-Bomb? No, the whole island would've gone up, then.
Solitair: Jake Woods teleported onto the island and converted Garnett's blood to nitroglycerin.
Landlocked from x.x.x.1 joined the chat
AnimeDutchess: And the tech is not there!
AnimeDutchess: Hi, Land.
Greg The Anti-Viking: hey LL
KillerVole: My theory is that the missing students banded together and made/stole a bomb or heavy weapons, then took out the terrorists' patrols.
Ella: chris c:
Landlocked: Hay yall
KillerVole: Hi LandLokcked.
Oliver: Hehe.
AnimeDutchess: I like KV's theory.
Oliver: Ditto
AnimeDutchess: They all could've died in thaty explosion, though, and be dead for reals.
Solitair: Sarcasm aside, I agree, and think that Garnett helped them.
Oliver: Maybe the bomb IS the students?
Oliver: o_O
Landlocked: All of them spontaneously combusted at the same time
AnimeDutchess: Like, they turned themselves into a bomb, or...they strapped themselves to it?
Solomir: maybe all their collars detonating at once.....
KillerVole: I wonder whether the missing students have been played out in a locked forum or something.
Solomir: did some weird chain reaction thingy
AnimeDutchess: Or they just fucked up in building it and it blew up too soon?
Landlocked: I'm convinced the missing students and the explosion are related somehow, though >:C
KillerVole: Me too.
AnimeDutchess: Definitely!
Dodd: The truth is, that the missing students ARE related.
Dodd: Fact of the matter is this:
AnimeDutchess: ...o.o
Solomir: o.O
Dodd: Somewhere on the island, there's a GIGANTIC boa constrictor.
Carol: o.O
Dodd: And you see, it's eaten every single one of the students.
Oliver: o.O
AnimeDutchess: ...whut.
Carol: OH. MY. GOD.
Solomir: boa? what about the radioactive bear?
KillerVole: Oh no!
Solomir: OH, I GET IT
Dodd: And you see, Danya and his people can't have a snake eating the kids.
KillerVole: So they blew it up?
Dodd: So they took off, nuked the site from orbit. Was the only way to be sure.
Greg The Anti-Viking: so that's what on the lost island
Dodd: I'm actually serious, by the way.
Carol: That's somehow scarier.
Dodd: That's the big twist. It's a big fuckin' snake.
AnimeDutchess: ...Then why wouldn't this be more hinted at in the announcement? They'd clearly have to know about it.
Solomir: Dutchess, Dodd's pulling your leg
Landlocked: Sorry.
Dodd: Oh, the clues are undoubtedly there.
AnimeDutchess: In the announcement, they're just as clueless as us.
Dodd: They're just really subtle.
AnimeDutchess: XD;
Dodd: The big question is WHICH of the terrorists know.
AnimeDutchess: ...IT'S THAT ONE GUY. UH.
Dodd: But at least one of them has already made a passing reference to the snake.
AnimeDutchess: THE DESERTER GUY.
AnimeDutchess: I'm not going through all the Announcement threads just to find an reference.
AnimeDutchess: Bob the snake?
Greg The Anti-Viking: we need a badger
Dodd: That's all that I can say for now.
AnimeDutchess: >.<
Landlocked: Dammit Dodd stop making me want to check the wiki
Dodd: Eh, hey, whatever. I think it's kind of a lame twist, to be quite honest.
Dodd: S'why I'm telling you. I'm not supposed to, but fuck it. It's a big snake. It's stupid.
AnimeDutchess: o.o; ...?
Ella: ... nex_rh.jpg OH GOD NOT THE BEES
Landlocked: The same snake ate like 30 students...?
GameMaker from x.x.x.210 joined the chat 4 seconds ago
AnimeDutchess: That's a lot of fi-STUDENTS.
Carol: XD Ella
AnimeDutchess: Hi,m GM.
Landlocked: Hey Rob
Greg The Anti-Viking: obviously it's hungry
Dodd: Trust me, it was amid my harsh protestations.
Greg The Anti-Viking rolls eyes
Oliver: oh lawdy
GameMaker: HEYO!
GameMaker: Is Oliver... Waffle?
AnimeDutchess: Well, what would you like to have happened to them?
Dodd: Well, not a big fucking snake! I mean...I was under the impression that it'd be like...y'know, normal SOTF game, but then SOMEONE (I won't name who is responsible for their sake) decided that it would be a cool idea
Landlocked: ...Huh.
Carol: I prefer LL's theory of Ella having arrived to gun everyone down.
Landlocked: Meee too.
AnimeDutchess: ...I still think they all banded together to create a bomb, but it fucked up.
Dodd: It's idiotic, it's jumping the shark...or snake, so to speak
Solomir: I don't know what would be weirder
AnimeDutchess: But SotF doesn't need to jump anything. It;s still going strong!!
Carol: Well, technically it was my theory, but he drew it very well.
Solomir: if Dodd was right but was saying this because he expected nobody to believe him
Solomir: or if the entire staff really did decide on this as the explanation....
Landlocked: Couldn't you just say it was you know, the traps? o_o
AnimeDutchess: Or Dodd just likes messing with you.
AnimeDutchess: *us
AnimeDutchess: I WOULD.
Solomir: Chris, one of the announcement said that a bunch of them all disappeared at the same time
Dodd: Trust me, I almost quit when I got a message saying "So Dodd went inactive, and here's what happened to him"
Dodd: I flipped the fuck out
GameMaker: Damn...
GameMaker: Dodd, are you serious?
Dodd: Yeah.
AnimeDutchess: ...
AnimeDutchess: ...o.o WHUT.
AnimeDutchess: WAIT.
Solomir: I reserve the right be a skeptic
Dodd: I'm sorry, but I just can't hype it anymore
Landlocked: I'm pretty sure he's telling the truth ._.
Greg The Anti-Viking: as you should solo
AnimeDutchess: I...I don't wanna believe that. Snake does not = awesome.
GameMaker: So that's the dramatic ending for Adam Dodd?
Dodd: Yes. The dramatic ending. He gets eaten by a fucking snake.
GameMaker: The guy fucking falls in love on the island, makes the change from a normal teenager to a killing machine, murders the psycho who killed his girlfriend...
Dodd: AND GETS EATEN BY A SNAKE. Can you see why I'm a little unamused?
AnimeDutchess: Gets thrown into it all AGAIN...and he's eaten by a - yeah.
GameMaker: Gets put through the same fucking ordeal again, this time with no one he knows, tries to find a way off of the island...
Solomir: requesting someone to post this on tropes' WMG page
GameMaker: And then he's felled by, of course, his greatest enemy: A GIANT FUCKING SNAKE
Landlocked: Is that going to be like, revealed later, or will the deaths just stay a mystery, then?
AnimeDutchess: No. That didn't happen. We'll stirke it from canon@
AnimeDutchess: *!
Oliver: lol
GameMaker: Hmm...
Dodd: It'll be revealed later. I'm telling you all because I'm sick and tired of hyping a stupid idea
GameMaker: Yep, that's the dramatic ending that I expected
Dodd: I can't wait for v4, let me tell you xD
AnimeDutchess: o.o You know, I know I'd be pissed if I'd found this out then.
Landlocked: ...Huh.
Carol: I suppose it's dramatic enough.
GameMaker: I was reading Adam Dodd, got emotionally involved with the character and went, "Boy, I just wish he got eaten by a snake. That would be just tops.'
Dodd: Shit GM, you and me both!
AnimeDutchess: But...Nuuu!
GameMaker: Fuck it.
Landlocked: The snake didn't cause the explosion, right?
GameMaker: I'm rewriting my version of Shakespeare?
Oliver: Probably did. Fire breath
GameMaker: Giant snake is the way to go.
AnimeDutchess: You know, as a joke, a character in V4 should go around killing snakes, too. Just go nuts and kill snakes.
AnimeDutchess: ALL SNAKES.
AnimeDutchess: That way, no one'll get eaten by one.
KillerVole: Wasn't one guy eaten by a tiger or something?
BetaKnight from x.x.x.176 left the chat 2 seconds ago
Carol: My fourth is going to be relatively unbalanced.
KillerVole: Hi Beta!
Greg The Anti-Viking: no stung by a bee I think that's all
Ella: aaaaaa
Dodd: She's gone, vole xD
AnimeDutchess: I have SUCH fuel for my SotF fanatic character now.
KillerVole: Oh. Oops.
Solomir: Dutchess...... =(
KillerVole: Bye Beta!
AnimeDutchess: What? I won't say anything now.
Solomir: I have block for what to do in Ice Trail....
AnimeDutchess: ...Oooh.
Carol: She shall be a snake killer and eater.
AnimeDutchess: o_o; Well, I just role with what you give me.
Dodd: Yes, so I am sorry that I ruined the fuckin' thing but...eugh. Can't take it anymore. Please act surprised.
Solomir: but I'm out of steam >.<
AnimeDutchess: XD; Should we try a different thread-situation, then?
Solomir: I guess I can figure something out eventually
Carol: Do we have to? I mean...
AnimeDutchess: Sometimes, you get new ideas from changes in scenery.
GameMaker: Dodd...
GameMaker: That's even worse than just having him killed offscreen
AnimeDutchess: Yeah, I can pretend.
Solomir: Condolences to Dodd, but I'm in denial
GameMaker cringes at the sheer anticlimaticness of the situation
Greg The Anti-Viking: I'm here with you solo
Landlocked: I'll just pretend, yeah :/