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8 The Cave

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 6:21 pm
by SOTF: Discord
On the northern shore of the island, one can find the entrance to a big cave system. it consists of two parts: A small but hard-to-navigate maze consisting of small tunnels and a spacey flowstone cave further down. However, all of it is shruddered in darkness unless someone brings a light source.
Another mystery are the metallic walls closing off some of the tunnels.

Re: 8 The Cave

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:13 am
by SOTF: Discord
[+] What Are You In The Dark
Whitney Avery Tyler wrote:we should hug! | Whitney, Ava — 09/24/2021 5:13 PM
Name: What Are You In The Dark
Time: Day One
Status: Closed
Whitney Avery Tyler wrote:we should hug! | Whitney, Ava — 09/24/2021 5:20 PM
[[She did what she had to do]]

Tyler was dead. She killed him. He was dead and she killed him. It was as simple as that.

It still hurt. Bringing down that pointed tip into his chest. Hearing him yell. Scream. Beg. Plead with only one word.


Why did she do it. Did she just not care about him? Care about herself more than him? Care that he shouldn't have to suffer whatever this Hell would bring? Fat lot of good that one would be-she missed his heart and made him watch his best friend kill him.

It wasn't mercy, and that made her stomache crawl.

The cave was cold and dark, even in the day. She deserved to be there. Deserved to stay in a scary place for the day. However long she could, she'd stay there.

Because she didn't know what else to do.
Tad Livingston wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 09/24/2021 5:33 PM
((Tad Livingston continued from King Bitch Adrian Carver of Bullshit Mountain))

Tad clicked his tongue as he glanced into the darkness and he switched on his flashlight before shining into the never-ending abyss. Did he really want to go into this place? Yes. After killing that guy, he felt like he deserved a break! Also it was a good place to hide.

Now that he thought about it, Alexis would be around here somewhere as she had been sitting near to him on their school trip. Ugh. He should have begging her not to drag him onto it, but well, he hadn't wanted to make her sad and now look where it got them.

He took a step into the cave and he shone the light around, making sure that no one was hiding in the corners and waiting to take him out of the running to win this game.
Whitney Avery Tyler wrote:we should hug! | Whitney, Ava — 09/24/2021 5:52 PM
Her head was on her knees. She just wanted some fucking peace and quiet. Wallow in her misery on her own. Was that so much to ask?


There was a dart in each hand once she heard footsteps. On her feet as the light went around the cave. Glaring at the boy once the light was on her.

Blood dripped from the dart in her right hand, landing on the cold, hard ground.

"What the fuck do you want?"
Tad Livingston wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 09/24/2021 6:03 PM
Tad clicked his tongue again once he saw the girl. Was she from his school? He couldn't see her that clearly since his eyes were a weak source of light. Haha.

"Just looking for a place to hide out. Looks like I came at a bad time, huh?" He asked nonchalantly, glancing at the blood that was dripping off of.... darts?


He stayed where he was standing and he glanced back at the girl's face seriously. "Did you kill someone?" He asked curiously.
Whitney Avery Tyler wrote:we should hug! | Whitney, Ava — 09/24/2021 6:15 PM
The light on her made it a bit harder to see, but she could still make out details of the guy. Black hair. Varsity jacket like her's but different colors. Was this guy from a different school? She thought she knew most everyone, but he didn't seem familiar.

She was tempted to be sarcastic. 'I came at a bad time, huh?' No shit, Sherlock. 'Did you kill someone?' No, she just dipped the damn thing in a bucket of red paint, what the fuck did he think it was?!

But she didn't say that. She didn't need to start a fight. Not yet, at least.

"Maybe. Who wants to know?"

Why should I tell you?
Tad Livingston wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 09/24/2021 6:20 PM
Tad snorted and then he lowered the flashlight down slightly, more onto the sight of the darts. Killing someone with darts sounded like it would be such a crazy experience to him personally.

I'm one to talk. Killing with a screwdriver was not something that would have been on my list today anyway!

"Tad. Tad Livingston."

He paused for a beat.

"And you are?" He smirked slightly with a shrug of his left shoulder. Like a twitch almost.
Whitney Avery Tyler wrote:we should hug! | Whitney, Ava — 09/24/2021 6:30 PM
She had never met Tad before, and she already hated him. That smile-that damn smile-what the fuck kind of person smiled during something like this? She still had no idea why she hadn't vomitted yet, let alone broke down into a sobbing mess on the ground. And this fucker had the gaul to smirk at her?

What a fucking shitburger of a human being.

"Whitney Tyler."

She had found her match made in Hell.

"Do you want something, or are you just gonna stand there and stare?"
Tad Livingston wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 09/24/2021 6:42 PM
Well, at least he had a name now. Whitney. He raised an eyebrow and he glanced back at the entrance. Should he just leave? He had two bags that were starting to weigh down on his other shoulder a bit.

"I don't think I need anything from you." He said bluntly. "I already got more supplies from.... some guy."

He then took a few steps into the cave and he noticed a big rubble of rocks and stone that he would rest his ass on. He did so and he took off the bags, placing them down beside him.

"So.... Did you?"
Whitney Avery Tyler wrote:we should hug! | Whitney, Ava — 09/24/2021 6:53 PM
He wasn't leaving. Of course. Maybe she should've just said yes immediatly. That she killed someone at the start and wasn't afraid to kill again. That probably would've made him leave.

But he had two bag. Like how she had two bags. His hung from his shoulder before getting dropped on the ground. Her's were still sitting on the floor, right next to her feet.

"Same as you, probably," said, he body loosening from it's previously tense state. "Depending on what happened to the guy who's bag you've got."

She'd guess strangled or stabbed, or something up close and personal. He would've shot her by now if he had a gun. Anyone with a brain would've, anyway.
Tad Livingston wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 09/24/2021 7:12 PM
Ah, so she had killed someone after all. But with lawn darts, huh? He was still trying to wrap his head around that. He also wondered if the person that she had killed had been someone that she knew herself.

Tad had the screwdriver tucked away in his jeans' side pocket. Kinda. "Stabbed him with a screwdriver. Twice. Back. Failed to kill him. He tried to kill me, but failed as a rock was his downfall. Then in his temple. Put him out of his misery, yeah."

He clicked his tongue again, his toe was tapping at the ground a bit. Was it a nervousness thing? He had no idea.

"Did you know that guy that you killed with those darts?" He pointed at them with a glance of curiosity becoming more present on his relaxed face.
Whitney Avery Tyler wrote:we should hug! | Whitney, Ava — 09/24/2021 7:25 PM
A screwdriver? The assholes behind this had a weird idea about what humor was. They were given 'weapons'. Screwdrivers. Lawn darts. A fucking stress ball. So funny she lost the ability to laugh.

But it turned out she was right. He was a killer. She was a killer. They deserved each other's company.

He asked about the victim. Her victim. She nodded.

"He's...was a friend. Knew he'd probably suffer, so I just...stabbed until he was gone.

"What about you? Did you know the guy you screwed over?"

Shitty pun. But she had to say something.
Tad Livingston wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 09/24/2021 7:33 PM
"Pretty rough when it's someone that you know. Sounds like it was more brutal. I can't even imagine hurting or killing a friend." Tad rubbed at his chin, feeling a bit hungry. Kind of messed-up after what he did. But oh well!

Tad actually snorted at that bad pun. He had a crappy sense of humor at best.

"Nope. Not even his name. Didn't really feel anything afterwards. ...Well, a bit ill maybe. But it felt easier. Hope he wasn't anyone that you knew." He opened up his bag and he got out a packet of crackers, opening them up. "So what are you gonna do now? Stay here the whole time?"
Whitney Avery Tyler wrote:we should hug! | Whitney, Ava — 09/24/2021 9:18 PM
"It's...not easy. I can tell you that much."

And now she was the one being an idiot. Like it wasn't obvious that killing a friend was hard. Yeah, she had done it, but it was gonna eat at her for the rest of her life, however long that was gonna be.

She really hoped it would be years and years to come. That she hadn't just killed Tyler for nothing.

The guy laughed at her joke. Good to know crappy humor can survive in a situation like this. And apparently he didn't even know his victim's name. And that made it easier.

Maybe it would be easier for her, if she didn't know the name. Know the face. She hoped it would.

She shrugged. "We'll have to wait and see, I guess." Would she ever know? Maybe. Maybe not. Not that it mattered now.

Now she was questioned on what came next.

"No, but not sure about a plan. So I'm just sort of...thinking, I guess. About what I'm gonna do."

Not a lie. She had options, she just had yet to choose from them.
Tad Livingston wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 09/25/2021 11:08 AM
Tad nodded slightly. He kinda of got why some people wouldn't have plans for something as bizarre as this game that the terrorists were playing with them and his plan wasn't that great either. But he was going to stick to it regardless.

"I know what I want to do and I'm gonna be loyal to that plan. It's not a good plan, but it's better than just sitting on my ass and crying like a bitch about why I don't deserve to be here and blah, blah, blah."

He took a bite out of a cracker and it let out a loud crunching noise that echoed a bit.

"I'm gonna win, is what I'm really saying." He chuckled lightheartedly. "Just I'm not gonna kill everyone. Don't want to have a big target on my ass, you know."
Whitney Avery Tyler wrote:we should hug! | Whitney, Ava — 09/25/2021 11:49 AM
"I think I deserve to be here, at this point. If you're willing to stab a friend to death at the very start of a situation like this, I don't think you have any right to say you don't deserve some Hell like this."

Why was she spilling her guts out to this guy? Maybe she just wanted to get it off her chest. Maybe this was the closest thing she could get to therapy on short notice. She didn't know. She didn't know.

She took a deep breath.

"I think I'm gonna try that too. To win. The least I can do at this point."

Make it so she didn't kill Tyler in vain.
Tad Livingston wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 09/25/2021 1:48 PM
Tad suddenly laughed lightly. So she wanted to go down his route as well, huh? "Hmm, if you really think you are ready for winning, then you better bring your A-game!" He grinned at her and he continued to munch on his crackers. He didn't even realize how hungry he was until he actually had them.

He wondered if anyone else would be appearing at the cave. He wanted to have a bit more excitement around here. Not that the conversation was meh or anything. Tad was more of a doer than a speaker normally. Speaking was more Alexis' job than his.

"I actually need to find a friend at some point. Hope she's keeping herself safe and sound." He commented softly, looking towards the entrance as if he could teleport Alexis there out of nowhere.
Whitney Avery Tyler wrote:we should hug! | Whitney, Ava — 09/25/2021 2:13 PM
Laughing. The guy definitely had a screw loose (ha). At least it didn't spark a fight, saying she was going to go for the win. She might win, but it still would've been a pain.

So she nodded and said, "Plan to, don't worry about that."

So he was actually hoping to see a friend of his? He was braver than her, apparently. If any of her other friends were here, she was hoping they'd find other dangerous people before her. They didn't deserve to be like Tyler-seeing a friend kill them.

"Can I get a description? So I can send her your way, if I ever end up seeing her."

Would she actually do that? Or just kill the girl? Hard to say. One more opponent done and gone, but making this guy an enemy most likely. Helping her would probably be for the best.
Tad Livingston wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 09/25/2021 2:21 PM
Tad's eyebrows narrowed for a brief moment before going back into a relaxing and chill stage. His mind wandered to Whitney finding Alexis all lost and alone and he knew how trusting Alexis got after a brief talk with anyone.


He licked some crumbs off of his fingers and he put his half-finished snacks back into his bag, zipping it back up. His hand went to the handle of the screwdriver that was sticking out of his pocket, knowing that the dark cave was hiding it somewhat.


He smirked at Whitney in a cold way now.

"I don't trust you yet. Sorry!"
Whitney Avery Tyler wrote:we should hug! | Whitney, Ava — 09/25/2021 2:47 PM
"I wouldn't kill her, but..."

She shrugged.

"Fair enough."

Her word probably meant little at this point. She openly admitted to killing her friend-something like that wasn't exactly trustworthy, to put it lightly.

"I hope you can find her before someone less friendly does, if that means anything at this point."

She felt like she should leave at this point. That the peaceful atmosphere could only last for so long. But there was one thing she had to ask.

"Did you know that guy? The one that that Danya guy shot, when we first woke up?"
Tad Livingston wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 09/25/2021 3:00 PM
"I will made sure to end their life if anything happens to-"

Tad paused for a moment as he thought back to that Danya guy and the teacher that had ended up getting shot. That did seriously suck for that guy tho. At least he went out quickly.

Tad shook his head a little and he shrugged his shoulders openly.

"Definitely wasn't a teacher from my school. Pretty brutal way to go honestly. I guess you didn't know him either then?" He asked casually.
Whitney Avery Tyler wrote:we should hug! | Whitney, Ava — 09/25/2021 3:12 PM
She picked up the bags. Two on one shoulder was difficult, but easier to manage than one on each shoulder.

"Nope. Pretty much a stranger to me too."

She walked to the mouth of the cave, but stopped for moment, looking back at boy in the cave.

"Good luck with whatever you have planned."

And with that, she left.

[[She would go elsewhere]]
Tad Livingston wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 09/25/2021 3:15 PM
"You too! Whoever the hell you are..."

Tad's grip on the handle relaxed after the girl had been gone after a minute and he knew that he had to keep moving himself. He felt like he could see the boy in the corner of his eyes and he didn't want to feel it at all.

No emotions.

"Welp! Time to find Alexis."

((Tad Livingston was travelling to his destiny elsewhere))

Re: 8 The Cave

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 8:59 pm
by SOTF: Discord
[+] danyas kinda cringe ngl
Amy Carlson wrote:Amy Carlson | Eduardo Salinas — 09/27/2021 1:59 PM
Name: danya's kinda cringe ngl
TIme: Day One
Status: Open
Amy Carlson wrote:Amy Carlson | Eduardo Salinas — 09/27/2021 2:05 PM
Oh jeez. Oh no. This was, uh, this wasn't very good.

((Amy Carlson: START))

Uh. Oh dear. Uh. She didn't really know what to do because, uh, she had just watched her teacher get shot in the head, the kind art teacher who always encouraged her drawing and listened to her ramble about her stories, and now she had woke up in this dark cave with barely a trickle of light coming in from the ceiling and a big rifle lying next to her.

Jeez. Uhm. Oh gosh. She wanted to go home. How long did this cave go on for? It was like, uhm, something from that DnD session she was in. They were supposed to be playing today, gosh darn it. She was gonna miss the big fight, and like, that shouldn't have worried Amy because, uh, more important things to deal with, but it was just that one big upset that made her cry. So she just kinda sat down and cried for like, five minutes which wasn't a good move but, erm, it was the only thing Amy wanted to do.

Anyway, uh, after those five minutes she just picked herself up and started moving forwards. Or backwards. Either way, Amy was totally moving! She brought the big rifle with her as well, because she didn't wanna leave it behind. If there were any goblins or orcs in this cave, they'd have a lot to worry about, haha!

That was a stupid joke, Amy.
Ashley Lee wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 09/27/2021 2:12 PM
Up ahead in the dank, zigzagging turns of the cave flashed a beam of light, dancing around haphazardly before fleeing as quickly as it appeared.
Amy Carlson wrote:Amy Carlson | Eduardo Salinas — 09/27/2021 2:15 PM
Oh jeez. Amy moved towards the light, even though it was probably a stupid idea because she didn't know if the person up ahead was friendly or if they were some dude who wanted to, uh, never mind she didn't wanna finish that train of thought. "Is, uh, someone there?" Amy called out, keeping the rifle lowered for now. It was pretty heavy! It had a bunch of clips for it in the bag as well, along with a flashlight! Wait. Oh, Amy, you're a dummy. Should have like, attached the flashlight to the rifle somehow!

Still, uh, maybe the light was friendly! Or maybe it was something sending her to her doom.
Ashley Lee wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 09/27/2021 2:16 PM
The light went out.
Amy Carlson wrote:Amy Carlson | Eduardo Salinas — 09/27/2021 2:17 PM
Oh. Uh. Haha, that probably wasn't good. Pausing for a second, Amy pulled the bag off her shoulders and unzipped it, rooting around for the flashlight with one hand while she held the bag with the other.
Ashley Lee wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 09/27/2021 2:23 PM
Something metallic-sounding smacked against something sturdy further ahead. The telltale pangs echoed off of the walls for what felt like minutes.
Amy Carlson wrote:Amy Carlson | Eduardo Salinas — 09/29/2021 2:34 PM
Amy wasn’t sure where the noise was like, actually coming from at this point. It was sorta like one of the big movie theatres her and her dad went to, you know the ones, with all the big speakers that make you feel like you’re really in the film? It was sorta like that.

Holding the flashlight in her armpit as she turned it on and picked up the rifle, Amy swept in front of her with the dim beam, trying to figure out who or what was in front of her. “It’s me, Amy? From art class?”
Ashley Lee wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 09/29/2021 3:16 PM
"...So, you're not Rodan?" a thick yet feminine voice replied back, echoing off the walls somewhere to Amy's left.
Amy Carlson wrote:Amy Carlson | Eduardo Salinas — 09/29/2021 3:23 PM
“Nope. I’m uh, I dunno anyone called Rodan either!” Amy was gonna make some little quip, but that would just be like, a stupid and dorky thing to do, and she couldn’t think of a good one anyway.

“Who are you?” Amy queried the mysterious voice in the dark, moving a little closer towards where she thought it was coming from, the light bobbing up and down as she walked.
Ashley Lee wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 09/29/2021 3:40 PM
"Rodan's the... uh, nevermind. It's Ashley." The other beam of light returned, coming from a little ways ahead. "I'm over here, Amy from Art Class, but if you try anything I swear to God cave monsters are the last thing you're gonna have to worry about."
Ashley Lee wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 09/30/2021 6:38 PM
"I've got a shovel and I'm not afraid to use it, like, on the real."
Amy Carlson wrote:Amy Carlson | Eduardo Salinas — 10/01/2021 2:11 AM
"I'm not gonna do anything, honest!" Amy was gonna like, raise her hands to show that she was being peaceful but she did have a big rifle and she couldn't really, like, put that down without being worried Ashley might grab it and put a few holes in her! She did make her way towards the light, though.
Ashley Lee wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 10/03/2021 6:19 PM
Eventually the beams of light converged, and the source of the voice stepped forward. She waved her hand, the other gripped onto a shovel as if she were about to go on a treasure hunt.

"Sup, Amy from Art Class. Looks like you're doing well too."
Horace McGillicutty wrote:Catche | Brody, Horace — 10/03/2021 7:32 PM
A third beam of light joined the others, shining at the two girls as they introduced themselves.

"Hey. I assume neither of you are a guy named Tad, then?" A voice called out

((Horace McGillicutty continued from "Home, Sweet Home"))
Amy Carlson wrote:Amy Carlson | Eduardo Salinas — 10/04/2021 7:43 AM
Amy let out a little sigh of relief as the girl stepped out of the shadows, lowering the rifle. Man, this whole situation was sorta like something out of some weird homebrew D&D thing. Guy hijacks a bus, forces a bunch of people to kill or be killed, but they don't kill each other and all work together to kill the bad guy!

Well, it probably wouldn't go like that, but-

A boy's voice from behind surprised her, and Amy jumped, her finger jerking on the trigger, and then letting out a little shriek as a loud bang erupted from the gun, momentarily bathing the cavern in an explosive light.
Ashley Lee wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 10/04/2021 1:31 PM
Ashley jumped and dropped the shovel, the metal on rock cacophony reverberating through the cave. "Damn, girl, be careful where you point that thing!"
Horace McGillicutty wrote:Catche | Brody, Horace — 10/04/2021 2:16 PM
Horace let out a shout and leapt to the ground, covering his head, though the shot seeming ended up connecting nowhere near him.

“W-What the hell are you doing?!” He shouted through the noise that followed, gripping his bat tightly.
Amy Carlson wrote:Amy Carlson | Eduardo Salinas — 10/04/2021 2:20 PM
"Geez, don't sneak up on me like that!" Amy turned around, already shouting. "You coulda been a, a murderer or something! You just... Don't! Don't do that!" She took a few shaky breaths, her hands shaking a little. The rifle had been so loud.
Ashley Lee wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 10/04/2021 2:26 PM
"Hey, hey, heyheyhey-" Ashley waved her hands, palms out at Amy and the newcomer. "Can we take a breath for a sec? In case there's any actual murderers around?" She uptalked.
Horace McGillicutty wrote:Catche | Brody, Horace — 10/04/2021 2:33 PM
“I didn’t sneak up on-!” Horace quieted himself, deciding that the second girl was probably right about not getting too loud. Taking a careful breath, he slowly rose to his feet.

“It’s Horace, alright? I’m just- I just had some rough shit happen. Trying to find Tad. Either of you seen him?” He asked, looking between the two, refocusing his flashlight to try to get a better look, to see if he recognized them.

He paused for a moment, considering something.

“Also… looking for Abel.” He added quickly.
Amy Carlson wrote:Amy Carlson | Eduardo Salinas — 10/15/2021 4:02 AM
“I, uh, I haven’t seen any of them. I just woke up in this cave with a big gun next to me and I just, y’know, saw my teacher get shot in the head so that’s, uh,” Amy took a pause for breath, “just, forgive me if I’m a little jumpy alright?”

Jeez, you’re making a fool out of yourself.
Ashley Lee wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 10/16/2021 9:09 AM
"It's fine to be a lil' jumpy. Like... yeah."

Ashley brushed the stray hairs that fell over her eyes out of the way before gripping the top of the shovel handle. She spun it around with her palm, the blade rotating like an auger into the rocky flooring though it wasn't going anywhere.

"I haven't seen Tad or Abel either, or like, I don't think? Like, I just woke up here? So."

The blade of the shovel kept spinning.

"So like,, uhm... I'm looking for Yalli myself, like, I guess? So you guys wanna try finding a way outta here?"
Horace McGillicutty wrote:Catche | Brody, Horace — 10/16/2021 9:34 PM
Horace frowned at the first girl's reaction, not entirely trusting of classmates who couldn't seem to control themselves, particularly after what happened with Abel.

"Well, I came here from outside, so I can probably get you guys out of here if you need it. I probably remember the way." The place was a bit of a labyrinth in places, but he could recall the general direction. Still, Horace couldn't wipe the look of suspicion from his face as he sized the girls up.
Amy Carlson wrote:Amy Carlson | Eduardo Salinas — 10/17/2021 7:49 AM
"Alright, uh, just lead the way. I wanna go outside and see the sun and the skies and all that, because being stuck in here sucks..." Amy gestured at the lack of sky, because they were in a stupid cave!
Ashley Lee wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 10/17/2021 4:07 PM
Ashley stopped spinning the shovel, firmly gripping the splintering wooden shaft in her right hand and flipped it spade side up.

"Yeah, totes same. Like, lead the way, bestie?" She gestured in the general direction Horace maybe came from with her flashlight hand.
Horace McGillicutty wrote:Catche | Brody, Horace — 10/19/2021 3:58 PM
“Yeah, yeah, alright.” The attitude these two girls seemed to have sure was irritating to Horace.

“Come on.” He gestured for them to follow, making his way back towards the entrance of the cave, not bothering to point out some of the rockier patches along the way. The girls had their own flashlights and he needed to focus on finding Tad and Abel.

“And, like, try not to go to slow, or whatever.”
Amy Carlson wrote:Amy Carlson | Eduardo Salinas — 10/20/2021 7:24 AM
"Alright, s-sorry!" Amy wasn't really used to this like, environment. She preferred cities and stuff to the outdoors; sure, it was fun to paint grand trees and mountains rising from the ground like titans, but she also found it fun to just take a picture of a city street and replicate it. So, to put it another way, Amy didn't have any balance. She kept stumbling over rocks and the things that grow out of the ground; y'know, normal cave stuff.

When she saw another path, though, she broke off. Horace was an OK guy, but she didn't wanna trust anyone. She could just retrace her steps if she needed to anyway! And she broke out into the sun.

Jeez, her arms were tired.

((Amy Carlson continued elsewhere))
Ashley Lee wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 10/20/2021 8:50 AM
"-Yeah! Like, I didn't think anyone could stuff that many marshmallows in-"

Ashley's pace slowed from a casual slow to a hard stop. She flashed the flashlight around behind her, left and right as the beam passed over the admittedly super unsafe rocky floors and the stalactites that hang in the ceiling.

"Uhhhhhh, hold on a sec. I think we lost homegirl."
Horace McGillicutty wrote:Catche | Brody, Horace — 10/21/2021 6:45 AM
Horace had mostly tuned Ashley out, assuming that she was actually talking to the other girl, only to hear something he hadn't expected.

"Weren't you two just-? Where is she supposed to be?" He asked, spinning around himself and shining his flashlight around the cavern, trying to catch any sign of the missing girl.
Ashley Lee wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 10/21/2021 1:34 PM
Ashley shrugged her shoulders. She stopped scanning around the room, her hand with the flashlight fell limp and pointed it straight at the floor.

After a moment or two passed, she propped the shovel against the wall and started to walk back towards the direction they just came. "Just, uh, wait right here a second? Maybe she tripped or something? I'll go look for her."
Horace McGillicutty wrote:Catche | Brody, Horace — 10/21/2021 6:46 PM
"What the... Where could she even go?" Horace looked around wildly, pointing his flashlight every which way. He could feel his frustration rising as he was going to be stuck in these caves even longer, not being able to deal with more important things.

"Hey, wait up! The problem here is getting split up. How are we supposed to fix it by splitting up even more?" He attempted to rush after Ashley, trying to catch her before she got too far.
Ashley Lee wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 10/22/2021 10:50 AM
Ashley rolled her eyes, taking care to finish doing that before turning back around to Horace. "We're not splitting up if someone's just waiting here? Like... she probably just found a pretty rock or something, she seemed kinda like an art ho."

She shrugged and started to walk backwards before turning her whole body down the path she started. "You can just go if you want? You probably don't even know where you're going anyway?"
Horace McGillicutty wrote:Catche | Brody, Horace — 10/22/2021 9:59 PM
"I- I just..." Horace started before trailing off, not sure what exactly to do. He was quiet for a long while, before speaking up again, his tone low and even. "Fine, fine I'll be here alright? Not going anywhere yet. Just don't get lost too." He elaborated before his shoulders slumped, feet remaining firmly in place
Ashley Lee wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 10/26/2021 10:02 PM
(( "Cool. I'll brb." ))
Horace McGillicutty wrote:Catche | Brody, Horace — 10/27/2021 9:37 AM
Several minutes passed in silence.

"Hey! Are you still looking?"
Horace McGillicutty wrote:Catche | Brody, Horace — 10/27/2021 9:37 PM
((Eventually, he found her))

Re: 8 The Cave

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 5:17 am
by SOTF: Discord
[+] She wont brb
Ashley Lee wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 10/26/2021 10:17 PM
Name: She won't brb
Time: Day One
Status: Oneshot
Ashley Lee wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 10/26/2021 10:18 PM
There once was a girl named Ashley
who wandered in the caves rather rashly.
She went and she walked
and tripped over a rock.
So, that ended pretty badly.

Re: 8 The Cave

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 12:25 pm
by SOTF: Discord
[+] Cave of Remembrance
Claude Sanders wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 11/06/2021 5:25 AM
Name: Cave of Remembrance
Time: Night One
Status: Open
Claude Sanders wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 11/06/2021 5:33 AM
The rest of his day had been uneventful if one could believe that. He found scraps of fights here and there, and there was a body of someone- some girl, Ashley? Head looked busted from what he could see with the flashlight.

Very different from Yalli. Whatever.

This cave was a godsend in Claude's mind. A dark place to hang out without others bugging him. Time for his knee to heal in peace without bullshit. He seated himself against a wall, right hand clutching his Smith & Wesson. It would keep him safe, just in case.
Rose Everest wrote:DerArknight — 11/11/2021 2:26 PM
((G020 Rose Everest: Start))

The announcement had told Rose one thing: she was all on her own.

Rose had never been a social butterfly, but she was a good listener. The things that happened around her without her knowledge tended to be the things not worth knowing about. So when the bastard Danya told them about the casualties, she quickly realised that there wasn't a single name she recognised. Whoever the other victims were, a good portion of them was not from her home in Arizona.

Not that it changed anything about her current situation. Because it was one thing to wake up in a dark cave within a death game.

It was another one to panic and hit your flashlight against stone, destroying it in the process.

For a few hours, she had tried to find the exit by touching a wall and never leaving it. But eventually, after running against dozens of hurdles she hadn't been able to see, Rose had just sat down and rested for some time.

At least until the announcement woke her up.

Knowing that there was something going on outside made her restless. Rose started to get annoyed at her own lack of initiative. So she set out once more, this time slightly slower.

Not long afterwards, she actually found someone.
Claude Sanders wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 11/14/2021 6:14 PM
Claude enjoyed the silence of the caves. It had some ambiance to it, away from others. It gave him time to think, time to reflect on the river and its events. On one of the few girls in school, he had found attractive. A girl that could work her way through a car; athletic, nice body too... Yalli was many things. That's what he liked about her.

Yalli was now dead at his hands.

Will people find out? Find her body where he left it and know that is what he did and connect the dots? He left nothing behind, and what else was he supposed to do? Allow her to go wild?

It was either Claude or her, an easy choice at that moment.


Steps interrupted that thought, something he'd be thankful for if it weren't for the imminent danger on his life each and everyone else was.

"You better be careful where you walk." He said, clicking the hammer of the Smith and Wesson for emphasis.

"Never know what you'd step in on."
Rose Everest wrote:DerArknight — 11/16/2021 5:11 PM
Suddenly being called out resulted in Rose almost stumbling and falling over.

She really needed to get out of this place.

But more importantly, she was no longer alone.

Rose took deep breaths while going through her options.

Remain hidden? Nope, the boy had called out to her, so he knew she was there.

Run away? Good luck in the darkness.

Attack? She hadn't even gotten a look at her weapon yet. Also why the fuck was she considering this?

Just try and have a conversation? Now that sounded like something useful.

"Thanks for the warning." She spoke up in the direction of the boy. "Although it comes a little bit late, I suppose.

"Are you alone?"
Claude Sanders wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 11/25/2021 5:51 AM
"What do you think? Sitting here all by myself in the dark, and all I got for entertainment is this Smith and Wesson here. At least, until you showed up." He tried to keep a casual tone throughout the conversation. It was very different from how it was back at the river. For one, he was not afraid of whoever this girl was; in fact, it seemed the opposite was the truth. That would have to work in his favor. On the other, he wouldn't have to do anything for now. Just sit here and listen to someone else squirm for a minute.

For now, He was busy trying to place a face to the voice that was here with him, and he was coming up blank. Bad news for him, any information was valuable, and this was unlike Yalli. Yalli... he could buy as a dangerous individual in a death game like this; there was a precedent for that bullshit. Claude got nothing here, so he'd have to take what little he can get from this, and if he could get some fun out of this, then that was what he was going to take.

"I've already taken care of someone, so, no funny business here." His left-hand semi-consciously reached out to the top of his Smith and Wesson. He took a firm hold of it while staring at the figure in the dark.
Rose Everest wrote:DerArknight — 11/26/2021 4:20 PM
Rose had never heard such bullshit before.

Was this guy really bragging about killing someone? If so, there were two options: either he had snapped and was coping, or he had been a psycho before coming here. She didn't really care which one was true.

"So I guess I heard your name on the speakers." She mused. "Mind telling me who you are?

"I am Rose, by the way."
Claude Sanders wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 01/15/2022 7:52 AM
"Claude." He said, with confidence in his voice. But underneath that swagger was a sense of nervousness about this girl. It was one that he tried to keep buried with some difficulty.

Claude stared at the shadowy figure in front of him; an ominous nature stared back at him. He tried to think of her as a companion piece to the rusted crap that was in his bag, but after he entered the caves, all it did was stir remnants of the first day.

His right hand fidgeted in place, fingers clenching and unclenching at the metal.

"Remember Yalli? Fit girl, liked working on cars, had a great body... She had this first." He swayed his piece from side to side in u shape.

"The guy on those announcements was talking all about learning to swim and diving, right? That was me."
Rose Everest wrote:DerArknight — 01/16/2022 8:52 AM
Rose finally came close enough to get a look at who she was talking to. Unsurprisingly, it was a boy she had never seen before. And he waved a real gun around. But at least not in her direction.

"No, I don't know who Yalli is." Rose said. "In fact, I didn't recognize a single name on the announcements. What school are you guys all from?"
Claude Sanders wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 01/19/2022 9:40 AM
"Cory Baleson" He answered the girl. Apparently, not from around those parts. Which is pretty bad, now he had no idea who she was outside her name, and it meant something about all this bullshit.

It was way bigger than he originally thought it was.

"Shit name, I know. You?"
Rose Everest wrote:DerArknight — 01/20/2022 5:28 PM
Rose nodded along when the boy named Claude dissed his own school. The name itself told her nothing. Maybe she should have asked for the town instead?

"I am Rose," she answered Claude's question. Seeing how the announcements would spoil the surprise sooner or later anyway, Rose saw no point in lying about that. "And I am from a small town in Arizona."

For a moment, she remained still, letting her words floating through the room while mustering up the courage for what came next. After about three seconds of silence, she resumed speaking.

"So seeing how you haven't shot me yet, I suppose we are good for now, right?

"Thing is, I crashed my flashlight and spent the entire time so far in complete darkness. You are the first guy I met here.

"So... would you mind me sticking around? At least until we are out of this shitty cave?"

She had some doubts about the brilliance of this idea. But the alternative of reentering the darkness was just as terrible for her.
Claude Sanders wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 02/04/2022 8:29 AM
"I wouldn't mind, I guess?" He said in response to her request to hang around. He'd just explained that he was a killer, that he had a gun and wasn't a fucking pansy when it came to using the piece; and yet she still asked to hang around?

Apparently spending all your time hanging around the dark with no idea what was going on elsewhere takes a toll on somebody. He noted that she mentioned her name twice through this little meet so she might be loopy as fuck.

Sucks for her.

She was also from a small town in Arizona? Did they just pick a bunch of randos' along with them? Wow, that makes him feel so special.

He slowly rose to his feet with a grimace, left hand on his knee as he grunted his way to his feet. His back was against the wall, and he breathed deeply before asking:

"Before I leave with you, I need to know if you have any weapon on you."
Rose Everest wrote:DerArknight — 02/05/2022 7:01 AM
"I got some kind of knife. It had a weird button to press on it."

Rose had only gotten a short look on her weapon before the lights went out, so she was unsure.

"Do you want to see it?"
Claude Sanders wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 02/09/2022 6:37 AM
"Wait with showing me that till we're outside, ya?" He said with some harshness in his voice. He was not going to get shanked in the dark like some moron. He could wait till they were outside.

He craned his neck before reaching down for his bag, crouching down to do so with a grunt.

He wondered if it was a smart idea to team up with this girl; she seemed off in a sense, but a meat shield of sorts and another pair of eyes? If his killing of Yalli did not scare her off and his bragging about did not do it, then Claude was not sure what would.

Maybe he could get something out of this girl

"C'mon, I'll show you the way out." He reached over and gripped at her arm with his left hand. His other held his revolver with a fierce grip.

"Unless you want to stay lost down here."

((Claude said that, but he was already up and walking away.))
Rose Everest wrote:DerArknight — 02/10/2022 8:15 AM
"Sounds good." Rose replied to the first part. However, any objections to it would have been fruitless anyway, since Claude literally dragged her towards where he was going.

She still was unsure how long this partnership would last, but for now he offered her a way out of the cave. Plus the fact that he apparently knew a bit more about the other people on the island could prove helpful. Not to speak of his gun, as long as he wouldn't aim it at her.

((Rose Everest continued in Big Iron On (Her) Hip))

Re: 8 The Cave

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:42 pm
by SOTF: Discord
[+] Last Meal
Flora Katsura wrote:Laurels | Flora — 03/13/2022 9:42 AM
Name: Last Meal
Time: Night Two
Status: Multishot
Flora Katsura wrote:Laurels | Flora — 03/13/2022 9:43 AM
((Flora Katsura continued from Journey))
Flora stepped into the cave. It had taken her a while to get here in the dark, and fortunately for her, she didn't encounter anyone on the way there. She stepped deep into the cave, and that's when she saw the reward.
Flora Katsura wrote:Laurels | Flora — 03/18/2022 5:59 AM
There was a covered dish and a bottle of wine next to it. Flora had never tried wine before, much less any kind of alcohol. She lifted the cover and her eyes widened at the sight of a steak with potatoes and broccoli.

Flora felt slightly sickened at the sight of the meal. She wasn't vegetarian, but the idea that she'd get a nice meal for killing Akiko was rough.

But on the other hand, Flora had barely eaten over the last few days, so she figured she may as well.

Flora sat down as began to slowly eat the dish. She could feel tears falling down her cheeks as she ate. The steak and sides were delicious, but she could barely appreciate it. She had to finish the meal, otherwise Akiko's death was meaningless.

She screwed the top off the wine and began to drink it from the bottle. It dribbled down her chin a bit. It was slightly dry, but she continued to drink.

After some time, Flora finished eating, but the wine was still unfinished. Flora was already starting to feel inebriated. Perhaps she was a lightweight, although she never expected this to be the time when she learned that. Flora remained in her seat and continued to drink.

By the time she had finished the wine, Flora's chin was stained a reddish purple and her face was flushed. She laid down on the cave floor and feel into drunken slumber. She didn't have the energy to leave after that, so she figured she'd get some sleep.
Flora Katsura wrote:Laurels | Flora — 03/31/2022 3:49 PM
Flora awoke several hours later. There had been another announcement, proclaiming more deaths. Even odder was that several kids had gotten their collars off and fled.

But it was one statement that really got her. "Nearly everyone of you has a firearm."

That's when she noticed the gun with the note labeled "Ingram MAC-10"

She hadn't noticed it in the dark cave last night, and it gave her pause.