A Reminder About Plagiarism and Character Acceptability

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A Reminder About Plagiarism and Character Acceptability


Post by SOTF_Help »

Attention Handlers:

This is a public reminder of SOTF's policy on plagiarism and inserting characters from other media, as well as a notice that the characters of Eric Reid, Lindsey Ratner, Robert Stone, Steven Reid, and Molly Reid are ineligible for submission to V8 in either pregame or the game proper.

In light of the character's origin being directly pulled from a Reddit post featuring detailed and unmistakably identical events, Eric Reid and all other characters derived from the same origin would be permanently denied upon submission to V8 pregame or V8 proper. The characters are in violation of SotF's Rules on Character Acceptability. Due to the nature of Reddit stories, we cannot determine with certainty whether the post in question was a true event or a piece of creative writing. As these character concepts are pulled directly from it with no notable changes, it is plagiarism of the content even if the story is true, which is unacceptable under our rules.

The handlers involved in planning for these characters are not barred from participating in V8 and are welcome to continue planning for pregame and the island with other, unrelated character concepts. This is merely a preemptive notice to save handlers the time and energy of writing profiles and making plans that would not pass the application stage and to remind everyone to be discerning when taking heavy inspiration from others' work.

In light of this the staff team will be clarifying the rules on Character Acceptability and plagiarism to include works on social media and other online sources when V8 pregame character applications open.

If any handlers have any further questions regarding the plagiarism and character acceptability rules please contact staff.

Thank you,
-The SOTF Staff Team

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