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Y'all Know Why I'm Here

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 12:59 am
by Buko
[+] Lulu

Rough Draft of Appearance

Lucia walks with straight and proper posture to fully extend and project power in her 5’0”, 120lb form. Lulu is an Afro-Latina woman of Cuban-Dominican American descent and her body bears the scars of pregnancy with added weight and softness to her features. Post-pregnancy Lulu has taken to Mixed Martial Arts as a way of keeping in shape and this has caused a strength and sturdiness to be hidden in her small and dainty form. Lulu enjoys kickboxing and Muay Thai the most out of her studies and has developed strong thighs and calves as a result. Her shoulders are small and close together and there are certain pockets of pudge that she has never been able to get rid of post pregnancy.

A natural beauty with light blemish-free caramel skin and thick curly brown natural hair normally kept within a classic, side-parted afro. Lulu’s eyes are light hazel and often hazy due to frequent and habitual marijuana use. Lulu is near-sighted and suffers from astigmatism legally having to wear glasses to drive. She often does not wear her glasses in school because she feels they make her look too geeky. She has a small button nose and thick full lips hiding straight and small white teeth.

In terms of fashion, Lucia enjoys 90s hip-hop as a fashion aesthetic and is usually seen wearing a mixture of bright colored hoodies and tight hip-hugger jeans paired with a variety of Timberland work boots or basketball shoes. Lucia can be often seen in one of her prized possessions: a blue and orange New York Knicks tracksuit paired with big-round blue lens prescription sunglasses. Lulu often pairs this outfit with a navy sports-bra, a black pair of Air Force 1s and usually crowning with a blue bow in her hair. When performing as a rapper, Lulu is often flashier, wearing short skirts and bikini tops and moving gracefully in high heels.

For Lucia image is everything and projecting one that suits her mood of utmost importance. She enjoys make up and often wakes up early to perfect hers. Lucia is someone who enjoys a prim and proper appearance although she also enjoys making it appear as if she is being effortless in it.

On the day of the abduction she was seen wearing that same Knicks track suit, a pair of black air force ones, a white t-shirt depicting the album artwork from the Notorious B.I.G.’s ‘Ready to Die’ with a blue bow atop her head.

-Lucia "Lulu" Lujan is nineteen years old and works primarily in food and cannabis delivery while also being a moderately successful Sound Cloud rapper.
-Bronx born and primarily raised having relocated to Salem when she was twelve due to familial drama
-Eldest of 5, has 4 little brothers ranging from 17-8
-Repeated her Sophomore year of HS due to having failed homeschooling while pregnant with a child she gave up for adoption
-Lucia is a friendly, big girl on campus sort—a 5’0” girl who carries with her a large personality and a sorta boisterous charisma.
-Is a rapper and a fairly successful one having had a small North East tour during this past summer promoting her mixtape ‘The Salem Bitch Trials’
-Paige’s Jimmy is the baby daddy but they’re in a sorta off-on situation with it firmly set on off
-Lulu doesn’t really “date” high school boys but she’s flirtatious and a bit of a tease—I wouldn’t mind some crushes or just general people to fluster?
-One of the themes I am working on with Lulu is sorta the commodification of people and relationships—namely viewing them in a sorta transactional and shallow way. This goes both ways where Lulu sorta views people transactionally but also sees herself as sorta that as well—I wouldn’t mind relationships in that sorta realm.
-Oh, she sells weed and so if your character wants some—hit her up. Lulu-Licious got the Delicious!
[+] Big Dick Buster
Richard is someone who is short in stature but wide in body. Standing at roughly 5’3” and weighing close to 220lbs, Richard is both possessing of a lot of excess fat and quite a lot of muscle as well. Broad shouldered and strong armed, a regular weightlifting routine and a childhood spent outdoors and within athletics has given ‘Big Dick’ a baseline of physicality. Big boned and big bellied, a life of home cooking and a love for fast food has given the young man quite a bit of girth as well that he is somewhat ashamed of and insecure about. That combined with his height (or lack thereof) causes a lot of posturing in Richard’s demeanor, both literal and figurative.

Born of Irish-American stock ‘Big Dick’ Buster has pale freckled skin and thick, curly orange-red hair that is kept short and shaped into a fauxhawk with a liberal amount of hair gel each morning. Richard’s eyes are big, round and blue and his nose small, crooked due to a few basketball related breaks and pug shaped. Richard’s teeth are slightly crooked and he has a slight overbite but his smile is large. The beginning stages of a beard are making themselves apparent with wisps of orange hair decorating the lower half of the teenagers face.

For Richard, image is everything and his image is something that he takes quite the pleasure in constructing. A former boy scout and current member of the basketball team and student government, Richard likes to dress for school as if he is going to work by wearing a suit and tie each day. This was a habit he developed in middle school in admiration of professional NBA players wearing suits to games and he has carried it with him throughout high school. At eighteen years old Richard has amassed a nice (for a teenager) collection from Men’s Warehouse and used clothing stores. While Richard loves suits he also has an appreciation for sneaker culture as well and can often been seen wearing a pair of Carolina Blue Jordan I’s when he’s not wearing standard dress shoes.

Outside of the classroom and in the “professional” situations of school—Richard is a normal teenage boy and his wardrobe can be seen to be a collection of sports t-shirts and jerseys or solid colored cotton shirts and basketball shorts.

A small, chubby boy determined to cast a very large shadow.

-Richard Buster Jr.
-Salem born and Salem bred
-5’3” and 200+--dis a chunky boi
-But also a four year basketball player on the hapless Terriers where he gets his nickname for having made a 3 point shot in a completely meaningless regular season game—chunky but athletic
-Mother and Maternal Grandfather are pediatricians that run a private practice and Dick has aspirations to be a doctor himself
-Father is a bit of a Stu Pickles sort and has a Boston Celtics podcast that isn’t very successful
-Former boy scout
-Basketball Captain and Class President hopeful
-Throws really great parties
-Is not suspected of throwing great parties because he wears a shirt and tie to school
-They call him Big Dick Buster but not because of his size (but also because of his size)
-Big Dick lookin for friends of all sorts and kinds is generally a very friendly and welcoming dude to everybody. Wouldn’t mind a menagerie of good kids and cool troublemakers—Dick likes to appeal to both.
-If there is romance in the cards for me, it be with BDB—but I gotta be careful committing to you and you gotta be careful committing to me. I only want that AriJonah shit in V8 and I am prone to be flighty!
-Is gonna be best buds with a Deamon character—it’ll make sense when it makes sense
-Is politically active and involved and actually campaigned for Kirby in the past election. Sometimes has arguments with both liberal and conservative classmates because of this.
-Goin to Hahvahd because wicked smaht
-Extroverted introvert, loves to be at the party but also loves to set the topic of conversation but also likes to just let people talk
-Will def campaign with home made t-shirts and cookies

Re: Y'all Know Why I'm Here

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 3:27 am
by Dogs231

Donovan enjoys rap music and would probably want to acquire weed. He's probably listened to some of her music out of curiosity.


Donovan also enjoys playing basketball and probably has a bit of respect for Dick. He's also a troublemaker sort who likes going to parties.

Abhishek would probably try to get a rise out of him on social media and call him a liberal for not being on board with Pol Pot like Abhi (ironically) claims to be.

Re: Y'all Know Why I'm Here

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 4:00 am
by Yonagoda
Relationship thread kinda shit:

Lulu: Unfortunately Gabrielle might have some beef just because she doesn’t like soundcloud rappers or stoners or anyone who has ever had any fun, ever. And teen moms. And- OK you got it. I mean it’s not like I want a rivalry or anything but if you want someone to judge her, I’ve got it. Also, my girl Betty also has you covered when it comes to, like, transactional relationships. Like maybe they’ve got a bit of a shallow friendship or something? And Isaiah, who she might have flirted with (which might be reciprocated, albeit not really seriously) but he doesn’t really chase after people that much.

Buster: Parties! Ren and Isaiah would be there. I think most of my kids would get decently along with yours. Isaiah's also politically active, in a vague sorta way, so there's that too.

Re: Y'all Know Why I'm Here

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 5:09 am
by Sunnybunny
One, I don't know what if anything you'd want to do with Izzy or my boy who has yet to be Revealed so that's your call.

Two, I want to bully you into Lulu making a rap video because Reasons.

Three, is BDB actually using his penis?

Re: Y'all Know Why I'm Here

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 1:18 pm
by Buko
All of these sound great and stuff I'm down to do and sounds like fun sorta relationships and dynamics to explore! I really enjoy the Donovan and Gabrielle connections specifically!
Sunny wrote:Three, is BDB actually using his penis?
Like it's v4 pre-game if I have it my way--but yeee! Dick is sorta a hyper competitive type A sort with an addiction to achievement. I def could see him having exes and potential flings etc...but all within the context of being a pretty sweet and good kid. Not a player, just someone who crushes a lot. But also someone who gets busy from time to time.

So long story short--yes.

Re: Y'all Know Why I'm Here

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 9:29 pm
by Slam
Teddie would be a plausible flirt target with Lulu, and a potential friend of BDB's through being the sports mascot if he gets that spot.

Spuds would also possibly move in the same circles as BDB, being an athlete hereself. She probably wouldn't have much in common with Lulu, though.

Re: Y'all Know Why I'm Here

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:03 pm
by Buko
Lulu-Licious is down to flirt with anybody both minor and major--being a temptress is part of the image and so that sounds cool to me! BDB is also sorta supposed to be like an ambitious, busy body sort but with a sweet core and so I can def see him feeling the need to befriend the mascot and wish him luck and pat him on the back and all that!

I also added my initial rough drafts for these two kiddies opinions just so people can get more visuals and maybe glimpse a bit of personality shared in that as well! I am going to try and do rounds of my own in other people's threads, but I just want to keep this one as sorta a centralized space for my own pre-game planning at the moment and sorta see the connections and stuff that others folks develop in the interim! I'm very, very excited!

Re: Y'all Know Why I'm Here

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:34 am
by Cicada
But also someone who gets busy from time to time.

So long story short--yes.
Ace of V8???
[+] Anyway
  • Cedar-Lulu - Cedar's love of rap is probably understated in the material I've made public so far, it is extremely important for her because it was what she heard drifting out of the landlord neighbor's windows back when she was a poor informal settler child in the Philippines. So a girl in her own school becoming a local success story would probably make her go full low key fangirl. Wouldn't have groupied the tour but it was a near run decision. Lulu probably comes off as too put-together for Cedar to feel the need to hover, so she might come off more as a fan than a friend with anything actually common. Maybe an opening there for an element of that transactional relationship? Lulu has a fangirl with art skills and Cedar might buy in because she's aware they don't actually have much in common. An unspoken but implicitly understood element of their relationship.
  • Ash-Lulu - They both do Muay Thai. And both repeated a year, albeit different ones. And Ash likes a lot of music in general including the rap genre, though with Lulu that'll more specifically depend on what genre and lyrical style Lulu goes for. She'd probably be honest enough to admit that she doesn't like it if they're on friendly terms, Lulu seems like the sort that'd appreciate honesty? Overall I think they'd be on good terms, and genuinely, though maybe with some degree of superficiality. Not close enough to be truly intimate, perhaps.
  • Salem-Lulu - Flirt attempt would probably go pretty well, wouldn't it? Since neither of them mean it, and Salem's probably sympathetic to the 'high school boys are beneath me' vibe. Beyond that no particular reason for them to maintain any connection.
  • Ash-Richard - BD seems like the sort of kind and ambitious sort that Ash would think highly of. Maybe the suits are a bit of overkill but she'll only rib him a bit. As basketball captain he's probably been her main point person for trying to get the basketball team on board with the 'organize to fix the budget mess'. Good ally to have for the class president campaign maybe- I'm pretty sure she'd be all in on supporting him anyways. A bit jealous he's getting into Harvard. Maybe close enough that he might have considered proposing a date, that she would have shot down (no big dick) because she wasn't dating men until recently. But that'd be all good with both of them probably, no hard feelings.
  • Salem-Richard - Probably developed good rapport over Salem covering the majority of BD's games as newspaper's sports correspondent. Even pity listens to the dad's podcast, etc. Salem gets invites to the parties b/c he's cool like that, so he probably knows that a Big Dick party is one of the best. There's potential for like, Richard to get some insight into Salem's more privately political/serious side perhaps? They share that more temperate take on politics than a lot of their peers, and they probably agree on their more center-left technocratic approach to things and might privately discuss their future ambitions in politics and such? Salem might've run an anonymously penned story for the local paper on political volunteers and used Richard as a source.
  • Soo-bin/Richard - Richard seems like the sort who might be interested in speaking to Soo-bin's father if the 'he was a former ambassador' thing goes through a staff vibe check but I dunno about that for sure so I'd get back to you on that when I can confirm if that'll be allowed.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Re: Y'all Know Why I'm Here

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 11:33 am
by Irredeemable
I don't know if any of my kids fit well with Buster, but there's definitely some overlap with Lulu here. Benji's big on not shaming people for their life choices and they're a big MMA fan, so it seems like there'd be opportunities for sparring and/or general workout stuff between them. Max, however, would probably consider Lulu to be stepping on toes (as he's a dealer of weed too, although he's branched out into other substances.) Not sure if there'd be any sort of uneasy truce between them or if it's all just aggro between them.

Re: Y'all Know Why I'm Here

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:58 pm
by Buko
Pleading the fif on Big Dick Buster being the Ace of V8 (RIP Beats, Pimp C and Pop Smoke)--but overall I def liked a lotta these offers and insights!

Cedar-Lulu: Def like this idea of transactional relationships and especially with the context of art and the career. I think there's a good thread here and it could serve as a building block for future pre-game endeavors and also maybe even in game stuff if we both go different directions in pre-game. Lotta potential here and I fasho dig it!

Ash-Lulu: Knowing of one another and also both doing Muay That is fine with me! Lulu does Muay Thai and MMA with her younger brother and so it's more Mommy & Me style--but that don't mean they can't spar and work out as well. There's also a thread here, though we may need to workshop and discuss it more. I feel a bit more confident with the Cedar stuff if I'm being honest!

Salem-Lulu: Yeah, I think they can have a general flirtatious and teasing relationship and vibe! I am def down with that sorta thing and it seems light and fluid enough that it can serve as a good branch and connection in both the context of game or pre-game.

BDB-Ash: I am for sure loving this and am def all in here! Richard is not the captain yet--but I am sorta openly trying to speak that into existence. I am pretty much all in on this relationship and you really seemed to capture the vibe of Big Dick Buster right off the bat. Sorta a little busy body with a big Napoleon Complex and I like us sorta getting into the nitty gritty of school politics and coalition building in the mundane of pre-game. A lotta potential here and that sorta testing of organizational skills and leadership in a pre-game context can have big pay off in game!

Salem-BDB: Another one where these two align up perfectly and I also think Richard would be invested in keeping a good relationship with the school paper! They match up in terms of politics and both are sorta boys who are work hard-play hard types. All in on this one as well and I think it has the potential to be both easy to build and work with and sorta strong thematically. That's a good start!


I am down for a bit of a friendship and work out sparring stuff with Benji as far as Lulu. Because Mass is a weed legal state and Lulu mostly sells weed on top of doing DoorDash and UberEats, etc--I don't think she's gonna be involved in any turf wars or be a real aggro drug king pin in high school. I can def see them sorta being annoyed by one another and Lulu sorta ribbing and maybe even subliminally dissing in her rippity raps!

Re: Y'all Know Why I'm Here

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 6:46 pm
by midnight_twelve
I have MMA down as a hobby for Maddie, so she might have competed with Lulu in the past. They both seem quite energetic and friendly, so I can see them getting along, at your discretion of course. And Maddie's experimenting with various drugs, so Lulu can expect a loyal customer.

Big Dick Buster
  • Great name
  • Fred's also a basketball player. Probably equal parts admires and envies Mr. Buster. Doesn't really matter how much Richard likes him, because Fred will try and scrape into his life regardless.
  • Chloé is also a politically active student going to a prestigious Massachusetts school and considering running for class president, so their interests align there. They've probably had a few interesting conversations before? I expect she'd be a regular at these parties, too.

Re: Y'all Know Why I'm Here

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 10:02 pm
by Buko
I can see all of this as working very well! I particularly like the potential dynamic between Richard and Fred as I think we can do some interesting subtext and talking about envy and sorta a privileged position of talent versus hard work and all that good teammate stuff! I also think Big Dick Buster and Chloe could have a good bond and friendship and I think there's a thread there for certain.

In terms of the Lulu stuff--def down for another custy and I also think that they can have a bond with MMA. Lulu does like beginners MMA with her little brother but part of MMA training is sorta the open mat culture and sparring. Def can see a general MMA thread potential with all da fite kiddies!