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Can't Cry Nxw

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:59 pm
by Deamon
((Arizona Butler continued from Look at the Cleanse, look at the moves!))

Yet again she had failed. Another one to add to a growing list.

Shauna was dead.

Yet again Arizona had left someone and they'd been murdered.

Just like Jonah.

The culprit was different but the same. Another name she recognized attached to a person she didn't.

Justin was no one to her.

Just like Michael.

The connections between the two events were easy to make. A killer with a gun had ambushed someone she cared about and they died from their wounds while their companion escaped. Hell, they both happened in the gardens. Although in Shauna's case there was a second victim. As selfish as she thought it was, Arizona couldn't muster up the same feelings for Angie. There was only a limited amount of people she could care about. The end goal of the game was to be the last person standing after all.

Again Arizona had that selfish feeling of guilt. The thoughts that whispered to her, saying that if she had stayed, if she had listened to Shauna, she could have prevented her death. But she knew that was her ego talking. There was no way she could say for sure if her presence would have made a difference. There was every chance everything played out exactly the same, or she only succeeded in taking Angie's place.

She didn't feel anger. Instead, she felt tired.

"I'm sorry Shauna." She whispered from where she was crouched by her friends body. In the distance, she could make out the shape of Jonah. She blinked a couple of times and then returned to gazing out over the general area.

"I feel like I wasted my time." She continued. It was a pointless exercise. She was voicing thoughts to a corpse after all. But she felt like she owed it to her friend. "I don't know if sticking with you would have been better, but at least you'd have been happy." She sighed.

She hadn't found Michael or Darlene. All that time and she had nothing to show for it. Only a weird encounter with Garren.

Arizona supposed she needed to commit the name Justin Greene to memory. She didn't enjoy the fact she was creating some sort of revenge list. It seemed both vindictive and pointless to an extent, but at the same time, both Michael and Justin had killed repeatedly. Both of them were like Quinn to a greater or lesser extent. They probably didn't think about it the same way Quinn did. She imagined the two of them carried guilt to some degree. As if that mattered in some way when they continued killing.

They would both have justifications for it. She was sure of that. She also didn't care about those reasons.

Her mind wandered back to the encounter with Garren. Something about it didn't sit right with her. He had been stood waiting for her, shotgun pointed at the door. There was also the bloody handprint. But there was no other blood in the room and no blood on him.

The whole thing had felt strange in a way that didn't make sense.

Slowly Arizona straightened up, allowing one last look down at Shauna's body and into the distance of the garden.

She had to go back.

((Arizona Butler continued elsewhere...))