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The Return

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:52 am
by Buko
((Continued from: Back to the Scene of the Crime...))

Returning. Vince was returning to the Lighthouse. Why had he come here, to study Fred’s corpse? To kill himself, no he was already dead… he had been dead since he was four. He had been dead since he arrived on the Island; no one wanted him to be here… no one wanted him to live.

He had been running since he stole the boys bag, running since he had potentially killed someone. The boy had been given smoke grenades. It was a solid weapon, a good weapon when paired up with his handgun. Vince arrived at the Light House and stared at the floor, painted with dried blood a mixture of his own, Fred's, Cody's, and Lyndi's...blood was spilled in this light house... and the smelll of it comforted him.

Vince shook his head as he looked around the Light House, why had he come here? The Light House actually gave him a feeling of home, a feeling of security...

The showers, the game was almost finished and Vince and the team where in the showers, cleaning up before they went out. "Gonna get leid to night, Andrews?." Vince said jokingly "Yeah, with your mom" Andrews replied. Before Vince could blink he had Andrews on the floor and was punching him very hard, when the fight was over a mix of blood,sweat, and water where stained on the title, and Vince and Andrews where suspended for ten days.

"Mother, speak to me? Please come here... Please help me." Vince said has he left the light house yet again... he was thirsty, the well seemed like his next stop.

((Continued in: Taking Stock))

Re: The Return

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:52 am
by riserugu†
((You know, I'm happy Fred's corpse is nice and all... But the thing is, it doesn't help when he was killed he fell off the cliff, and into the water. So unless you have super-vision. I highly doubt you can actually look at it. ;) ))

Re: The Return

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:52 am
by Buko

Re: The Return

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:52 am
by MismatchedEyes*
((Continued from: Taking Stock))

The tear streaked book worm would oncemore be out of breath and be reminded of how it feels to have youre lungs screaming at you to take a break and threreatening to explode in youre chest. Dirty nails lined the hand that was pressed into the oak of the tree that allowed him to support himself.

He knew he should have done more physical sports it would have made him healthier but he didnt think that he would need it for this, he never thought he would be in a situation like this.

Those jocks were most likely having the times of their lives hacking up the opposition in large numbers then getting drunk on beer and raping some girls or more likely guys he thought silently to himself.

Glancing upto the cloudless sky he managed to catch sight of a building in the distance and he began a run towards it.His lungs were oncemore aching but he ran till he collapsed against the pastel coloured wall of the lighthouse.

Someone would have heard him..of course they would! How could they not? He scrambled on all fours till he picked up a nearby stick and with frenzied glances scanned the area before he gently pushed at the door to the ligthouse with nervous fingers. The door creaked open to reveal a small room with a picture on the wall and an oak table, a gas cooker? This place looked great.

The smile crept all over his face like a cancer as he would look around.Hurrying inside the door would be barricaded with the large oak table and a few chairs before he just collapsed onto the floor holding his chest.

He was safe, he had his paradise.He was safe.For now.

Re: The Return

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:52 am
by MooCow*
Elsie Darroch came to hours after she'd gone unconscious. She felt very disoriented and groggy. At first she didn't know where the hell she was. She only knew she was cold. She slowly allowed her eyes to adjust. Her position outside the lighthouse had been obscured by the rough and unkempt foliage growing about in every which way. Suddenly everything came flooding back. Battle Royale. Lyndi! Where was Lyndi?!

Trying to yell out she felt nothing come from her voicebox but a hoarse whisper... her mouth was extremely dry. She took a swig of water. She realized her bag was inside. She needed to get to it. Unaware of the time period she had been out cold Elsie didn't think twice about the possibility of another waiting inside the lighthouse's walls. Walking in an almost drunked series of stumble she pushed her way to the door and attempted to open it... something blocked it.

Re: The Return

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:53 am
by MismatchedEyes*
With his lungs aching he would smile up at the ceiling as the smell of blood would hit his nostrils causing them to flare, people had been killed her obivously it was the game but they were in here with him.In his paradise.This would mean he needed to clean up maybe find some food and some nails for the windows and doors to keep him safe through the remainder of the game.

Slowely rising to his feet his eyes would snap upon the door as it jaunted forward and the table screeched across the stone floor.It had moved a few cm, not much but enough to cause him to worry.

"Go away! I..I have a gun and I will shoot you if you come any closer! Go away!" he said trying to sound as intimidating as possible but with his almost femine voice and lack of obsenities he didnt push it across very well.

Re: The Return

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:53 am
by MooCow*
She heard what sounded like a scared little girl screaming at her to go away. Still, knowing not to provoke people with guns, Elsie staggered backwards still trying to regain her composure. In a dazed panic she stumbled away from the lighthouse and back into the thick foliage of the island.


Re: The Return

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:53 am
by MismatchedEyes*
The girl would drift away finally or so it sounded..Maybe he was out there..hiding waiting for him to pop out and then she would slit his throat. Girls were always more dangerous more deceptive, he was too smart to die like assholes like this. If he didnt let anyone in then none of the bad people could kill him..bad people? Who were the bad people? Everyone had to play..everyone but him.If People died that wasnt his fault..not at all his fault.

The sound of the girl leaving calmed him a little but stll he couldnt help but sweat and have those paranoid thougths tear through his head. He just let himself fall to his knees as he sucked in some oxygen and ran a hand through his short now dishevelled hair. Those hot tears running down his face again. That had been to cloose. He was too smart.. too good to die like this..

His glasses were re-positioned on his nose and with the side of his hand he made an attempt at flattening his hair into its usual greased manner.His thoughts were calming of how he had bathed daily and always taken care with his hair..styling gel in the morning not that anyone cared. His hair was now beyond styling gel with the mixture of blood and dirt covering his scalp and parts of his clothing.

Itd be over soon..All he had to do was wait.

((Continued in: Violence Fetish))