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So Bite Your Tongue And Choke Yourself To Sleep

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 1:18 am
by ItzToxie
((Marcus continued from Bath Time. ))

Today wasn’t as eventful as he’d thought it have been.

Marco sat down into the recliner and crossed his legs, setting his chainsaw down by his side. He found none of the people on his list, nobody noteworthy anyways.
He certainly saw people, but they didn’t seem like they’d be any fun. Either holding firearms or nothing. Marco was better than some two bit player. He wanted a challenge, not to kill some poor sap who won’t swing back, or to go down in some unceremonious hail of gunfire.

Nobody he saw could offer him that, so he ignored them. Very well. Trouble has a better chance of finding him than vice versa anyways.

He sat back in the chair, imagining his next steps. He wanted to find Adonis. These few quiet moments would be a lot better with a buddy. Then again it’s probably for the best. It sucks being alone, but it’s doing him a lot better than going around with Arjen.

Being alone was probably better than being with Lucas too. What a weenie...

He had nothing to do but listen to the rain pitter patter outside as it faded away.

Re: So Bite Your Tongue And Choke Yourself To Sleep

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 7:56 am
by ItzToxie
Actually, fuck it.

There's still sunlight. This day ain't over yet.

((Marco Volker continued Elsewhere.))