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Like the Sky is Blue and the Sea is Salty

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 3:41 am
by BlizzardeyeWonder
Were they any closer to wherever Forrest's bag would be?


[Meilin Zhou continued from Skin Feels Off]

They were closer to the north now, but once more they sidetracked for shelter. Meilin refused to say it, but she was sure even if they found Forrest's bag, it would have been looted by now. So, she took an extra protein bar out of the bag- it wasn't like people like her made it long here anyway. Forrest could have the food she'd inevitably leave behind preemptively.

Anyway, she'd left her bag back where the group had made camp or whatever they wanted to call it, they'd probably get into a heated argument about it... where did all her faith go?

She really wished it would come back- it wasn't like she wanted to believe that her classmates would willingly kill her. Honestly, how did all, well- all this, how did it slip under her radar all these years?

Maybe she was just dumb.

Right now, she stepped onto the wooden pier, and kept walking towards the end. With every step came a creaking noise, echoing through the rain beating down. It reminded her a bit of the docks at a cottage party she once attended, but that one was more "fashionably" rickety. This was something that could genuinely give way from under her feet. It seemed part of the railings already did. She stopped in front of a gap between those railings towards the end of the path- maybe someone had tested their luck a bit too much here? Looking around more, there were stains on the woodwork- even she could decipher there'd been a fight here, possibly (no, probably) more than one.

Instead of fixating on the battle-torn pier, she looked out to the water. Water always calmed her down, especially seeing how the waves of the ocean gently lapped at whatever they ran into on their way to shore. Right now, the waves were interrupted by the pattering of rainfall. Meilin liked the rain, too, the feel of it especially. Maybe this is what she needed- a moment of peace, a moment for her mind to collect itself and go wait, I'm being an idiot, we can trust these guys. All she needed, yes.

Yet, that thought wouldn't- well, it would but that's because she was thinking about thinking about it. Did that still count? No, no, it wasn't how she actually felt. She had to be honest with herself, too. Had to be honest, had to be honest... that's all she thought of as she walked back over the pier. The rain seemed just a little heaver as it splashed on her head and on her back.

But it wasn't like she could be honest with anyone else right now but herself, anyway.

[Meilin Zhou continued ieatnothing]