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Discord Server Suggestions

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 1:27 am
by MethodicalSlacker
Specifically for #voice and #spoilers, but there are some other adjustments that could be made.

- used primarily for songtest
- also for general music things
- existing channel could be renamed to #songtest, new #voice text channel created and moved down to the Voice Channels tab in the channel list

- often used for general V7 talk in non-spoilery contexts, but conversations bleed from one to another fairly easily
- also a place where spoilers for non-related media show up despite the topic description forbidding it—nobody reads that, guys!
- renamed existing #spoilers to #v7discussion or something along those lines
- create a new #mediadiscussion channel for people to talk about other works

- rename #chat to #general
- create a read-only #rules channel like Mini's with the Code of Conduct listed, as well as other rules/reminders about certain content if they need to be added/reminded of
- potentially, #v7discussion and #critiques could go under the same header separate from other channels

Re: Discord Server Suggestions

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 5:09 pm
by Slam
- I concur with renaming it #songtest because that's what it's used for at the moment.
- No reason we can't make another text voice channel either.
- If songtest's ever fall out of favour, we can just delete the channel. No fuss, no muss.

- I'd say go more along the lines of #SOTF-Discussion, rather than going with v7 specific since I've seen chat from all versions go along there.
- I think it's better keeping #critiques separate for now since it serves its function quite well when requests don't get lost in other conversations.

Re: Discord Server Suggestions

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 6:29 pm
by Espi
I agree with having a #Songtest. We could theoretically include Mafia too, though we don't get much of that. Having a media discussion as well as an SOTF discussion seems reasonable. We could subdivide it into like, wrestling, video games, other media, but I don't know if that's necessary.

I dunno if we need to call it 'general', I think just using it as the main chat is fine. A Rules section would be useful as a shorthand for new people.

Re: Discord Server Suggestions

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 6:58 pm
by MurderWeasel
I am neutral on #songtest vs. #voice but only because nobody really uses #voice for its intended purpose anyways nowadays as voice chats seem quite rare. I wouldn't mind it at all, though, and it could even be tucked away in the Voice Channels section like so:
...I guess I've talked myself into it being a good idea.

I agree on keeping Critiques and general SOTF talk different. I prefer a version-agnostic SOTF chat. I also don't think we really need any sort of non-spoilers SOTF chat zone because it's brutally hard to discuss SOTF without spoilers given the nature of the game and site. Mmmmaaaayyyybbbeeeee when final ten secret rolls/Endgame is going on, but until then any current version discussion is effectively spoilers anyways.

I'm neutral on #MediaDiscussions just because I guess I feel like it could/often does go in the general channel. If stuff's getting overwhelmed or buried, though, it doesn't hurt; I don't super read the general channel a lot of the time so am not the most informed. Now that there's a spoiler feature, a special spoiler zone seems less necessary.

By "Header" I think MS isn't proposing merging the channels, but making them their own little home a la Text Channels vs. Voice Channels, like "SOTF Game Channels" or something.

re: Mafia talk, I actually think that one is maybe better to skip just because as part of its rules mafia discourages external discussion so having an external discussion zone could get confusing for people in a hurry/lead to unfortunate incidents.

Rules zones are cool. I'm not sure how often they're used but if they cause clutter you can always mute 'em and enable muted channel hiding.

Re: Discord Server Suggestions

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 11:50 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
Murderweasel wrote:By "Header" I think MS isn't proposing merging the channels, but making them their own little home a la Text Channels vs. Voice Channels, like "SOTF Game Channels" or something.
Yup, that's what I meant by this. Sorry if the wording is confusing here

Re: Discord Server Suggestions

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:22 am
by Yonagoda
Maybe allow handlers to submit their own emojis for staff to approve to add to the server?