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V7 BKA/BDA Voting: August 2019

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 7:06 pm
by backslash
Welcome to voting for the second Best Kill and Best Death Awards for V7! As a refresher:

1. In this thread, you may post as an anonymous guest to select one student to receive the day's Best Kill Award, and one handler to receive the Best Death Award. Prizes will be given out in-character for BKA, consisting of a weapon and food, and out-of-character for BDA, consisting of a quote from their character to be displayed on the board index until the next BDA is awarded.
2. You may only vote while logged out. You can identify yourself in your vote if you want, but you may not claim to be another handler.
3. You may only vote once, and you may not vote for yourself in either category. Staff can see IP addresses, and we will check them if we have reason to suspect shenanigans.
4. You must provide reasoning with your vote for why you think your choices deserve the award. Votes with no reasoning will not be counted.
5. Don't be a jerk. You can explain why some scenes are your favorites without tearing others down.
6. Make sure that your answers are clear; please don't use any formatting that might cause votes to be miscounted or left out.
7. Please be sure to read every kill and death before voting, please vote for your genuine favorites rather than just voting for your friends, and please don't campaign for awards in the chat or otherwise try to influence the vote.

With that out of the way, here are your Best Kill and Best Death contestants:

Zachary Beck for killing Bree Jones
Lorenzo Tavares for killing Sapphire Waters (Attack, Death Thread)
Quinn Abert for killing Danny Chamnanma
Violet Schmidt for killing Kyle Harrison
Erika Stieglitz for killing Desiree Beck (Attack, Death Thread)
Marco Hart for killing Kayla Harris
Nick Oglive for killing Jeremiah Anderson
Tirzah Foss for killing Ron Kiser
Kelly Nguyen for killing Mercy Ames

MurderWeasel for the death of Phillip Olivares
Brackie for the death of Mikki Swift
KamiKaze for the death of Bree Jones
Catche Jagger for the death of Sapphire Waters
Melusine for the death of Danny Chamnanma
CondorTalon for the death of Cammy Walker-Grimsley
Aura for the death of Kyle Harrison
Jilly for the death of Desiree Beck
Blastinus for the death of Kayla Harris
Emprexx Plush for the death of Jeremiah Anderson
Tonyksin for the death of Regina Petrov
Polybius for the death of Ron Kiser
backslash for the death of Mercy Ames
Shiola for the death of Caroline Ford

Voting will run for five days. Votes will remain hidden until time is up, and the winners will be declared in the following announcement.

Re: V7 BKA/BDA Voting: August 2019

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 8:25 pm
by Gabby Gabby
Best Kill Award: For this month's BKA, I vote for Erika Stiglitz for the murder of Desiree Beck. I love sniping deaths, and we rarely see them in SOTF. I think this one is cool because it really played out as a complete surprise to anyone who was not in the know. Desiree could have been killed by anyone, and the reveal that it was Erika in a different thread was cool. I like that it threw the rest of the scene with the boys completely in disarray. It's the perfect sort of action that could lead to a snowball effect, and I think it's the sort of thing the terrorists would like. I also liked reading Erika rationalize the action and quietly leaving after the act was done. I really enjoyed this kill and hope to see more like it.

Best Death Award: Man, you guys made it so hard to decide on a BDA this month. We had the lighthouse incident, Caroline, and so many other good deaths. I think for this one, I have to give it to CondorTalon for the death of Camellia Walker-Grimsley. Kind of like Erika's kill above, I loved how this one played with the board and delivered something with real impact. We've all chuckled at the Richard Han V4 death, but this death reminds us that falling off a cliff and being left to slowly die is absolutely horrifying and brutal. And for someone like Cammy, who just did not have the strength to last here, it's extra tragic. The whole time, she had people to look after and care for her, to give her strength and support. And because of a complete accident, she's killed and has to die painfully and alone. The repetition really highlights how awful such a fate would go, and it really made me feel for Cammy. I loved this death, and I think it deserves to win for this month.

Re: V7 BKA/BDA Voting: August 2019

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 8:36 pm
by Charmy Bee
For BKA, I'm casting my BKA vote for Kelly Nguyen for killing Mercy Ames. In conjunction with the surprise and confusion that came along with the group poisoning, it also showed just how ruthless and rather cruel Kelly could be beyond just being two-faced. I'm looking forward to seeing how she deals with the announcements at the start of Day 3.

For BDA, I'm casting my vote forJilly for the death of Desiree Beck. I really, really liked the abrupt presentation of Desiree's death. A similar choice was made by Jilly with Abel's death, but I think it works far better here, where a contrast can be made between Desiree being fully alive and ignorant of her fate in one post, then moving to her sudden death in the next. Writing a minimalist death is just as much of a risk as a rambling melodramatic one. I think this one really payed off.

Re: V7 BKA/BDA Voting: August 2019

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 12:20 am
by Some Guy
BKA: Violet Schmidt for killing Kyle Harrison.

Mercy kills are things where I usually find them kinda schmaltzy or forced, but in this case, it helps that the two characters are given ample time to show their relationship and demonstrate just how much they mean to one another. Kyle and Violet have a love story that's kinda sweet in how innocently the two of them approach it. They're very simple and kind towards one another, and so it's heartbreaking when Kyle gets injured and Violet has to finish him off to spare him any suffering. Then she lays him to rest, in a way that's both tragic and heartfelt. This scene ticks all the sentimental boxes for me, and that's not something I usually expect from a kill.

BDA: backslash for the death of Mercy Ames

This cycle had two amazing scenes: the lighthouse and the manor, making it really difficult to choose. I chose this one in particular because it demonstrates the brutal nature of poison and how alone Mercy becomes in the chaos that erupts from a mass poisoning. Poisoning isn't one of those things where the character has a chance of fighting back once it happens. You know that they're doomed, and that makes it really hard to take. She's crying out for someone to save her, but even if they'd run to her side, they wouldn't have been able to do anything for her. The hopelessness of it, the helplessness of it, that's what really got me about that scene, and what elevated it above the lighthouse, even though that was a great scene as well.

Re: V7 BKA/BDA Voting: August 2019

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 12:45 am
by Sir Guestalot
BKA: Kelly for poisoning Mercy

Lots of good stuff all around this cycle, but Kelly hit that sweet spot of a scene where somebody does something truly messed up for awful reasons but it rings true and opens up all kinds of new possibilities. Kelly's had a quiet dark side to her for a long while, and has grappled with the ways she views herself and the ways she thinks the rest of the world views her, and her actions serve as the culmination of the first stage of that. She's decided to see if she can be the sort to live through the current predicament, and yet her first step is, fittingly, one which makes use of her good reputation and keeps the real cause and effect process at a bit of arm's length. I think it's catapulted her into center stage in a really fascinating way, and now that we know what she's capable of, I can't wait to see what she does.

BDA: Shiola for the death of Caroline

There are a lot of moving pieces at play in this one, but ultimately it's about a character grappling with her actions and beliefs and their assorted consequences. Caroline's had a troubled path for a while now, but a thing I've always appreciated about her was the detailed look into her psychology and how her character, while heavily focused on her issues, was not entirely dominated by them. Her friendship with Regina, and their time together on the trip, really did a nice job setting up the ultimate tragedy of the ends of their lives. Caroline's death lapses out of the purely physical, literal world, in an interesting and nuanced way, while at the same time doing an admirable job signposting what's going on. Her final act, while suicidal by the metrics of the game, has a lot of heft because there's another side to it, too, one of control: she calls the bluff and forces the real evil to pull the trigger themselves. It is, in this way, a moment of bittersweet triumph--as much as a death in a situation like hers can be, at least.

Re: V7 BKA/BDA Voting: August 2019

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 4:37 am
by 30-50 Feral Hogs
Best Kill: Nick Ogilvie for killing Jeremiah Anderson. Nick's character, and especially the way his flaws keep getting the better of him despite his desire to be better, has been set up from the beginning of his story and it really shines here. Beryl's death was an act of mercy, but it's clear that it's an act that Nick is probably going to keep paying for throughout the rest of his game (no good deed goes unpunished, etc.), and he's likely just going to keep digging himself deeper in trying to deal with it. Here self-preservation and his tendency to lash out come together to net him a kill with less sure moral footing, and you can feel him struggling to come to terms with having to lay in the bed he's made for himself, no matter how good or bad his intentions are.

Best Death: CondorTalon for Cammy Walker-Grimsely's death. Simple but very effective at portraying how nasty a fall could be in a situation like this, and the helplessness and hopelessness that comes with understanding the severity of the situation. It's an agonizing death without said agony being pounded into the reader in gory details, but rather in the futility of hoping help will come even when you know it won't.

Re: V7 BKA/BDA Voting: August 2019

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 9:52 am
by BK Foot Lettuce

BKA: Giving my vote to Quinn Abert for the kill on Danny Chamnanma. It was a fun high octane thrill ride of a thread and a great job on Namira and Melusine's parts, but Quinn herself continues to fascinate me as a character which is ultimately why she edges out compared to everyone else this set.

That isn't to say this wasn't super close, though. Everyone did a great job this round but I wanted to give special mention to Violet Schmidt's thread for incorporating environmental damage and consequences of previous Temple threads in a very cool and rewarding way.

BDA: Giving my vote to Cammy Walker-Grimsley. It was a great emotional and frankly chilling scene, and Condor did a great job capturing that low energy despair of desperately calling for help but ultimately realizing that no one is around to help or even to care. It's just a great scene overall and I feel like Condor should be rewarded.

I'd also like to shoutout to Sapphire Waters for the short but effective emotional scene on the beach and Regina Petrov's for the same reason. Great job, guys.

Re: V7 BKA/BDA Voting: August 2019

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 1:08 pm
by frog
BKA for Violet Schmidt because we gotta appreciate the pacing out of the scene- Violet's narrative voice is quiet in most of the set up of the death proper, then only explodes out into her full reaction after the fact. I always think that works out well! Sells a feeling of numbness well, up until the actual reaction proper, and it's one hell of a reaction. Rich and full of detail (love how the gore is detailed too, tasteful but still shockingly there and emphasized) and intense, but also still very Violet-esque in how convoluted and off-kilter the abstractions can get. There's also ominousness that isn't quite explained but doesn't feel cheap. Very good stuff from CBP.

BDA for Jeremiah Anderson! This one is fairly straightforward, it was a very well set up death that had a lot of pay off and has impact yet to be seen on Nia, Nick, Alexander, so on. The structure of the death in the final post is also fascinating- up until the final few paragraphs Jeremiah was still in a 'winning' position or at least staying scrappy, the sudden reversal is a gut punch, and the usage of sign language and format screw in the last second was very nice, impactful to read.

Re: V7 BKA/BDA Voting: August 2019

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 6:37 pm
ayo whats fuckin poppin fellas its ramranchreallyrocks back it again with the sick votes ill beats and shitty fucking takes y'all i am stoked because we have a shit motherfucking ton of deaths to sift through but only a few kills, lopsided as fuck, lookin like a seesaw out here, scales of justice tipped wrong fuckin ways, its gonna be a long autumn folks, more to come, more to go, but we gotta get started somwhere and that means starting with the BEST KILL AWARD and folks it's some slim fucking pickings here like four more deaths and thered be twice as many deaths as kills that math dont FUCKING WORK Y'ALL PUHLEASE post on time

anyway this one probably goes to fuckin Tirzah for killin Ron, I mean way to just jump in there and save Wyatt fucking Carter of all people holy god he didnt need shit and yet Tirzah swooped in anyway? but nah if you look at it that way you trippin because Tirzah was just bein ECONOMICAL alright so Ron was probably gonna die anyway if Wyatt got his shit together or if Bret got bored so Tirzah finessed the kill both to put him out of his forthcomin misery and to keep the carters from showin up on the anouncements y'all i know their whole MO as the Carters is to fly under the radar but W.C. is gonna fuck up sometime and that was almost the time, anyway of all the kills that i am allowed to cast my vote for this one's got the most interesting and long term repercussions but anyway thats why Tirzah gets my vote for BEE KAY AYE

BEE DEE AYE on the otha hand goes to Zee for Mercy Ames, now this shit scary, reminds me of Penelope's death of blood loss from V6, just the crying for help and not gettin it, not knowin wat da fuck is goin on, desperation at its utmost, y'all, i'm afraid of dyin, i'm specfically scared of dyin like this poor gal, and it really hit close to home, i mean hopefully it wont ever actually hit close to home because thats traumatic but y'all know what i mean I mean it played on my fears w/r/t mortality and that shit's fuckin scary. Mercy Ames, Zee, Best Death Award, respect where i'ts due.

thats it for votes this month always a pleasure always a pasture always a never ever laughter anyways goats totes votes boats this has been RRRR and i'llllllllllllllllllllllll be around next time

Re: V7 BKA/BDA Voting: August 2019

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 10:58 pm
by Guestation
BKA: Violet Schmidt for killing Kyle Harrison

After reading back through all the kills this go round there's just something about this one that pushes it over the edge for me. It's probably the inherent tragedy of the randomness of Kyle's injury thrusting Violet into this role as his temporary carer and mercy giver (and angel). It's probably the way she embraces that role and plays along with it to keep Kyle happy as she's forced to take his life. Her reaction to the mercy kill is also very raw and works for me, so yeah really liked this one.

BDA: backslash for the death of Mercy Ames

I chose Mercy's death because of the way it directly uses the chaos of the scene it takes place to create a very lonely and tragic atmosphere, Mercy's stumbled away from the others and because of everything that's happening no one can hear or pays attention to her attempts to get their attention. So despite barely being away from her group she ends up dying alone trying to get their attention. I found it very effective and impactful as a result of the way it plays with the set up to create it's tragedy.

Re: V7 BKA/BDA Voting: August 2019

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 4:25 pm
by YouKnowMe
BKA: Erika Stieglitz for killing Desiree Beck. I really had to think about this for a while and I had to go with Erika as I thought about it more. Erika was a nice surprise to actually kill someone as I thought that she wouldn't really go down that path and it was a good scene to set up for it to happen. Even if Erika did end up by killing the wrong person, it makes you question why one minute she would be against killing someone and then the next minute, she just goes for it. An interesting character to see go down a different road is worth reading.

BDA: CondorTalon for the death of Cammy Walker-Grimsley. Cammy's death scene was quite a heart-breaking one to read through and it is one that pretty much stuck with me. It was very horrifying to read about a girl dying on her own like that and calling out to other people for help. Condor did a very good job at making me feel a lot of sadness for a character in such a short time and Cammy's death is very chilling and unnerving to me.

Re: V7 BKA/BDA Voting: August 2019

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 4:28 pm
by Supa Flyee
Best Kill: For my runners up, I got Nick Oglive for winning a drag out fight which I do adore, and Erika Stieglitz for her successful snipe which caused chaos and crisises and I haven't seen a successful cross-thread killing so wtg!

My vote is for Kelly Nguyen for killing Mercy Ames because she showed No Mercy, I get to blame Juliette for something else which is fun, and it was just so cruel a way to do it. Also she may have killed even more people. Poison is cool, more poisonings please.

Best Death: In a month of many deaths, there are so many honorary mentions that saying them all would take me all day SO MANY THINGS HAPPENED the lighthouse THE HOMAGE

But ultimately my vote goes to CondorTalon for the death of Cammy Walker-Grimsley, because it was so... sad is a word, but lonely is another, and reading about her begging not to die alone was heartbreaking.

No one was coming.

Repetition and text formatting used to great effect.

No one came.

Re: V7 BKA/BDA Voting: August 2019

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 7:54 pm
by Guest
BKA: Zach Beck

The lighthouse scene was excellent and everything about it was executed phenomaly, so with Zack ending it with his horrible accidental kill, I think the terrorists would give him one bka to mock him

BDA: Desiree Beck

Excellent sudden death that caught me off guard. Very short and pregnant.

Re: V7 BKA/BDA Voting: August 2019

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 10:15 pm
by backslash
One day, 21 hours, and 50 minutes for votes.

Re: V7 BKA/BDA Voting: August 2019

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 12:02 am
by yeet
BKA: Kelly Nguyen. Man, this whole scene has been a heart attack and a half. I do kinda wish there was time for a little more setup, and I do think Kelly's turn to supervillainy was a little sharp, but it says a lot that despite those issues my heart has been in my throat for the whole scene. It's a hands-off way to kill someone, because Kelly doesn't have the guts to do things personally or risk any actual consequences, but it is a brutal way to die and Kelly immediately balks when she sees the actual consequences of her actions. Winning BKA would do a lot to convince her that she's done the right thing, and I wanna see her keep slipping down this slope.

Honorable mentions go to Marco for sheer brutality and for using the kill as an arc climax, Nick for reasons I'll get into in a second, and Tirzah for how hard she projects not giving a fuck despite clearly giving several. I love and appreciate her.

BDA: Jeremiah Anderson. This scene is a lot to take in, and it's hard for me to go into details when frankly my reason for voting for it is because it made me the most gut-punch emotional of all of the scenes on offer. Its a death with setup in pregame and on the island where everyone involved is completely broken by the proceedings and it made me cry my eyes out a whole lot.

Honorable mentions go to Cammy for being the other death that made me cry, Mercy for making me viscerally squirm, and Regina for not quite making me cry but making me big sadface anyway.