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Girls #21-GAME START

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:38 pm
by LadyMakaze†
~~ Diary entry: Day 1

I must be brief, for now, the time I am able to spare reporting to you may be more limited than ever. Please forgive me, and I shall explain as best I can what has happened and what is happening now.

By making me a part of this, they have taken everything from me. All that has happened to me up until now seems as distant as the ancient past, whisked away beyond the breadth of my reach. And now, Death seems to loom closer than ever, as though waiting for the first chance to seize all that I have left: myself. My past is now irrelevant, my future belittled. All I have now is the present.

I suppose that the fact that I am aware of my mortality means that I am still alive. But for how much longer? Not more than a few hours ago, my only concerns revolved around my studies, my family, the school trip... compared to the fact that I've hidden myself, wondering who will find me first and finish me off in the end, such matters can seem so trivial. There are things that should have happened, but never have. There are things that should never have happened, but alas have defied the odds. The world has fallen out of place, and now reality doesn't even seem real anymore.

But there is no use musing on what should have happened and what shouldn't have happened. All I can do is decide on what to do, and in the meantime, live. All I have left is my sense of self, and my life, and I do not intend to lose either.

The pocket diary in her hand snapped shut. With slightly trembling hands, she clipped the pen to the ringed spine of the diary and slipped the ensemble into the pocket of her uniform skirt. It took her a while to recall why of all things was she still wearing her old school uniform from Seiwa Junior High. She had begun attending Barry Coleson High in the early spring, just after her family's move to America. It seemed that as a force of habit, and because it was the only ensemble she owned that she felt presentable in, she continued to wear it even as a transfer student. Though of all events, why did she decide to wear her uniform on the plane ride to the island?

The plane ride...

A sickening feeling welled up inside her as she suddenly recalled everything that had happened before she blacked out. It came to her like a slap to the face: a child being slaughtered by another,(both parties most likely no older than she was). The teachers' execution, the debriefing....

Madelaine pursed her lips out of a feeling that could have been either fear, anger, or disgust. Immediately, she pushed the events of the recent past aside to focus on her current situation.

As soon as she had awoken from her induced slumber and had come to her senses, she immediately sought a very temporary shelter atop a large tree limb, thick with boughs and leaves. For the past fifteen minutes, she had been quietly absorbed in writing, taking care to make sure that she was still alone. Now, however, she carefully took out the kit and began to explore it thoroughly. Inside, as mentioned, were rations, a map with a compass, a flashlight, a first aid kit, and strangely enough: a tire iron piece.

Madelaine picked it up and stared at it, bewildered. It took her a moment to register that it was indeed her designated weapon. She almost burst out laughing, but it came out as a twisted frown instead. My weapon is a tire prier. Too bad I don't have a car with me, huh?
But then she thought twice....and bounced it up and down in her hand, judging its weight. It was light and not difficult to handle, but its weight can still apply quite a bit of blunt damage, she thought. Perhaps enough to stun, or knock unconcious....or even kill?

She stopped short in thought. What was she thinking? It was not like she was going to kill anyone out right, was it? Come to think of it...if she was going to survive, she absolutely HAD to kill at one point. But what would that make her?

For the moment, she put that thought aside. Besides being a designated weapon...perhaps she could use it to pry her way into locked doors, windows, and the like, and perhaps find some items of use. Of course, a gun of sorts would've been nice, but that would have been ideal.

For now, I'll make do with what I have.

After donning the watch, she closed her bag and slipped the iron rod into the pocket of her skirt, keeping it hidden underneath her blazer, but still making sure that it can be easily and quickly drawn if needed. Taking care to make sure that no one was near, she descended from the tree and looked at the map, wondering where she might find a more defensible position.

Edit: She noted with interest the small house on the map, and decided that the best thing to do at the moment was to hide, and avoid the presence of others whenever possible. She also noted that the quickest path would be through the open field...though it would also make her an easy target, since it was almost impossible not to stand out in an empty meadow.

Biting her lip in resolution, she gripped her bag and began moving towards the open field.

(To be continued: Start for Girl #5)