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Area Description: Serenity Lake

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 1:11 am
by SOTF_Help
Area: Serenity Lake

Description: Located at the bottom of the waterfall, Serenity Lake is a large naturally-occurring endorheic lake. Being picked out early as an area of outstanding natural beauty, the leadership of the island quickly set about creating an area for reflection and activities around it. The most eye-catching of these is the Serenity Circle that sits a little way off to the side of the lake itself.


The Lake
The Serenity Circle

If you have any questions about or concerns regarding this area or any actions taking place therein, please don't hesitate to contact a member of the staff team who will be happy to assist you.

Re: Area Description: Serenity Lake

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 1:38 am
by Shiola
dehiscent -

There is a 65 inch length of steel pipe nestled in between the two chairs at the Serenity Circle, with metal shavings scattered haphazardly nearby.

Re: Area Description: Serenity Lake

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 2:35 am
by Fenris
as of Dog Day Afternoon (sunset of day 6):

Nia and Johnny's corpses along with a good amount of blood are located in the boathouse, with Johnny's corpse near the door and Nia's near the lakeside exit. Their faces are covered by their bags. Johnny's bag still contains a first-aid kit and some shotgun ammo, while Nia's also has a first-aid kid along with a spare t-shirt, a number of sheets of construction paper, crayons, pencils, two sketches of the island taken from the inner circle and the bottom of the waterfall, and a half-written letter (bother me for details about that if you need them!!). A claw hammer is sitting on the floor near the wall. A number of pieces of orange peel are lying on the ground.

Re: Area Description: Serenity Lake

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 8:41 am
by Maraoone
the lake, as of it's ok to be scared (morning of day 11):
- there are four corpses laid near the lake, arms crossed over their chests, flowers surrounding the four of them. from left to right, they are lorenzo's, adonis', drew's, and cecil's bodies.

they are all in varying states of decay as they died on day 6 at the latest, with all the corpses being bloated. some of them have mottled skins with yellow-green bruises. insects swarm the various wounds left exposed, such as cecil's chainsaw wounds in his chest, the gunshot wound in adonis' chest, and the arm wound and head gunshot wound marking drew's corpse.

lorenzo's corpse is the most damaged, having been recently mutilated. his face is unrecognizable, and his torso as a whole has numerous stab wounds, enough that his torso, from his collarbone to his crotch, is more red than anything else. the only thing that serves as an identifer of lorenzo is his green hair

behind all this, there is a mound of soil covering the corpse of declyn. this mound is also surrounded by flowers. the tree behind him is carved with the following words
Declyn Grayson-Anthis
rests here.
Please let him rest in peace.
Do not disturb this grave.
- Jonathan Meyers

Re: Area Description: Serenity Lake

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 1:40 am
by Melusine
Katrina's body is in the lake with the nodachi sticking out through her chest. Her eyes are closed. Her arms are crossed over her chest, held together by duct tape.

Re: Area Description: Serenity Lake

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 7:01 pm
by Shiola
The Lake as of Day 11, following King's Crossing, Something to Believe in, and Will All Be Forgiven:

- Lucas Diaz lies dead next to the river that flows from the Lake into the ocean. He has seven gunshot wounds to the chest; six of them in a five-inch grouping around his sternum, and the seventh in the lower left side of his abdomen.
- Claudeson Bademosi's body is lying face-up at the bottom of that same river, some distance downstream.
- Tyrell Lahti's body is on the other side of the river, lying upright against a boulder. He has a large puncture wound in his abdomen and a bloody crossbow bolt is lying next to his open hand. His eyes are open. His crowbar is lying next to him, though his duffel bag is mostly empty.