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Sugar, We're Going Down!

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 11:35 am
by backslash
((Myles Roux continued from Room 707: No Man's Land))

Myles had barely spoken a word between leaving his room, going up a floor to collect Ivy from hers, and their short trip back to the elevators. He knew she could feel the bad vibes that were practically radiating off him like- like actual radiation or something. Deadly radiation that mutated you. And then gave you cancer.

It was small consolation that she probably wouldn't be defending Bret when he finally let loose and told her about what had happened.

It was almost annoying that they were headed to a public place, instead of somewhere private where he could properly rant, but neither of their hotel rooms was safe to do so. The teachers really must have been having a ball when putting the rooming arrangements together, laughing at the students' expense. Almost everybody Myles knew had been having fun at his expense in one way or another for weeks, and he. Was. Done with it.

It was a pity that he wouldn't be giving a speech at graduation. Getting up on stage and flipping the entire school the bird to illustrate how fed up he was with their behavior sounded cathartic.

The elevator took way too long to arrive, leaving Myles tapping his foot impatiently, punctuated by the occasional irritated sigh. When it finally did arrive, it was mercifully empty. He and Ivy stepped in, and Myles crossed his arms and resumed his foot-tapping-slash-annoyed-sighing. He anticipated getting a good ninety seconds or so more of that in before they reached the ground floor.

Re: Sugar, We're Going Down!

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 4:40 am
by Fenris
It was quiet.

Ivy didn't do quiet. At least, not with Myles, not when they were sober. At least not on the fucking afternoon that she had specifically designated as being as drama-free as possible.

Nothing was ever allowed to be easy, was it?


Myles had clearly not had the best of mornings. Ivy would pride herself on her ability to read him, but frankly she felt like every girl on the floor must have felt a chill as he walked past their doors, such was the strength of his bad energy. This was normally the sort of situation that called out for a long gossip session, some good music, and a couple of bottles of Merlot, but unfortunately circumstances dictated that privacy was in short supply. As was Merlot. It was not the first time she regretted never bothering with a fake ID, but the for-all-practical-purposes infinite supply of wine at home made the prospect of obtaining one seem like more trouble than it was worth. She'd consider the possibility of sneaking into a bar, but she was occasionally still carded for PG-13 movies, so that felt like a likely bust. Being small had its advantages and disadvantages.

Retail therapy was a second choice, a distant second, but a respectable one nonetheless. The shopping options in the area were compelling; an upside to being in an actual city, she supposed. Lots of choices, most of which were quite high-end and quite pricey, which made it extra fun. It was an unspoken truth of her shopping trips with Myles that they at least in part served as an opportunity for her to treat him to the things that he clearly deserved. The unfortunate whims of fate led to their situations being practically as different as it was possible to be, but that didn't really matter, because as far as Ivy was concerned, anything that Myles wanted was his. So long as it was something purchasable, anyway.

She hadn't had a particularly good or bad time in her own room; Faith had been true to her word in keeping the other two in check, or perhaps they just didn't care enough to try to start trouble. Whatever worked. She had no real reason to cause trouble herself; what did she care about any of them? So long as she could sleep and shower she could ignore their presence and continue to do so until they packed up and left. Katie was annoyingly active in her sleep, but she took up so little of the bed herself that it hardly mattered.

Ivy didn't try to talk to Myles, yet. She hadn't known him for this long to not know when he didn't want to speak. Instead she linked her arm with his as they always did and let him set the pace to the elevator. She pressed the button, waited for a few more moments of agonizing silence for their lift to arrive, and then stepped inside with Myles in tow.

She didn't speak then, either, not even after the door had closed. She held his arm a touch tighter. He'd speak when he wanted to and not a moment sooner.

The elevator dinged at the seventh floor.

Re: Sugar, We're Going Down!

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 8:58 am
by Jilly
((Ramsey Cortez gangsta walks into the DC trip))

Jesus, what was taking this elevator so damn long?

Ramsey shuffled around the 7th floor lobby doing a combination moonwalk and pop-and-lock sort of dance. One earbud inserted in his ear, the other dangling and blasting a tinny 8 ball affair. He didn't care how stupid his one man dance party looked, he just had to do something other than staring at the call button glowing for several minutes. Probably would've been quicker to take the stairs, but mmm no. Not from the 7th floor, even Jesus would wait to take the elevator.

In the middle of a lock the elevator door dinged and signaled its arrival. Ramsey turned around and faced the door head on as it opened. All he could do was stare as its occupants were revealed like he was on that Wayne Brady game show, his heart dropping as the prize was revealed to be a Zonk.

Ay, Dios mio. You had a fucked up sense of humor doing it to him like this. Ivy and her little flunky Myles wrapped around together, right there in the middle of the elevator.

Ramsey had to close his eyes and take a deep breath, the tension irritating his throat and refusing to leave. Maybe he should just take the stairs, he really could use the exercise. Or just wait for the return elevator. Those both seemed like viable options compared to being stuck in the hell carriage with those two.

Ace was waiting for him, though. Plus it'd only be, what, a minute or two? So like more of a hell rocket car, if anything.

Okay. Fine. You won. Ramsey would take this God test and pass with flying fucking colors.

Ramsey returned from his quiet place and entered the elevator with a cough and a fake smile that sealed off all of the particularly colorful words he was thinking. He checked to make sure they were heading for the same floor (unfortunately, they were), and he settled in his own corner away from Myles and Ivy, his eyes looking as far away from them as possible and his arms crossed as the song playing in his earbuds faded out and moved to the next track on the Spotify playlist.

Re: Sugar, We're Going Down!

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 11:17 pm
by backslash
Cool! Good! Everything was turning out great. The stupid elevator couldn't even do its job properly. You go from point A to point B without any complications, elevator. That's your only function. This was bordering on the malicious.

Ramsey stepped in and made it all too clear that he was as thrilled about spending a minute in their company as they were his. Awkward eye contact and fake smiles all around. Not a word spoken. Myles only semi-consciously moved his hand to cover Ivy's where she was wrapped around his arm, because her physical presence was possibly the only thing keeping his sanity intact as the universe kept shoveling garbage at him.

The little LED panel noting what floor they were on counted down with agonizing slowness. Myles stared daggers at it as though that would make it go faster.

The elevator retaliated to his mental assault on it by unceremoniously shuddering to a halt right as the countdown moved from 4 to 3.

The doors did not open.

Myles stared blankly at the closed doors, his brain flatlining in much the way the elevator apparently just had.

Just. What. Why.

The elevator was stuck.

If he went berserk right this second, nobody in the world would be able to blame him.

Re: Sugar, We're Going Down!

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 5:57 am
by Fenris
Ivy was already kind of annoyed before the elevator door opened, because she was fairly certain the school had rented out the entire 7th and 8th floors to accommodate them, which meant the intruder in her and Myles' shared personal space would inevitably be someone she knew. They were precious few boys she would be all that happy to see at the moment.

Ramsey was pretty far to the opposite extreme. Like, not Gaelan-far. She and Ramsey could coexist in the same general vicinity without immediately feeling compelled to snipe at each other, but that was mostly because their history was one neither of them felt inclined to relive. Gaelan had been entirely his own undoing. Ramsey had been an error in judgment on her part. Best not to overthink it. Their eyes caught for half a second before settling on opposite sides of the elevator to lock onto.

Myles's hand touched hers and she leaned against his shoulder in response. This was quite the day, wasn't it? She was already exhausted.

The elevator stopped, then. At the third floor. More unwanted guests. At least ones she hadn't made out with, this time, presumably. She waited impatiently for the doors to open.

They did not.

There was a long moment of silence between the three of them. Presumably because none of them wanted to believe that this was really fucking happening right now. She was the first one to break it, unsurprisingly. She didn't do silence, after all.

"Oh my god." A short pause.

"Oh my god."

She broke hold of Myles's arm just long enough to take a step toward the elevator buttons. She pressed the Door Open button. Nothing happened. She pushed it again, more annoyed this time. Nothing. She pushed it like five more times just because and responded to how little that helped with an annoyed noise and by stamping her foot, which also didn't help, but made her feel very slightly better.

She spun on her heels, glaring at nothing in particular, took a step back toward Myles and collapsed dramatically to sit on the floor.

"So this is just what we're fucking doing today, I guess!" Her voice had the slight whine of someone who was either about to cry or throw something. Possibly both! It was that sort of day.

Re: Sugar, We're Going Down!

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 5:02 am
by Jilly
Despite his best effort Ramsey's eyes kept falling on Ivy and Myles and their embrace. That passion that Ramsey didn't have, couldn't have. Showing off in front of him like he was stupid. But he wasn't.

His music cut off as the elevator passed from the 6th floor to the 5th. The sooner Ramsey could leave this punishment box the better.

The elevator moved from the 4th to the 3rd floor. And then it just stopped dead in its tracks, knocking Ramsey over a bit with the unexpected inertia.

Not gonna lie, he was really feeling like Job right about now.

Ramsey just looked around and took stock of the situation. He couldn't get a read on Myles but Ivy, of course, was the first one to act and slapped the open button a couple of times like the second time was gonna do anything different. Then came the tantrum, as always. Ramsey just rolled his eyes, though his heart was racing too. Confined spaces weren't really his thing, though not like they had much choice right now.

Anyway, they needed an action plan. He pulled out his phone and was not astonished at the lack of literally any reception, just sighing at the "NO SERVICE" icon where the bars should be. "Anyone's phone work?" he said to the room, to no one in particular.

Re: Sugar, We're Going Down!

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 4:56 pm
by backslash
Myles took a minute to vicariously live through Ivy mini-tantrum, because that was about how he was feeling right now too. As much a he didn't want to acknowledge Ramsey, he fished his phone out of his pocket just to check. As expected, all he got was the circle of disappointment instead of signal.

"Nope!" He said shortly and sharply. He took a deep breath, but it didn't do much to calm him down at this point. This morning had already taken its turn off the highway, and now they were just careening down a slope, probably headed for sharp rocks a the bottom.

Re: Sugar, We're Going Down!

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 1:56 am
by Fenris
Ivy took out her phone as well, not expecting anything and not getting anything either. The urge to throw her phone across the elevator was sharp but also wouldn't do anything except force her to get up and retrieve it, and she didn't plan to leave her sulk nest any time soon, thank you very much. Unless the elevator started falling or something. God, could that happen? They were only like three floors up, they probably wouldn't die if the elevator decided to crash on them, but that wasn't super a risk Ivy was into taking.

She slid the slight distance across the floor necessary to lean her head against Myles's leg, not sure so much if it was to comfort him or herself, and then for the first time actually made eye contact with Ramsey.

"Well?" She glared at him. "What are you waiting for? Hit the call button."

Re: Sugar, We're Going Down!

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 3:36 am
by Jilly
Whelp, Ramsey tried. He huffed before putting his phone away, probably for a good while with how today was going.

He looked back up from his pockets and was greeted by Ivy's piercing stare from the floor followed by a command like he was her bitch again. He didn't miss that. But it was a good idea; couldn't fault her for that though she sure could have aaked a lot nicer. Just saying. "Yes, ma'am," he replied with a hint of contempt before stepping up to the call buttons by the door.

One of them was marked "HELP" in white letters over a washed out red background... Maybe that one?

His finger hesitated for a moment before just going for it, pressing the plastic button all the way in its indentation.

The intercom screeched on with a whirlwind of activity almost immediately. Rapid fire chatter went left to right to left until an assertive but assuring man's voice came on crisp and clear. "We got a call from this unit, is everything okay?"

Ramsey looked back to Ivy and Myles before jumping in to reply. "Yeah, we're stuck."
Ramsey and the dispatcher exchanged information. A technician would be sent out to run diagnostics and attempt to free the three of them. The nearest tech was finishing an inspection at another location but would be able to get to the hotel in 40 minutes. The dispatcher signed off with encouraging words and a reminder to stay inside the car and not attempt an escape by themselves for their own safety.
The communication line ended with another high pitched squeal, jolting every muscle in Ramsey's body awake with a twitch, and he rubbed one of his ears with a soft "Ow."

He looked back at Ivy and Myles, trying to think of something to say since he probably should say something. But he couldn't.

Re: Sugar, We're Going Down!

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 2:22 pm
by backslash
Ivy leaned her head against Myles's leg, and he absently petted her hair. 40 minutes? That was an eternity. What if somebody was dying in here? Myles caught Ramsey's eye again.

It wasn't out of the question.

He huffed in annoyance, tapping the foot that Ivy wasn't leaning on. Okay, whatever. He could deal. He just needed to keep it together for half an hour and some change, and then they were free, and he could complain all he wanted without an unwelcome audience. The universe was just trying him today, and it was still technically breakfast time.

Oof, breakfast. Myles hadn't eaten yet. His stomach, helpfully reminded of that fact, decided to grumble. Myles grumbled along with it.

Re: Sugar, We're Going Down!

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 6:40 am
by Fenris
Ivy sighed and closed her eyes, trying to calm down. It was fine. 40 minutes was nothing, in the grand scheme of things, or even in the grand scheme of their planned afternoon. It should hardly even cut into their shopping time. It only took a few moments for her breathing to steady. This was a silly thing to be getting so worked up about, especially in the sort of company liable to judge her for doing so. If it was just Myles, paradoxically, she might have taken another few moments to grouse.

She leaned absentmindedly into his touch. Myles made fun of her for it on occasion, how like a cat she was. He wasn't wrong, but as far as aesthetics went it was an appealing one, she thought. Bret was really good at it, calming her down that way. Had been. She waited for a twinge to follow the memory of his name, but there was nothing.

She glanced at her phone. No service still, naturally. Still, she opened it to the conversation she'd been in before Myles's arrival, headed by the series of emojis that represented the name of one Wyatt Carter. Things to discuss, when she and Myles were alone again. He wouldn't want to hear it, she was sure. Best to wait until he was in a better mood. A few hours and a few hundred dollars worth of luxury purchases would help considerably. She couldn't help but giggle at the sound of his stomach rumbling, loud enough to practically echo in the quiet car.

"We'll get something to eat on the way out, darling." Her eyes darted across the car to Ramsey, just for a moment. "Don't worry. He can't ruin our whole day."

Could she have said this instead of he? Absolutely. Would it have made more sense, contextually? Perhaps. Would it have been as satisfying? Not nearly. She couldn't help but think of his presence as a bad luck charm, some sort of undeserved curse that had been placed on them. Throwing a barb at him was a bit of harmless fun, as far as she was concerned. It wasn't as though he had any ammunition to shoot back.

Re: Sugar, We're Going Down!

Posted: Sun May 19, 2019 7:21 am
by Jilly
This really, truly sucked.

Ramsey leaned back on the wall of the elevator, running his hand along the sidebar just so he was doing something other than staring at the control buttons. Ace was probably freaking out about now. Ramsey's phone was gonna explode on itself with the 208 notifications overloading the CPU once he finally escape this box.

A belly rumbling burst from Myles and echoed in the car. Ramsey was getting kinda hungry too, come to think of it. Not hungry enough to start deciding on who should get ate first, though Ramsey wouldn't complain if Ivy was the one.

She made eye contact with him and spoke those words that caused his fingers to gripped and threatened to shatter the bar with force. Ramsey chuckled under his breath, the words calmly coming to him to spit back at Ivy without missing a beat. "You know, I didn't ask for this shit either. Your fat ass was probably what broke the elevator in the first place."

Re: Sugar, We're Going Down!

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 2:23 pm
by backslash
Ramsey's words were just the draw Myles's aimless grouchiness was asking for. "Oh, shut up. Nobody asked for your opinion or your attitude."

Was Ivy in the right? No. Were there like five different ways she could have phrased that without starting an argument? Yeah.

Did Myles care? Ab-so-lute-ly not.

All evidence pointed to the fact that the universe was out to try him today, and he wasn't taking its nonsense lying down. Even if that meant getting in a pointless argument on Ivy's behalf with her worthless middle school rebound.

Re: Sugar, We're Going Down!

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 11:27 pm
by Fenris
Ivy cocked her head at Ramsey in mild amusement, her expression not changing at all. Why should it? She could sniffle, let her face crumple, whisper something sad like "why would you say something like that"—she could do that, quite convincingly, if it would be to her benefit. But no one was here to be swayed by that; just Myles, who defended her without needing to be prompted. Bless him.

There wasn't really a point to this, if she was being honest, except that they would be stuck here for more than half an hour without working phones, and she was bored.

"You say you didn't ask for it, but really, you're the lucky one, you know? Not like you've had anything going on in your life since I left it."

Her smile broadened a bit.

"What's it like to have wasted your high school years, anyway? I can't imagine."

Re: Sugar, We're Going Down!

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 9:15 pm
by Jilly
Ramsey sneered at the jeers all up on him from the pincer attack. His fist balled up as he listened to Ivy specifically, but no. She wouldn't get a rise out of him. He knew all of that Jezebel's tricks.

Still though, the moments of silence suffocated him in the ever growing heat of the elevator. He had to say something, anything; it was driving him crazy.

Ramsey relaxed his clenched teeth. "You ever get tired of being a bitch?"