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Searching through the Flames

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:58 am
by Chaseā€ 
((Coming from LookOUT))

The smoke was everywhere as Kichiro stepped carefully into the coppice. He started to scream her name, his sister's name.

"Umi, Umi!"

The smoke started to intrude into his lungs, his breathing slowly poisoning him. He started to cough, but he thought he could see something through the smoke. His hands started to pull away at the bamboo blocking his way.


He saw the figure, he could just barely reach it... and he remembered the sight as he fell in a fit of coughs. Then it was gone. He looked around wildly as he tried to cover his mouth. His eyes began to grow heavy, and his breath more shallow. He was going to die.


He was on the verge of passing out now, and he started to flash back. Kichiro was sure he would see memories of his father, or his mother crying over Umi's picture. Instead, this one came:

"Look, don't get any ideas..."

"Hey ---! I thought we were all going to stay together, what's he doing?"

What was the name? The name.... He hadn't been paying attention as he was running away. What was the girl's name?


"Hey UMI! I thought we were all going to stay together...."

His eyes opened wide one last time, and as he fell to the ground, his body gave itself over to the posionous smoke.

Boy #2- Kichiro Taka- DEAD