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Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:53 pm
by Slayer†
OOC: Continued from "Hospital encounter": http://s10.DEFUNCT_IF_LINK/SurvivalOfTheF...114&st=60&#last
IC: Alan sighed to himself as the three moved along the dirt path. The trip was taking longer than expected, but at least they were making progress.

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:54 pm
by Cactus
((Continued from: Hospital Encounter))

Adam lagged a little behind as he watched Alan and Hawley slowly walk along the path. The trip, true to Alan's words, was taking a hell of a lot longer than any of them originally expected. As Adam kicked another stone into the bush, he had a bit of an epiphany.

"Hey long as this little jaunt is taking, thank god for small favours, at least nobody's wearing sandals, eh?"

He chuckled to himself, still unbelieving that he was still able to find some form of good cheer amongst their situation. It was then Adam realized that he was truly an optimist.

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:54 pm
by Slayer†
"Why's that?" Alan asked about Adam's sandal comment but not taking his eyes off the path.

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:54 pm
by riserugu†
((Continued from: Hospital Encounter))

Hawley head had been on his feet the whole time since this little trip had begun; his glasses once again resting on the bridge of his nose after spending a good few minutes cleaning the dried blood from the lenses after Helena had spit at him. Though the scratches from when he had fallen down that hill at the start of this game still remained.

Though he didn’t seem to care what was going on ahead of him, he had taken to humming a somewhat haunting tune under his breath. He didn’t know where he’d heard it before, no one had even sung him lullabies as a child. Hearing Adam speak, he lifted his head to glance toward the other male. Smirking at his words before looking down on his dark green slip-on shoes…

“Suppose you’re right, thank God for the little favors he’s given us on this island.” Hawley said as he brought a hand to his face to push his glasses upward on the bridge of his nose. Turning forward again as he began humming to himself once again. Eyes passing over to Alan as he questioned Adam's statement.

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:54 pm
by Cactus
Adam looked at Alan and grinned.

"Well, much as I love sandals and all...less constrictive and shit like that...well, nobody likes getting stones in their shoes. This dirt road's sure got a hell of a lot of them in it, anyway."

Hawley spoke up, and Adam had to chuckle at his comment.

"God...heh, yeah. What d'you guys think, is there a God?"

Perhaps not the time nor the place for a discussion on theology, Adam figured that someone like Hawley might have some strong opinions on the matter. Alan, he already figured for a strong Catholic, but he could be wrong. He'd take anything, really, to get his mind off of what seemed like impending doom...

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:54 pm
by Slayer†
Alan suddenly slumped down and sighed loudly. "Damn, this path's endless! The way we're going, we'll never get there. Let's pick up the pace." After that, Alan started to walk faster. He responded to Adam's question with, "Yeah. I think He's up there, but he really works in f'ed up ways, you know? I bet this is His way of weeding out the ones that don't deserve life."

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:56 pm
by riserugu†
“I’ve been asking myself that question for awhile, I don’t know what to think.” Hawley stated simply, it was true. Ever since he had first slashed his wrists, and lived he figured someone was up there. But thinking he was just some actor on a stage, playing the part he was given – he had to admit, he got one of the more fucked up roles.

At the sound of Alan stating they should speed up Hawley found himself glaring over at the boy, his knee throbbing from all the walking already. He was already having enough trouble having to walk with the limp, he highly doubted he, not that his leg would allow, him to walk any faster that what he was going now.

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:56 pm
by Cactus
Adam furrowed his brow, and looked at Alan.

"I suppose that you might be onto something, but...but I suppose that really begs the question, that out of all of the billions of people here on this planet, why the fuck did God, if there is one up there, pick us? Of all people...why'd he go out and pick a class of high school kids? Why not just take all of the people who don't deserve to be here and cast 'em all to hell, or whatever. I mean, if God's all-knowing, shouldn't he know who's worthy and who isn't?"

Adam sighed, frustrated at his reasoning.

"I don't know, man. Sometimes I wish I had more least...something concrete to put faith into."

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Hawley give Alan a bit of a glare. He then put two and two together.

"Hold up, gonna be okay on that knee?"

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:56 pm
by Slayer†
"Maybe we should stop for a bit, Hawley won't be any good on that leg." Alan said when he turned around to face the group.

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:56 pm
by riserugu†
“I don’t think whatever is up there truly sees us in a black and white kind of way, with the good and the bad. We’re all just gray… so if something spoils in the group, instead of going through and trying to find the good it’ll be better just to get rid of them all. Because they can’t tell the difference…”

He sighed to himself, he personally did not want to get into this talk but felt he should at least offer his two cents on the subject. But when Adam questioned the state of his knee, and Alan suggested they stop he found himself admitting a low sound in his throat. Glancing down at his knee, he could see the small pattern of fresh blood bleeding through the dark fabric of his jeans, staining them more than they already are.

“Just give me a minute – to change my bandages, and I’ll be fine.”

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:57 pm
by Slayer†
"Not to sound blasphemous, but that makes sense Hawley," Alan responded when Hawley spoke, noding when Hawley said he just needed his bandages changed.

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:57 pm
by Cactus
Adam also nodded in agreement.

"Sounds good, guys, I could use a little stop myself...I think one of those stones I was going on about earlier found its way into my shoe. Fuckers..."

Adam cursed the stone as he sat down on the side of the path and took off one of his shoes, shaking out a single stone.

Is it really a good idea to let Hawley heal up? He's killed before, without hesitation...if you let him get better, all's far in love and war. This being war, he could blow you away without a second look...without any care for YOUR safety...

Adam processed the thoughts in his head. He almost strongly agreed with what he was thinking, for Hawley was dangerous. For now, however, he was on his side, and for that, Adam was thankful. The only person who had killed in the game was, for now, a friend. When that would change, Adam didn't know, but he hoped that it'd hold up, at least for the immediate future. Adam didn't trust Alan as far as he could throw him, simply...simply just because of the vibes. At least Hawley had been straight-up with the facts. Alan had...what seemed like a sadistic side to him. He blinked as he slipped his shoe back on. Things like this were pointless to poinder. As long as things remained friendly, the three of them'd be okay.

But for how long....?

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:57 pm
by riserugu†
Hawley allowed the bag to slip off his shoulder, and move it onto the ground softly as not to break any of the bottles of medicine in there. Placing the shotgun to the side of his other leg, as he went about unzipping the bag he dug through till he brought out Helena’s first-kid kit, and moved about opening and removing the roll of bandages from it.

Rolling up the leg of his jeans he hissed somewhat when the fabric was pulled over the swollen knee. The bandages he had been wearing for the past day where completely soaked in the sticky red liquid, some spots already having dyed and taking on a brown hue. Going about quickly, he undid the bandages and allowed them to drop to the ground.

Looking over his injured knee the swelling had gone down some, though the it had long since became a dark shade of purple – almost black, pouts of red blood leaking through the dark and wounded skin. Bringing out another of Helena’s shirt he had packed away, he patted the knee trying to rid the area of as much blood as possible before placing the shirt back in his bag and moving to grab the roll of fresh bandages.

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:57 pm
by Cactus
Adam frowned as he watched Hawley take off the bandages on his injured knee. Blood was not a sight he enjoyed - his or anyone else's, but he had a strong stomach when it came to sights like that, so he just looked at the ground. It was smells that really did him in as far as throwing up went. As Hawley hissed, Adam looked up again.

"Hey, you...uh, you need a hand with that, man?"

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:58 pm
by Slayer†
"He should be fine, he is the one who took half the hospital with him when we left." Alan stated, dropping his bag and sitting down. From how it felt, Alan asumed he had a blister on the bottom of his right foot, but he wasn't sure.