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Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 11:01 pm
by CondorTalon

What a great day for a stroll, especially with such beautiful weather!

Thus were wrote the Chronicles of Nancy.

As for what she was doing at the park, Nancy decided to head out after finishing all of the stuff she needed to do at home. She'd caught up on all of her anime, and there wasn't much left to do on the computer other than waiting for responses to her posts on various message boards and chats. And so, she decided to walk around, take in the sights, and hopefully run into some of her friends.

Ooh, oh, maybe someone would notice the Kantai Collection hoodie she'd decided to wear today! It was a gift from her friend who had gotten it for her in Japan. She never played the game, but she loved the character designs from it. Did that make her a fake fan? Oh well. She had at least watched the anime, so there was that.

It was shit.

As she continued to walk, a new song started playing from her headphones. She was currently listening to an anime remix playlist, and the song that just started was a remix of an iDOLM@STER song.


Wait a minute...

No, my daily logins!

Nancy pulled out her phone, paused the song, and rushed to the nearest bench. She sat, starting up her mobile phone games, trying to get the daily login bonuses from all of them.

She was literally one gem from her next 10+1 roll in Love Live! School Idol Festival... and today was a gem reward. Her eyes lit up as she received it.

Thus were wrote the Chronicles of Nancy.

Re: 元気少女ナンシーちゃん

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 11:01 pm
by RC†
((Darius Van Dyke continued from Duvet))

After successfully buying some cigarettes and a paysafecard, Darius would be happy to smoke some on the way home. But no, on his way home there's a park that had cameras and shit. He wouldn't risk that, going into a smokefree-zone. But eh, the weather was good and he had music on his phone.

Oh, there was a familiar face on the bench. It was Nancy! On one hand she likes anime, which is always awesome, because animes are awesome.

On the other hand, she's embarassing. Maybe she's the reason why not everybody thinks that animes are awesome, but are instead creeped out by it. She's wearing a hoodie of...something. Darius couldn't get what it was. It was something. She also had a weird taste in anime. Darius bets that if he watches one of these anime, he'd fast forward or skip them. Most likely.

Also who dresses like this. Like, why? Darius barely had anime-related clothes, but the ones he got were rad, like his SNK shirt. But this? Why?

She's staring at her phone. Oh great. Maybe he should ignore her and go further to his home, hoping that she doesn't notice him.

Re: 元気少女ナンシーちゃん

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 11:01 pm
by CondorTalon
Nancy almost shook with anticipation as she tapped to confirm the gacha roll. Her luck hadn't been too great in her past rolls... She'd only gotten like two Super Rares in her previous draw.

Well, technically three, but of them was a duplicate, and dupes didn't count. They never count.

She was hoping this time, she'd get more SRs from the pool this time, and hopefully no dupes.

As the cards began to reveal themselves, she quickly eyed them, spam-tapping the screen to move past the rares she didn't care about, or dupe rares.

There was one SR. It was a dupe.

There was another. Not a dupe, which was good.



Was that...?

Holy heck, it was.

An Ultra Rare.

Nancy's first Ultra Rare. It was here. She got it. And to make it even better, it was Eli, her favorite idol.

"Oh. My. God! YES!" Nancy yelled, jumping up from off the bench and doing a victorious pose in front of what must have now been a very startled boy.

"Oh, uh, hey Darius," she said, on instinct.

Re: 元気少女ナンシーちゃん

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 11:01 pm
by RC†
Darius mouthed a 'what the fuck', then turned to the direction of Nancy to face her.

"Heh, hey, Nancy!", Darius said, pronouncing the last syllabus, cy, with a soprano, making it sound a bit high pitched. He grinned at her.

Nancy apparently broke her personal record of doodle jump by playing it 12 seconds without dying, it appeared, as she was holding and looking at her phone, when she yelled as if the whole world suddenly decided to accept her weird taste of clothes and as if every american would start wearing Kimonos.

Doodle Jump, Hearthstone, Flappy Bird. Whatever she played: Nancy was such a hardcore gamer, Darius just couldn't keep up with her gaming skills. Handhelds are for losers like Darius, cellphones are the best consoles.

Or, maybe Nancy is happy about something else, like a facebook post. New season of Harem Anime 47 came out. Singer xy released another J-Pop single for an anime opening. The endlessly-boring Bleach manga was finally cancelled. Whatever it was, Darius wanted to know.

"Whatcha doin'?"

Re: 元気少女ナンシーちゃん

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 11:01 pm
by RC†
But then his jeans vibrated. Or rather the cellphone that was inside his jeans pockets.

He checked what happened. 2 missed calls.

"Oh fuck, I'm dead."

Turning his back to Nancy, he moved quickly out of the park.

Hide his cigs, think of an excuse and get home quickly before things escalate.

((Darius Van Dyke continued in My Friends Are Assholes))

Re: 元気少女ナンシーちゃん

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 11:05 pm
by CondorTalon
Nancy tried to calm herself down with the entrance of Darius into her day. Or maybe she'd dynamic entried herself into his day?

Well, either way, now she was in an awkward position. Darius had asked her what she was doing. She was about to say "Well actually..." when suddenly he pulled out his phone, checked it and then hurried off.




Well, with the excitement of getting an Ultra Rare having died down, a bit, Nancy logged into all of her other games for the daily rewards. Nothing spectacular came out of those but Nancy didn't really care.

That Eli UR was enough a reward for all of her games.

And so she left the park, a smile plastered on her face.

Thus were wrote the Chronicles of Nancy.

((Nancy Kyle continued in 4649お願いします!))