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Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:53 am
by Laurels

"Alright. Who's going to fit my aesthetic?"

Nadia's eyes narrowed as she looked at the selection of clothing on the rack before her. Before her were a series of dresses, coats, and shirts from eras past. To her left was a fixture filled with old style hats, while her right held a glass case of antique jewelry. For Nadia, wandering through an antique store like this was like finding a chest of pirate gold. It held so much promise, opportunity, and beauty, and she was going to get her hands on it.

For most of her early life, Nadia wasn't that excited by "granny clothes" she could find in antique stores. To her, they looked stiff, itchy, and just plain antiquated. When put on her, such as when her parents made her go to church or dress up for visiting her grandparents, she thought that kind of formal clothing made her look ridiculous. They never felt that free, and her heavy size just made any print overwhelm her.

However, as she got older, she came to appreciate vintage clothing a lot more. Every so often, she'd visit an antique store in Kingman and try to pick up a vintage style outfit or some old jewelry. It could lead to some creative expression or provide unique materials for a photo shoot.

Her mission today was for the latter. Now that she had some extra pocket change following Christmas, Nadia could pay a visit to a local antique store and find something cool to wear. She had done her research following Fashion Week 2014 and had found the trends that were going to be key come Spring and Summer 2015. Etro and Chloe' had hippie style dresses walk their runways, jumpsuits were (somehow) in, and Burberry made denim cool again, and not just something Nadia expected the white trash of Kingman to wear to a wedding.

Nadia had her mental list in her mind as she began to shift the clothing down the racks. There had to be something she could use in her next photo shoot. Something that would allow her to play with old hairstyles and makeup, or at least emulate old models like Bettie Page or Twiggy. The ideas and possibilities were enough to make Nadia salivate, but she made sure she wouldn't stoop so low to do something like that in public, so she held to a sense of decorum.

"Come on," she muttered to herself, "who's going to find a second life with me?"

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:53 am
by Riki
[Fiyori Senay, continued from Rain, Rain, Go Away]

"You sound pretty creepy... you know that?"

Fiyori emerged from one of the changing cabins. A red jacket - an incredibly lively and intense red - held loosely in her hand, she approached Nadia. Fiyori went shopping for new shoes just a few moments ago. In fact, she already had what she wanted - a pair of new boots that would hopefully leave her feet warm until proper Arizonan weather kicks in. Then she saw one of these strange vintage shops and figured she'd pay a visit.

Coincidentally, just as Fiyori was busy with trying on that cute black dress with the white polka dots and the bow as well that one red jacket... actually, no it was probably not a coincidence to suddenly overhear Nadia saying such strange stuff as 'who will live a second life with her' or whatever. Was the kinda person really into fashion stuff. Too much, if somebody asked Fiyori, but people were wise enough not to do so.

"Yo. What's up?"

She raised her arm as a greeting.

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:53 am
by Laurels
Nadia felt a sudden silence take over the room as a person responded to her comment. "You sound pretty creepy" was not something that Nadia had hoped to be told (nor did she realize she was speaking loud enough to be heard), so that person's comment led to a furrowing of the brow and a pursing of the mouth. She turned to the person who called her out on her language, raising an eyebrow. The girl was Fiyori Senay, one of her classmates from school. They were in the same grade, but didn't really hang out with the same social circles. She didn't think someone like Fiyori would be all that interested in vintage clothing, so that was something new to learn today.

"If I wanted to be creepy," Nadia said, "I could lick the outfits and call them names. Fortunately, I'm not that materialistic, so you don't have to worry. I'm just looking for some vintage clothing for a photo shoot."

Nadia took a quick look over Fiyori. Fiyori had grabbed a black dress with white polka dots, something that looked good with her skin and hair. Nadia eyed the red jacket Fiyori was holding in her hand.

"Just my thought, but I don't think that jacket would work with the dress. If it was a lighter colored dress or a darker jacket, maybe it would work. It's a cute dress, though."

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:53 am
by Riki
She laughed. Internally, that is. Her mouth just turned upside for a moment at Nadia's remark. Licking and naming them, huh? Fiyori could actually see people do just that. Probably only when nobody's around and looking. Licking clothes in a store surely meant you had to buy them. Hopefully.

Nadia mentioned that she only looked for stuff so that she could have a vintage photo shooting. Fiyori wasn't sure what exactly she had to imagine, but she got the base of it down. Nadia, one of these chicks who dreamed of being glamorous and chic and what have you. A model, in short. Honestly, Fiyori thought it was dumb as fuck - but again, nobody asked for her thoughts. Fortunately.

Then, she began commenting on Fiyori's current choice of clothing. The ribboned polka dot dress was cute, duh. She knew so. The jacket was not fitting, though... apparently.

"Well, you're the expert."

Fiyori looked to the side, identifying a clothing stand nearby. She aimed shortly, and threw the jacket.

It missed. Fell on the floor.

She shrugged and gave Nadia her attention again.

"So... vintage photo shoot, huh?"

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:53 am
by ViolentMedic
((Lillian "Lily" Caldwell - Pregame Start))

Vintage stores had the best sunhats. Lily could find sunhats in other places, of course. But vintage shops had the nicest ones. Flowers and bows and whatnot.

This one might have been reaching the realm of the absurd, though. It had so many flowers on top that it looked like she was wearing a bouquet. Lily gazed at a mirror and tugged the brim slightly, trying to see if that made it look any less shrub-like.

She didn't even notice there were other kids in here until Fiyori threw the jacket.


Lily turned at the noise, hands still holding the brim of the sunhat, and saw the jacket on the floor. Her eyebrows scrunched together slightly at the sight. She let go of the brim and walked over.

"Excuse me," she said quietly, sliding past the girl who'd thrown it before picking the jacket up. She brushed it off before hanging it back on the clothing rack.

Leaving clothing this nice on the floor just didn't sit well.

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:53 am
by Laurels
It felt good to be called an expert. Nadia had to admit she was glad Fiyori took her advice. Kingman was kind of a dead-end in terms of beauty, so if she could help one person look better than most of the populace, she could take it. Of course, she did have to raise an eyebrow as the girl tossed the jacket to the floor.

"Okay then," she muttered to herself.

Another girl came by to pick up the jacket. She looked like someone else from school, although Nadia couldn't immediately remember who she was. Nadia turned back to Fiyori.

"Yeah, vintage photo shoot. There's a lot of vintage trends coming about, so I want to take some pictures wearing some old style clothing that's sort of in right now. Basically, denim, fringe, jumpsuits, that sort that the fashion industry decided is cool again. The kind of thing that would be good for my blog or for a portfolio."

Nadia turned back to the rack of clothes and began to push things aside. That's when she noticed a jumpsuit hanging from a rack. She pulled it out and did a quick look over. It looked pretty interesting to her. It had spaghetti straps with a slightly low neckline, with a green and white check print on it. The length was about right for her as well, so she probably wouldn't trip wearing it. Nadia held it up in front of her, showing it to Fiyori.

"Something like this, for example."

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:53 am
by Riki
Another girl appeared - Lola... or Lily, Fiyori wasn't that good with names - and slid past Fiyori to pick up the jacket. Huh. Fiyori send a short baffled glance at... L. Didn't look like she worked here, but whatever. Fiyori gave her a small mockery of a salutation in thanks and listened to Nadia again.

It was for a blog or for a portfolio, Nadia elaborated. A result of this retro stuff being fashionable now in 2015. Fiyori pondered who the hell decided these things, given that she was sure all this retro-stuff has been around for, dunno, the decade at least. Mostly on fat chicks, if she recalled right, but not that she cared much. See, this was why she wasn't the expert.

Seeing the - what was the term again? Jeez, Nadia just said it - thing she grabbed from the racks, Fiyori could not help but furrow her eyebrows. Was that really 'in'? She eyed the example sceptically and eventually let out a small puff of air.

"I retract my statement. This looks horrible."

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:53 am
by ViolentMedic
Lily's mouth tightened a little at the sarcastic salute, but she didn't say anything. She instead started checking the items on the clothing rack she'd put the jacket on. Couldn't hurt. There were some nice clothes. Most of it wouldn't fit or wasn't her style, but it was still nice.

She listened absently to the conversation with one ear. She didn't mean to eavesdrop, but the conversation was right there. She only looked up again when she heard Fiyori—Fiyori, was it? Different grade, but vaguely familiar—speak.

Harsh words. If Lily had said something like that her grandmother would have lectured her for several minutes.

Lily tilted her head a little, staring at Fiyori with her eyebrows scrunched together again for a moment. Then she looked at the jumpsuit Nadia(?) was holding for a moment, considering it carefully, before speaking.

"It's not bad. Green's a good colour." Lily left out the part about it reminding her of a tablecloth.

As she spoke, she realised she was still wearing the ridiculous 'more plastic flowers than hat' sunhat and removed it, tucking the hat behind her back, before trying to neaten her severe hat hair with her fingers.

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:54 am
by Laurels
Oh great. Miss Fiyori had an opinion. It looks like Nadia lost all her credibility by picking that jumpsuit off the rack. The other girl at least thought the color was nice, so that put her above Fiyori in Nadia's eyes.

"Yeah, it's just an example," Nadia said. "Although, I probably won't get this. Green can be hard to photograph."

Nadia put the jumpsuit back on the rack and began to push more clothes aside.

"No, I'm looking for something that screams 'retro,' but that I can alter to look somewhat modern."

Nadia then paused when she found a denim shirt dress. It looked to be in pretty good condition, not being too faded or worn. She pulled it out and held it up for the girls.

"Now this is much better."

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:54 am
by Riki
L stared at Fiyori, then at the jumpsuit. She commented that the green of the dress was a good color. Fiyori stared back at L. Okay. Fine. Fiyori was no expert. L, however, was even less of one. Seriously, what was that thing on her head? A sun hat? A florist's diarrhea? Gaia reincarnating on L's head? The woman, at least, was conscious of that fact, and quickly removed the hat. Fiyori chuckled a bit.

Nadia fetched a new piece in the meanwhile. Something that screamed retro but could be modernized? Uh, that was too high for Fiyori. The dress shirt she pulled out though. Man, that was a nice one. Fiyori could imagine wearing it herself. No wait, she probably had a similar one in her closet. Maybe. Should probably sort stuff out eventually and clear some room.

She continued to chuckle a bit: "Yeah, that's true. Much better."

Then, in a swift motion she extended her arm towards L.

"Ah, your hat by the way. Looks terrible, mind giving it me for a moment?"

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:54 am
by ViolentMedic
Fiyori had noticed the hat. Hurrah.

Lily hesitated for a moment, keeping the hat behind her back as she did so, before reluctantly handing it over. "It's not mine. It's from the hat rack."

As she passed Fiyori the hat, wondering if she would get it back in one piece, she examined the new article of clothing that Nadia was holding.

"That one's cute." Lily didn't feel authorized to say more than that. Nadia seemed like she knew things about clothing. Meanwhile, Lily had been wearing a bouquet on her head. That wasn't even going into the baggy sweater she wore, one of the ones her brother had said looked like 'the stuff that Santa's elves would throw out.'

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:54 am
by Laurels
Nadia held the shirt dress up to her chest and looked at herself in a nearby mirror. In most cases, Nadia thought full denim was the sign of white-trash cheapness, or a flashback to when Britney Spears dated Justin Timberlake. Still, it looked fine as a single piece, one that could handle her curves. If she had a good belt and some leggings, maybe did her hair in a certain way, she could come up with a cool photo concept. She might resemble June Carter Cash or Joni Mitchell, but that wasn't something she had tried before, so maybe it would be cool.

Nadia's attention turned back to the two girls by her. Fiyori was getting a little blunt with her comments. Sure, Nadia liked to tell people how it is, but usually she knew how to address people with some tact. Nadia did think the sunhat was a little over-the-top, but there's at least a better way to handle it.

"That hat's a little Easter parade," Nadia said to the girl, "but I think you'd probably look fine with a subtler one. I'll be right back."

Nadia began to walk over to the changing booth. She couldn't get too distracted by the allure of vintage denim. She needed to make sure the outfit actually fit her. Nadia wasn't religious, but this was the part of her shopping experiences where she began to hope there was some force that would allow her to get what she wanted without it being too small or unflattering.

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:54 am
by Riki
"I figured." Fiyori smiled a bit as she took the hand from L's hands. Only to promptly put it on her own head. She was looking around for a mirror in the room, while trying to adjust the hat to be more or less sitting well-placed on her head.

Hm, no mirror? She could've sworn there was one placed somewhere nearby. Oh well, she could imagine how ridiculous she looked.

Nadia in the meanwhile walked over to the changing booths. Fiyori looked after her a bit but then focused her attention on L by turning to her.

"So, what're you searching for?"

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:54 am
by ViolentMedic
Easter parade? "I know it's over-the-top. I was just trying it."

Nadia was away already, looking for something else. Oh well. Lily looked after her for a moment before Fiyori called her attention back with a question.

"Me? Hats."

Lily looked up (it involved a significant amount of neck craning) and gazed at Fiyori, now wearing the hat. She did cut a distinctive figure, hat or no. The hat only emphasized it.

"It does look silly. But it's very distinctive." The corner's of Lily's mouth twitched upwards. "Everyone will look at the hat and not at you. If you wore it in class, no-one would notice if you drew or read comics instead of working. There's uses."

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:54 am
by Laurels
Nadia finished putting the shirt dress on. She had to undo the top button to breathe a little easier, but it looked like it fit her properly. In the changing room mirror, she could see that the outfit worked good for her. It hugged her hips in a way that didn't crease too much. It was a good start for an outfit, at the very least. All she needed was a belt, some leggings, good shoes, and maybe a hat. Then she had her photo concept down.

Well, it couldn't hurt to hear from the rabble.

Nadia stepped out of the changing booth, trying to show off how the shirt dress looked to the other two girls.

"So, would this look good in a picture?" she asked.