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Asher Glas

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 8:59 am
by NotAFlyingToy
Name: Asher Maurice Glas
Gender: Male
Age: 17
School: Cochise High School
Hobbies and Interests: Judo, soccer, comic books, woodwork

Appearance: Asher stands at 6'1", and weighs a little over 210lbs. His face is round, an oval in shape, and is cropped by a close caesar-style haircut. His eyes, a light blue, are slanted and small, resting under a brow that's wide and defined and straddling a nose that's very noticeably bent to the right. He keeps a very short beard, but dislikes shaving with a razor, and so maintains it with a pair of clippers. This leaves his neck and cheeks with a visible stubble more often than not.

Asher's hair is sandy brown and is a dull, flat colour. His beard contains many shades of brown, but most noticeable is the patch of dark blonde that juts from his chin. His teeth are kept very clean and show out as white, contrasting his lightly tanned skin. He has defined abdominal muscles and keeps his frame in very good shape. Asher prefers zipped hoodies and has a collection of red and black ones depicting abstract art that he cycles through, usually with a white t-shirt beneath and jeans. He tends to wear cheap "Skater" style shoes from Wal-Mart, and cycles through shoes every five to six months or so.

On the day of the abduction, Asher was wearing an Arizona Coyotes baseball cap, a red and black checkered zip-up hoodie, a light blue t-shirt, jeans, a black belt with a skull buckle, and black shoes with worn-through soles.

Biography: Born to Emily and Patrick Glas on October 7th, 1998, Asher was the eldest of two siblings from the couple. Emily runs a home daycare, utilizing word of mouth and contacts from her volunteer work at the local elementary school to grow her client list. Patrick works at the ISCO distribution center as a shipping/receiving coordinator, where he's worked since he was a young man. Asher's younger brother, Aaron, is three years younger than Asher, and more favours his mother, as opposed to Asher being a near mirror image of Patrick.

From an early age, Asher was very interested in using his hands, and displayed a remarkable attention to detail. He was most focused when coloring or making crafts, and liked to build things, a characteristic that Asher continued all throughout school. Woodworking was Asher's favourite, and he often carves or builds trinkets for family members at christmases and birthdays.

Asher and Patrick also shared a love of martial arts films, which translated into Asher wanting to practice one in his youth. Though his parents were by no means wealthy, Asher's desire led Patrick to sign him up for Judo lessons after a coworker described the Judo lifestyle to Patrick, then revealed that he could offer a discounted price at a local dojo from a cousin. Since signing up, Asher has dedicated two nights a week to Judo from the time he was twelve. However, Asher struggles with the offensive side of the martial art, finding himself reluctant to throw or advance upon opponents. The defensive side - shifting weight and escaping holds - he finds himself very comfortable in.

In randori, Asher does well against similarly unsure opponents, having both the strength and the balance to overcome most assaults. However, he struggles with the follow-through, a weakness that can often be exploited and one that leaves Asher frustrated with his lack of progress and prone to falling even further back into a cautious, scared style. His sensei has repeatedly tried to coax or rebuke him out of 'rabbiting', as he calls it, and has taken Asher out of regular competition temporarily to try different teaching strategies. Asher currently holds the sankyu rank, and is finding himself feeling alienated, having just moved into a more senior class of Judo.

Comic books are an interest that Asher's fostered since early grade school, when a friend brought a few issues of the Fantastic Four to school. Asher was taken with the style of drawing and the fantastical element of the lead characters, and asked for comic books or graphic novels at birthdays and Christmas from that point on, making a name for himself as being a very adept Marvel universe expert at school, preferring the company's single city continuity and darker stories in comparison to the "Vanilla" stories told by DC. Of the many series, Asher prefers Daredevil and Captain America, though he also enjoys Luke Cage, Deadpool, and Spider-man. As he grew older, however, the hobby became something that he didn't publicise often, becoming embarrassed by his collection. Asher still purchases and collects comic books, but he keeps them in a series of large plastic bins that he stashes beneath his bed.

To support his love of comic books, Asher gained employment delivering newspapers on his bike when he was twelve after his parents told him that they were no longer going to loan him money to buy them and that he had to earn his own money. He worked only in the summer, as his parents didn't want anything to interfere with his schoolwork.

When Asher was sixteen and looking for more money than the paper route could provide, his father and he went into the distribution plant to acquire summer work. Asher worked as a pick and packer for the first summer, after which he worked as a loader of product onto transport trailers. He found that he enjoyed the work, and also enjoyed the atmosphere of a warehouse, finding that he could come out of his shell and be more loud and boisterous around his coworkers than he could around other kids at school.

In grade six, Asher found himself playing soccer with a group of kids every lunch break, and when many of them tried out for the soccer team, Asher followed suit. Asher plays left defense, and enjoys the exercise and the team environment, but doesn't prioritize it over school or Judo, being known to skip the odd practice if there's a schedule conflict. Asher's physicality helps him when he plays, and he's quite good if somewhat unpractised - though his lack of commitment keeps him as a substitute rather than a starting player.

In Asher's first year of high school, Emily and Patrick's marriage, having always been somewhat unstable, began to show cracks. Patrick began golfing after work in the summer three times a week, sometimes not coming home until four to six hours after his shift was over. Emily, feeling cooped up at home and disliking her role as a stay-at-home mom, left Asher and Aaron home more often than not to volunteer at schools, churches, shelters - anything to keep her busy and her mind not on the troubles at home. The tension was felt by the two boys, who both reacted in their own ways - Asher worked harder at school, at practice, and dedicated more time to taking long walks with his iPod.

Asher demonstrated an aptitude for courses that involved memorization and mental work - math and sciences, specifically, were his forte. He's proven himself very driven in studies, though socially he tends to opt on the shy side. While not unfriendly, he makes very little effort to hang out or socialize outside of work, school, or Judo. Asher does make a pointed effort to be as friendly and conscious of others' problems as possible, however.

Asher feels closer to his father than his mother, spending larger amounts of time with him watching movies and going to and from work, and he views his mother as somewhat of a bearer of bad news and a bit tightly wound. Patrick has never missed one of Asher's soccer games, even taking off time for work now and again to see his son play, while Emily often has scheduling conflicts and after school volunteer events to plan for and attend during Asher's games. Both, however, make time to watch Asher whenever he competes in Judo.

Asher's relationship with Aaron has evolved considerably from when they were children. When they were younger, they were very close - but as both grew older and the age gap became more and more apparent, they drifted apart. Aaron spent a lot of time with their mother, volunteering with her and taking an interest in playing with the children Emily watched, while Asher preferred to hide in his room or roam around town to watching TV or playing hide and seek with them. Because of the recent marital strain, Aaron has become somewhat of a mediator between Patrick and Emily, while Asher has retreated from the situation as best as he can.

Asher's plans for the future include going to university for a science, but he's unsure which major he wants, more looking to leave home than further his education.

Advantages: Asher is very physically fit, and has knowledge of Judo as well as a working understanding of various martial arts related to it. He's a level-headed, kind individual who prides himself on diffusing difficult situations.
Disadvantages: Asher fears his own aggression, and won't even consider violence as an option unless taken to a very far extreme. Asher is shy and hasn't made many lasting friendships outside of school, place of employment, or dojo, and will have a hard time counting friends among those that he trusts.