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Claudio Ryans*

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 8:57 am
by Glitch*
Name: Claudio Ryans
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: Senior
School: Cochise High School
Hobbies and Interests: Soccer, partying, watching films.

Appearance: Claudio stands a solid 6' and is a decent 164 lbs. Claudio is well muscled but more on the slimmer side. Claudio spends a lot of his free time working out and exercising so he can be the best soccer player he can be. With all of these work outs he does, he's been rewarded with finely tuned muscles, but also an appealing set of abs. Claudio has rather dark skin, referencing to his Italian heritage. Claudio has very dark brown eyes and even darker hair, which is near black but not quite so. Claudio has a well-defined jawline, and his cheekbones arch highly. His eyebrows are quite linear and slightly bushy. Claudio tends to mold his hair in a messy fashion, with his hair sticking out in different directions. Claudio's nose is rather thin but gets slightly wider lower down.

Claudio has a classic and well put together fashion. Claudio's  outfits usually consisting of a polo, khaki pants, and polished black shoes. He  also tends to lean towards more, subtle, yet clean accessories. Claudio enjoys to wear a sleek wristwatch, a pair of sunglasses, and maybe some rings. Claudio enjoys bright colors and isn't afraid to wear colors traditionally labeled as feminine. Claudio enjoys being outward with his fashion sense as it makes him feel empowered just to know that he looks good.  On the day of the abduction, Claudio was wearing a pair of slim khaki pants, a red Lacoste polo, polished black dress shoes, a golden Micheal Kors watch, and black Ray Bans sunglasses.

Biography: Claudio was born on March 17, 1997, in Laguna Beach County, California. Claudio lived there for the first 12 years of his life. Claudio seemed to have the perfect life. Rich, loving parents, and an abundance of friends. From the time he was born, his parents adorned him with designer clothes and high end toys. Even when he was young, Claudio was a good looking kid. Even from a very young age, Claudio radiated charm. Claudio's way with words allowed to him to not only get out of trouble, but also made it much easier to get things he wanted from others. Claudio was alright with talking to adults but his way with words were much more effective with people his own age. His charm appeared to seep into his later ages, giving him an aura of popularity. Claudio's life was good because his parents not only gave him anything he wanted, he never really had to work for anything. His parents treated him like gold and pressured others to treat him the same way as well. Claudio genuinely loved his parents. He really loved them. Of course he would have the occasional outburst to them, but he always loved them dearly. They always treated him greatly, why wouldn't he treat them greatly as well?

When Claudio entered elementary school, he made friends rapidly and managed to keep them. During the early to mid years of elementary school, he had plenty of friends which seemed to do whatever he liked and usually put up no resistance to the games Claudio wanted to play. When it came for the later years of elementary school, Claudio saw a loss of friends which confused him slightly. Some of Claudio's acquaintances eventually told him that the reason he lost some friends is due to his one track mind and general stubbornness when it came to choosing things.  

When Claudio entered middle school, it changed for him slightly because school seemed to get more difficult and people noticed his narcissism. Claudio seemed to be particularly vain and could be caught gazing at his reflection quite often. It was also noted that Claudio would make comments that inflated his ego and made himself seem greater then he actually was.  It was also a time where he began puberty, his interest in girls heightened, and people's perception of the ruder students were more engaged, which in turn made him lose friends as people could more easily tell that he was ruder then the typical student. Although Claudio lost friends in middle school, it appeared that he still had a loyal following of girls who were attracted to him. Since it was a new school that Claudio was attending, one where a mixture of different schools in the area had joined up, there were a bunch of people who didn't know him personally which meant Claudio could get people do things for him.

When he had gotten into middle school, he joined their soccer team, which appeared to be relatively poor, until he joined. Claudio had dabbled into playing soccer when he was younger, although he never joined a team. Claudio seemed to be quite the player on the pitch, even though his teammates would scold him for being such a ball hog, always attempting to rush the defense to score points or maneuvering tricky plays by himself. Sometimes, Claudio's reckless ploys to get points would work, most of the time, they didn't. For one of the only times in his life, Claudio took responsibilities with his actions on the pitch. He took note of his reckless and most of the time useless attempts to score points. Since Claudio had taken note of his actions, his team began to improve, even making it to the regional soccer championships. It was also at this time that Claudio wanted to know more about the human brain and how it functioned. He just wanted to figure out what other people thought about and why they thought about these things.

It was the beginning of eight grade and that's when the Ryans family was delivered some shocking news. Claudio's father whom was a real estate agent, had been transfered to a rather small town in Arizona. Claudio's family was shocked at the transfer but they did oblige to the job and completed the transfer. It was only a 5 and a half hour drive to their new home, but Claudio hardly had the patience to wait out the drive there. When the Ryans family arrived to Kingman, Claudio was quite impressed with their new home. It was of a large size and it had plenty of space for a work out room and even a gaming room. He may have been uncomfortable with the move at first, but he warmed up to the new city.

By the time his family's moving was all said and done, it was mid May, and the school year was soon rearing to a close. Even though there was hardly any time left in the year, he got enrolled to the middle school in Kingman, Arizona. He seemed to be adjusting well to the new atmosphere but it just wasn't home to him. Claudio was homesick even though he had his family with him. He missed his friends, his old home, even just the way that the buildings looked. Even though Claudio was only at the junior high for about a month, he managed to get above average grades and to his own perception, was quite popular. When the school year finally came to a close, Claudio was beyond excited as it meant that he'd be able to explore not only Kingman, but other parts of Arizona as well. During the rather warm summer, Claudio had sharpened up his soccer skills by heading to a local pitch quite often. By then end of the school year, Claudio's interest in the human mind had some more growth and seemed to be sparked again. He started going to the local library and taking out books concerning the human mind. Claudio read through these quite quickly and after getting through most of these books at the library, he began doing Internet research.

It was the dawn of the new year and the students were moving into Cochise High School. The first club Claudio had joined was their soccer team where he became a dedicated mid-fielder. Claudio's ninth grade year went by very quickly for him and he hardly got to enjoy it. With all of the bouncing between soccer camps and different family outings, he didn't have too much time to enjoy life with the friends he made. When he entered grade 10, that's when things began to change again. His grades had slipped more then ever before, with him getting grades in the 'B' range. Also, his popularity status began to fall, with people getting fed up with his vain attitude and his subsequent narcissism.  

Claudio still hadn't figured out what exactly he wanted to do with his life even by the time he was in grade twelve. Of course he had still wanted to pursue soccer professionally but he was well aware that he would probably not make it into the big leagues. The other big choice for Claudio though, would be something in Psychology. Claudio was very curious on finding out how the brain works so he took multiple courses in high school to try to figure something out about it. Claudio had taken: Psychology, Sociology, and Criminology, all to figure out something about the human brain.

It was finally grade twelve and Claudio had to live life to the fullest and take in all the rest of what high school was about.

Advantages: Claudio is extremely fit through playing soccer for the past six years of his life. Claudio is also well-spoken and has a natural appeal to fellow classmates.
Disadvantages: Claudio is a narcissist. Claudio is also very stubborn when it comes to decisions. He absolutely hates when things do not go his way. Claudio perceives himself higher then he actually is and with that he underestimates people severely.