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Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:26 am
by Chase†
((Continued from: Another Day in Homeroom...))

Like years of dance training would give anyone, Mai slid up from her seated position with grace, following the excited detective out the door, only turning to gaze at Jack before her tall and thin frame passed through the door. The secretary's office was across the hall, two doors down, fairly close to the teacher's lounge. Mai could see right into the lounge with its open door, and noticed that the secretary was inside chowing down on a Subway sandwich. The woman being of the rounder type of bodies, Mai had to hold in the arrogant smirk she would've unleashed had she not been fairly close to the bumbling brunette. A joke ran through her mind, comparing the woman to the man they put in all those commercials to boost themselves in the health market, and the only sadness she expressed outwardly was derived from the fact that she would not be able to share this joke with anyone until she got home. To which, of course, Yoko would have no choice but to laugh at the insult lest she desired a backhand to the face.

Mai's thoughts slipped back into the purpose of this interview, which was undoubtedly to save her own ass from a jail sentence. The two detectives were through the door before her, the teen taking her time to make it to the seat she had picked out from the row of chairs. Her bony hand slipped down to the arm of the chair, pulling it back as she straightened her skirt out before seating herself. On her mind were several excuses for which she could explain herself without leaving so much of the truth out that another student could call her on it. Like that of being around with Kim before she died, which the detective had not so much as addressed with her barrage of questions.

The look of puzzlement on her features was not faked, as she had not one chance to actually answer the questions being asked unless she wished to scream "shut up!" to the female detective. Almost unable to gather her thoughts as silence ensued, Mai could only bite her lip in the sheer nerve-wracking sense of the situation. It had hit her just now, this could make or break her very future. The rapid fire of questions made this seem like a bad rendition of those police interrogation scenes, the actress running through her lines too quickly to have any real effect to the audience. It had such an oddly opposite reaction to the dancer who had just had the realization that the crime she committed was serious. Not that the girl hadn't deserved the death that awaited her, but the repercussions to Mai were going to be severe is she was caught.

"Umm," she let her mouth make the undecisive indication to express her further confusion, "Can you repeat that? I didn't catch, well, any of that."

Her sheepish smile emerged and she glanced apologetically at both the detectives, letting the gaze last longer at the one seated. She seemed to be the one to please, Mai could gather with the other detective taking an obvious stance in the metaphorical back seat.

Re: Interrogation*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:26 am
by Megami†
Sighing audibly in frustration as the girl seemed taken aback and confused by the barrage of questions Detective Jessica DeVlure had all but assaulted her with, the bouncy brunette shook her head somewhat.  In her overeagerness to wrap this case up as quickly as possible, she had startled her interviewee and the oriental girl had grown silent.  At the apologetic glance Mai Oshinari cast her, however, a smile once again slipped across the detective's lips.  She once again began to speak, this time in a slower, more calm tone of voice.

"Alright Mai... I need you to tell me everything you know about Kim.  I'm sure you two girls were close.  That Asian girl in your class said you were the last person to be with Kim while she was alive.  Is that true?  What happened after you left Kim?"

Jessica had by now come to realize that barraging the girl with a plethora of questions was going to get them nowhere fast.  Time to take it slow and steady, ask the questions one at a time, and weasel all of the information out of this little brat--er--student that she possibly could.  After all, Mai was all but the key to solving the Hobbsborough High School Murder Mystery.  This girl was no murderer, she was a victim, and Jessica had to make it look as though she sympathized with the young teen for losing her best friend.

Meanwhile, Donnie's head had perked up from it's hung down position as he leaned against the door.  Forcing the door to the secretary's office open, he poked his head out the door, allowing the yelling and the ruckus that was being made down the hallway to enter the room the trio currently occupied.  Just about that time, he saw a few of the kids leaving the classroom, and managed to catch a glimpse of the fray going on inside.  Turning back to Jessica, who was still seated, though looking annoyed at the distraction, her bumbling companion addressed her in a nervous manner.

"J-Jessica, they're all fighting down there in the classroom!  There's kids leaving, it looks like they went into the bathroom!"

"WHAT?!" the brunette couldn't help but blurt out at the thought of it, "Go down there!  GET THEM OUTTA THERE!  THEY CAN'T BE IN THERE, IT'S A CRIME SCENE!"

At the shrieking of his brown-haired companion, Donnie was immediately off out the door, though came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the hallway, clearly confused about which catastrophe should be handled first.  There were kids inspecting the crime scene, never a good thing, but the rest of them seemed to be tearing one another apart in the classroom.  Where the hell was their teacher, anyway?  Shaking his head, the bumbling detective stood in the center of the hallway, completely dumbfounded.

Jessica, meanwhile, had never taken her eyes off of Mai.  She had exited her seated position in the chair just long enough to close the door Donnie had left wide open, then had reseated herself in the same position.  She was internally having a panic attack at the fact that the kids were inspecting the body, and couldn't help but wonder where those fools of police officers were and why then weren't patrolling the crime scene.  She tried not to let it show, however, as her attention stayed focused on Mai Oshinari.

"Sorry about that, please, continue."

Re: Interrogation*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:26 am
by Chase†
"The only thing that really got to Kim was her appearance," Mai looked concentrated on her words, as if she was trying to remember anything to help the woman solve that case, "I don't even know why, she worked out, ate healthy for the most part. Her parents were taking care of her. I don't even know..."

Mai ran a shaky hand through her hair, the hand making a hard and frustrated slap on her thigh as she looked to a ceiling corner of a room. The whole act screamed "grief-stricken friend."

"I don't even know why she was so worried about her weight, she was just fine, but when she was heading into the hallway to the bathroom...."

Mai bit her lip in hesitation, as if she was afraid to ruin her friend's reputation forever. The hesitation moved from her lips to her eyes, making contact with the brunette's to further bring about some sort of reaction from the person across from her. After sucking in a deep breath to calm her nerves, Mai finally continued.

"I didn't want to see what she would do to make herself feel thin, so I left her in the hallway. I left her, and went back to the classroom to talk with the others. I figured she'd be back in a little while, and she would talk about her role some more."

She blinked back tears in slight annoyance at the way she was acting. So weak, positively repulsive, and yet it was hopefully creating the effect she wanted it to. Mai pressed her fingers against her temples and sighed once more before speaking again.

"They shouldn't see me like this," she said quietly, "Can I clean my face? I don't want them to know I was crying."

Not exactly waiting for an answer, Mai went out the door, to a bathroom in a different hall, empty to her knowledge, and splashed water on her cheeks and eyes. The water droplets on her face cooled her skin and she let them stay there for a few moments longer. In the mirror, she saw her face, not round anymore like it was as a child, and her thin fingers touched the pink color painted on her lips. She drew the fingertips back to see the glittery sticky substance transfer on to the prints on her skin. And her lips pulled back into a smile quite unlike any other one the other students had seen.

Re: Interrogation*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:26 am
by Megami†
Smiling like a cheshire cat at all the forthcoming information pouring from the Oriental girl's mouth, but still trying to retain a calm, sympathetic expression, Jessica leaned forward, listening intently as the girl told her exactly what she'd suspected, and exactly what she'd wanted to hear.  According to Mai, Kim Jones-Larame was a girl set on appearances.  Being not too much older than the girl sitting across the table from her, only a few years her superior, Jessica remembered all too well the "popular crowd" from her high school, and what drastic lengths they would go to to put themselves over the top on appearances.

From what Mai was telling her, this Kim girl had been no exception to the rule.  She was just another misguided teen, outstretching her fingertips toward the faux perfection that society has created, but unlike the others, Kim's sheer desperation to stay thin and keep herself in the proverbial spotlight had gotten the best of her, and the drastic measures she underwent to obtain that dream crushed her.  Such a tragic story, so well put together, and the dancer across from her was telling Jessica DeVlure exactly what she wanted to hear to make this story a reality.

"So you left her in the hallway when she was headed toward the bathroom?  Did she ever tell you what she did to make herself feel thin, Mai?  Did she have an eating disorder?  Bulemic, maybe?  Or did she do something else... did she ever take pills?"

Perfect.  Simply perfect.  Get this girl to talk, get a couple other students in the class to back her up on her words that Kim was an appearance-oriented brat, and accidental suicide was the answer to the equation.  When the grief-stricken girl in front of her finally collapsed into a sea of tears, the detective felt a twang of sympathy for the young girl who had just lost her best friend.  At Mai's request to be excused, the brunette simply waved her hand, bidding her to do so, and the moment the girl had left the room, Jessica burst a notebook from the secretary's desk and began scrawling out words and phrases about the interview conducted.

Mai --> best friend.  Kim, popular, appearance-oriented, do anything to keep figure.  Drama classmates, fellow students.

The scrawling began to get longer and longer, and nearly unlegible to anyone except Jessica, but the tidbits and phrases she had written down had all made perfect sense to her.  This entire case was falling into place quickly, and soon enough it would be case closed, Kim would be shipped off to the morgue, and Jessica's fears of blowing her first case would be torn to shreads, just like the report Donnie had wrecked.  It was all perfect.

Almost too perfect.  The bouncy brunette couldn't help but be overcome by a sense of worry about the disruption of the crime scene that Donnie had informed her of.  If anything, that little incident would cause the entire case to become more drawn out than it need be.  Just because these children were too stupid to understand terms such as "crime scene" and "lockdown".  But... what if those kids had a reason for visiting the scene of the crime?  Jessica's eyebrows raised slightly, the sleuth that lay dormant within her becoming intrigued at the thought.  Sighing audiblty, she continued with her notes and pondered who to pull into interrogation next.

Re: Interrogation*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:26 am
by Chase†
She had stepped out of the bathroom and glanced around for any police officers before she strolled through the hallways, back to the investigator. Mai had ultimately decided that she needed to know what this detective's mind was leaning towards. Her hands shifted behind her back, clasped together as her doe eyes scanned through the numerous doors on her way back.

Did she think it was an accident, or violence between the merged schools? Or does she see right through me, does she know that I'm lying my ass off?

She could almost guess how bad her class had gotten when she turned the way, sounds of movement and the confused detective seeming to be exactly where she had left him. Raising an eyebrow at the chaos, and of students completely ignoring the concept of "lockdown," she shook her head.

What kind of moronic students risk their own well-being just because they want out of the classroom...

Her eyes caught sight of Jack stepping into the hallway with Jonathan taking the lead, and this time her facial expression went from scrutinizing to surprised. Looks like those two had answered her question.

Mai slipped back into the room, knocking softly at the door frame before letting her body enter the room. Though she wasn't happy with the current situation, she thought she'd try to help move things along with the detectives.

"Did, did you want me to send in someone from my class? Or, have you any more questions?"

Re: Interrogation*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:26 am
by LadyMakaze†
((Continued in: Another Day in Homeroom...))

Out in the hallway, An Linh had caught sight of Mai stepping out of the bathroom for some curious reason.  Unseen from a distance, An Linh wondered just how far the interrogation had gone.  Then again, having met the detective briefly for all but a few seconds, probably not much.  

Furthermore...An Linh still had her doubts as to whether or not Mai would be telling much truth in her interrogation.  After all, it remained a plain and simple fact that the friendship between Mai and Kim was never mutual.  Another was the fact that Mai had been with Kim only moments before her death, though claiming she had never made it to the bathroom with her.  

Perhaps An Linh was being abit cynical, suspecting Mai going as far as murdering a fellow classmate.  For all An Linh know, a mere accident couldn't be ruled off the list, and knowing the amount of brains Kim did not seem all too farfetched.  Furthermore, An Linh was putting something of a risk by interrogating.  Suppose Mai lied in some way.  Seeing as An Linh would provide as much truth as she could to the investigation as she could, it could end up pitting her word against Mai's.  And Mai being Kim's best friend...An Linh may as well end up being suspected.  Was it even worth the risk.

If it meant finding out the cause to this madness, then yes, An Linh thought fiercely as she began to follow Mai, unseen and unnoticed despite being so close behind.  She watched calmly as Mai slipped back into the room lost in her own thoughts as she posed the question to the detective inside.

"If you were looking to send for me," An Linh said calmly behind Mai.  "there is no need, seeing as I'm already here obviously."

Re: Interrogation*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:26 am
by Chase†
Mai spun to see An Linh standing behind her, and nodded silently as she made her way out of the office. Making it back to the classroom as she eyed the police roaming about, she wondered how many people had ran off only to be arrested. There was a chargable crime for disturbing a crime scene.

She let those thoughts fill her mind as she found the door to the room.

((Continued in: Another Day in Homeroom...))

Re: Interrogation*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:26 am
by Megami†
A sleek smile formed on the lips of the detective as An Linh Tuan stepped into the office.  Jessica had had every intention of sending Mai to retrieve An Linh from the classroom, but apparently, the Vietnamese girl had gotten impatient.  All in all, it had saved Jessica the trouble.  Almost without waiting to be excused, Mai headed back to the classroom.  That was fine with Jessica, Mai couldn't be in here anyway while they were interrogating An Linh.  The cheshire cat grin that Jessica so often wore was subtly concealed under a straight face as she ushered Ms. Tuan toward a nearby seat.

"Welcome, please, sit down," Jessica instructed casually.

Now all I have to do is get this girl to spill the same sob-story that Mai did about how Kim was conceited and airheaded and only thought about her appearance, and we're good to go.  I can get these damned brats out of my hair, I can get the case solved, and most of all, I can get out of this god foresaken rathole of a high school.

"You were in drama club with Kim, right, Miss...?" it was at that point that Jessica realized she'd never gotten An Linh's name.  Oh well, no matter.  "I've been told Kim was a very appearance-oriented person.  Is that true?  Did she ever talk to you about weight problems or anything like that?"

Awaiting An Linh's answer, Jessica tilted her head to the side curiously.  In the back of her mind, she was thinking about the kids who had entered the crime scene, and what should be done about them.  She supposed that after Miss Tuan's interrogation was over, an evacuation of the school was in order.  It was getting late into the afternoon, and it was time for these kids to go home.  Perhaps they'd declare the school closed for the next day, it'd keep more people from pilfering in places they shouldn't be.

Even then, it was very apparent that someone had already taken it upon themselves to inspect the crime scene.  In the back of her mind, Jessica couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, someone was on to their little plan and knew that they'd destroyed the case evidence.  She let the idea pass, however.  She and Donnie were trained professionals.  Besides, these kids didn't seem to bright.  They obviously weren't bright enough to keep from disrupting a crime scene.  It would be the word of two qualified officers of the law against some rebellious punk brat.  The law would be on their side, regardless.

Another thought immediately popped into Jessica's mind... a more sinister, immoral thought.  Scapegoat.  If, by some crazy stroke of luck, the disruptee had dropped something of theirs at the crime scene, whether it was something large or something as small as a hair from their head, if all else failed, this person could very likely be pinned to the murder.  What would they have to say in their defense?  No officer, I barged onto a police-restricted crime scene after the girl died, I swear it!  Right.  This would all work out in the end, one way or the other.  Now, if the pill-popping drama queen story didn't work, they had their murderer.

Despite herself, a grin began to form on Jessica's features.  Perfect.  Simply perfect.  I can solve the case, and if worse comes to worse and one of these fools actually tries to expose my little mishap, I can pin them for murder.  It occurred to her that Donnie had most assuredly discovered who the hooligans were by now, and that perhaps they should be arrested for their actions before the students were evacuated.  That way, if she did indeed have to pin the murder on someone, they'd already have their suspects in hand.  This was all too good to be true.