Dietrich von Ribbentrop*

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V2 proper. Profiles marked with an @ appeared only on the V1 boards. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Posts: 27
Joined: Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:25 am

Dietrich von Ribbentrop*


Post by Serapindal* »

Name: Dietrich von Ribbentrop
Gender: Male
Age: 15-16?
Grade: Tenth Grade
School: Bathurst High
Extra Curricular Activities: Cooking, reading, political activism
Description: Dietrich von Ribbentrop was born in Dresden during the waning days of the Deutsche Demokratische Republik.

Dietrich was a German culinary student who aspired to be a world-class chef. He is in the United States because he wishes to learn more about cooking world-wide, especially about German food. His English is not the best, and he misread Bathurst High to be Bratwurst High, and moved to this area temporarily.

Dietrich is tri-lingual in French, German, and English. He was a fervent supporter of the NDP from where he came from, and though he realized his mistake about Bathurst and Bratwurst, he plans to finish the year, hoping it will teach him a lot about America.

Needless to say, his English skills aren't perfect. His father was a guard on the Berlin Wall.

He is in America on the Parlamentarisches Patenschafts-Programm.

[+] An earlier iteration of this profile
Name: Dietrich von Ribbentrop
Gender: Male
Age: 15-16?
Grade: Tenth Grade
School: Bathurst High
Extra Curricular Activities: Cooking, reading, political activism
Description: Dietrich von Ribbentrop was born in Dresden during the waning days of the Deutsche Demokratische Republik.

Dietrich was a German culinary student who aspired to be a world-class chef.  He is in the United States because he wishes to learn more about cooking world-wide, especially about German food. His English is not the best, and he misread Bathurst High to be Bratwurst High, and moved to this area temporarily.

Dietrich is tri-lingual in French, German, and English. He was a fervent supporter of the NDP from where he came from, and though he realized his mistake about Bathurst and Bratwurst, he plans to finish the year, hoping it will teach him a lot about America.
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