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A Fallen Comrade

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 5:04 am
by Ares
Rob was running frantically towards the school building. He could have sworn he was hearing gunshots, but it may have just been paranoia.

Why the fuck did I chase after Felix, it accomplished fuck all.

Rob barreled through the last bit of bush before coming to the clearing where the building stood. He stopped to catch his breath, before drawing his desert eagle and proceeding forward. As he was entering through the front of the school, he heard a scream from his left. Turning quickly, his eyes came to rest on the top of the hill. Sure enough his earlier suspicion of gunshots was confirmed as his eyes caught the last of what looked to be a gun fight.


Rob wondered if Matt had been involved. Rob moved out of the doorway and over to the hill. He began to climb slowly up it, all the while having his desert ready. The butterflies and adrenaline was numbing the pain from his wounded shoulder as he came to the top of the hill. What he found there was not Matt, but one of the girls they had met and another girl whom he did not know.

"Dammit." Rob muttered under his breath.  From the looks of things the girls had killed each other. There was a Saiga Shotgun next to the girl from the park, and a Ruger pistol with the mystery girl.

"Matt!," Rob yelled into the surrounding area, wondering if his friend was still around, "Matt, its Rob!," He bellowed again, "Where the fuck are you." He muttered under his breath.

((OOC: for this I've made the assumption that the Saiga is a 10 round model, if I'm mistaken let me know please))
Rob bent down to investigate the weaponry left behind. He didn't like the pistol as much as his desert eagle, and he couldn't find much spare ammunition in either girl's bags, so he emptied what was left of the clip and tossed the pistol aside.  However this shotgun was a different story, it had the appearance of an AK47, but was still single shot powerful. Rob found a small amount of ammunition in park girl's bag, looked like enough to reload now and have one full magazine. Putting his desert eagle away and reloading his new found comrade, Rob took a small amount of water from the girl's and made his way back to the school building.

Maybe Matt's sleeping or something. Dumbass would sleep through a gunfight 50 yards away

He entered the school, keeping the Saiga ready for any surprises. The only surprise that hit him was the stench of blood coming from a room ahead of him. He made his way towards the room, the smell getting stronger and stronger. He reached the door, and pushed it open. Immediately he fell to his knees and dropped everything he was holding. Matt's body was layed out, a single bullet to the forehead indicated what happened.

"No...GOD DAMN IT NO!!!!" Rob screamed.

He made his way over to Matt's body and looked down at him.  This was the only friend he really had on this island. The only one he could truly trust, and because of his stupidity, Matt was now dead. Rob looked down to see the Ingram Mac-10 Matt had taken a few days ago, and one of the two pieces of his Monk's spade. Rob bent over and picked up the piece of the spade. He then looked at the camera and said the only thing he could think of.

"Mr. and Mrs. Drew, and Giselle," Rob began, surprised he remember Matt's sister's name, "Your son and brother died because I left him here. I was greedy and wanted to go off and try to find a way off this island. I failed myself, and now I've failed Matt and you, his family. I may not be able to bring your son's body to you if I survive, but I'm going to keep this spade with me, and I will deliver it to you in person. Matt was my friend, and a good person. Anything he did on this island, he did because he had to, not because he wanted to. I'm sorry that I could not do my part to save him."

Rob turned back to Matt's body, closed his eyes completely, and folded his hands over his chest. Rob then walked to the doorway, where he stopped, picked up his bag and weapons before turning to take one last look at his fallen comrade. Rob then closed the door and walked away.

As he stepped outside the school, he thought about how he could win. Getting off the island was now not an option. He had enough firepower and ammunition to last until the end, but his shoulder was still giving him some pain.  Its strength had about 75% returned, but it was still a liability. To win this game, and follow through on his promise to the Drew family to bring Matt's weapon to them, he would need to beat people who were better than him at killing. That Mariavel Varella, Damien Carter-Madison and even the guy he was friendly with, Bryan Calvert. He knew that two of the 3 were out to win for themselves, while he thought Bryan would probably let Tori win if it came down to it.

As he walked, he tried to think of ways other than sheer luck that he could out kill a killer.

((continued elsewhere))