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Don't wait up for me

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:25 am
by AtomicWaffle†
((Continued from A Scientist At Heart))

Garry bust through the back doors of the hotel. I should be safe... Relatively.
He checked the vials in his pack. They were all intact, luckly. Some contained highly volitile mixes of chemicals, others contained a deadly mix of acids. If they shattered.... "They won't... Chemical vials are usually stronger than regular glass..." He muttered. "Usually."

The hotel was fairly simple to get around, and he was able to find the kitchen room quickly. The room was bare, and looked like it had been cleaned out. This should be good... Garry grabbed a few of the food carts and used them to barricade the door. He made sure to be able to take all of them away from there in case the area became a danger zone.

Finally, he was able to relax. Garry took the first aid kit out of his pack and cleaned his wounds. "Stitches...." He looked around the room. There was a large white box with a red cross on it.
When he opened it, he was thoroughly disappointed. "God damnit..." He muttered to himself. There was nothing inside, save dental floss and a note that read: Good luck! "Fucking terrorists. We all thought they were religious extremists and angry iraqis, but apparantly they're comedians too." Garry grimaced. The wound on his head was starting to hurt the more he thought about it. If only he had thread...

"Wait... Dental floss eh?"
He exitedly took the floss out of the box and attached it to a improvised needle. It was painful, but it worked.
"Good luck indeed."

He remembered stitching up his kitten Tibsy's leg when it was cut on a countertop corner. The phones were out, and the only way to help his poor cat was to stitch up his wounds. Afterwards, the vetrenarian said that Garry did a amazing job of stitching him up.

After he was finished cleaning up his wounds, he sat down on a chair at the corner of the room. He leaned back in the chair, twiddling his thumbs and contimplating weather he was going to survive or not.

"Well, might as well take inventory..." Bored out of his mind, Garry removed the weapons from his pack.

"Let's see here... Two sais, a fighting knife and about..... thirty vials of deadly chemicals... looks like I have some sulphuric acid.. a little hydrochloric... What kind of factory has all this shit in it at once? Wait a sec..."
He paused, shocked at the liquid inside the next few vials. "Fulminic acid and... what the hell is that?" When he had mixed the vials he just grabbed the deadliest chemicals he could find, not looking at the labels, just the safety precautions.
The liquid in the next series of bottles was a highly volatile liquid that exploded on contact with water. Garry grabbed one vial and poured a drop of it into the sink.
*Fpoof* There was a large blinding light coming from the little explosion, causing a column of steam to rise from the sink. When Garry looked inside, he saw a massive hole inside, about the size of his head. "Holy god... One drop? No wonder the fucking place exploded. A barrel of this stuff and water, plus all that hydrogen gas... Jesus." Garry was astonished. He gently put the vials back inside the bag, confident that they wouldn't explode unless they reached contact with human skin.

He sat back in the chair, now twiddling the sais with a knife sheathed at his waist. Damn... How the fuck am I bored here of all places?

I killed someone... Why? It was self-defence... He deserved it. So did the bank robber...

Garry cupped his hands around his face. A tear streamed down his cheek. His expression hardened.

"Y'know what? Fuck ethics. I've got to survive. There's no point in hiding, no point in making any god-damn allies, because that's going to get me killed. I could kill everyone, but what would that accomplish? I'd probably get killed trying to win, and if I do, I'll end up like Adam. That is if they actually hold up their end of the deal. Fuck..."

Garry looked around the kitchen.

"Listen terrorists, listen well. I'm not going to let your game ruin my life, and i'm going to find a way out of this, if it takes every last ounce of my soul, I will find a way out of this. And then, i'll make you all pay with your pathetically wasted lives."

((OOC: Moved from the hospital, after realising the actual size of it.
Damn that was dumb.))

Re: Don't wait up for me

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:25 am
by Jotun†
((Continued from A scientist at heart))

"That's a brave declaration." Seth said humorlessly, standing in the doorway of the kitchen. He had followed the boy who had fled the industrial explosion earlyier the entire run, finding it easy to keep up with him if not ctach up to him with his massive head start. Seth wanted to know what he had done to make that explosion, and remove it as a threat.

"I vaguely remember someone saying the last Survival of the Fittest winner promising something similar. We're still here." Seth wasn't sure what he was getting at, simply spitting out knowledge relevant to the subject on command like in school. "I don't know what happened to him." Seth added as an afterthought.

Re: Don't wait up for me

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:25 am
by AtomicWaffle†
Garry stared at the boy in the doorway. He gripped his knife in it's sheath. Don't try it....

"Don't try it" The dry looking woman said to Garry. Garry sat up in the Hospital bed, annoyed at the woman who entered his room. He had awoken three hours earlier, since then, things were becoming difficult. He had undergone a constant stream of  social workers, psychologists and antagonistic nurses. Now there was a lawyer pestering him with questions. Garry was trying to escape, obviously. He had been shot in the face, leg, arm and one of his lungs. Most of the internal damage had been repaired, and his cheek was cleanly stitched up. However, the bones in his leg and arm were completely shattered and pieces were completely destroyed.
"Don't try it, Garry" She repeated, after he struggled to remove the restraint holding his leg in the air. "No offence, but I really, really dislike lawyers. I've already told you to leave, WHY HAVEN'T YOU?" He yelled through a raspy throat.
"I'm still here because you need to listen to what I have to tell you." She said firmly. The lawyer was in her mid-fifties, with a piercing gaze and wiry, poofed up hair.
"As I said, there are some things you need to know. First off, how much do you remember about the incident?"
Garry responded grudgingly. "Not much... I remember the man came in and...." He stopped. "Oh... God no..." Garry burst into tears.

The memories came flooding back. The elderly woman shot in the head. The father dead, while his young children pleaded for him to wake up. Garry was shot.... SWAT teams burst in, shooting the bank robbers and he had a gun in his hands.
The lead burglar crumpled like a rag doll.

"They killed all of those people... He deserved it, didn't he? It was self defence, he shot me! You believe me, don't you?" Garry stammered.
"The courts do." The woman said emotionlessly. "They should rule it as a act of self-defence"
"Do they even know what I did?" Garry replied. The lawyer gave a very annoyed expression.
"I still need a statement from you and then I'll leave, Okay?"

"I do. He's my cousin, I saw him about a month before I came here."
Garry stood up and brushed himself off.

"Well? Whaddya want?"

Re: Don't wait up for me

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:26 am
by Jotun†
What did Seth want?

"You made a building blow up. It could have been the one I was in. I just want to make sure you don't do it again, in case next time it is where I'm hiding." Seth did not sound threatening. He did not spit any words out, very calmly explaining. "Was it a weapon they gave you? Something in the building? And why?"

Seth's stare did not waver, and he did not blink. He stood perfectly still waiting for an answer.

Re: Don't wait up for me

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:26 am
by AtomicWaffle†
"Was it a weapon they gave you? Something in the building? And why?"
Garry listened intently.
From what he could tell, the boy was not being particularly threatening, but he had no reason to trust him.
"Something they gave me? Bah, I don't need their shit. " He smiled. "No, that happened to be a chemical factory. I got a little carried away making myself a arsenal of vials..." His smile turned into a mischevious grin.
"Hehe... Well, the Fulminic Acid mixed with the hydrogen gas, god knows what chemicals, and fire... It was only a matter of time until the place blew. I didn't realise it then, but I'm pretty god-damn lucky."

The grin disappeared from his face.

"Anything in these vials here can be deadly." He said, pointing to the sink. "See that sink? It was rather damp when I got here. I dropped a tiny bit of the chemicals in there, boom!" He made a expanding motion with his hands. "It reacts with moisture. If it hit human skin, they'd be...... very dead."

Re: Don't wait up for me

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:26 am
by AtomicWaffle†
"Dangerzones...The Hotel...."
Garry heard Danya's voice crackle over the speakers. Terror had a new meaning for him.

"Umm... Oh shit? Run!" Grabbing his bag, he ran to a window, zealously jumping out of the narrow hole.
Thank God I can run... If I live, i'll make a point to call the Catholic Church about that miracle.

Garry briefly turned back to Seth. Did he care? Garry was in it for himself now, nobody else.

He stopped.
Don't stop you fool! RUN GODDAMNIT!!
"....Thunderstorm..." Danya's voice was barely audible.
I've got to get out of the open. If water reaches these vials...

The thoughts in his mind were a mess.
Leave the dangerzone... what about that kid in the hotel? Explosive vials...Miracle..
Like always, one thought seemed to stick out in his mind. This one basic thought:

It's Survival of the Fittest. I need to kill to survive, and that is what i'm going to do.

On that thought, Garry ran like a madman.

((Continued in:http://z10.DEFUNCT_IF_LINK/SOTF_V2/ind ... ry11726360))

Re: Don't wait up for me

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:26 am
by Jotun†
The voice again. Whoever ran this was speaking to them.

More names. The dead and their killers. The threat was still real, so Seth would avoid it more.

The other boy ran, with good reason. This building they were in was the Hotel, if Seth was not mistaken. It was just named a dangerzone, and their host had gone to great lengths to define the meaning of a dangerzone to the students. It was time to leave, so Seth followed the other boy, who disappeared out of the building.

Seth lost his trail, but maybe it didn't matter. He didn't seem dangerous. He didn't even seem threatening. Seth broke into a run away from the dangerzone. He needed a new hiding place.

(Continued elsewhere)