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Tree Top Casino

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:31 am
by baby_g†
Light was shining through the cracks of Stephanie's eyes when she finally came to. Putting both hands to her head, she could feel the large bump that was still there. Slowly she sat up, only to quickly lose her balance and immediantly lay back down where she was. Stephanie looked to the left, than to the right.

Leaves? Oh my god, you gotta be fucking kidding me!

Stephanie remembered everything from before. Or atleast she fooled herself into believe she did. Something about die, kill, island.. no way out... blah blah blah.... She knew that the kids involved would be placed randomly all over the island, and there was no telling exactly where she was just yet. She turned over, skooching towards the bark and started looking around to where all ther stuff could be hanging.
Of all the placed to dump her, of all the things they could have done instead, they had to dump her sorry ass in a tree!

Over to her right, her bag was hangin on a branch. Once she finally grabbed it, she began rumaging through it, so that she could find what her weapon would be. Finally, after digging all the way down to the bottom, she pulled out a black leather whip. Stephanie, in her whole life, had never handled a whip, nor did she even know how to snap it.

They don't know that... In her mind, the wheels were already turning. If you knew her.. you'd know that the wheels were turning when she was forced, like everyone else, to be put on this damn island and told the rules. It was simple. Find a weak guy, manipulate, work and magic! If she wanted to survive she knew she had to pull out every trick in the book. Cry, Whine, Pity, Seduce, and Attack.

Using her whip, she tied a lose knot and lowered herself down the tree. Tugging on it, she pulled it free and put it back in her bag. She didn't want to have to use it, until it was actually necessary. If she came off bold yet not very much threatening, she could some how steal the others weapons and use it on them. Only, of course, if they were worth while.

Double checking, making sure she had everything, Stephanie looked at the map to decided where she'd head next. She always liked water, so the river it would be.

((continued elsewhere))