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Ready Yourself

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:24 am
by ZigZaggerty†
Debrah slowly woke up, senses and sounds filling her with awareness of her surroundings. The cold hard ground beneath her, and that faint metallic smell permeating the air. Her eyes slowly opened and were immediately greeted with the sight of rust and metal. Far off she could her droplets of water dripping into a puddle, giving the scene a sense of dread.

Debrah immediately shot up, frantically looking around her. Fear could be seen in her eyes as she looked around, she was inside some sort of factory. Conveyor belts, machinery, and a complex network of pipes all covered with a thick layer of rust. This had to be a dream, why the hell was she here?! The cold metal of some type of necklace around her neck made her realize what was happening. She was a walking bomb.

The plane! Oh god, the plane!

Debrah picked herself up off the ground, she wasn't steady yet. She had to be logical about this, she had to find Deliah. She would know the way out, she was smart.

Oh God! Deliah!

Debrah began to scream, this was too much. She couldn't do this alone, she was scared. Tears streaming down her face made her mascara run.

"Deliaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!" DELIAH!" Debrah screamed, she continued doing so unto her voice grew hoarse from the crying.

You can't cry now, you gotta find her!

"Yeah, you're right" Debrah replied, that little voice in her head was alright right. Maybe it was the fact that it sounded like Deliah that made it always calm her down.

Check the bag!

Debrah turned and grabbed the bag and nearly ripped it open, it's contents spilled on the ground. Her face now turned solid with determination, her mind reeling with the possibilities of what may happen. She would have to kill, to get where she needed to go. It wouldn't be so bad, if it meant should could get to Deliah. It was all she really wanted. She now took the chance to look at what she had, it wasn't much but it would have to do.

Debrah put the food and water back into the bag, she would have to ration that out. She then checked the map, by looking at her surroundings and what was on the map she was in the Industrial area of the island. The island itself looked huge, she would have to find Deliah quick before anyone else did. A compass, which she put inside the bag along with the map. Next was a first aid kit, which she looked through before packing it up along with the other items. A flashlight, which was once again, thrown into the bag. And finally, an extra sleeping bag which she quickly tore into strips to tie her golden hair back into a pony-tail.
It was then she noticed her pink suitcase off to the side, it seemed to be untouched by anyone. It seemed safe enough to open and when she did she was glad, there were clothes.

Put on something practical! You're not gonna be running in those high heels and a skirt!

"Yeah, you're right!" Debrah said, this was beginning to become scary. Deliah wouldn't want her to act this way, she had to keep going.

So, Debrah began to change into more reliable clothes. Some blue jeans, old durable ones she kept for the aesthetic value. A white T-Shirt, it'd be a lot more reliable than a blouse. Her lucky sneakers, they were pink with black trims. She threw off all of her rings, and most of her other things. Besides the bracelet, she'd never take it off. Throwing two extra shirts into her bag she began to get ready to leave when she noticed the last two items on the ground.

First, a survival guide supposedly written by the guy who put her and all the other kids on this island. Debrah took a quick browse through before chucking it off to the side, all she remembered was that she needed to stay out of them Danger zones or she'd be dead.

And there sitting in all it's glory, was a gun. It was a gun, that was good! She could defend herself, and Deliah!

You've hit the Jackpot! Now read the instruction booklet!

For the next hour or so Debrah focused on learning how the gun worked, and by the time she was done she knew how to get things done. She picked up the gun and tucked it into her bag along with the bullets that were supplied, she zipped up and strapped up.

Debrah didn't know what would happen on this island, but she would find Deliah and make sure they were both safe.

"DELIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Debrah screamed one last time before sprinting out the nearest open door and out into the open.

((Continued in The Sands of Time))