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A change of heart.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 3:28 am
by AtomicWaffle†
((Continued from Don't Wait Up For Me))
Garry Dodd had been running down the expressway, when he heard a sizzling sound from inside his pack. It appeared that the chemicals were not sealed enough, and began melting through his bag.
"What the hell? I thought I...-"
The sizzle-hiss of the acid became louder. Garry stopped in his tracks. Suddenly, the side pocket of the bag burst open, and all the chemical vials flew to the ground, exploding in a burst of acid. A few small dots of the acid hit his leg.
"Ah...FUCK!" He yelled, feeling a sharp pain in his leg. Then, for the third time on the island, Garry would experience the painful shock of an explosion.


((Continued From: It's A Long And Winding Road))
Derrin ran down the expressway, towards what he heard to be an explosion.  
Not again...


The explosion from the acid launched Garry far away from where he was standing. By this point, he had been hit in the face with a log, a glass ball, debris from an exploding chemical factory, and jumped out of a window, finally to be blown up by his own chemical cocktail.
Not a fun day.

Derrin saw a black shape above him, but he couldn't make it out. It appeared to be a-


My head... Damnit Garry, why keep dangerous explosives close to you, WHY? It makes no fucking sense*

Garry weakly got up and instantly recognised the boy. Derrin...Istoli? He looked so innocent.
"Hello, my unlucky friend." He grinned. At that point, one of Garry's more violent ideas took heed.

The sadistic side of Garry Dodd is one rarely seen, yet known among his fellow students that look upon it in fear and disgust.

Garry sat Derrin against a concrete barricade at the side of the expressway. This was going to be a fun little...warning... to Garry's potential enemies.

The time to play Survival Of The Fittest, is now.
He unsheathed his fighting knife. Methodically, he began to make a series of symmetrical cuts across his chest and arms. Derrin would feel pain like none before when he awoke. They were shallow cuts, enough to be excruciatingly painful, and yet not too debilitating of an injury. All the better.

Minutes passed by. Derrin now had horrible slices all across his body. From his scalp to his toes, he bled. Small drops, nothing more. Garry wanted him to live. Live with the suffering and be able to tell the tale to anyone he passed on the island. Garry smiled, confident that people would fear him after what happened to poor, innocent Derrin Istoli.


Derrin was unconcious. The force of Garry landing on him had all but broken every bone in his body.

Jeff, on the other hand, was happy. In his little dreamworld, Derrin was suffering, and he was able to find a weak point in the mental brick wall that Derrin established with the drugs. Jeff broke through, although when he awoke, it was not what he had expected.

Jeff awoke to find himself lying against a tree, with his shirt off and... what's this? His skin had been shallowly sliced and diced. Looking up, he saw a tall boy with a bloody knife in his hand, a psychotic grin on his face.

Jeff got angry. And when Jeff is angry.. people get hurt.


Garry was startled to see that the boy whom he had made sure would be in a perminent state of torture rise up and strike him in the face.
Garry retaliated by smacking him with the back of his hand. Derrin fell over almost instantly, all of "his" strength put into hitting Garry in the face.
"Well fuck you too, Derrin."
((Continued Elsewhere))


Jeff was knocked over onto the side of the road by the backhand strike of this...this psychopath, Garry Dodd.
I'll get you one day you psychotic bastard.. I WIll KILL YOU!!

((OOC: * Sorry guys, misread the rules.))

Re: A change of heart.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 3:28 am
by Xaldien†
She had woken up some time ago, but Chiaki still just stayed where she was. She was trying to think on what to do at the moment, since she never really made any decisions without her father around.

She held the browning that she was given in her hand, and stared at it. It was one of the first guns that she trained with, in fact, she could probably name every detail as to it's type:

Chamber:  9x19mm Luger / Parabellum
Weight unloaded: 870 g
Barrel length: 120 mm
Capacity: 15 rounds

She woke up in time to hear the announcement of every person who had been killed thus far, and seemed to laugh. She had a chance to put all of her dad's war stories into her own reality, and fell such a huge of adrenaline at the thought of pointing that gun of hers at someone, pulling the trigger, and ending their pathetic existance. Anyone who dies here was obviously too weak to continue on.

She thought it would be an added bonus if she could get some begging and pleading from her victims. It would sound like a wonderful chorus to a song... but she ditched that anology when she realized how emo fagtastic it sounded.

She got up, finally, and decided that this would be her chance to shine. To show her dad that she was just as strong, amazing, and tough as he was in the war.

This is her war, and she'll get a great deal of bloody satisfaction from it.

Re: A change of heart.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 3:28 am
by AtomicWaffle†
Derrin awoke. His head was spinning.
The last thing he remembered was something landing on him and then...

Terrible pain. Agonizing. The cuts across his body scraped together, the tissue overlapping and chafing, with blood dripping from his wounds. His hair was stained red, his shirt torn to pieces.

Garry did this Derrin. He did this to us. You have to find him!

"But...It hurts...I feel sick." Derrin leaned over and vomited profusely onto the ground. The pain was almost too much to bear. He just wanted it to be over. All of his shortcomings in life, Jeff's sadistic urge to harm people, all of the terrible things Jeff did to people... He just wanted it to end.

Derrin stumbled across the road. He could see what looked like the outline of a girl... But he couldn't make it out.

"Help...Help me! Whoever you are, JUST HELP ME!!" Derrin collapsed at the feet of the girl.

Please...Just make it stop!

Re: A change of heart.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 3:28 am
by Xaldien†
While walking, Chiaki thought it would be a good idea to keep the gun hidden in her bag, just because then she could easily gain the trust of a few people stupid enough to try aligning themselves with others.

However, along her way, she came across someone who seemed to be wounded, and was heading in her direction, calling out for help.


She instantly put on a different persona, and ran towards him.
"Oh my God, what happened to you? How bad are the wounds?"

She analyzed the wounds he had sustained, and made quick note that a gunshot to the stomach would be a fatal shot, albeit painful... which is just what she was hoping for.

Re: A change of heart.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 3:28 am
by AtomicWaffle†
Derrin looked up at the girl. She seemed to be friendly.

"Oh my God, what happened to you? How bad are the wounds?"

Derrin coughed. Blood and phelgm spattered across the ground.

"Tall kid....Psycho. Cut me up. He's a killer and-" Derrin coughed once more. "Not....sane."  Derrin attempted to get up, but he spasmed and fell over on the ground again. The pain was just simply too much to bear.
"He made sure to keep me alive. Shallow...Cuts.. AUGHHHHHH!!!" Derrin cried out in pain as one of the cuts on his chest tore open, larger than it had been before.

"Help me... The pain is just too...much." Derrin stumbled over his words. His head felt heavy.

Luck was not on Derrin Istoli's side.

Re: A change of heart.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 3:28 am
by Xaldien†
(I might be breaking the rules, but I'm going to write a few actions for Derrin)

Derrin fell on his knees, but Chiaki was quick enough to keep him from falling all the way down, and held onto him, while she moved her bag to his side, to a point where he couldn't see that she was opening it, and reaching for her bag.

"Here, let me help you," she said in a new voice. She seemed almost happy, and in joy of the moment, as she took out the gun, her lover, and point it right at the side of his stomach, and pulled the trigger, and heard the beautiful sound of a bullet firing.

Re: A change of heart.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 3:28 am
by AtomicWaffle†
"Here, let me help you."
Derrin heard the sound of a gun being fired. In that instant, all his pain, his anger, his frustration, was gone. All that remained was the reality of the situation:
I am going to die.
Derrin fell backwards onto the road. "Why? Why did you do that to me?" He managed to say. Blood gathered in his throat. The wound in his chest bled profusely, now seeping into a pool on the ground. "A *gurgle* mercy killing...?" His hands shook.

The life of Derrin Istoli was an awful one, and in his last dying moments, he was finally at peace with himself. The constant enduring pain of his life, his...demons inside finally left him, and he was left with the peace of his own mind, his own space, for once in his life.

"NO!!! HOW COULD YOU LET HER SHOOT YOU!! YOU MOTHER FUCKING IDIOT!!" Jeff approached Derrin. He was furious.

"Jeff... You'e a figment of my imagination,A 'demon' of mine that has tormented me all my life. *cough* You won't die. You can't. *cough* you never existed and you never will. Goodbye, Jeff."

Jeff had now ceased to exist. There was only Derrin now.

Derrin calmly got up, blood pouring down his chest.
He stumbled slowly towards Chiaki. Then, he smiled.

"Thank you..."

Finally, Derrin Istoli collapsed. Dead, and at peace.

B96 - Derrin Istoli: DECEASED.


The death of Derrin Istoli was only the beginning of something that would cause the last ounce of sanity to fall from the grasp of Garry Dodd. Something that would not only affect him, but a newcomer to SOTF as well.

Re: A change of heart.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 3:28 am
by Xaldien†
Chiaki felt kind of sorry for the kid, but at the same time she realized that not only did she enjoy it, she knows it was the only way in this game.
She didn't quite grasp what he meant when he said thank you, but the only thing she could think to say to his lifeless body was "Rest in peace, kid. You no longer have to deal with this war."

She didn't even see if he had anything on him. She picked up her bag, put the gun inside, and continued walking.

Her first kill. What a rush.
(Continued elsewhere)