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Running Start.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 3:16 am
by Nealosiā€ 
Mary-Anne Robinson awoke with a face full of dust on a small dirt road coming off the main expressway. She struggled get her eyes into focus, squinting and opening them nice and wide to get a glimpse of a distant, white, abandoned marina. She threw her wild dark bangs of hair out of her eyes and stood up to examine her surroundings. The sun was bright and warm on her dark skin. Her head spun as recollections of the events leading up to here filled her mind. She struggled for balance as all the nausea and shock caught up to her. She fell onto all floors and stared into the dirt for a good minute just repeating one word over and over until it reached a crescendo.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit! SHIT!"

Her back arch and her arms stretched to the sky Mary-Anne yelled to the air. She collapsed moments later with her head in her hands. She forced herself not to cry, and instead, Mary yelled and cursed into her sweaty palms.

I can't even believe this! I have no idea what the fuck is going on!

That Asian woman. It was the first thought that came back to Mary-Anne, after that, it all became clear. She was supposed to kill every other person on the Island. She stood tall on the abandoned road. The sounds of chirping morning birds and ocean waves permeated from all sides. Taking a moment to take everything in, Mary examined the body print she had left in the dust. A bag sat next to her imprint, she shook herself out of her desperate trance and rushed over to the bag. She rifled through the contents of the bag possessed. Trying to find something, anything, that could get her the hell out of her, but as she reached the bottom she only discovered something resembling a much more lethal version of a baseball bat.

I suppose this is my weapon, you stupid fuckers. I'm not fucking killing anyone for you bastards.

Mary-Anne gripped the cudgel in one hand and wandered about picking up the supplies she had tossed about in her anger. She threw everything in and flipped her hair back, taking an elastic to tie it back into a pony tail.

Ok, let's find a way out of here. When I find whoever's responsible for this, I'm gonna shove this bat up their ass sideways.

Mary-Anne took off down the expressway in a full sprint, she had no idea where she was heading, she just somehow knew she needed to hurry.

((Continued Elsewhere))