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the thread wherein i pay attention for a week then disappear til v7 starts

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:22 pm
by Maraoone
hi hello finally porting this from the ruins of tapatalk

i'm only porting one kid over for now because the other kid's concept is gonna be significantly revamped so Stay Tuned

big thank to ryuki for this kid

Yuka Hayashibara: A Japanese kid, 17, one of three triplets! She's considered the pretty one of the three, and she's not obliged to disagree. After she got taken to watch a stage play, Yuka became rather enchanted with the choreography, so, she started her long, long journey into the world of makeup, fashion, and hairstyling. She also started dance classes and got herself into the drama club. In middle school, she started getting into the pastel goth aesthetic because, well, purple and black is a pretty combination.

She's very sociable and for her, there's never enough friends. Unfortunately, some of them may slip away every now and then. From a young age, Yuka's father taught her that being blunt was an effective way of communicating, and she took this a bit too much to heart, so she's lost plenty of friends by accidentally saying the wrong thing.
If you're her enemy, she'll avoid you as much as possible, but will gladly stand her ground if necessary. She's also openly bisexual, having come out around middle school.

Soooo Yuka also needs friends and enemies! She's pretty open to befriending anyone, but most likely, she'd be friends with anyone in the drama club, anyone into gothic stuff, fashion, makeup, hairstyling, shopping, etc. And anyone who's a friend of her sisters is her friend/acquaintance as well, barring extraordinary circumstances. Likewise, any enemies of her sisters would be her enemies. She wouldn't necessarily seek to become enemies with anyone, but she may tick off the wrong person by saying the wrong thing, so there's that. Also, if anyone brings the fight to her, for example, singling her out for being bisexual, they'd get on her bad side immediately. As for dates, she's pretty open so she's bound to have a few ex-boyfriends/ex-girlfriends, maybe even a current one, or a long-term one!
[+] Relationships
Yuki Hayashibara (Ryuki) - SISTER - "Best sister and math tutor I could ever ask for."
Yuko Hayashibara (Polybius) - SISTER - "This means everything to me. Thank you."
Roxanne 'Roxie' Borowski (Kami) - makeup buddies - "I'm free for the next video! Just try not to take so long with the plaster this time. I think it irritates my skin."
Dolly Upton (Zee) - lolita pal! - "Those drawings are gorgeous. Can't wait to wear one of your designs."
Marceline Carlson (VoltTurtle) - pastel goth buddyyyy - "It's really nice knowing someone else in this school that just gets me, you know? Well, aside from Yuki and Yuko, of course."
Helena 'Hel' Fury (Emprexx Plush) - s p o o p s q u a d - "Thanks for saving me out there. I really appreciate it."
Artem Fyodorov (Fenris) - s p o o p s q u a d - "How can a man be so beautiful? Like, how is it physically possible?"
Ming Robinson (VoltTurtle) - theater buddy - "I honestly can't think of anything bad to say about her. Really. OK, maybe she needs to love herself more?"
Apollonia "Nia" Karahalios (Fenris) - theater buddy/fashion tutee - "OK, so, never overdo your eye shadow unless you're feeling brave, got it? Or if you feel like cosplaying a panda. Your choice."
Beryl Mahelona (cicicic) - childhood friend/fashion experimentee - "Hey! Are you free? Saturday afternoon sound good? I've been meaning to try this shade of lipstick on someone."
Sakurako Jackson (sunny) - Very Good Friend/theater buddy/fashion tutee - happy screaming
Tristan O'Hara (Sansa) - fashion buddy/ex-boyfriend - "It was fun, but it wasn't meant to be. We're still good friends though, so that's nice."
Zen Alicea Feliciano (Fenris) - fashion buddy/ex-datefriend - "They're so pretty! It was fun being with them. They also make the best lace leggings."
Blaise d'Aramitz (Emprexx Plush) - fashion buddy/ex-datefriend - "They're a trip, I'll say that, at least. Just have to be careful around them, though."
Dante Luciano Valerio (Fenris) - ex-boyfriend - "Eh. He's cute. Sweet. My Saturday with him was OK, I guess."
Tanisha Abbey (Laurels) - acquaintances/fellow dancer - "I don't run into her often, but when I do, it's always a fun time."
Barbara 'Babs' Mulaney (Empress Plush) - ???? - "Did I say something wrong?"
Princess McQuillan (cicicic) - acquaintances/theater clubmate - "It's nice working with her. She's also fun to talk to. Like, it's like she actually gives a fuck about what you have to say."
Jonathan Meyers (Yugikun) - theater clubmate - "He's a good actor and I can work with him, but I don't see why he has to be so rude."
Marco Volker (Toxie) - theater clubmate - "Creep."
Axel Fontaine (Fenris) - avoidance - "He looks like trouble, to be honest. Literally and figuratively."
Demetri Fuscher (cicicic) - sister's tutee - "I've told Yuki a million times to stay away from him. I don't know why she doesn't listen."
Garren Mortimer (pipipipp) - enemies - "Go fuck yourself."
Ivy Langley (Fenris) - enemies - "Just stay away from me and my sister, and we're good, alright?"

Re: the thread wherein i pay attention for a week then disappear til v7 starts

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 11:41 am
by Maraoone
copy/pasting this straight from cicada's relationship thread, going back into tapatalk took five years off my lifespan so please appreciate my efforts

Joanne Coleman: (adopted from Cicada!)

Joanne Coleman comes off in a very straightforward manner. She's a loud, loyal, and brash girl with strongly progressive opinions who will happily argue with anyone she thinks is a piece of shit, which is a lot of people as she's fairly easy to offend and annoy. Those who piss her off earn places on her shit list for life, she is prone to holding grudges and does not forgive or forget easily. If you're on her good side she's a shameless advocate of you, and shares with you hobbies like her love of video games, travelling to find good eats, partying, dancing, karaoke, and gossip. She's a very happy and in the moment sort, though she rarely shows intellectual consistency, parroting ad hominem attacks and leftist memes as her main form of ammunition.

What few people in the school are privy to except her closest and most of trusted friends is that she's actually quite intelligent, well read, a good essayist maintaining a strong 4.0+ GPA and looking at good scholarship opportunities, or at least she was until the beginning of her Senior year when her grades begun to slip. What even these people don't know is that she's quite depressed, feeling totally lost over the state of the modern world and of her family, which is being actively torn apart by a brutal divorce of her parents that leaves her and her siblings confused as to who they are loyal to. She absolutely refuses to let this aspect of her public in anyway, and she wears her cheer and growing inroads into pain medications and alcohol as a shield to save her friends from the truth.
[+] Cliffnotes
Overall Look: Somewhat overweight with wide set shoulders. African American, rich and healthy skin. Her face is somewhat brusque and masculine, but she's good at using makeup to even it out when she's more up to carry herself in a feminine manner. Conservative wear, often with hints of golden accents. Has curly hair but crops it short into a flat top. Uses an over exaggerated and over accented voice that is quite shrill, is naturally bass-y with her normal voice.

Favorite Artists: Meghan Trainor, Lorde, P!nk, Beyoncé, SZA, Sade, TLC, Jordin Sparks, Syd and The Internet, Katy Perry, Troye Sivan. The Top 40 in general.
Her signature Karaoke songs in particular are Try by Pink, most Meghan Trainor songs that get Karaoke instrumentals, Umbrella by Rihanna, and Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson.
The songs she has memorized dance routines for include London Bridge by Fergie, and Be Alright by Ariana Grande.

Favorite Games: Neopets, Super Smash Brothers for Wii U, Overwatch (casual, nonranked. Genji main), DDR.

Hobbies Nobody Knows She Has: Spacegazing, composing poetry, reading and disseminating academic works especially concerning gender studies.

Siblings: Two in early elementary school, twin brothers Tanka and Rudo. They're both rambunctious but friendly, though Tanka has been quite surly since the divorce has begun to unfold.

Favorite Foods and Drinks: In general she has a broad palette. Fried catfish is her favorite food of all time. Her mom cooks legendary rhubarb pie. She also likes her coffee black. She knows all sorts of great eats in Chattanooga and the surrounding area up the 24 and down the 75. Her favorite alcohol as of late is Stella Beer, which she'll sometimes bring cases of to parties or drink when hanging out by herself.
Some Possible Relationships/Ideas:
- Her closest friends are part of the Titty Brigade with Laurel's Tanisha Abbey. These girls inspired Joanne and helped her out in middle school when she'd lost confidence in her looks and intellect. Join them! They're a fun and badass lot of gals.
- In general she's well known in the party scene and she's quite friendly and chatty as long as you're not an asshole with right-leanings. Or well, an asshole in general, but she gives people being loud about more progressive and socially liberal values more of a pass.
- She curates a strong Tumblr and Twitter presence, so check her out there if your kid's got that social media ish.
- She and her mother eat out often, if your family owns or patronizes particular restaurants she might be a familiar face?
- Babysitters for the two young boys welcome!
- She's cool with hanging out with the more nerd kids to play some video games, indeed she's kind of not particularly good at them so feel free to show her up! She definitely doesn't mind.
- She's a fixture in the rumor mill/grape vine, so you might know Joanne more exclusively via this alley.
- Joanne has strong LGBT sympathies but is ultimately fairly straight herself. I doubt she's had relationships but a few crushes either way, past or present, are welcome.
- The occasional friend who's more concerned about Joanne's recent drop in grades and energy, and her more reckless behavior at parties. A few of these are cool but I'll be particular about this. Nobody and nobody should know the whole truth, or even come close, that's not what I'm in the market for.
[+] Relationships
Alton Gerow (MurderWeasel) - Single woman seeks a good man. Heaven knows they're rarer than raw beef.
Myles Roux (backslash) - She doesn't want to say she holds a grudge but she totally fucking does. Has he ever even thought of the people he hurts with his thoughtlessness?
Tanisha Abbey (Laurels) - [Incoherent screaming and cheers]. Tanisha's friendship got Joanne through some tough times, and if there's anyone on this earth Joanne hates lying to it's her main squad gal.
Adele Jones (Somersault) - [More incoherent screaming and cheers]. Real squod, right here. Joanne also helps Adele get inspiration by being one of her fashion models, gotta make them big girls proud right? Adele will always have Joanne's support.
Jonathan Meyers (Yugikun) - She's typically on his case whenever he starts getting stand-offish or cold to others. Why? Because she respects him as a friend and she respects his efforts and she really wants to help him keep coming out of his shell and blossoming! He's a good kid, somewhere down under all that grump.
Teresa Rojas (Yugikun) - "Ho queen!" Space-time continuum watch out when both the Titty Brigade and Teresa's goons end up at the same party.
Keisha Higgins-Bell (Somersault) - Joanne sometimes just likes to get Keisha talking so she can expand her own mind with Keisha's interesting insights on feminism.
Lukas Nielson (jimmydalad) - Different circles, but Lukas is way too cool and good to just not respect and like forever and ever.
Connor Lorenzen (Cactus) - "Hey hey you you I don't like your girlfriend."
Lavender Ripley (MurderWeasel) - "Cool girl! She gets things done her way, I do it mine."
Meilin Zhou (BlizzardeyeWonder) - Ditzy copout. So, Joanne relates quite a bit, even if it never shows.
Nia Karahalios (Fenris) - Joanne gets the sense that Nia doesn't think too highly of her as a conversational partner but that is the intended effect anyways. Can't fault a girl for not liking one sided conversations too much.
Juliette Sargent (MurderWeasel) - Nothing wrong with a politician who actually cares about being on the good guy's side.
Axel Fontaine (Fenris) - Pretty casual Overwatch buddies. Met at a party, devolved into fellow geeks from there.
Dante Valiero (Fenris) - "You do you but not for me. Sorry hon."
Mackenzie "Kenzie" Baker (Blastinus) - Regrettable fashion, regrettable choices all around, but not a regrettable friend to have!
Daniel "Danny" Chamnanma (Slam) - She thinks he's alright. Decent to hang out with on some tertiary tier.
Dean Puchero (Pippin) - Joanne's surprised there's anyone on this earth who sounds even more out of it than she does. He's cool for sure.
Ashlynn Martinek (General Goose) - Kind of problematic, but at least Ashlynn (probably) voted right in 2016? Joanne tries to feel inclusive.
Billy Trevino (Polybius) - Joanne sticks with her friends loyally when it comes to taking sides in spats, she doesn't really talk to this kid for that reason but she has no reason to actually dislike him.
Matthew Hunt (Super Weegee) - Sometimes friends don't know when to lay off. She wishes it had gone differently.
Parker Green (Frozen Smoke) - Petty bully, whatever.
Faith Marshal (Frozen Smoke) - Fuck no get out of here, calling Joanne a hypocrite with that mouth?
Ivy Langley (Fenris) - "Bitch where do you even get off? Besides getting off on orphan tears."
Garren Mortimer (Pippin) - Joanne isn't even sure how people like this can be real? But if he's just the mass hysteria of a liberalized society fuck him all the more.
Madison Springer (Mimi) - Never walk into Thread Heads. There is a quarantine zone on that store for at least the next century.