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Something Good

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 10:10 pm
by Cactus
"It took me absolutely forever to drag it out of him." Morgan furrowed his brow, and paused; rephrased. "Okay, like, probably ten minutes. But still! Who doesn't want to go to prom of all things? That's the seminal American high school experience." He moved slowly to his left to avoid a passing mother, complete with stroller and screaming baby. He grimaced as the noise passed them by, but kept walking, turning back to his newfound travelling companion.

"Mike's a great dude, but sometimes I just don't get how his head works. But shit, I guess that's everyone, right? But enough about our stupid adventures in pre-world domination - what's new and exciting in your world?"

Morgan turned and shot Lizzie Lebowski a big grin. Man, now this brought back some memories. What a trip.

((Morgan Dragosavich continued from Phosphorescence, Luminescence, and You

The afternoon had started out like pretty much any other - Morgan was bored, his father was cooped up in the garage working on something, and his mother was painting. So like any warm-blooded American teenager, he'd figured that a trip to the mall was in order. It wasn't like he had a ton of money to blow on any kind of frivolous purchase, but most of the retail stores were starting to gear up for the summer, and maybe if he was lucky, he could find a silly shirt, or some sort of cool knick-knack in a department store that was on a rack for 80% off. At the very least, he could help himself to some delicious food, courtesy of Chattanooga's finest mall food court. It probably wasn't, now that he thought about it, but it was the closest mall within walking distance, and it sure beat rifling through the cupboard and trying to make something up himself.

It had been that very thought that had directed him into the housewares section of the department store attached to the mall, looking at cookware and home furnishings for a home that he didn't own. Of course, with college already accepted and coming up the following year, Morgan knew that being able to cook his own food was probably a really important skill that he would need to brush up on in the summer. He was going all the way across the country to Los Angeles, of all places, and there'd be no parental assistance anywhere close.

Not that he expected any, to begin with, he'd thought sourly. He'd still been giving his father a wide berth; the elder Dragosavich had been in a more foul mood than usual this week, and it lessened Morgan's want or need to be at home. So there he'd been, in the housewares department. He'd been inspecting a particularly ridiculous-looking food processor, when a smart-assed - but funny - remark had come from behind him. Lo and behold, it had been Lizzie.

Their friendship had seemed like a lifetime ago, at this point it basically was, and so Morgan had been tickled to see her. As a kid, he had always enjoyed her company, but when they'd drifted apart - that was absolutely the reason, for sure - he'd moved on to other friends, other social groups. They'd barely interacted throughout high school for reasons that barely seemed important right now, but that she had actively acknowledged him actually tickled him a little bit.

The year was coming to a close, he supposed, and so this was the time to let all the old pretense down. And why not? She was good people. At least, she had been.

So here they walked down the mall corridor, giving the appearance of window-shopping but more just catching up, shooting the shit, and reminiscing. Morgan had just finished regailing Lizzie with the updates on his own life, such as it was, right up to his talking good ol' Mikey Froese into going to prom the day before. As he'd turned the question back around on her, he allowed his face to fall a bit more seriously while verbally changing course a bit.

"I'm serious though. It's been, like... years I think since the last time we sat down and had a chat? You... you look good." He smiled at her. "Like you're happy."

Morgan didn't want to actively bring up the rumour mill that had gone around about Lizzie: she was a bully, she'd had a breakdown, she'd changed her stripes, but he beat around the proverbial bush a bit more than he was used to. This was someone he'd once been very close to, and he didn't want to hurt her feelings.

He hoped she was happy. The little girl he'd been friends with way back deserved that much.

Re: Something Good

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 10:50 pm
by Slam
((Lizzie Lebowski Pre-Prom start))

Lizzie beamed back at Morgan. She was enjoying catching up with him just as much as he was with her. She was happy.

It was times like this, when she could just relax with someone and not worry about how she was coming across, just be herself and laugh at her own jokes, that made it all worthwhile. The fact that it was with Morgan, the kid she’d at one time made a stink bomb with back in their first year of middle school for the science fair, and still managed to get an A thanks to his chemistry knowhow, made it even better.

It was times like this when she knew she was on the right track, and it was great fun too.

“You look good too. I like what you’re doing with your hair now! Very ‘I’m a teenager, leave me alone.’” She smiled, joining in Morgan’s laughter as he feigned a shot to the heart at her piercing jest. “But don’t worry, it’s definitely not emo!”

Eventually the two settled down onto a bench, Lizzie taking a long slurp of her orange smoothie as the world walked by. She was still smiling at Morgan the whole time, remembering just how much she’d enjoyed being friends with him back in the old days. Damn it felt good to talk to him again.

“Oh! Speaking of college,” not that the topic had come up yet, but details. “I’ve got great news! My uncle in Germany heard that I wanted to go study in New York, and he said he’d help my parents out with living costs since I’m basically his favourite niece, so I think I can actually go now! Isn’t that awesome? I just found out on Friday night, so you’re actually the first guy I’ve told from school!”

The Big Apple had been her big dream for at least a year, that ideal city that just seemed out of her reach and out of her wallet. Now she could look forward to it, and she absolutely did enjoy sharing her excitement with her friends.

“So now it’s just Prom, Finals and then New York New York, it’s a helluva town! I should start working on my Brooklyn accent. Tell everyone ‘I’m walkin’ heeear’, I bet they’ll love that.”

She laughed at her own bad accent, giddy as she relived the excitement of getting to reach her dream a second time. Finally it died down with a happy breath of relief.

“Not that anyone’s asked me to Prom yet, but hey maybe my cousin will come around eventually.” She paused, looking aside at Morgan as her smile sharpened just a little. “So, who’s the lucky girl who goes with Mr Dragosavich to the ball, then?”

Re: Something Good

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:54 pm
by Cactus
Morgan's mimicry of an arrow piercing his heart was met with a laugh, and he returned it in kind, absently brushing some hair from his forehead. It was true; as far as appearances were concerned, he didn't really care all that much. Style was in the eye of the beholder, and being the most stylish kid in school wasn't on his agenda. That was way too much work for him, though he did kind of enjoy his 'just woke up look.

"No, I'm saving the black lipstick and eyeshadow for my post-secondary career. Once I get into the glitz and glam lifestyle, you know how it is."

Punctuating his joke with a puffed-out chest and a roll of his eyes, he continued to smirk as they found their way to an unoccupied bench in the centre of the laneway, a perfect stop to enjoy their cool drinks and do a little people-watching. While Lizzie had opted with some sort of orange-looking concoction, Morgan had picked himself up a very-citrusy pineapple and coconut drink that he had only barely started to work on. As she started to fill Morgan in on the particulars of her own post-secondary plans, he took a sip of the flavourful beverage.

Damn, that was fruity.

At her surprise influx of cash from a rich relative, Morgan smiled as he took another sip. That was some serious good fortune, and he was glad to hear it. He'd seen Lizzie around the hallways throughout high school, and more than a few times he'd seen her looking forlorn, devoid of energy. She probably could have used a friend to cheer her up. The thought gave him an uncharacteristic twinge of guilt. Why hadn't he ever done that? Disliking the implication, he buried it by nodding at her.

"No shit! Holy crap, that's amazing! Who ever said that it didn't pay to have wealthy relatives?" He hesitated. "Well, maybe no one, but damn! New York... that's-"

A helluva town; Lizzie beat him to the joke. She was quick, maybe one of the few people he could count with a quicker wit than his. So he carried it forward.

"You just need to make sure you don't take the accent too far, y'know? First you're yelling at cars, then your glasses get thicker rims - two or three tattoos and a haircut later and before you know it you're a Brooklyn hipster." He put the drink down and held his thumb and forefingers out in L-shapes to make a faux-camera frame, which he aimed at her a few different ways.

"Hmm, I mean... maybe you could pull it off. That's a big maybe though."

He laughed, and reached for his drink as Lizzie brought up prom. A date? Him? Hah. Morgan laughed and shook his head.

"Oh yeah, I'm going to prom with the elusive duo of Henry Sparks and Michael Froese. It's a trio that drips sex appeal," he winked at her, but his shoulders shook in silent laughter and he shook his head. "No, honestly, I'm unattached at the moment. Originally I was just going to round up a gang of friends - some of my cave trip group from science class, maybe. But I think Erika is seeing that big scary dude now -- Tybalt? Taiwan? Ty-something? Fuck, I don't know."

He counted on his fingers as he listed people off.

"Jonah, God love him, actually found the cajones to ask Arizona Butler to prom, and she said yes. If you can believe that. That's an actual hot couple. Good for him, though. Uhhh... not sure what Alton or Julien are doing."

Morgan shrugged as his train of thought derailed. Now that it occurred to him, he wasn't really in the loop for a lot of prom plans. He'd sort of assumed that he'd round a group of people up, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized that most people were going with dates. Shit. The corner of his mouth downturned for a moment.

"What about you? You've had nobody come around yet? That seems... kind of shocking. Who wouldn't want the Lizzie Lebowski prom experience? There would never be a dull moment." He paused, but grinned. "Granted, I guess that's what happens when you keep expecting your family members to ask you to prom. We're not that far south, y'know."

He looked Lizzie over again, subtly. He was genuinely a little surprised that nobody had come around to asking her. She was a bit outlandish in attire - sure, but Lizzie was in fairly good shape and had a really pretty face. Anyone would be lucky to go with her to prom. Hell, he wished he'd be so lucky to go with someone like her.

Morgan blinked in surprise.


Wait, what?

He covered his momentary confusion by taking a large gulp of his smoothie. Lizzie was an old friend, but this was the first time he'd ever realized that found her attractive. Morgan wasn't really sure what to do with that information, so he doubled the gulp, and worked on swallowing the smoothie quickly. To cover the awkward, obvious workings of his brain, he decided to say something clever; a joke perhaps.

"Hngh," he grimaced, as a trigeminal headache slapped him in the brain.

Re: Something Good

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:55 am
by Slam
Lizzie took her turn to drink her orange sugar-water while Morgan talked about his own Prom plans, laughing along at his jokes and enjoying the gossip about who was bringing who. Even though she was in a way still excluding herself from getting too close to a lot of groups, perhaps as a matter of caution, she still liked to know what was going on in everyone’s lives. She liked to be happy for them, too.

“Hey, desperation doesn’t depend on what state you’re in you know.” She winked, wondering aside for a moment how long she was going to run this cousin joke into the ground. Probably as long as it still got laughs.

The fact that no-one had asked her to Prom yet had not slipped her mind, no. She had mixed feelings on it, because on one hand she did want to go to Prom, and she was planning on going by herself if no-ne asked her, but on the other she wanted someone to invite her. Yes, she’d done crappy things in the past she still had to make up for, but she hoped that wouldn’t mean she’d have to miss out on her once in a lifetime Senior Prom night. It’s not like she was a total pariah these days, so what were the boys waiting for?

Maybe her comical antics just weren’t very sexy. Maybe they thought of her as a friend more than date material. That kind of sucked.

She realised that her smile had dropped as she’d started musing on her girlfriend potential, hastening to bring out her friendly grin again. Morgan’s brain freeze was conveniently timed to let her laugh without it looking unnatural.

No-one had asked him out either yet, she supposed. Well with a skinny build like his, lack of muscle, and the way he dressed, he wasn’t really dripping in sex appeal either.

She winced. Damn it, she shouldn’t have gone straight to that. Bad Lizzie. Too judgemental and superficial.

Even if he didn’t look like a playboy, though, Morgan was a great guy. They’d just spent an hour or so talking and it had been really fun, which was more than she could say about a lot of the guys in her life. Plus his natural look was kind of cute, in its own way. Like that awkward boy next door with a heart of gold.

She smiled at him, taking the last sip of her smoohie.

“No-one’s asked the handsome Morgan Dragosavich to the Prom? Now that’s just not right, is it?”

She was still smiling until she realised her unintended use of a particular word in the middle of that last line. That turned her face a lovely shade of beet red.

“I meant, handsome like friendly! Smart! Not handsome like sexy! Not that you’re not sexy, but, NO! I didn’t mean-”

She stopped herself, because she was far too mortified to continue. All she could do was look away and groan as she died a little of embarrassment.

Re: Something Good

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 5:37 pm
by Cactus
Allowing himself a moment to shut his eyes and let the brain freeze pass, Morgan was at least thankful for Lizzie's laughter at his predicament likely distracting her from noticing his confused epiphany. As the sudden agony passed by, he took a few breaths and opened his eyes. She was still there, and seemed to be enjoying his perfectly-timed distress. Well, perfectly timed for him, but she didn't need to know that.

At his own lack of prom predicament, Morgan just shrugged. He hadn't been expecting to be asked to prom by anyone, so it didn't really bother him all that much. When he'd been talking Michael into going to prom, a big part of the sale for him had been a bunch of them going as a group with similarly unattached friends. Some people placed a large degree of importance on having a date for prom, but that wasn't Morgan's thing. Prom would be fun, and probably the same as any other semi-formal event or junior prom that George Hunter had ever put on, but it was the 'last gasp' for high school, that he got why people were making a big deal of it. Nodding as Lizzie confirmed his own lack of date, he took another sip of his drink - a slower sip this time.

"Damn straight. It's almost crim-"

As he was midway through assigning illegality to his lack of prom night plans, Lizzie's face went wide and she started to sputter and backpedal something fierce. He'd glossed over her calling him handsome, but her sudden stumble inferred that maybe it had been a slip. Interesting. A grin worked its way upon his face as she continued to make a meal out of her own shoe. Playing along, he feigned a gasp, and put his hand to his chest.

"Well my goodness gracious, Elizabeth Lebowski." He put on an overly formal voice, saying her full name as though he were a teacher scolding a student. "Did you just call me handsome and sexy? Ms. Lebowski, are you trying to seduce me?"

Holding the astonished face for only a moment, he couldn't resist as her face reddened and she looked away, breaking the gag with a laugh and a genuine smile. For someone who was a pretty funny person, Lizzie sure had a talent to let her mouth do the leading instead of her brain. It was kind of cute, honestly. The smile turned mischievous. He couldn't resist one more poke.

"Y'know, you'd better be careful saying things like that to me, Lizzie. Gonna make me think I should ask you to prom!"

Mind focused on the joke, this time it was Morgan's mouth that shot words out before his brain could reel them back in. His eyes widened a bit in abject horror at what he'd just said. His mouth dropped open a bit, and to cover, he slowly rose the straw to his mouth and took another sip.

He felt his face flush, and this time it wasn't the brain freeze.

Re: Something Good

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 9:25 pm
by Slam
Lizzie continued to look away in shame as Morgan mocked her from behind. She could feel the heat coming off her face as she buried it into her palms. Of all the things to let slip out.

Still, it would be premature to let the humiliation from that moment be her end. Rather than letting it stand, she decided to straighten herself up, turned back to Morgan, and give him a well-deserved (but playful) swat.

With that out the way, she looked back at the crowd walking by, hands firmly planted on the bench as an awkward cloud formed over both their heads. It was charged with that unique electricity that came only from clumsy words shared between two young people.

Well, it wasn’t like anyone else was rushing to ask her. And Morgan was the handsome awkward boy next door…

She turned her head just enough so that he could see her looking at him out of the corner of her eye. She leaned her body in closer, humming a quiet tone to get his attention. She leaned in closer still, humming louder, when nothing came.

All he had to do was say it, and they could move on with their embarrassing little day.

Re: Something Good

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:18 pm
by Cactus
Lizzie gave him a playful smack that landed on the side of his arm and looked out into the crowd, seemingly pondering. Ordinarily, Morgan would have feigned an injury or agony at the smack, but his focus was still elsewhere - namely on the lump that had formed in the pit of his stomach. His words had slipped out without any consideration for their meaning, and they now hung there, the air buzzing with awkward energy. Shit, what was he saying? Lizzie was a friend; an old friend whom he'd fallen out of touch with, but a friend nonetheless. Attractiveness notwithstanding (something Morgan was still trying to reconcile to himself), she had to know he was joking.

He was joking.


Blinking to himself in uncomfortable realization, his eyes widened a bit as he realized she hadn't said anything after he had. She just glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, expectant. Oh God. Was she... did he... ?

Morgan's heartbeat quickened and he imagined his face probably went a shade redder. Mentally, he did a quick calculation in his mind: pros and cons. Asking Lizzie to prom would ensure he had fun. He'd have a date, which he wasn't expecting. A cute date. On the downside, Michael would probably be annoyed that he'd gone and gotten a date. A really attractive one. Who was ... was she getting closer to him? Ohfuckshit.

He swallowed. Morgan wasn't usually so awkward in these situations - okay, maybe he was, but it never made him feel like this. Maybe she was messing with him in return? Something told him that likely wasn't it. Things felt too... he didn't know. He blinked again, dropping the joking pretense and trying to buffer himself with boldness.

"I, ahh," he straightened up a little, "would you like to go to prom with me?"

The question came out with a bit more disbelief than he had hoped, but his body language was propping his lack of conviction up. As she turned to face him, he looked in her eyes and smiled. His heart continued to pound.

She did have pretty eyes.

Re: Something Good

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 5:22 pm
by Slam
“Oh! Welll! …w-w-well!” She’d intended to repay him for his teasing over her slipped out ‘handsome’ remark, but just wound up stumbling over her words. Her face was insistent on maintaining that wonderfully awkward red colour, too.

“Well! Well! ...well! Ah, If you say so, I suppose!” she finally managed to reply. “But only because you asked! Such a gentleman, and all that!” She tried to tease him again with a hoighty toighty laugh and another light slap, but that too sounded more nervous and embarassed than anything superior. Good gravy this wasn’t how she’d seen today going.

“Um, so yeah! Cool! I guess we should think about who’s picking up who, and uh, what corsage you’re going to get me? Stuff like that?” She was still laughing like a Loony Lizzie, trying desperately to make eye contact but at the same time knowing she’d explode if she did.

Sugar, the last time she’d been to a dance was back in middle school with Ralph Tremol. She didn’t really give a crap about whether he specifically had asked her, he just had status and she had to get some of that, so the whole evening had been pretty dull over all. But she hadn’t reacted like that when he’d asked her, and that was because she hadn’t cared, in fact the whole thing had been rather rehearsed from her point of view. Here she’d gone from a shopping trip to just see what sort of things college wannabes bought to having a date and holy guacamole she needed to slow down a bit.

She placed her hand on her breast, forcing herself to centre herself and take a short breath. It looked a bit silly to have to compose herself, but it was better than acting like a complete ass.

“Sorry, got a bit nervous, I guess. Thanks for the invitation.”

She gave him a heartfelt smile, meaning every tooth of it.

Re: Something Good

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 12:03 am
by Cactus
It took all of Morgan's composure not to let his jaw fall open, and even then he was only barely successful, making it look like he was opening and closing his own mouth. He couldn't believe it - had he just asked Lizzie to prom? He had. That had happened. He'd readied for a quick yet polite refusal.

And then she'd said yes?!

Whoa. That too, had happened.

To her credit, Lizzie's face was bright red, and she couldn't seem to decide whether or not she was making jokes, or saying yes, or being embarrassed. It looked like she'd settled on all three, which was true to form for her, Morgan knew. He was feeling his own cheeks flush red as well. First it had been the unusual feelings she'd stirred up in him, and it had lead to the joking, which had lead to-

Wait, was it joking, or had it been flirting?

At this point, it didn't matter. It could have been whatever they wanted it to be. Regaining control of his motor functions, Morgan stammered out his own affirmation to Lizzie's motor mouthed ramble.

"I, yeah, it, I mean - absolutely we, yeah, we'll figure all that stuff out, for sure!"

Smooth, he was not. He'd gotten so used to being rejected; it had been a long time since the last time he'd had a 'yes', and his voice betrayed his surprise. Yet it seemed as though the surprise went both ways, and relief flooded into him as she took a moment to compose herself. He allowed himself the same. Nodding at her, he smiled his own genuine, happy smile. The more he allowed the thought to permeate his brain, the more he liked it. Morgan and Lizzie. Lizzie and Morgan. Going to prom together.


"It's cool. I - ah, I did too. And, uh," he tapped the fingers of his left hand on his sternum and gently placed his right hand on her shoulder, "you're very welcome. Trust me when I say, it'll be my pleasure."

Something crackled between them as he touched her. Wow. What had started out as a super basic trip to the mall for something to do had borne the most unexpected of fruits. Where this went, he wasn't sure. It was one thing to reconnect with an old friend just before the end of high school, but it was a whole other to-

"I can't wait."

He stopped his brain from running ahead of him, and decided to focus on the lovely woman sitting beside him in the here and now. Relaxing, Morgan's smile only got brighter as he looked at her eyes - how had he never noticed her eyes before - and saw how happy she was. For a moment, there were no more jokes from either of them. Every word was earnest, and he knew that their afternoon - and their prom plans - were much better for it.

((Morgan Dragosavich and Lizzie Lebowski continued elsewhere))