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Crawling to My Death

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:33 pm
by Zevon†
(Gabriel Lee continues from Rather be a Rat than a Lion)

Once Gabriel had made it past the tree line of the woods he gingerly got down on all fours and started a sort of half-assed commando crawl towards a sand dune for cover. The wild, unkempt grass felt good under Gabriel's hands, in a weird but familiar sort of way.Though this appeared to be a golf course, from the look of the grass it must have been abandoned quite awhile ago. After Gabriel finally rolled awkwardly into the sand dune, he peeked up from his hiding spot to sight his target: An old, two-story, Victorian style house that looked like the perfect hideout... if there wasn't already someone inside. Gabriel hadn't heard any screaming or gunshots from this particular location, which he guessed was a good sign, though it could mean someone might be waiting in ambush to shank him in a dark room behind a doorway, or a hidden sniper could be watching Gabriel at this very moment from a window of the Victorian.

How easily the paranoia set in. But Paranoia might just keep him alive for a little longer.

Making sure his duffle was securely slung over his shoulder, Gabriel began his slow crawl towards the Victorian.

He froze as he heard a lone gunshot, which from the noise, seemed like it had come from somewhere close by. After waiting a few moments, he continued his crawl forward. Gabriel wasn't particularly religious, but he prayed silently that he wasn't crawling towards his death.

(Gabriel Lee continued in Hermit Ranger)