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The Fox, the Wolf, and the Lamb

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:56 pm
by umop-ap!sdn†
((Jaquilyn Locke continued from Interstice of Time))

The hours after the club house cleared out were both brutally calm. They'd killed, they had twenty four hours more. At least. In twenty three hours, the panic would return. But these ones were long and luxurious. No having to worry about death. No constant touching of the collar. No worries, for now. The insurmountable guilt of having taken part in a murder almost seemed... almost worth it. Nobody would ever understand how terrible not knowing was. Nobody would ever know the slight choke of the collars and the feeling of time dwindling down.

Jaquilyn got through the night. The little sleep she'd gotten had been plagued with terrible nightmares, her mind wouldn't let her forget the day it had witnessed. Carmina was dead, but their hand. By Joachim's hand, but her command. She'd made the call, she'd decided Carmina's fate. It didn't matter that she felt bad about it. It didn't matter than she reconsidered it every minute. Carmina was dead, they were alive. Those were simply two facts, and it was possible that one could not be true without the other.

The announcements came on to signal the offical start of the third day. Jaquilyn wondered if Joachim would let her borrow the knife to carve tally marks into the wooded walls. That thought was quickly dismissed though, as important information was coming her way.

Mara had killed a boy. That was shocking. Not because Mara was a fantastic person, but because Jaquilyn knew her. She didn't like her, she outright hated the girl. But now she was a killer? It was unsettling just to think that somebody she knew, opinion aside, had become a killer.

But who the fuck was she to talk? She had Carmina's blood on her hands and on her shoes. Was her name going to be announced? Joachim had killed her, but they were working as a team...

Somebody fell off a coaster... Francis got pushed down some stairs?! Miranda Millers speared somebody? Max?

And then her name came on. Dayna's praise meant nothing. It was annoying, and it didn't deserve to be paid attention to. She was one of them. Whatever justifications she believed she had, whatever logic she had come up with, none of it mattered. She was labeled, so was Joachim. Her plans of dual survival were looking shittier than ever. She would have to come up with a pretty good argument to convince whatever rescue that she wasn't technically a killer. She had the remorse of one, she had the guilt of one, but she hadn't physically attacked anybody. She-

Save it. Rescue is a long shot anyway. Just stick with your buddy and stay safe.

Her reeling mind missed the rest of the announcements. They continued on for about as long as they had been on. That meant that six or seven kids had died.

Carmina was one of six or seven... she didn't have to die.

All three of them could still be alive. They wouldn't know how much time they had left, but they could all be living and holding out hope for an alternative. Carmina hadn't deserved to die. Jaquilyn and Joachim might not have deserved to live, not over her at least. All of this Survival of the Fittest shit... it was nothing but... but... but her most solid chance at survival.

She helped herself to an energy bar and some water. She was starving, even starting to feel weak. She had nothing to say to Joachim. She just wanted to eat and have time to think for a few hours. The time they had earned for killing Carmina had passed. She had been killed shortly after the morning announcement, and Jaq had stared into space for what felt like weeks. They were living on somebody else's time.

The not knowing returned. The fear was back, as was the timid curiosity. The terrible, haunting, unknown countdown had begun. Jaquilyn was starting to remember why Carmina had to die.

Re: The Fox, the Wolf, and the Lamb

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:56 pm
by Riki
As it turns out, time on the island is mostly calm, with only very brief outbursts of tension and action. At first, Joachim thought of this as a good thing. Time to relax, to regain energy after incidents such as... Carmina. The more and more he though about it, however, he realized that this was not a good thing for him. In every waking minute - and every minute asleep - Carmina was on his mind. Actually, not only her. Theo, Carmina's friends, the guys he and Jaq stole the gun from. It was tormenting. Maybe the thing he deserved. Joachim figured that this was the major reason he took a sick pleasure fro violence. It helped him escape the thoughts.

Most likely deserved, then.

In the nocturnal hours, he got another idea. Yes, he killed Carmina. And yes, he still was convinced that it was Jaq's fault, in the end. He was just doing the deed. But fact is, he was the one that fired the blade. He was the one that ended Carmina. He was the one that ran away in the face of death. A dirty coward, that is what he perceived himself. So, he figured, Jaq will likely want to see a new death soon. And then Joachim will have to kill again. But the next time, Joachim would do it better. He would not ran away. He would treat the foe with respect. He would pick somebody who was equal. And if the person has last words, he would listen to them, maybe even grant a last request.

He won't be a murderer anymore. He would be a polite murderer.

This new resolve made Joachim sleep a bit better, blissfully ignoring that this was what he intended with Carmina in the first place.

The morning announcements came up eventually. Joachim had a hard time focusing on it, though. His mind only sharped when he heard his own part. Jaq was also mentioned. Good, he supposed. Even the terrorists seemed to agree that she is just as guilty if not even more than himself. Sure, that certainly was bad for Jaq, but Joachim could not feel anything but a short-lived relief.

Short, because he knew what Jaq would want to do again. At that point, Joachim was not exactly averted. Just... a bit anxious. The next person who will die needed to be treated with much greater respect than Joachim treated with Carmina with.

Joachim stepped out of the mansion, but lingered at the door. He was eating the last piece of his "breakfast", if you would dare to call it food. That was the third one in total. Or fourth one. Three days, three bars seemed like a better balance though. He glanced over to his master.

"I assume you want to... do it again. I mean, kill."

Re: The Fox, the Wolf, and the Lamb

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:56 pm
by umop-ap!sdn†

The silence was broken, but quickly repairing itself. Jaquilyn couldn't put her wants into words. Killing wasn't what she wanted. Murder was bad, and would always be bad. Killing Carmina had been terrible, but it hadn't been a mistake.

"I don't want to kill again... But I don't want to die."

Selfish. That was the word she'd been avoiding. That was what this all boiled down to. The self righteous, morally bankrupt, over compensating students were the ones doing the killing. It wasn't survival of the fittest, it was survival of the most desperate.

And they were all equally desperate, but apparently only some of them had realized it. There were the killers, and the happy-go-lucky kids who didn't realize the gravity of the situation. And while they were all victims of abduction and terrorism, some students had let themselves become victims of much more.

They were back in line to become victims of the clock. No matter how much guilt she had felt yesterday, and no matter how much her conscious commanded her to stay regretful, one thing couldn't be denied. Day one had been much more terrifying than day two. And now that Carmina's gift had expired, it was day one all over again.

"We don't know when the last death was. We haven't seen or heard anything about once since w-"

He knew. There was no point going on with unnecessary details. She didn't like thinking about it, but he was the one who stabbed her. No need to rub that in.

They just needed to stick together. Share the burden. Carry each other on and hope an opportunity for something better presented itself.

"We're dead if we don't."

Re: The Fox, the Wolf, and the Lamb

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:56 pm
by Aura
((Adonis Alba continued from Stand Your Ground(s)))

After being refused entry into the cafeteria, Adonis had spent the rest of the second day wandering through the forest quickly getting himself lost once again. When night fell, he was nowhere hear shelter, and had to spend yet another night alone on the ground of the forest. To be honest, he was getting pretty sick of everything. The awful nights, the shitty food, being hated by everybody, and all of the fear that had been running through his mind since he met Hansel on the first day. Everything was weighing down on him, and he didn't want to deal with it anymore.

The announcements came on, and he listened for any names that he knew. The most surprising thing to him was that Mark Little was already dead. He had... fallen off of a roller coaster? What the fuck? Adonis wasn't sure what was crazier, that someone had fallen to their death off of a roller coaster, or that the island had a roller coaster in the first place. He'd think that he would have remembered something like that. Other than that little incident, though, the announcements weren't too interesting. Stabbings, shootings, and something called a hunga munga. Honestly, Adonis was a little surprised that Hansel hadn't shown up on the announcements again. He wouldn't put it past the cowboy to notch up another couple kills.

After walking through the woods for God knows how long, he found the golf course again. Not only that, but he had found the clubhouse. Finally, after two whole days of walking around and having guns pointed at him, Adonis could just go inside and relax. He saw someone standing at the door, but he wasn't going to let a repeat of yesterday happen. He was going to get into that clubhouse whether this guy liked it or not. He called out once he was within earshot and made his intentions known.

"Hey. I'm coming in."

Re: The Fox, the Wolf, and the Lamb

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:56 pm
by Riki
If Joachim had any superstitions, he would believe that fate itself was in his and Jaq's favor. He didn't thought that, however, he had to admit that that timing of this situation was nearly perfect. He looked Jaq into the eyes for a moment. She indeed wanted to kill again. But she painted it as a terrible and necessary evil. Certainly, the threat of collar detonation was less than pleasant. Yet surely other people than Jaq and Joachim would kill? As evidenced by two announcements? Frankly, there was the occasional doubt of Jaq's motives in Joachim's mind, but he casted them aside. He had a new target, which meant that his mind was only focused on one thing.

He drifted back to his sleeping place, the couch, where his knife was placed. He prefered it, it was... it had an odd charm? And he did not really liked using the MP18. It also was certainly dirty, as Carmina's dried blood evidenced. But that was secondary now. He turned around to Jaq and then to the incoming Adonis.

"Greetings, Adonis."

He made no effort to hide his weapon. Polite, but murderous.

Re: The Fox, the Wolf, and the Lamb

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:56 pm
by umop-ap!sdn†
Somebody was there.

When fortune smiles on something violent and ugly...

She'd watched that movie dozens of times with Don. This must have been the feeling that the Bride felt. She wondered if Joachim felt it too.

Joachim addressed the presence as Adonis.

Alba. Dick, prick, best friend's exboyfriend. It was just... too... ideal. He was a bully, he was a tool, none of the other students would be too bummed to hear about the loss. That was what happened when you went out of your way to be a dick. While Jaquilyn couldn't recall the exact details of his and Bianca's relationship, she couldn't imagine them being on great terms.

Bianca. She was somewhere in this mess. And Tim... Tim had stayed home. But Bi was here, and hadn't come up on the announcements. She wasn't dead, she wasn't killing, she was floating. If Joachim and herself weren't eligible for rescue, Bianca would be...

Joachim had his knife out. He had that look on his face. She didn't know what to call the emotion he displayed, nor how to describe it. Joachim was an emotional mystery, but she could at least tell that he was getting ready.

She grabbed the gun from underneath the sofa and put her thumb on the safety. She couldn't see Adonis, she didn't know if he was with anybody. All she could see was her partner looking out the door with... that expression. She raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for instruction or action. Nobody was killing her today. And nobody was taking Joachim away from her either.

Re: The Fox, the Wolf, and the Lamb

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:56 pm
by Aura
Well, this was already going better than the incident at the cafeteria. For one, Adonis actually managed to get in the building, and no one had even drawn a weapon. He walked inside and saw a knife sitting on the couch. Not the most comforting thing in the world, but at least it wasn't being pointed at him by some crazy person. He sat down in a chair and exhaled a deep sigh of relief. Finally, after two days, he got an actual chair in an actual building. Things were finally starting to look up.

He looked at the girl in the room with him. She looked familiar, but he was having trouble putting a name to her face.

J... J... something with a J, I know that. Joan? No, that's not it. Jean? No, not that either. Joe? Nah, that's a dude's name. Uh... Jack... Jackie? Fuck, I don't know.

Irritated at his own inability to remember, Adonis just came out and asked her. "Hey, my brain's kinda on the fritz right now, so... who are you again?"

He was just asking for her name, right? What's the worst that could happen?

Re: The Fox, the Wolf, and the Lamb

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:56 pm
by Riki
"Joachim Lovelace and Jaquilyn Locke."

His eyes drifted at Jaq as he slowly grasped the hilt of the knife. She was getting ready aswell. It was good that she did, good to have cover. But he would not like her to... steal his kill? No, that sounded wrong. Well, it was the truth in some way, but he would not say "stealing his kill", more something akin to "acting before she should". He returned his focus on the visitor.

"Carmina Maliski's mur-killers."

There was no point in beating it around the bush. Maybe it would've been useful if they let him stay in the dark. But that hardly mattered for Joachim. They were to kill him sooner or later, and this way, he will be able to completely realize his fate.

And maybe he would put up a challenge.

Re: The Fox, the Wolf, and the Lamb

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:57 pm
by umop-ap!sdn†
There was their hand. They had a royal flush, and Joachim had just let it bleed. Adonis hadn't recognized him, Adonis didn't know he was a killer, Adonis didn't know Jaquilyn was present. The only secret they had now was the gun. That was probably their ace, but if Adonis was smart, he'd take off running. Even if he was stronger than Joachim, Joachim... was savage.

He was... there weren't words. He was smart, but he was telling Adonis all of their tricks. This wasn't a murder, it was a challenge. It was chivalry. Joachim was the darkest knight of a twisted fairy tale.

Unless he was trying to get Adonis to attack him. The announcements hadn't said anything about the gun, and neither had Joachim. That was their secret. If Adonis tackled Joachim, and Jaquilyn had the gun...

She might have the balls... she didn't really want to find out.

Merkillers sounded like fucking fish people.

Re: The Fox, the Wolf, and the Lamb

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:57 pm
by Aura
Joachim Lovelace and Jaquilyn Locke, huh? Adonis knew those names sounded familiar. Then Joachim announced them as "mer-kilers", which just confused the hell out of him.

Mer-killers? What the fuck does that mean? Mermaids that kill people? Or maybe they're people that kill mermaids. I don't know what the... wait, KILLERS?

That's when it all came back to Adonis. That mornings announcement had mentioned the two of them. They had killed some girl named Carmina. Weird that they would just outright tell him that. Maybe they thought that he would run away. Maybe they just wanted to kill him, too. Unfortunately for them, they had decided to prey on someone that wasn't going to stand for that kind of shit. Adonis had been running scared for two days. He had had guns pointed at him, he had been threatened, and he had even had people attempt to mug him. And frankly, he was getting pretty sick of it all.

"Oh, so you guys are killers, eh?" Adonis said as he rose out of his chair. "I think I get it. You act all nice, then once some poor sap walks in, you go and kill him, am I right?" He unzips the bag at his side and reaches into it. "Well, you guys picked the wrong guy to mess with." He dramatically pulled his dagger out of the bag and pointed it at Joachim. His familiar cocky grin had returned to his face. He felt pumped up for the first time since he got to the island. He wasn't running anymore. It was time to fight back.

"You might be killers, but I'll bet you've never had a real fight."

Re: The Fox, the Wolf, and the Lamb

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:57 pm
by Riki
He could not prevent a sinister smile on his face. Adonis did put up a fight. Good. Not running away scared like Carmina, but solving the problem directly. Joachim raised his knife and readied himself for physical confrontation. He knew nothing about how these kind of fights work, but he could hardly care for that at the moment. Adonis likely knew just as few, so they weere equals. Seemed like the honor thing will turn out well.

"Adonis, I'll be your opponent." He looked over to his ally. "Jaq, don't interfere." Back to his foe.

He took a step forward. He noticed his increased heartbeat, the sweat, the tension. And he did enjoy these sensations, in his own, twisted way.

Re: The Fox, the Wolf, and the Lamb

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:57 pm
by umop-ap!sdn†
Jaq stood and moved closer to the door, bringing the gun with her. This was their territory. Adonis seemed to be ready to fight. That made things easier, at least. The fact that he was ready and willing somehow reaffirmed that it was okay.

Joachim accepted the challenge and told her to stand down.

Interfere? What? She looked to him, but he had his gaze fixed on Adonis. Before Jaquilyn could ask, he stepped forward.

Two knives were drawn. With Joachim between herself and Adonis, her gun was useless now. Testosterone made people stupid.

If she had wanted to, she could have come around the corner and shot Adonis in the head. Even if he'd run, she could have nailed him between the shoulder blades. No way he could have kept running after that. Especially if she followed up with a shot to the back of the knee. They would catch up to him, finish him off, and enjoy another day.

She tried to come up with a good reason for why she hadn't. Why were these thoughts just coming now? How come she hadn't sprung into action like Joachim had? There was only one plausible explanation.

She didn't want to.

Re: The Fox, the Wolf, and the Lamb

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:57 pm
by Aura
((GMing of Joachim approved by Bikriki))

Adonis' grin only grew. Joachim actually wanted to fight him. The fight wasn't even fair. Adonis was bigger than him, tougher than him, hell, probably faster than him, too. Joachim had practically signed his death warrant by agreeing to fight, but whatever. It's not like Adonis cared. He was finally getting his chance to be a badass. Killing a killer would be the perfect way to show that he was the big man on the island. No more scaredy-cat Adonis. From now on, only knife-wielding badass Adonis.

Adonis and Joachim both dashed forward and lunged with their weapons. Joachim tried a downward slash aimed at Adonis' shoulder, but the ex-footballer dodged just in the nick of time. In response, he slashed at Joachim's chest. The cut wasn't well-aimed, but it hit its mark and certainly did its job. The obsidian blade sliced through Joachim's shirt and left a painful cut in his chest. After the attack, Adonis checked his dagger to see if he had drawn blood. Sure enough, there was a little bit of blood at the tip.

I'll have to go deeper next time. Then I'll have it in the bag.

Adonis stood by for a moment, knife at the ready and poised to react to whatever Joachim pulled next.

Re: The Fox, the Wolf, and the Lamb

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:57 pm
by Riki
As the two boys began to attack, Joachim's world seemed to flash like a lightning. All of a sudden, everything becamse blurry, everything came out of focus. Everything but Adonis.

A hot rush surged through Joachim as he aimed at Adonis' shoulder, followed by a cold shiver as Joachim realized he missed.

Then, briefly, he felt an explosion of pain across his chest. He saw the dagger coming, he managed to take a slight step backwards. It still hit him.

Yet that pain did not halt Joachim. No, it only intensified the heat of the battle.

Joachim regained proper posture and attempted to stab Adonis' from the left, into his chest.

Re: The Fox, the Wolf, and the Lamb

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:57 pm
by Aura
Joachim recovered from being cut a lot faster than Adonis thought he would, so he had to give him credit for that. Unfortunately, Joachim's immediate response had been attempting to stab him in the heart. Adonis had to think quick. One millisecond too late and he'd have a knife sticking out of his heart. Acting on instinct alone, he shot his hand out and managed to catch Joachim by the wrist, the knife just inches from his chest. Adonis had a look of genuine surprise on his face. He hadn't expected to actually grab Joachim's stabbing hand moments before impact.

Holy fuck, I am a badass.

Still keeping a firm grip on Joachim's wrist, Adonis brought his dagger up and pointed it towards Joachim's neck. The battle had been won. He smirked as he made his final remark.

"Sorry bro. Looks like the game's over."