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I Hate Free Study

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:26 pm
by Slayer†
Every student had that one dreaded class, the hour of the day that's a complete slog, tolerated because it's in the way of more interesting classes than anything else. The one thing - on its own or of many - that sapped away all will to carry on. Anyone who said there wasn't at least one part of the day where they'd rather be anywhere else was a liar, or insane.

For Michael, it was his free study period. He could understand why prep was a thing, not everyone had the time or energy to always be right on top of things, and sometimes people just needed a bit of a break, but his homework was always underway the moment he was back from football and boxing. That was at the latest, too; usually he'd have found at least a bit of time to take care of things before then. What often ended up happening was he'd come to that part of the day with nothing needing doing, so he'd blaze through some of the assigned work from earlier classes and find himself having a lot of time left to kill.

Today was one of those days, as Mike closed his Chemistry book with a heavy sigh. At least that class made him think instead of sitting around waiting for the next bell. Prep happened at the same time as the gym and weight room were being used by other PE classes, and nowhere off campus was really close enough to go there and come back before the free period drew to a close, so getting up and leaving was out. Pity, if he'd made a run for it there would've been some exertion involved.

Minute after minute dragged on as he busied himself with going over some already-completed assignments, but the words soon started blurring together in his mind, and his head went into his hands with a groan.

Stop being so dull, already...

Re: I Hate Free Study

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:26 pm
by Riki
[Joachim Lovelace: Continued from The King Of Limbs]

Slowly raising his head, a short-lived yawn escaping his mouth, Joachim Lovelace stood up from his chair. Free Study "Lessons", Joachim was not very fond of these. Even if he could use the time to learn, just as intended, he merely preferred to relax and refill his energy. Something that was very important today, given that he barely sleeped in the night. Unfortunaly for him, he still had problems with sleeping. Thus, he had no other choice than learning now. Leaning his head on his hands, Joachim rested a few seconds with his eyes still half-closed before he decided to take a closer look around to see who was with him. The wandering of his eyes was short, as he soon discovered the colossus that Michael Eastmund is. Just being a few feet away from him.

In all honesty, Joachim admitted that Michael was very intimidating for the slender boy. Even if he heard what kind of person the massive boy was, Joachim still felt uncomfortable around him. The thought of how easy this guy could harm Joachim caused shivers to go down his spine, and with giving a short jolt for himself, he lowered his head towards the ragged bag, which he stored on the floor, and pulled a math book and an exercise book out of it.

While trying to lay it silenty on the table, an odd feeling itched in Joachim's nose. A powerful sneeze later and the even louder sound of school gear falling on the floor caused a moment of shock in Joachim. The stuff was accidently tossed towards Michael, and Joachim could not reach it with his arm. Raising again to body on table level, he stared embarrassed at Michael.

"Could...uhm, could I please, I mean could you please give me your, uh, my stuff?"

Re: I Hate Free Study

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:26 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
Cody Patton happened to like study halls for a few reasons. Back in football season, all of Cody's time was eaten up by practice, and he was left with a couple hours at the end of the day to do homework before bed. While he didn't mind the excused solitude in his room away from his sister, late night crunching did have a way of cutting into his ability to sleep. Too many times before, staring at math books just before bed resulted in him being unable to think about anything else or put his mind to rest.

In the off-season, the time freed up by the absence of practice was better used as socializing time rather than study time. If the sun was still out, Cody was around town hanging with friends and basically being active. Staying inside and doing nothing was for losers. Because of this, nothing seemed quite as efficient as being able to sit down with some homework and getting it done in school so his free time could be better spent on other things. While he seldom finished his homework completely (unless the teachers felt like giving him an easy day or something), Cody found that reducing his workload to a half-hour sitting at his desk at night worked wonders.

Also, study hall worked great as a piss break. Teachers weren't quite as anal about letting kids out into the hall during them.

Making his return trip from the bathroom, Cody sat back down at his desk directly next to Mike. Granted, it was still a study hall and there wasn't much in the way of talking that could be done without somebody jumping down his throat, but friends generally preferred to sit near friends and Cody wasn't any exception to this rule. Having re-established his seat and setting himself to work, Cody had to deal with the momentary distraction of somebody dropping his books. A turn of the neck reminded him of... ol' what's-his-face. Jo-a-keem or however the fuck the dude wanted to pronounce his name this week.

Whatever happened to people naming their kids John? Did that stop being a thing?

Ignoring the clutz of the hour, Cody jabbed Mikey in the shoulder and quickly dropped his eyes to his own desk.

"Sup, man."

Re: I Hate Free Study

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:26 pm
by Pippi
((Owen Kay continued from This One Time At Band Camp))

Owen was very much a fan of free study periods, for a number of reasons. For one, no matter how much he enjoyed some of his lessons, all the work and focusing built up over time. These study periods were perfect for allowing him to relax a little more, and work on what he needed to at his own pace. Especially when it came down to homework that Owen had either neglected or simply forgotten. If he had no work to complete, or he just didn't feel in the mood for studying, then it was a good chance to do a bit of reading, or a couple of sketches. The latter was rarer, though, as Owen didn't really like drawing in public.

And, of course, if he had literally nothing to do, and there were friends in the student center, then hey, it was a chance to catch up and chat with them. It was all good.

On this particular day, all Owen had to complete was a small bit of music homework, that he'd almost finished the night before. He'd then had the bright idea to turn on his laptop to listen to some music, and before he knew it, Daft Punk had turned into several Rooster Teeth videos. By the time he remembered his homework, Owen's mind was completely blank thanks to his lack of sleep. He knew that finishing that now was probably the most important thing to do, but he was pretty good at judging the time. He could save ten minutes at the end to do the music, and use the rest of his time to read, or talk to friends, if there were any in the study hall.

Owen was currently working his way through Under the Dome, an impressive feat seeing as he was also reading three other books at the same time. It was the first Stephen King book he'd read, and so far, he was enjoying it. Owen held the book in his hand as he entered the student center, scanning the room for anyone he recognised. If there was, he could easily put the book away; if not, then he could get down to reading.

After scanning the room a couple of times, Owen saw a table with three guys sitting around it, one with his head in his hands. Even with his face hidden, Owen still managed to work out who it was. Mike Eastmund was more Amy's friend than his, but the two had met several times before, and from what he'd seen, Mike was definitely a cool guy, and friendly too, especially for someone in the "popular crowd".

Owen recognised the other two guys as well, albeit one only vaguely. That one was Joachim Lovelace, who, aside from his name and the fact he was part German, Owen knew pretty much nothing about. The other guy was Cody Patton, who played other-football alongside Mike, or "Rugby with armour" as a few of his friends in England had called it. Whilst the guy could be kind of a dick at times, he wasn't a totally bad guy, especially compared to many of the other jocks and popular kids.

Whilst Owen was only really friends with Mike out of the three, he figured there was no harm in going to their table, maybe try and socialise a bit. He walked over to their table, adjusting his bag slightly, before raising the hand not holding his book in a gesture of greeting.

"Hey guys." Owen said, a faint smile on his face. "How's it going?"

Re: I Hate Free Study

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:26 pm
by Solitair†
((Rose Matheson continued from Debates and Discourse))

If it were up to Rose, free study period would be a perfect naptime. When she was in the right state of mind, the chairs and desks in the library were far more comfortable than she thought from looking at them. But several things conspired against that impression. For starters, the bell at the end of study hour always proved to be a rude awakening, though she had to admit that if she was a heavier sleeper and the bell didn't bother her she would have bigger problems to worry about. Also, she snored, and the third time she tried sleeping in free study, the librarian reprimanded her and told her parents, who browbeat her all over again. No sleep was worth that, especially not when her grades could use some help.

So she sighed and grit her teeth through math and writing and science homework, reasoning that she might as well get them done when she couldn't run or enjoy herself. It was like learning to tolerate the taste of vegetables all over again, and today was no different.

One thing that Rose could do was talk, as long as she kept it at a certain volume, and so she usually looked for other people to study with and swap tips. Sometimes she got lucky and met someone interesting. One of them would crack a joke, the other would laugh, and they'd get sidetracked for fifteen minutes before their GPAs tapped them on the shoulder and politely reminded them that they needed maintenance. Studying would commence, they'd swap screen names or email addresses or phone numbers, and voila, a friendship was born.

It was happening less and less often nowadays, mostly due to Rose's reticence to start new friendships this late in the game. She was about to graduate high school, after all, and if the athletics scholarship pulled through, she would go to a kick-ass college and have the time of her life. What chance did the memories of someone she'd only known for a few months stand against that? She knew it was a silly concern, since she had at least three ways of keeping touch with people from a distance, but it just wasn't the same. Some people might be stunted and awkward enough to put online contact over the so-called "meatspace," but they could take a flying leap as far as Rose concerned. She wanted a friend with a face, not a voice or a text-making... text-thing!

She had cause to regret only one of those study hall hookups. Really, he was the only one she could technically call a hookup in the romantic sense. Cody Patton was responsible for the best and worst days of Rose's life, and their relationship turned from an elevating, exciting state of being - a high, if you will - into a manacle shackling them together, one they kept putting off unlocking until the good times just weren't enough to make the fighting worth it. Cody Patton was a specter that haunted Rose ever since they broke up, and he was sitting right there.

On a rational level, she knew that was high school melodrama bullshit. She could find another guy like Cody but less douchey she put her mind to it, and she'd been trying to. There was no reason for her to keep thinking about him, and yet she did. Avoiding him like she'd been doing on and off wasn't working. Rose stood in the middle of the library floor, pondering whether or not she'd want to sit at a table with Cody as part of her conversation partners, or take the option of studying alone.

The thought of college popped up again. Soon she'd never have to see Cody ever again. He'd be out of her life and the forgetting process (she almost referred to it as "healing) could begin. But then... would she really want to leave him without saying sorry? She did kind of fuck things up, too. So she sighed and walked to the table, sitting where Cody could see her. "Sup, guys?" she asked, without looking at him.

Re: I Hate Free Study

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:26 pm
by Slayer†
(Here's something quick 'cause it's all my fault this thread stalled out.)

Whoa, suddenly people everywhere. Some random nervous kid, Cody, Owen, and Rose, from track. All of them piled on while he was still picking up the nervous kid's stuff; not that he was complaining about the distraction, but bloody hell, give a man a moment to react. Mike gave a bit of a wave to the newcomers as he gathered the last few books and papers that'd assailed him, sliding them back over to Nervous Kid. What the heck was his name?

"Here y'go, man, don't worry about it. You okay?"

That last was said with a raised eyebrow. Poor kid looked like he wanted to sink into the floor, or at least run for his life.

He looked like Mike might have looked faced with a big-name footballer, years back. Before the change, and the confidence, and becoming what he'd once shied away from. Had he really become the kind of guy people feared? He held the kid's gaze for a moment longer before acknowledging everyone else, with a bit of a shrug.

"You guys all as bored as me, huh?"

Regular party over here.

Re: I Hate Free Study

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:27 pm
by Riki
This embarrassing slip-up. So many people coming all of a sudden. Too much for Joachim. It's not like he was averted to being with so many people, but at the moment, it was too fast for him. Being tired didn't help. Well, at least he's fully awake after this. Joachim scolded himself quietly for not caring enough about his environment. If he had given attention to the place where he sat, he wouldn't be in this situation.

Fortunaly, Michael didn't seem to have hard feelings. No, he even asked Joachim if he was alright. However, before Joachim could enjoy his relief, Michael held the eye contact for a few moments, causing Joachim to tensen up. The moment Michael acknowledged the presence of his acquaintances, Joachim finally felt calmness returning to his mind. Carefully placing his stuff on the table, he looked at the newcomers through the corner of his eyes. None of these persons was familiar with Joachim. He remembered a face or a name, but that's it.

Michael assumed they were all bored, which caused Joachim to shake his head subconsciously. Bored was something that definetly didn't described Joachim right now. But that didn't matter at that moment, it was time to enjoy the horrible world of trigonometry. He just hoped nobody of the other people would mention this incident now, or worse, make fun of it.

Re: I Hate Free Study

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:27 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
A smile crept onto Cody's face when he thought about all the possible jokes Mike's statement led into. The one that he decided to go with, however, was a bit more tame than most. A soft little jab, enough to test Mr. Jo-a-keem but not really enough to fuck up or hurt the guy. It was pretty fun to mess with other people, after all.

"Nah," Cody said, his eyes flicking in the nervous kid's direction, "I think I've got all the entertainment I'd ever-"

Rose sat down. Fuuuuuuuck my life.

"- Need."

Cody turned his attention to the book for a moment, almost to suggest that he was paying any real attention to the damned thing. Then, when his ex spoke up, he responded about as nonchalantly as he could. "Not much. History reading."

It was about as basic a response as he could give to Rose without feeling terribly awkward and... truth be told, he failed in his attempt. What could you say to somebody that you shared your most intimate moments and thoughts with, only to have it fall flat like fling after high school fling? Rose was a sweet girl, she really was, but they just weren't.... weren't right for each other. Not for a lack of trying, and it's not like they tore each other apart afterwards as Cody saw time and time again with other breakups in school.

Cody felt his seat start to get more uncomfortable than before. As if that were even possible.

Re: I Hate Free Study

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:27 pm
by Pippi
Before anyone could speak, yet another person turned up at Mike's table; Rose Matheson, who Owen knew was on track, and very outgoing and confident. Owen knew that she could sometimes be kinda insensitive, but overall she was pretty cool. Years of living with a younger brother and having friends like Amy had almost given Owen an immunity to embarrassing or insulting remarks, anyway.

Mike gave a couple words to Joachim as he handed back his stuff, before addressing the rest of the group. Owen couldn't help but notice that Joachim looked kinda nervous for some reason. Was he intimidated by Mike or Cody or something? Owen guessed it was a fair enough reason if Joachim only had a passing recognition of the two, but they were cool guys, not cartoon high school jocks who hung you upside down to take your lunch money. Owen hoped that Jo would be able to come out of his shell a little; it would be nice to know a little more about him.

Owen waited for Cody to answer, completely oblivious to the awkwardness between him and Rose. Owen was fairly aware of most relationships and break ups and arguments and things like that at school; it was hard not to, what with Facebook and all. It seemed that this one, however, had completely slipped from his radar.

As soon as Cody mentioned he was just doing some History reading, Owen spoke up, trying to respond to both Mike and Rose at the same time.

"I don't really get bored easily." Owen said, with a shrug and a smile. "I just had some music work to do, so I was gonna do that and just read or something. Then I saw you guys round here and decided that talking to people would be more interesting than sitting on my own like a loner."

Re: I Hate Free Study

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:27 pm
by Solitair†
Rose dug her chemistry textbook out of her backpack and opened it on the table. As she flipped through it to get back to her bookmark, she felt a deep sense of shame. Why did she think that sitting with Cody was a good idea? He remembered what they did to each other just as well as she did. The first time she glanced up at him, she saw that he was just as embarrassed as she was.

It was easy for her to remember the times when he was shouting at her, forgetting dates and blowing her off, throwing his weight around. Bringing those memories to the forefront helped her believe that breaking up with him was unequivocally good. It set her free. All she had to do to keep that good feeling was stay away from Cody, or else all of those other memories would come back to her: the crass jokes they shared, that sweet movie they saw last September, all those little tussles in bed they shared... She needed something to take her mind off things, and this list of amino acids wasn't cutting it.

"Oh yeah," Rose said to Mike. "Bored as I'll ever be." Not entirely true, but good enough for these guys. "My parents want me to clock in more hours with this thing here." She lifted the corner of a few dozen pages with her thumb and flipped through them, letting them drop back down to the page. "Can't rely on an athletic scholarship, I guess."

She shrugged and looked up at Owen. "What kinda music you work on again? I know you told me about it before but I guess I wasn't paying attention."

Re: I Hate Free Study

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:27 pm
by Slayer†
(This thread has completely died out and it's my fault, so here's just something to wrap it and get us all freed up)

The rest of free study went uneventfully, if with slight awkwardness, and eventually it ended and everyone was free to go.

(Mike continued elsewhere)

Re: I Hate Free Study

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:27 pm
by Riki
Joachim was relieved that no more incidents occured, and once the bell rang, he quickly packed his belongings and left the room.

[Joachim Lovelace, continued elsewhere]

Re: I Hate Free Study

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:27 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
When that minute hand struck the end of the period, Cody had to suppress the urge to spring out of his seat any faster than normal. No no no, he couldn't seem too eager to leave. That'd send off warning signals.

He packed up his book, slung his backpack over his shoulder, and gave a nice, indiscriminate wave to everybody at the table before heading out.

Man, not that it was her fault or anything, but being near Rose was so fucking awkward.

Re: I Hate Free Study

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:27 pm
by Pippi
Free period passed peacefully, Owen mentioning to Rose how he was currently studying Moby and dance music before he settled down to do some actual studying. Sure, Owen knew he could have probably done a lot more work, but really, that was why it was called homework, right, so it could be done at home? Of course, that excuse would be instantly brushed aside when he was actually at home and more interesting things cropped up. So then Owen would cart his work back to school, and the vicious cycle would continue once more.

The time for that moment of panic was not now, though. Owen packed his stuff together, gave everyone a cheery wave, and walked off.

((Owen Kay continued in cat planet cat planet cat planet))