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League of Lunchtime

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:56 am
by BROseidon†
(Matt Vartoogian-->Pregame Start)

Matt sat down with his lunch by himself. It wasn't normal for Matt to eat lunch with others, but today Matt had work to get done for Chemistry. Setting his backpack against the wall, Matt pulled out his chemistry notebook and a few pencils and placed them on the table next to where his lunch sat. He opened his lunch, pulling out the same lunch of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, carrots, and chocolate soymilk that he always packed for himself.

Let's get this started. I'll have this done in no time if I can just focus.

As he began to eat his sandwich and work on his chemistry problems, Matt couldn't help but glance at his laptop, sitting in his backpack.

A little background noise never hurt anyone...

Matt pulled out his backpack and opened up the computer. He opened Chrome and quickly went to

Let's see who's streaming. Ooh, Saint's streaming.

Matt clicked on the link to Saintvicious's stream. Saintvicious was certainly Matt's favorite League of Legends player, and Matt constantly tried to emulate the pro's style of play.

So there Matt sat, listening to the League of Legends stream while eating while staring at his chemistry problems.

Well, back to work, he thought, as he picked up his pencil and began working.

Re: League of Lunchtime

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:56 am
by BetaKnight
((Rebecca Kiesling continued from Idle Hands))

Rebecca idly plucked a grape from the bunch and popped it in her mouth as she surveyed her crossword puzzle.  What was an eight-letter word with a clue of 'a bit of light at midnight'?  Her first instinct was that 'twilight' was the answer, but number five across four-letter word who's clue was 'it might end with "beverages"'.  There was no way the first letter of the answer for both started with the letter T.

Slicing the grape in half with her teeth, she savored the sweetness of the juice as she pondered her clues.  The tinny sound of audio from computer speakers caught her attention.  Glancing out the corner of her eye, she could see someone watching a video on their laptop.  After a few more moments of listening, she realized the guy was watching a video game of some sort.

Looking over her shoulder, she noticed that the guy in question wasn't even actually watching the video he was streaming for the enjoyment of everyone.  He was working on something while making everyone else listen to people attacking each other. Rebecca looked across the table at her companion and raised an eyebrow.  She tapped her pen on the crossword puzzle in irritation.  

"Ugh, that noise. Should I say something to the guy behind me?" she asked, jerking her head towards the boy behind her.

Re: League of Lunchtime

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:56 am
by Arscapi†
((Logan Cadagon start))

Logan sat sketching at the lunch table across from Rebecca. He'd been inspired during Government by one of Miss Gunderson's new posters. He loved the classroom, if not the class because of the ever-changing scenery. Logan had managed to sketch a rough design before Miss Gunderson made it around the room to catch him.

When he'd passed the Art Room earlier Ms. Blanc had been at her desk working on something. So he'd had to forgo working in there for the time being. For a few minutes there it hadn't been so bad. Rebecca had been busy with her crossword.

"I doubt it'll do any good," he said resigned. "He'll probably just turn it up."

Re: League of Lunchtime

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:56 am
by BROseidon†
All right, this is going by pretty quickly.

Matt was breezing through his chemistry problems, thanks to a combination of his natural aptitude for most things science and a general recklessness that came from not really caring about the quality of the work he put out. He'd promised his parents and himself that he would graduate high school, but no gaming team was going to care about the quality of his academic work. No, what would matter was how well he played League of Legends, which was why Matt was willing to power through his academic work to open up more time for improvement. Improvement didn't just come from playing, either, it came from additional learning through reading what the pros were saying and watching the streams of the very top players.

There, done. It's probably full of stupid mistakes, but look at all the fucks I don't give.

Matt turned to watching Saint play jungle Riven. The pro seemed to be having a pretty solid game for himself. Matt sat there, watching his screen intently, completely oblivious to the fact that the sound was permeating the area around him as his headphones lay at the bottom of his backpack.

Time to learn. Each day better than the last...

Re: League of Lunchtime

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:56 am
by Delroy†
(( Start - Georgia "Geo" Watson))

Geo was calmly eating her lunch when she heard an all-too familiar sound. Was that League of Legends someone was playing? What kind of a wanker would be blasting LoL in the middle of the Lunch Area!?

No matter! She needed to finish this homework. It was bad enough that she'd been skipping classes or sleeping in because of video games, she didn't need another failure on her track record.

............ Oh, bloody hell, maybe it didn't hurt if she peeked, just a little bit.

Geo leaned over so she could see the screen better. It seemed that the boy was actually just watching a stream and not playing himself. Aaaah, and whoever it was, the person was playing as Riven. Riven was cool and all, but Geo had always been a big fan of Singed. Throwing unsuspecting noobs into a turret was the most fun anyone could have in that game, ever. Of all time.

She got a large grin on her face and let out a slight giggle. She finally managed to pull her eyes away from Riven plowing through the Jungle towards an unsuspecting Twisted Fate, and back to her Biology Homework. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. School sucked.

After a few seconds, she finally said "Fuck it" and closed her book. She quickly slid it into her bag and headed over to the boy.

"Oh, hey!" she said with faked surprise, as if she had just caught a glance when walking past. Like anyone in the room HADN'T noticed it by now? He really needed headphones.

"League of Legends? Who's playing it?"

She gave him a warm smile and ruffled her red hair a little bit.
"Mind if I sit down and watch for a while?"

Re: League of Lunchtime

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:56 am
by BetaKnight
Rebecca sighed at the truth of Logan's statement.  If someone was so hopelessly addicted to a video game that they were watching it during school, they would probably be a jerk about turning it down.  And wasn't that just a sad state of affairs?  Not even playing the game but watching it like it was a television show or movie.  

Still, there really was no reason to subject everyone around him to his noise.  The voices on his game were annoying, like that fairy when her brothers played Zelda.  Rebecca started to turn in her seat when a second person joined the boy.  She shrank back. Well, that was that, wasn't it?  

Sighing in defeat, she went back to her lunch.  She rested her head on her chin and updated Logan on the situation since he was absorbed in his drawing.  "A second one appeared.  There's no point in asking them to be quiet now."

Rebecca popped another grape in her mouth as she watched Logan work.  The sudden sourness of it made her wince.  Making a face, she picked up her bottle of water and sipped from it.  "What are you designing this time?  And is it going to be as amazing as that piece you designed for Crystin?  The one with the blue feathers?"

Re: League of Lunchtime

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:56 am
by Arscapi†
While Rebecca talked Logan began to roll a piece of his napkin in between his fingers. "I have no idea how it's going to end up. It's just in the beginning stages. I'm not sure what it's going to be. The campaign posters combined with the super hero posters led me to kind of a weird dress. We'll see," he said adding a few more lines. "You really thought the blue feathered dress was amazing? It's my favorite at the moment."

"Maybe we can annoy them into leaving," Logan suggested in a low voice. He tugged off a piece of his napkin and rolled it into a tiny ball. He pulled out an extra pen and quickly disassembled it. Slipping the ball into one end, he put the pen to his lips, took aim, and blew, sending the spit ball towards the couple at the other table.  

Re: League of Lunchtime

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:57 am
by BROseidon†
"Oh hey," Matt responded to the red-headed Brit smiling at him. He had seen the girl around-that hair was pretty hard to miss-but he had never spoken to her, and he was taken a bit aback at the accent.

"Feel free to join me," he continued, "not like you being here makes me less able to watch." Matt realized after he made that little addendum that she might not appreciate his sarcasm, and instead read it as him being a dick. Oh well, she probably won't take it meanly.

"Uh, Saintvicious is playing. Pretty well, too." Matt realized that he didn't actually know this girl's name, so introductions were also probably in order. "Name's Matt, by the way. Matt Vartoogian."

As he said this, Matt felt something small and wet hit his arm. He turned to the side quickly enough to see the spitball fall from his arm to the ground, and see the overly-groomed boy with the instrument from which he must have fired the projectile. He was sitting with a fairly small girl. I don't normally like to start trouble, but really?

"Hold on a sec," Matt said to the Brit as he walked over to the other table. He crossed his arms and furrowed his brow, looking down at his aggressor.

"The fuck's your problem?"

Re: League of Lunchtime

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:57 am
by Delroy†
After a couple of attempts at breaking the ice, and telling her who was streaming League of Legends, the boy introduced himself as Matt Vartoogian. Damn, that was a weird last name. On the other hand, her own name was about as unique as John Smith, so who was she to complain about names?

"Georgia Watson. Though most of my mates call me Ge-..."

As she was about to complete the sentence, the boy interrupted her train of thought (and in turn, her sentence) by suddenly turning around to the side and staring straight at a couple of other kids across the room, one of whom had apparently fired off a spitball from his table, judging from the instrument in his hands.

Sigh, bloody American kids. Can't even have a proper fucking conversation before some royal prat starts shooting balls of his own manky spit around.

Suddenly, the boy - Matt, apparently - walked over to them and started asking for trouble. Geo considered joining in, but couldn't be bothered. Instead, she sat down in front of the computer and carried on watching Riven charging in and destroying poor, poor Veigar. She smiled to herself. Let them have their poxy argument. She was happy right here, watching Saintvicious kicking ass and forgetting about her homework.

Re: League of Lunchtime

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:57 am
by BetaKnight
"Logan, what are you doing?"  Rebecca hissed at her companion, her eyes wide in disbelief.  She watched the sodden projective fly.  Like some gross little third grade boy, he had just shot a spitball at the obnoxious couple at the next table.  Leave it to Logan to decide that thoughtlessness should be met with escalate the situation by shooting a spitball.

Oh, Christ on a cracker, it hit the other boy.  She fought the urge to cover her face with her hands. It hit the other boy who was now standing up and looking pretty pissed off as he turned to them.  

Rebecca swung around to her companion. "Logan, apologize to him.  Just tell him it was an accident," she pleaded in a low tone.  "We can't get into trouble.  Not this close to the end of the year."

It took Rebecca a moment to realize that the video game addict was Matt Vartoogian.   A very unhappy looking Matt Vartoogian.  She winced, recalling from class what an arrogant jerk that Matt was.  This was sure to rub Logan the wrong way, especially given the mood he appeared to be in.  

She winced again as Matt addressed them, swearing loudly.  'Oh please, don't let this turn into a thing,' she silently pleaded.  Trying to muster a friendly smile, Rebecca gave him a little wave.  "Oh...hi, Matt," she greeted the other boy. "We...uh, we were just...."  

Trailing off Rebecca glanced at Logan and shrugged helplessly.

Re: League of Lunchtime

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:57 am
by Arscapi†
Logan's eyes widened in surprise as Matt stood up and attempted to loom over them. He slid off the bench and stood. He didn't much appreciate that Matt was trying to intimidate them, especially since Logan was a good four inches taller than him.

"Well hello to you too Matt. Trying to earn that drama queen title or what," he said with a careless attitude. "What the fuck's my problem? Umm, your music or game or whatever it is, is way too loud. Becca and I can barely hear each other and seeing as how we're five feet from you, I thought maybe you could turn it down some."

"So why don't you take all your pent up sexual frustration back to your own table and turn your computer down, or put head phones in and we'll all get back to enjoying our lunches."

Re: League of Lunchtime

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:57 am
by BROseidon†
The girl had tried to stutter out some sort of apology, and the taller boy rose from his seat. Shit, Matt had misread the other boy's height, and it's a lot harder to be intimidating when you stand a good four or so inches shorter than the person you are trying to intimidate.

Matt then recognized the pair: Rebecca Keisling and Logan Cadagon. He had had classes with both of them at various points, although he didn't exactly know either too well. In all fairness, Matt wasn't particularly close with many people, especially ones he didn't share interests with.

It took a few seconds for Logan's first statement to register. Too loud? But I – FUCK! Matt realized that he had neglected to grab his headphones when he set up his computer, and thus had subjected everyone in his vicinity to his computer's audio. If he had actually been playing, Matt would have noticed this blunder immediately. He always had to play with the exact same setup, and he would have felt the strange emptiness on top of his head. But, since he was just watching, he had failed to even notice his lack of headphones. Not exactly the nicest way to ask, but he at least has a legitimate complaint...

Then Matt heard Logan's second statement, and he didn't appreciate that Logan was attacking his personal life. Matt had sacrificed a lot in the way of his personal life for the sake of League of Legends, and it was all about to pay off for him. For someone to turn his sacrifices against him was nothing something that he was going to take lightly.

"Look, Logan, I'm sorry for the audio. I forgot to put my headphones on, my bad. Still, you could have just walked over and asked."

Matt turned to walk away, and decided to add a parting blow. Not for any reason, really, other than the fact that he didn't like Logan's attitude. "Fucking prissy twink," Matt muttered, loud enough that he knew the pair would catch what he'd said.

Re: League of Lunchtime

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:57 am
by Delroy†
Saintvicious was just destroying today. Damn!

Geo turned back to look at the table. Still arguing? Still arguing.

Sigh. She looked back at the screen for a couple of moments more, just looking at Riven buying a new item and yawning. She was tired. Very, very tired.

"I wonder if they stopped acting like children and stopped arguing?" she thought to herself. She turned around again. Yeah, it did seem like Matt was backing off. Maybe they could have a proper conversation now. She smiled warmly at his general direction and waited.

Re: League of Lunchtime

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:57 am
by BetaKnight
Rebecca let out an inaudible sigh of relief as Matt apologized for the noise.  She gave Logan a pointed look when Matt said that they could have just asked him to turn it down.  At least the whole thing was winding down without any kind of real altercation.  As she opened her mouth to comment to Logan how *nice* it was when people were civilized and behaved maturely, Matt decided to volley...something as a parting blow.

'A twink?  What's a twink?' Wrinkling her brow in confusion, Rebecca tried to figure out the nature of the insult.  "Logan, what's a twink?  Do you know what he's talking about?"

Re: League of Lunchtime

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:57 am
by Arscapi†
Logan was amazed that Matt backed down so readily. He had been sure the guy was itching for a fight. Not that Logan would have been particularly good in a fight. He'd have done his best to not get Rebecca involved and would probably have made a good punching bag until a member of campus security came to his rescue. "Where's the fun in just asking," he said sitting down again and offering Rebecca a wide smile.

"A twink is someone who is young, gay, in shape, and actually cares about his appearance," Logan explained, deliberately giving Rebecca only the positive connotation of the word. He really should have left it at that, but he instead he added, "Unlike certain other people I could name."

He winked at Rebecca and then picked up his pencil and resumed his sketch. "What were we discussing?"