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A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:33 am
by VoltTurtle
((Madeline Wilcox, Start))

Maddie walked into the library quietly. She was not really in the mood to attract attention to herself. She walked over to one of the empty tables and sat down. She was hoping to meet up with her friends here, but it seems that none of them are around. She took her bag and opened the flap on it, flipping through the various papers that were in there, trying to find her book.

Where is it? I know it is in here somewhere. Ugh, I really need to sort this stuff, it is getting ridiculous.

After about a minute of searching she finally found her book, titled "An Introduction to String Theory and D-Brane Dynamics." She just loved reading about theoretical physics, although many people don't understand why she likes it so much. She opened the book and sat back in her chair. It was a breath of fresh air; to get away from the stress of normal life and to just think about the wonder of the universe.

She began to wonder if any of her friends were going to show up. She usually liked having a friend to talk to in the library, and none of them are here currently. After looking around a few more times to see if they are going to come in, she went back to her book. She had plenty of time, and until later she could simply read and wait for them to show up. She knows they will eventually, and if not, hopefully something interesting will happen, at the very least.

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:33 am
by Deamon
((Yasmin Carrol continued from Clouds Up))

Yaz had decided to go to the Library to try and finish off some work for Art. She had to analyse another artist's image that had served as influence for her own work. She didn't really have a lot left to do but she felt she'd be able to finish it without being as distracted. She didn't normally have to finish work for Art in school since she tended to do it as soon as she got home but she'd become distracted drawing and had forgotten to do it. She'd woken up to find it lying on the floor next to her bag. Sadly for Yaz she hadn't been distracted halfway through a sentence so she'd been having trouble remembering where she had been or what she was trying to say; which was awkward to say the least.

Yaz quietly pushed the door of the library open and glanced around to see if any tables were free. She didn't recognise anyone sitting at any of the tables in front of her; she could see that a couple of tables were free however so she started to make her way towards one of them. As she did so she spotted a familiar blue hoodie out of the corner of her eye. Turning she saw that Madeline Wilcox was sitting at a table. Maddie had transferred to Aurora at the beginning of the junior year so she wasn't close friends with too many people, but despite their different interests Yaz was one of those people.

She made her way over to where Maddie was sitting reading. It was strange because in a way Yaz felt completely comfortable around Maddie, she didn't know why, she just did. Maybe it was that Maddie had been an outsider when she had first arrived and that meant she couldn't tell anyone if Yaz said something weird, or maybe it was because they were both incredibly shy and trusted each other. She gently placed her bag next to the chair opposite Maddie and sat down.

"Hey Maddie, how're you?"

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:33 am
by VoltTurtle
Maddie heard a chair pull out and someone sit down. She looked up from her book to see who it was, and she quickly recognized the familiar face of Yaz.

Maddie met Yaz the first day she arrived at Aurora, and, while it took a little while for their friendship to get started, the two quickly became inseparable. Maddie never quite knew why though, their interests were quite different.

But it isn't like that really matters. Yaz is one of Maddie's best friends after all. Maddie could even trust her with her life, if they got into a situation that would demand it, but it isn't like that is going to happen anyway.

"I'm doing just fine Yaz!" She smiled. "I was just reading this book on the string theory, how are you doing?"

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:34 am
by MurderWeasel
((Adam Morgan continued from Magic Man))

Adam felt like he had many better things to be doing than sitting around in the library. He could've been outside with the guys, practicing his moves. He could've been listening to some good music. He could've been with his family, probably shuttling his sisters to the mall or something. Instead, he was stuck at school. Worse than that, he was studying grammar.

English was a fine language. Adam was very grateful for his mother tongue. It was generally fairly elegant and intuitive, except when it came to little things like keeping tense straight in written assignments. Adam's thought patterns tended to be a bit all over the place, and so it was tricky to keep things straight. While talking, he would often switch from past tense to present tense. It just lent his stories that edge of immediacy, that sense that the listener was right there with him, standing in the ring as the announcer shouted out the countdown and the crowd went wild. Present tense made his backyard brawls with Paulo and Cooper sound less stupid. The only issue was, starting a story from the past in present tense tended to confuse people. Adam could almost hear Cooper or some other smartass going, "But, Adam, we aren't in the ring. We're at lunch." More to the point, he wasn't allowed to use present tense anyways for this essay, which was a major pain because the last essay had required only present tense. Such were the pains of remedial English class.

So, Adam was struggling stubbornly against his own natural instincts, trying to force himself to keep to past tense even if it wasn't quite so active. He had an essay he was working on in front of him. The first draft was complete, but Adam was intent upon editing it before taking the time to type it up.

Unfortunately, he wasn't focusing very well. The library was a good place for finding enough boredom to encourage attention, but today it just wasn't cutting it. From behind him, Adam heard some conversation. It was a distraction, but only because he hadn't been doing a very good job of concentrating anyways. It sounded like a couple girls were talking about their shared hobby of impersonating Hermione Granger.

And, right there, Adam found a great way to blow off his work while at the same time pacifying his conscience. He could just go over and say hi to the girls, maybe chat in a polite way for a few minutes, and if they weren't busy ask if one of them would be willing to give his paper a good proofreading. Best case, someone would help him get his thoughts in chronological order. Worst case, he'd get a break from his work for a little. It sounded like a pretty good deal all around.

With no further ado, Adam got up and wandered towards the table. He was pretty sure the girls were called Maddie and Yaz, or maybe he was just shortening their proper names. It didn't really matter. Since they weren't friends, he figured he'd offer his name once they got talking and hope they did the same.

Pausing a few feet from their table, he gave them a nod and said, " 'sup?"

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:34 am
by VoltTurtle
Maddie turned to the boy who came up to the table. She recalled seeing him before, but as to where she couldn't remember. She recognized his face, but for the life of her she couldn't remember his name.

She wasn't sure if Yaz knew the boy or not, but considering how shy she is, she probably doesn't know him or at the very least doesn't know anything about him. Maybe she was misjudging Yaz, maybe this boy was her friend. But it looks like Yaz isn't talking. She guesses she will have to start this conversation herself.

"Why hello there! And by chance your name would be..?"

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:34 am
by SOTF_Help
Just a quick reminder that it's good etiquette to obey post order except in the case of long delays. Basically, post order means having each handler post in turn in the same order, such that every character gets to act each cycle and nobody gets left behind. In this case, the old post cycle would have been TurtleTyrant -> MurderWeasel -> Deamon -> TurtleTyrant -> MurderWeasel -> Deamon

Due to the skipping here, the new order can be TurtleTyrant -> Deamon ->MurderWeasel -> TurtleTyrant -> Deamon ->MurderWeasel, with appropriate adjustments if anyone else enters or leaves the thread.

Thanks for your attention,

The SOTF Staff

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:34 am
by Deamon
Maddie was reading a book about string theory. Yaz had heard it mentioned a couple of times by people in science classes but beyond that she had no idea what it was. If Yaz knew Maddie though; it had a good chance of being complicated. Unlike Yaz, Maddie was very good at and enjoyed science. It wasn't uncommon for Yaz to see her reading a book about some complicated theory to do with science. The only part of the subject Yaz really enjoyed was when they had to draw a diagram in biology or some of the experiments they sometimes did, beyond that she didn't have much interest in it. She just preferred classes where she was able to be more creative, which seemed to be the opposite of Maddie. Then again maybe that was why they got on as well as they did, because they balanced each other out.

"I'm doing fine. Just have to finish off this analysis for art, since I got distracted last night and only remembered about it this morning." She said as she took out the work. The analysis of another artist was the part of art that Yaz disliked the most because she found it incredibly boring. She didn't like looking at another artists work and saying how the composition, use of colour and shading, the texture etc. were all used to create the picture and the message they were trying to convey. She could see why it was important but she didn't find taking someone else's work apart enjoyable. She preferred to just take a piece in and enjoy it, or just draw something herself.

"Maybe that's why I got distracted." She muttered as she took a pen out of her pocket. She needed to remember what she had been writing and that was difficult since she hadn't looked at it for a while. It looked like she had been writing something about the shadows in the picture creating depth so that seemed like a good topic to stay on. As she was about to start writing however she was distracted by a greeting. Turning she saw Adam Morgan standing near their table. Yaz hadn't really spoken to Adam much but that applied to a lot of people at Aurora. She did know that he had a reputation for sticking up for younger students which was confusing considering some of the people he hung out with. Although he always seemed to wear the same leather jacket, something Yaz found weird.

Yaz wasn't sure what to say in response to his greeting. Instead she started twirling the pen around her fingers subconsciously while looking at his face. The first thing she noticed were his eyes, which were a very noticeable shade of blue. Luckily Maddie saved Yaz from her inability to greet people properly by asking who Adam was. Yaz sighed under her breath. She seemed to be useless in a conversation if it involved someone she was unfamiliar with.

"Hey Adam." She eventually managed to mumble

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:34 am
by MurderWeasel
Probably-Maddie noticed Adam and asked his name. Well, that wasn't really the polite way to do it, without offering her own, but okay, he could live with that.

"I'm Adam," he said. "Nice to meet you. Hi, Yaz."

Yaz knew his name, at least, but she was being quiet and really shy. This was off to a pretty awkward start. Adam was already starting to regret his actions, but it was too late to change course now. He wondered if this was how those cavalry units in World War One had felt upon first encountering machine guns. In these situations, all he could think of to do was power on and hope he made it to the emplacement before succumbing to wounds.

"Sorry if I'm distracting you," he said. "I just noticed your book. Is it for a fun class? I skipped science this year."

Adam at this point thought his best bet was to just keep on talking casually until it was clear they wanted him gone or until a good opportunity came about to ask for a favor. Or until the period ended or conversation completely ground to an awkward, sputtering halt.

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:34 am
by VoltTurtle
So the boy who came up to the table's name is Adam. Interesting, Maddie thought. But she began to wonder why he came up to the table, from the usual shy look on Yaz's face, it was evident that she isn't friends with Adam, but she does know who Adam is.

Maddie was pulled out of her thoughts by Adam asking her about her book.

"My book? Oh, yes, it is a book about the string theory, it isn't for any classes though, it is just independent study on my part," she replied.

She was still puzzled as to why Adam is at their table. Did he want one of them to help him with his work? He said he skipped science, so maybe he is a slacker of sorts. Maybe she is misjudging him, perhaps he just likes meeting new people.

"Anyway, it is nice to meet you, my name is Madeline, but I prefer being called Maddie."

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:34 am
by Deamon
Adam greeted Yaz and then asked Maddie about the book she was reading, mentioning that he had skipped science for the year. Yaz found that interesting. She didn't know too many people who had completely dropped science. It made her wonder what he had chosen to study instead, he would have had to pick from the electives Aurora offered but Yaz was still interested in hearing what he had picked. Deciding it would be an easy to get a proper conversation Yaz made up her mind to ask.

"What are you studying instead of science?" Yaz asked, taking care not to stutter at the start of her question. It made her question sound a little wooden but it was an improvement, so she wasn't too worried. Anyway it wasn't like Adam was carefully analysing everything she said and judging her based on least she hoped he wasn't otherwise she wasn't making a good first impression. She fiddled with her headband to take her mind of the thoughts flying around in her head. It occurred to her that it was slightly hypocritical on her part to worry about people analysing what she said, when she analysed everything she said. She found it funny how that happened.

Maddie explained to Adam that she was reading the book on string theory for independent study, which didn't surprise Yaz. It made perfect sense for Maddie to read a book on science during her free period. It was just what Maddie did because she was good at and enjoyed science. It was like Yaz and how she would normally draw things or take photos during her free time. It was something she did to relax and something she enjoyed doing. She didn't know how Maddie had fun reading a book on a science theory, Yaz herself had done something similar with a book about art and had given up after ten minutes due to boredom and because it had given her the urge to draw something. But if Maddie had fun reading a book about science, what right did Yaz have to judge her? Maybe that was why they were such good friends, because they understood and accepted each other for who they were.

Yaz then realised that Adam was still standing up. It would've been rude not to offer a seat now that they had greeted each other and were having a conversation. "Do you want to sit down Adam?" She asked.

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:34 am
by Ghost Of Ravenstar†
((Gavin Hunter, continued from Sleepwalker))

Gavin was bored. He was often bored at school, as a matter of fact. There was never enough going on to truly stimulate his mind, and too many rules and regulations or him to indulge in things that did. Gavin enjoyed spontenaity, intrigue and surprise. Debate classes could scratch those particular itches at times, but he wasn't in one now. Instead he was at the back of the library, muttering to himself as he examined Pioneers of Psychology. It seemed to be more autobiographical then anything, but he liked books that embelished their subject matter with a little historical information.

He was on the verge of taking himself and the book off to a table in the remotest part of the library when he overheard the voices. Peeking through the shelves, he could just make out three students at one of the tables on the far side of the room. At first, their appearance meant nothing to him, and he looked down at his book again. Then something sparked in his brain and he looked up again at the trio, this time examining each face in detail.

There, the one with brown hair. Isn't she . . .

Yes, she is. Now pipe down, you'll distract me.

Apprehension rose in him as he stared at the sitting girl that he knew now as Madeline Wilcox. She was a science girl. Unfortunately, from everything he'd seen, she was also rather shy and introverted.

Not the kind of person who'd respond well to a gothic giant like you.

He didn't bother to shoot back an answer to that mental jab. It was true after all. But on the other hand, he had to try. He slotted Pioneers of Psychology back on the shelf, then ventured out from it. As he strode towards the little group, he made a concious effort not to look too imposing. His height, combined with his heavy dark clothing could be very intimidating at times, so he let his military posture and professional expression soften during the approach and gave the group a warm smile when he reached the table.

"Excuse me." He began politely. "I'm Gavin, and I noticed your little group from the back shelves. Do you mind if I join you? Studying on your own can get terribly dull at times; I could use a little company."

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:35 am
by MurderWeasel
It turned out, conveniently enough, that Probably-Maddie was Maddie after all. She said she was reading the book for independent study. That sort of said to Adam that she was either really interested in the subject or trying to look smarter than she was for some reason. He didn't have enough information to guess which, and didn't particularly care. Image was important, and the brainy kids had to posture just like the jocks did. Nothing wrong with that.

Yaz offered to let Adam take a seat, and so he did, saying, "Thanks."

She'd also asked what he was taking instead of science. Adam took a moment to think. Technically, he'd also chosen not to take math this year. He wasn't taking much of anything challenging or academic, for that matter. They probably didn't give at all about the sort of long-winded explanation that would be required to convey all of that, so instead he just abbreviated things a bit.

"I'm takin' pysch," he said. "It's useful, you know? Better than chemistry or something, since I'll actually use it every day."

That might have been a bit of a bad move, since Maddie was so into hard science, so Adam quickly added, "I mean, science is great if you're gonna be a scientist. It's just not my calling, so I'm not focusing on it."

Then another kid showed up. Gavin Hunter was one of the weird kids, but he seemed pretty harmless, so Adam didn't have any issues with him. Gavin asked if he could sit down, and Adam was very close to just saying sure when he realized that he was the newcomer to this table and it wasn't really his place to invite other people. As he thought about this, he half-consciously fished his pencil out of his pocket and started rolling it around in his hand. He'd never mastered that pencil twirl he'd seen some other kids do. It looked pretty badass, though. He'd always meant to learn, but had somehow never found the time.

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:35 am
by VoltTurtle
Adam took a seat with Maddie and Yaz at their table. Yaz then asked what Adam was taking instead of science this year. Adam paused like he was thinking about it.

Interesting, I would also like to know what he is taking instead of science. Maddie thought to herself.

Adam replied by saying he was taking psychology, saying it was useful because he uses it everyday, unlike chemistry or something. Maddie liked chemistry class when she wasn't just sitting there hearing things she already knows, and the fact that he was saying that it wasn't useful annoyed her. Adam quickly covered for himself, saying that science is great if you are going to be a scientist, but it isn't his calling.

Smooth. Maddie thought.

Then a rather imposing gothic-looking boy showed up at the table. Maddie near instantly recognized him as Gavin Hunter, as he sticks out rather clearly in the halls. She has overheard things said in the halls about Gavin, mostly things about him being a weird loner. She could empathize with him being a loner, after all, she had been most of her life, but she didn't quite know why he was considered weird. He politely asked if he could join them at the table.

Well he seems alright enough. Maddie thought. Adam doesn't look like he is going to invite him to take a seat, and Yaz is quite shy, and Gavin is very imposing. Looks like I will have to invite him to take a seat.

"Sure, I don't see why not! Go ahead and take a seat. My name is Maddie, this is Adam, and that is Yaz."

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:35 am
by Deamon
Adam thanked Yaz for her offer as he sat down. Then he answered Maddie's question by telling the two girls that he had taken up Psychology. His reasoning being that he could use it every day, which the made sense. The issue was the way he said it. He had indirectly implied that science wasn't useful. It didn't matter to Yaz because she wasn't really into science either; but Maddie was passionate about the subject so the comment would probably annoy her. Luckily Adam seemed to realise his mistake and quickly attempted to cover for it by saying that it was useful if you wanted to be a scientist. That response seemed to satisfy Maddie though so no further words were exchanged.

It was for the best because it wouldn't look very good on any of them if they got kicked out of the Library for arguing; although when Yaz took into account the people Adam hung around with it would make sense. But that didn't happen so it was pointless thinking about it. Plus it wasn't like Maddie would start an argument with someone she barely knew just because they didn't like science; Yaz didn't know anyone who was like and if she was honest she didn't want to know anyone who was like that.

Yaz snapped out of her thoughts when a tall boy walked over and asked if he could sit down. He introduced himself as Gavin and Yaz struggled to think of whether she'd ever seen him before, because if she had she didn't remember, which was awkward. But Gavin didn't have to know that. Gavin himself was also dressed in a leather jacket but his was much longer than Adam's. Looking at it Yaz thought that she could probably use it as a blanket since she was so small. Maddie said he could sit down and introduced Yaz and Adam. Yaz again decided to be polite. "Hi." It wasn't much but Gavin was slightly intimidating since he was so tall and dressed all in black. It just struck Yaz as odd.

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:35 am
by Ghost Of Ravenstar†
Gavin waited patiently as the trio decided his fate. Then, when he had received his affirmative, he pulled up a chair and prepared to sit. He found the chair to be quite old; a sturdy no-nonsense wooden design that had withstood at least a decade of use. Gavin plonking himself down on a wooden chair generally caused a noise equivocal to a large set of leather-wrapped tools being flung down a flight of stairs, so instead he lowered himself gently down onto it with a sigh. The wood creaked under him as his weight settled on it, but it was just the joints flexing fractionally in their slots.

"Much obliged to you." He said to Madeline with a smile as he leant his weight on the chair back.

Stage one; accomplished.

The group he had successfully integrated with seemed not to be engaged in any intensive conversation. He had heard Adam say something about psychology as he walked up, which made him think briefly back to the book he had been examining just a few moments earlier. Psychology was, however, not a subject that greatly interested Gavin beyond the initial level. He preferred a subject with more grounding in reality, like science.

Speaking of science, take a look at the book.

Gavin followed the mental direction without complaint, leaning forward for a moment to visually examine the book that Madeline held. It was An Introduction to String Theory and D-Brane Dynamics. His heart leapt as he read that title. Madeline was everything he needed and more if she could hold down advanced theoretical physics like this. He just hoped she was equally proficient in practical subjects as well. He was in luck, the conversation seemed to have lulled slightly.

"That's an interesting choice of book you have there." He began. "String theory isn't a subject I'd normally expect to see somebody my own age studying in the library. I'm very impressed that you can keep up with it. Can I ask what made you choose such a book?"

Now we just have to hope that little narrative enterprise didn't terrify her witless.