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Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:00 am
by Grim Wolf
(Edward Alexandros start)

Edward hummed quietly to himself, spinning a quarter between his knuckles (maintained dexterity, and every man worth his salt needed dexterity--good hands were quick hands).  He wasn't quite sure whose idea it was to hold this little after-school improv thing, but it sounded fun--assume a role, play out the scene.  A bit of roleplay, if you will.

He chuckled quietly as his own joke.

Re: Improvise!

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:00 am
by Laurels
((Sophie McDowell continued from One Step Forwards, Two Steps Back))

Sophie had heard about the event from word-of-mouth. Someone was hosting an improv session in the auditorium that day. It sounded fairly interesting. Sophie had never really tried acting before. Sure, she could sing, dance, play guitar, and paint anything that came to her mind, but she never tried acting. It might be good to at least try and play as someone else.

Or at the very least, I can feel a wide range of emotions from the performances of other kids.

Sophie walked into the auditorium. It looked pretty deserted, but she made her way down the aisles. She soon saw a guy sitting in one of the chairs flipping a coin between his knuckles. Neat trick.

"Excuse me, is this the improv thing?" she asked him. "I'm Sophie, and I came to participate, if that's alright."

She smiled. This ought to be fun.

Re: Improvise!

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:00 am
by Laurels
((Sorry, but I think I need to move Sophie somewhere else))

Sophie sat down to wait for more kids to show up. Suddenly, her cell phone rang.

"Uh-oh," she said, grabbing her phone.

"Hello. Hey Laurie. What? Really? Is Dad busy? Oh. Oh, well, yeah, I'll do it. I'm heading home now. Bye."

Sophie hung her phone up.

"Sorry, but my sister needs a ride to her soccer game, and my Dad just got swamped at his job. I'm really sorry, but I have to leave. I hope you do this again, this sounds really fun."

Sophie gathered her stuff and made her way out of the auditorium.

"Guess I'll have to try acting some other day," Sophie muttered to herself.

((Sophie McDowell continued in I Played Baseball With My Younger Brother))