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Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:23 am
by Espi
((Theodore Fletcher continued from V = - ¡Ò E ¡¤ dl))

One late spring afternoon, Theodore Fletcher was in the library, in his usual spot.

Theodore loved the library. It was large and roomy, and had wall-to-wall books. It was classy, yet cozy, and he enjoyed the eponymous "curl up with a good book" when he had the time.

There was a nice little nook where he liked to sit, with a sunny window. That was the perfect location to enjoy a book. His biggest problem with the spot; it was popular with other people, too, so he always wished he could reserve it.

Currently, he sat against the wall in the nook, intently reading a book. It was interesting, but he wasn't enthralled; the plots were way too obvious for any twist to be a surprise.

Still, being too good at picking out plot points was Theo's problem, not the book's.

Re: Joy

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:23 am
by Riki
[Joachim Lovelace, continued from wherever he came from]

Normally, Joachim preferred the school's own library. It was nice and cozy, and it offered a place to spend the breaks in. Of course, if one is not in school, they cannot enter the school library. That is most annoying if one had an argument with their family, and wants to escape.

Fortunately, public libraries exist.

Joachim strut through the halls, not searching for anything particular. Maybe he'd grap a book that looks interesting. Either way, he first wanted to make sure that his favorite place was free. A little corner, near a window, creating a bright atmosphere. It was a nice place to read, but from time to time, he found someone else there.

There was someone this time. A young male, Joachim knew he went to school with him, but the name escaped him for the moment. Something with T. Whatever his name was, Joachim wasn't really happy about him being here, but it'd be illogical for Joachim to be mad at that boy.

He continued to stare at the boy, not sure if he wanted to approach him.

Re: Joy

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:23 am
by Espi
Theodore sat up and stretched. He'd been reading for a while, and he didn't want to get stiff.

Hearing footsteps approach, Theo turned to look over. A boy Theo vaguely recognized from school had approached. Theo was pretty sure his name was Joachim and that he was German. Theo didn't know him very well, but Theo had no qualms with the boy.

"Oh, hello." Theo said. Setting the book down, Theo turned and faced Joachim. "Sorry, do you need something?" Theo then recalled that Joachim was in Book Club (the two rarely interacted there, however). "Oh, were you going to read here?"

Re: Joy

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:23 am
by Riki
The other boy noticed Joachim's presence. He put the book aside and greeted Joachim in a friendly tone. He also noticed that Joachim would have liked to sit in his place. This was true, but since Joachim had no book at hand anyway, it'd be unpolite to occupy the place.

"Yeah, I wanted to sit there, but I have no idea what to read, so..."

Joachim shrugged, not enterly sure how to finish this sentence and looked at the ceiling, as if the words were stuck above his head. He hoped a little that the other boy might have a recommendation, then Joachim would have something to do at least.

Re: Joy

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:23 am
by Espi
Theodore scratched his chin awkwardly. He pondered for a second, leaving an awkward silence in the air.

"Oh, okay. So you don't have a book?" Theo cringed inwardly, feeling the obviousness of his statement.

"Uh, well, the other day I finished this book called "Smoke and Bone", I think. It was a pretty neat sort of fantasy, horror/suspense novel, and maybe you'd like that kind of genre?"

Theo blinked at his own poor phrasing; he needed to learn to freaking talk one of these days.

Re: Joy

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:23 am
by Riki
There was this weird tension in the air. Partly caused by the short silence, partly because of one of the most obvious statements ever. Anyway, the recommendation was called "Smoke and Bone". some mix of fantasy and horror.

"...why sh... what is it about?"

It sounded interesting from the genre, and the name, but Joachim wasn't really into the mood to go looking for the book and then being disappointed by a lame story. So better ask now, then find out later.

Re: Joy

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:23 am
by Espi
Theo was glad his suggestion wasn't rejected. He nodded, trying to recall the plot (it had been a little while, and he didn't want to ruin it).

"Oh, well it's about this girl, Karou I think." Theo said. "She lives in France, I think. She was raised by these monster things called Chimaera, who are like part humans and part animals, and can grant wishes I think.

"I-it sounds weird, I know, but it's decent." Theo wondered if the summary was good.

Re: Joy

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:23 am
by Jilly
((Megan Emerson continued from A Tree Grows in Seattle))

Call her a hypocrite, but Megan didn't enjoy going to the public library. No, there was a good selection of books and the like, but Megan didn't like "borrowing" books. Like her games, she loved to own them, being readily accessible so she can read them whenever she wants to. Not to mention, she didn't like public places where there was a lot of people. Even if it was a low crowd like in a public library, Megan just didn't want to deal with it.

But today, she had no choice. Her computer crashed, so while it was in the shop she had no internet access. This would be a slight inconvenience if it weren't for the fact that she procrastinated on an English paper due in a few days. Although it was one of those easy "bullshit" 2-3 page papers talking about something relating to yourself, Megan wanted to try something abstract. Inspired by her ongoing play-through of Persona 4, she decided to do a more abstract paper by relating herself to a Tarot card. However, besides from that one game series, she knew nothing about them, which is why she really needed an alternate source of information like Google.

The only solution besides copping out? Using the old fashioned way - the public library.

By using the computer database, Megan was able to locate two books on Tarot interpretation and retrieved them. As she searched for a place to sit down, she noticed a familiar face sitting in the corner, getting out of his seat and stretching. She froze in her steps when she saw that it was Theo, probably the only other person besides her brother that she could talk to about obscure role-playing games.

And then it hit Megan - Theo was just the guy she needed. Yes, this was perfect. He was an avid Persona player, even more than Megan herself. Hopefully he would know more about Tarot cards than she did (assuming he was interested in all that).

Oh well, it couldn't hurt to at least ask, right?

As soon as she took a step forward, a boy approached Theo - another Aurora High student, though Megan had only fleeting encounters with him. Jo-something. Jochaim? Joacim? Damn it, she needed to learn people's names right, especially after the fumble with Francis.

When she saw Theo and the other kid starting to talk, she subconsciously backed her foot up. She hated butting into conversations, so she decided to just wait until either they were done or Theo invited her in...or if she got the courage to jump in.

Megan took a seat in Theo's general line of vision, waved at him, and opened one of the books to get started on her research.

Re: Joy

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:23 am
by Riki
Joachim listened to the summary. It sounded... well, it was nothing that immediately chained Joachim. Didn't matter, still sounded like something he could try out.

"...I'll see into it."

He sensed someone approaching, so he turned his head around to see who it was. Megan Something. Joachim remembered that she has something to do with the school band. She waved at the other boy, but didn't step closer. Apparently, she didn't want to interrupt this conversation. Or maybe she too shy and doesn't want to step near Joachim. He turned back to the boy.

"A friend of yours?"

Re: Joy

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:23 am
by Espi
Theo nodded. "Yeah, that's Megan. Sorry, do you mind?"

Sliding off of the windowsill, Theo walked towards Megan with a smile. "Hey Megan, how're you doing?" He asked, his voice a bit more cheerful. "It's been a little while."

Glancing down at her book, Theo wondered why she was reading about Tarot cards. He didn't think Megan was really into that kind of thing.

Re: Joy

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:23 am
by Jilly
As soon as she heard Theo approached, so looked up at him. "Oh, hey - I wasn't interrupting anything, was I?" Megan's eyes motioned in the direction of the other boy, still standing in the spot Theo left moments ago. She figured it wasn't anything important due to Theo's promptness, but still, it was nice to ask.

"Anyway, I'm kind of glad I ran into you here." Megan held up the cover of one of the books she was looking at (a rendering of "The Moon" and "The Sun" intersecting with each other underneath the title of the book, all on top of a rather gaudy red background). "You like Persona; how much do you know about Tarot card motifs?"

Re: Joy

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:24 am
by Riki
If Joachim mind it? Rhetoric questions are all fine and nice, but seriously, just sliding off? Well, for that, a place just got free. Joachim's face brightened slightly. He noticed that Megan and the boy with T talked about Tarot cards. Not really sure he could contribute anything from this conversation, he swiftly claimed the spot that just got free.

From there, he could watch the other students. He might know nothing about Tarot cards, but maybe he'll find something interesting in that conversation, if he understands anything, that is. Eitherway, Joachim got his favorite place, so that already was a nice little gain.

Re: Joy

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:24 am
by Espi
"Ooh, Tarot. I know a bit from Persona, you're right." Theo loved Persona, so just bringing it up was enough to get him excited. He grinned, looking at the book.

He clasped his hands together, hoping to appear more teacher-like. "What do you need to know?" He tapped his foot; if there was one thing that made him more social, it was talking about things he loved.

Re: Joy

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:24 am
by Jilly
Excellent. Had no one been there to witness it, Megan would have tented her fingers à la Mr. Burns. Alas, two other known pair of eyes were too much. Instead, she smirked at Theo's lively response as he practically bounced with eagerness.

Yes, this was great. Time for a little Q&A. Or Q&O. Whatever.

Megan brushed some stray hair out of face as she nodded at the now attentive Theo. "This is great, then." After a few false starts from gathering her thoughts, she looked down at the books held in her hands and said, "...I don't really know another way to put this without sounding, ya know..."

Megan's eyes flashed up to Theo's as she finally spat the words out. "Anyway, if I were a 'social link' in Persona, which Tarot motif would you think I'd be?"

It was an arguably weird question, but hopefully Theo could give her a second opinion; then she could get this paper done here and now.

Re: Joy

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:24 am
by Espi
((Skipping approved by Bikriki))

"Hmm." Theo paused for a second, thinking. "Well, it can be tough to say, 'cause most cards are more about the situations you're in than the person." He scratched his chin; he didn't want to offend Megan with a card she wouldn't like, but at the same time it had been her that had asked.

Just don't call her Devil, for one thing.

"So assuming you only want Major Arcana, I'd say you're probably The Hanged Man." Theo paused again, trying to work out how to word it.

"So basically, it means two things; being passive, calm and relaxed, which fits you pretty well. Then it also means sacrifice; I'm not sure about that part, but the first part fits great, so yeah." Theo looked at Megan's expression, hoping that calling her passive wasn't insulting, because he meant it in a good way.

Because you can call somebody passive in a good way, apparently.