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Decoy Dating

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:18 am
by Fiori
Well, today's the day.

In all honesty, Ruby wasn't exactly sure whether or not she was looking forward to this day, or dreading it with every fibre of her being. Probably a bit of both. On the one hand, she never really understood why attending the school prom was such a big deal. It was only an elaborate disco run by the teaching staff after all, one which would be full of stuck up asshats showing off their future trophy wives whilst terrible music played in the background. Having never really been the loud party type to start with, the idea of spending her evening hovering near the drink stand didn't exactly sound appealing. Not to mention the fact that as much as she would love to go with Regan as her date, she knew for a fact that she still wasn't ready to let everyone know that they were together. Sure, they could still go together as friends, but there would still be the risk of some smartass putting the pieces together and figuring out that the two were really an item.

On the other hand, this was more-or-less a once in a lifetime thing, and a part of her dreaded the thought of spending the rest of her life listening to other people go on about how special their senior prom had been. Plus she knew some of her friends would be there too, and she didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to hang out with them, especially considering how this would be one her last opportunities to do so before they all made their separate ways. Most of all, despite her concerns, a part of her was still desperate to go there with Regan. Even if they never actually danced together, or did anything mushy or romantic, just having her there to talk to would make the whole experience worthwhile. And thankfully, after speaking with Brian about her predicament, she knew exactly how to make it work.

Which was why she was currently applying the last touches of her make-up whilst looking at herself in her bedroom mirror.

For the past few days, she had been going back and forth as to what sort of attire she should wear. Whilst a part of her considered the possibility of dressing in something a little more effeminate than usual, another part of her wanted to play it safe and wear a suit of some description. However, before she could come to a decision, her mother had gone out and brought her a pretty red dress as present. One which she had somewhat mixed feelings about.

In all fairness, it was by all means a very nice dress. It wasn't particularly fancy, but it was definitely not cheap either. The only real problem she had with it was that it had a rather low neckline, and seeing as her chest wasn't exactly what one would describe as petite, she wasn't particularly comfortable with the idea of showing it off so blatantly. Thankfully, her mother had almost immmediatly spotted this problem too, and decided to solve it by lending Ruby a silk yellow scarf to wear around her neck that conveniently hid it from the world. Other then that, the only other nitpick she had was that the dress only went down to her thighs, although the idea of showing off her legs a little didn't bother her as much.

Once her clothing was done, all she really had to do was apply a little make-up and that was that. She tried not to go too over-the-top with it. Just a some black eye-liner and red lipstick, along with a few other suggestions her mother made. For tonight, she had decided to dye her hair black. She had considered dying it something strange just for the occasion, like magenta or turquoise, but in the end she had decided against that. Besides, she actually liked the fact that her hair matched her dark eyebrows for once.

Just as she had finished applying her lipstick, there was a light knock on the door.

"Come in." she said, turning around to see her mother poke her head through the door.

"Your friend Brian's waiting for you downstairs."

"Cool. Tell him I'll be down in a sec..." she said, checking herself in the mirror one last time just to make sure before heading through the door.

At the bottom of the stairs stood her mother, who seemed to be making conversation with Brian as he stood by the front door. For the night, he had dressed in a fairly standard black tuxedo, along a black bow tie and a white handkerchief in the chest pocket. He seemed to be in a good mood, a bright smile appearing on his face as he spotted Ruby making her way downstairs.

"Hey Ruby. Wow, uh, you're looking really great." he said, genuinely taken aback by Ruby's attire. He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen Ruby wear a dress, or anything particularly feminine for that matter.

Ruby chuckled, knowing full well what Brian was thinking right now. "Why thank you... You're looking pretty cool yourself with that fancy tux."

"Heh, thanks. My dad's renting it. Didn't exactly come cheap, but hey, I wanted to look good for the occasion."

They both chuckled, pausing for a moment before her mother broke the silence.

"So, have you got everything you need?"

"Yes Mom."

"Are you sure? Have you made sure to brush your..."

"Yes Mom, I have. And don't worry, I'll be fine, really."

"Oh... Okay." her mother said, pausing for a moment before giving Ruby a tight hug. "Oh my precious little Ruby, all grown up and going to her senior prom... Promise me you'll have a wonderful time whilst you're there, okay dear?"

"I will Mom..." replied Ruby, who after a moment's hesitance returned her mother's hug. "...Th-thanks for helping me out."

"Not a problem at all dear..." her mother replied, pulling back and wiping a stray tear from her eye. "...Now then, hurry along. You don't want to keep your friends waiting."

As Ruby and Brian was making their way to Ruby's car, her mother called out to them one last time.

"Oh, and tell that nice Regan girl that your father, Nathan and I will be out at Aunt Julia's all night, so the two of you can have the house to yourselves until twelve-ish okay?"

Pausing for a moment to wonder whether or not her mother was implying what she thought she was implying, Ruby shook off the thought and replied with a simple okay. With that sorted out, the two teenagers got into Ruby's car and made their way down the street.

It wasn't long until they had pulled up outside their first destination, the two sharing glances for a moment before they began to talk.

"Brian... Are you sure you're still up for this?"

"Yeah, 'course I am..."

"You sure? I mean, if there's anyone you wanted to date, it might not be too late to..."

"No really, It's cool. There hasn't really been anyone on my mind recently anyway. Besides, like you said, how else are the two of you going to go together without making it REALLY obvious that you're actually dating?"

"Hmm, okay... Just, please don't forget that she's my girlfriend not yours, okay?"

Brian laughs. "Relax, I'm not going to do anything like that. You know me Ruby, I'm a bona fide gentleman."

Ruby could't help but let out a small chuckle herself. "Alright then... But just so you know, I'll be watching you like a hawk anyway."

"Duly noted..." Brian replied with a grin, shortly before he opened the door and made his way towards the door of the house they had just parked outside of. After checking to make sure he looked presentable, he rang the doorbell and waited for the door to open.

Well, here goes...

"Ah, hello there Mr Flagg. Is, um, Regan ready?"

Re: Decoy Dating

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:19 am
by Sister Grimm†
For the last few days, there has been a sort of buzzing anticipation in the Flagg household.

When Regan had announced, in truly grandiose fashion, that she had a date for prom, preparations had begun. Of course, Marie Flagg had taken Regan under her wing. It was a sad truth acknowledge by the Flagg women that Regan was more of a tomboy than anything else, and as such, possessed little in the way of fashion sense. To Regan, high fashion was looking at what Joan Jett or Shirley Manson  was wearing and pretty much copy that. Of course, that wasn't really something lent itself to prom. As cool as both those women were, time and a place. So, she was pretty content to let her mom guide. Really, this was one of the few places Regan was so clueless that she couldn't even stumble her way through. Besides, Marie Flagg was more than a little flattered her daughter had come to her for advice and guidance. Maybe a little frustrated her daughter had waited until the last minute to announce her plans to attend prom, but flattered all the same.

Dresses were modeled, critiqued, and eventually rejected in the quest to find the perfect outfit. Which led to entirely more shopping then Regan was accustomed to. After a long, seeming much longer than it actually was, a winner was found. It was a little conservative, but Regan didn't know enough about dresses to notice. It was green, to match her hair, with the hem long enough to blossom out around her feet and trail along the ground. It was slim and a little slinky, but not quite form-fitting. The neckline rose up into a sort of low collar, more than high enough not to expose any cleavage. Her shoes, despite being covered bgy her dress, were a pair of matching green heels, just as conservative as the dress.

All in all, Regan approved. Not that she knew enough about fancy dress to have anything but the vaguest idea of how it was all supposed to look like. But, still, she liked it. Better yet, she thought Ruby would like it. Or, rather, ahem, air quotes, Brian. Well, seriously, air quotes aside, Brian would probably like it too. But that really wasn't a priority. Not that she would mind hearing compliments, but, yeah.

Honestly, she was still let a little leery about the whole thing. Going to prom with Brian she meant. Yeah, she knew it was to accommodate her own issues. It wasn't like she blamed Ruby or Brian. No, hell no. There was no illusions that this was all for her benefit. She didn't want to be outed, so it was Brian or nothing. The original plan had been to just go with Ruby as friends, but Ruby had advised that would be too transparent. She was probably right. Despite Regan being the one to hide the relationship, it tended to be Ruby that noticed things that might get them found out. So the plan was for Regan to go with Brian. Reservations aside, she guessed it was a good idea. Ruby would be going-what was the term when a girl went along? Stag?-Ruby would be going that. They'd still be together, just not 'together'. It was as good as things were going to get, Regan guessed. Until she moved out or found a way to tell her parents, it was the way things were going to have to be. Maybe she'd have an opportunity to steal a kiss at some point. Or maybe she'd have to dance with Brian to make it look believable. Shit.

Well, she was sure everything would work out. What was the worst that could happen?

Oh, right. Anyway.

Well, Ruby made sure she knew the plan in the days leading up to the big night. It wasn't a complicated plan, but Regan would never begrudge any time spent along with Ruby. By the big day, big night, it was fairly hammered into her skull. But, again, not a complicated plan. The only real issue was her dad grilling her about Brian. Namely, why had she never mentioned him? There was some suspicion about that. Probably not that she was hiding a girlfriend, no, but that was hiding something. Her dad was definitely more perturbed than her mom. Regan realized he might be concerned that she was having sex. Looking at it from his perspective, she guessed she could see how he might think that. Maybe. A new boy that she just started talking about A new boy that was taking her to prom. Prom was a big deal. A girl didn't just take anyone to prom. Especially senior prom. It was a big deal! It didn't help that Regan was the worst liar in the world. Okay, so it wasn't much that he suspected she was hiding something, that he knew. It didn't help that she had to make up most of the stuff he asked her about concerning Brian. Because, honestly, she didn't really know much about him. Bowling, Ruby, Russian. It was mostly stuff gleaned from Ruby and meetings through Ruby. But, concerned as he was, he wasn't concerned enough to forbid her from going. Or, rather, he wasn't going to go against Mrs. Flagg's commands for him to leave Regan alone on her special night. Still, Regan was fairly sure she'd try and keep the two from talking very long. Not that she was worried about Brian but...yeah.

She was just finishing up her make-up, with supervision by her mother of course, when the doorbell rung. Now, she didn't quite panic, but she felt a surge of apprehension. Whatever emotion it would be at the thought of her dad interrogating Brian. Brian's voice drifted up from downstairs as she put on the finishing touches. Her eyeliner could be be described as smokey. It might actually be called smokey, she wasn't sure. It was actually kind of surprising her mom knew about it. At least, Regan was surprised. Maybe it was vogue in church circles. Her lips were covered by a very light red gloss. From her amateur perspective, she thought she looked good.

Turning to her mom, she gave a little spin. "How do I look?" She asked with a nervous little grin. Her mom looked her over with an appraising eye. Regan guessed she was judging her own handiwork as much as she was judging Regan's attempt. In the end, after a few seconds, she smiled and nodded. "You look beautiful. He's going to love it." Suddenly, she threw her arms around her daughters and pulled her in for a hug. "I'm glad you're doing this, dear. You've never been one for dances. I'm proud of you. I love you." Taken a little aback by the sudden display of emotion, all Regan did for a moment was hug her mom back. "I love you, too, mom. Thanks for helping me out with all this. I mean, I probably would like a clown if you let me do my prom shopping on my own." Her mom leaned back, resting her hands on Regan's shoulders, a happy smile on her face. "You're going to have a wonderful time tonight." She started to steer Regan toward the door. "But you should hurry before your father scares him off. It'd be a shame to get dressed up all for nothing." A shared laugh, a quick kiss on her mothers cheek and Regan hurried down the stairs as fast as her shoes would allow.

In the living room, her father was just getting warmed up with his inquisition, so her arrival was only too timely. Brian, to his credit, looked more confused than hounded. "Brian! We're late!" She called as she swept into the room, grabbing Brian's arm and guiding him to the door. She called over her shoulder, "We'd love to stay and talk, but we're way late, talk to you later dad, love you, bye!" Cue the slamming door. Ladies and gentlemen, Regan Flagg. While she escorted Brian to the car, she shot him a conspiratorial grin. "Just in time, huh? You can thank me later. Like, one the way there. I'd be okay with as soon as we're in the car, too." She pointed toward the car, puffing her chest out. "Onward! To prom!"

Was she nervous? Psh, not at all. If there was one word associated with Regan Flagg, it was calm. It there were two, it was calm and collected. Nervous? Nah, not in a million years. Anxious, maybe. But never nervous. She was sure this evening would go off without a hitch. After all, it was only prom. Like, big deal, right? Right? Yeah. It was just a dance. A dance with a fancy name. So what if people said it was, like, the defining moment of high school. They were probably exaggerating. She wondered if Ruby was feeling as nervous. Not to say that she herself was nervous, but, she was empathetic. Calm and collected. That was her. Okay, well, maybe a little nervous. But that was probably more anticipation about seeing Ruby. She did look good, right? Ruby would think she looked nice, right? Maybe she should have picked another dress. Or maybe changed her makeup. Or done something with her hair? "Brian, before Ruby see's me, how do I look?"

Re: Decoy Dating

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:19 am
by Fiori
Admittedly, this wasn't the first time Brian found himself faced with a concerned parent.

Ever since his first date with Ruby, he's been on the receiving end of "the talk" more time than he can even remember. How long have you been seeing my daughter? Are you some manipulative jackass whose been taking advantage of her? If you dare touch her I'll beat you to death with a tire iron. That sort of thing, only most parents tend to be subtle about it. And to be fair, there's nothing wrong with that. Hell, if his daughter was going out with some guy with a small beard and a leather jacker he'd probably be just as protective, if not more so. The fact that half the school think's he's some kind of manslut just because he's not particularly good when it comes to maintaining relationships doesn't help. It wasn't that he went out of his way to date as many people as possible. Hell, he never even slept with at least half the people he's dated. It's just that ever since Shiro left America, he hasn't had that much luck when it came to his love life.

That said, he'd gotten so used to being given the talk that he ended up having to act more intimidated then he actually was. He did once try to pretend as though the intimidation didn't bother him in the slightest (even though the opposite happened to be true), but that just ended up making the parents distrust him even more, which amongst other things caused the relationship to die with a week or so.

In any case, right now was probably the first time when it was in fact a complete and total act, rather than just exaggerating how intimidate he already was. Despite Ruby's concern, Brian genuinely had no problem with not having a real date for the prom. If anything, he was more indifferent about the prom than Ruby was, even though he was already planning on showing up before the idea was even suggested. Besides, after so many disastrous dates and potential romances coming to an abrupt end, he was actually relieved to not have to worry about that for once. Tonight he was going to just kick back, relax, have a drink and chat with his buddies whilst Ruby and her girlfriend have some fun together.

Speaking of Ruby's girlfriend, at that moment Regan came bounding down the stairs and dragged him outside, evidently happy to finally get out the house.

"Just in time, huh? You can thank me later. Like, one the way there. I'd be okay with as soon as we're in the car, too. Onward! To prom!"

"Erm... Yeah, okay." was all Brian could come up with as a reply. There were times that Brian wondered how Ruby was able to cope with a girl like Regan. Sure, she was very nice and all, not to mention pretty cute. But at the same time she was just a little TOO energetic for Brian's liking. He had nothing against her or anything, it's just that he couldn't imagine being able to have a relationship with her unless he drank ten cups of coffee every day to keep up the pace. Plus, he wasn't too fond of the green hair, but that was just nitpicking.

Anyway, yes, they should probably be getting in the car right now.

"Brian, before Ruby see's me, how do I look?"

Brian paused for a moment, standing right next to the passenger side door of Ruby's car as he thought of a good response. Last thing he wanted was to accidentally sound like he's hitting on his best friend's partner, right?

"You... Look really great! Yeah. I think Ruby's going to like it a lot. In fact..."

On that note, he stepped to the side and slowly opened the door.

"...Why don't you ask her yourself? Ladies first..." he said, beckoning Regan to sit in the passenger seat next to Ruby like he was her own personal butler. Once Regan was seated, he opened one of the back doors and sat in the back seat, crossing his legs as he shut the door.

The moment Ruby saw Regan, her lips formed a wide smile as she admired her girlfriend's pretty green dress.

"Hey Regan. I like the dress..." she said, resisting the urge to give her girlfriend a quick peck on the cheek. Not until they were out of eyeshot of Regan's parents anyway.

"Looking forward to tonight?"

Re: Decoy Dating

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:19 am
by Sister Grimm†
'Really great' wasn't as preferable as, say, 'absolutely stunning', or maybe 'the most beautiful thing I have ever beheld with mine own eyes', but it wasn't too shabby. She'd go for eye-shockingly beautiful next year. Once she actually had an idea on how to pick the best, how do you say, 'fancy dress'? Maybe she'd settle for quick Google search. Whatever, she was going to look awesome next year at prom. Wait, never mind. Senior and all. Well, next time she put on a dress, she was going to look awesome. Eye-shakingly, or however she'd phrased it before. Of course, she still had to run her outfit by Ruby, but there probably wouldn't be much criticizing on that end. Even if Ruby did think she looked like a train-wreck, Ruby wouldn't say it. Hopefully. Definitely, and not because it'd make an awful start to the evening. Not to say she was worried or anything. Or nervous. Still not nervous. Still calm and collected. Like Ice Cube, if he was named that because he was calm and collected. Like someone else calm and collected if he was named that for other reasons. Ruby would think she looked great, there was no doubt about it. Ruby would say that she looked amazing, because Ruby was sweet, and loving, and never said anything bad about anyone except Jasper and that was only because he was a huge dick. But, yeah. Totally not nervous.

Brian, acting the best gentleman ever, opened the door, like some kind of fancy gentleman. In her head, she did a little drumroll, because if she was one thing, besides calm and collected, it was theatrical. Ladies and gentleman, dudes and dudette's, Regan Flagg! Also presenting, the lovely Ruby Forrester! Wait, was the announcer presenting the couple to each other, or to an audience? This hypothetical scenario made no sense, and she was having none of that tonight. If she was going to ramble about something, it would be to Ruby and in such a charming and adorable fashion no one would mind. Perhaps at prom itself, when she complained about the music, or on the drive home, when pondered the terrible setlist. At least, she was assuming pretty heavily she'd disagree pretty heavily with the entertainment. It would probably be modern popular music, and that didn't necessarily fall into her wheelhouse. Like, what if they played Justice Beaver? Justice Bieber? Justice whoever, what if they played his music? No thanks. Well, she wouldn't complain out loud. That is to say, verbally. But mentally, she'd be hating the music. Then, in, like, 5 years, she'd tell Ruby how much she disliked the music they played at prom, and she'll be all 'I know, right?' Yeah, just like that.


She slid into the car, the door still held gentlemanly open by Brian, and flashed a brilliant grin at Ruby, who looked pretty amazing herself. She especially like the scarf. It gave her kind of a roguish look. Scarves tended to do that. Not to say she would have minded seeing the cleavage it was covering, but...still, roguish. Always a cool adjective. Like a pirate, or an outlaw. Well, yeah, Ruby didn't otherwise look like any form of criminal, so the word only applied so much. And her hair! Black looked good on her. Not that the color had as much character as usual, but Ruby could look good in anything. And, even better, Ruby thought she looked nice! She'd have to give her mom a high-five when she got home, Or a hug. Whichever. Maybe both.

"You don't look half-bad yourself, Ms. Forrester. Red definitely works for you. I'm going to have a hard time keeping away from you tonight." She grinned and winked. "Maybe I'll sneak in a dance after all." She looked around the car, her brow furrowed. "You don't have any smoke bombs, do you? We could just drop one of those down and we'd have the whole floor to ourselves. It'd be like something out of a Disney movie starring Batman." She smiled dreamily at the thought. Maybe she really would dance with Ruby tonight. Can you imagine how freeing it would feel? Just, for once, admitting to the word how in love she was with Ruby? In her head,, the room would clear as she led Ruby to the middle of the room. Something romantic and slow would be playing, and everyone would be standing off to the side as they danced. The rest of the room would be in shadows, with the only light following the two as they danced around the room. It would end, of course, with a kiss. Tender, loving, story-book.To hell with gossiping students, it would be wonderful to actually, you know, dance with her girlfriend at prom. And so what if word got back to her parents? Yeah, sure, there'd be shouting and screaming and threats of damnation. But it's not like they'd kick her out or anything. They wouldn't right? Well, her mom probably wouldn't. Dad, on the other hand...Hm. Maybe she'd wait until she had some smoke bombs before bringing Ruby to the dance floor. Would Walmart sell them? Maybe they could stop on the way. Ruby was probably fresh out.

But still, she was looking forward to tonight. When Ruby asked, she told her as such. "I mean, even if it's us just hanging out, I'm happy. I always love spending time with you, even if it's just putting DVD's away in your dad's shop. Tonight we'll just be doing it in fancy dresses." Something about that thought, that phrasing, sent an uncomfortable shiver through her body. 'It'd be the same as always, just in a fancy dress'. Yeah, it was a romantic gesture, sure, but it was acknowledging that they were going to be wasting the night. Well, maybe not wasting, but not letting it live up to it's potential. How did Jim Belushi put it in Animal House? She'd never seen it. She felt it was something like, this could be the best night of their lives, but they were gonna make it the worst. Something along those lines. Probably more cursing. Discretion or no, she did want tonight to be something special, something they would both remember for years to come. If she didn't throw caution to the wind and pull Ruby out to dance, she had to do something special. Something to make it all memorable and fantastic, and just great. When she thought about it like that, getting kicked out didn't seem so bad.

No, no, she'd think about that more later. The last thing she wanted was something bumming her out before the night even started. She flashed Ruby another smile. "How about you? Bursting with excitement? How about you Brian? Psyched to escort me to the dance floor? Anxious about when I'll inevitably embarrass you?"

Re: Decoy Dating

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:19 am
by Fiori
Ruby chuckled to herself as she started the car, the thought of a Disney animated feature film staring Batman amusing her to no end. Particularly if it was Frank Miller's version of the character, AKA: The 'goddamn' Batman.

Safe to say though, as she drove down the Seattle streets with her girlfriend beside her and her best friend in the back seat, she couldn't deny that she was beginning to get as excited about this night as Regan was. After all, getting to see Regan in that dress alone would make any event worth attending, even if she had to stand around listening to pop songs by One Direction and Justin Bieber all night. Besides, she was pretty sure there would at least be a couple of decent songs to balance out the terrible ones.

In any case, the music wasn't what would make this night important. Or the fancy dresses for that matter. No, what made this night important was the fact that one way or another she and Regan were going to enjoy themselves. Sure, they were doing the whole fake date thing, but that didn't mean that they couldn't get away with dancing with each other once or twice right? Maybe even three times if they were really lucky.

Besides, most importantly of all, this would probably be one of the last times she would get a chance to hang out with her schoolmates before they all went their separate ways for college. Sure, she would keep in contact with most of them via facebook and what not, but other than the upcoming school trip this was pretty much one of the last times she would see most of these people together in one place. And if this was to be one of her last memories of what life was like back when she was in high school, she was going to try her best to make sure that it was a fond one damnit!

"How about you? Bursting with excitement?"

Ruby smiled. "You could say that. I'll admit, if you asked me that same question a few hours ago I wouldn't be entirely sure how to answer it. Now that you're here though, I think it's safe to say that tonight's looking pretty good right about now."

"How about you Brian? Psyched to escort me to the dance floor? Anxious about when I'll inevitably embarrass you?"

She briefly glanced at the interior mirror, curious as to what Brian had to say to that. Unsurprisingly, he responded with an unsure shrug and a grin. "Maybe? Don't worry though, chances are I'll be the embarrassing one, so hopefully we'll cancel each other out and come out relatively unscathed."

He stretched his arms out and lay back, getting as comfortable as he could in the back seat. "Joking aside, don't worry 'bout me. I'm just here to make sure the two of you lovebirds have a great time tonight."

"Whilst you go drink all the punch and scoff all the snacks?"

Brian shrugged again. "Hey, a man's gotta eat. Say, don't suppose you can get What is Love to play on the radio? I just got this funny idea..."

Before he could finish his suggestion, Ruby rounded the corner and spotted the event hall where the prom was taking place, parking her car nearby as she watched some her fellow students get dropped off by their parents closer to the building. After a brief sigh, she undid her seatbelt and got out the car, ushering Regan and Brian to follow her. "Well, here we are. C'mon, lets get in case they decided to play all the good music first..."

And so, dressed in the best clothes they could find, the three teenagers quickly made their way towards the event hall.

Well, tonight's either going to be the best night of my life, or the single most embarrassing. Either way, it's gonna be memorable, that's for sure...

((Ruby Forrester and Brian Zhdanovich continued elsewhere...))