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Teen Idle

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 4:08 pm
by Tonyksin
[Lorenzo Tavares Continued from Evergreen]

Lorenzo sped his way out of Downtown and towards home as fast as he could. Marina seemed upset, and the fact that she didn’t want him to let their parents know was a bit worrying. What the hell could be going on? Lorenzo furrowed his brow as he did his best to move swiftly through the slightly crowded streets. As he approached the next intersection the light went from green to yellow, which of course meant he needed to speed the hell up. Lorenzo’s car zoomed through the yellow light just as it turned red, and he quickly did a check of his surroundings to make sure there wasn’t a cop around to see it. Satisfied that he was in the clear, Lorenzo let out a small sigh of relief and continued on his route. From its place on his dashboard, Lorenzo’s phone lit up to show there was a new message from Marina.

Marina: How far are you? Get here quick i dont know when mom and dad are coming home

Shit, she seemed really anxious. What the hell was so damn important? Lorenzo’s mind was spinning with worst-case scenarios that could apply to his sister’s vague texts. He was starting to get a little worried, honestly. He lit up a cigarette as he drove and took a long pull to try and calm his nerves. He was probably around ten to fifteen minutes from home at this point. Whatever it was that was going on, he was about to find out. He took another pull from the cigarette, and at the next red light, grabbed his phone to shoot a text back to Marina.

Lorenzo: I’m almost there just relax theres no way the family is coming home anytime soon

After hitting send, he quickly sent out another text to his younger sister, Bianca.

Lorenzo: Yo txt me when u guys are on ur way back from dinner

The car behind him started to beep, and he realized the light was green. Lorenzo tossed his phone onto the passenger seat and hit the gas, peeling away from the asshole behind him and sticking his middle finger at them out the window. People were real fucking assholes in this city. Whatever, he didn’t have the energy to think about dumb-fucks like that, he was too concerned about his sister.

Marina was only two years older than Lorenzo, so the two of them have always been pretty close, especially after Alessia, their oldest sister, went off to college in Texas. Marina was fine arts student at the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga, so she still lived at home with the family, keeping the two of them fairly close even after her graduation. Marina was also the one who smoked him the first time he wanted to try weed, as even back when she was in high school, Marina sold weed on the down low from their parents, but it was mostly so she could smoke for free. Even to this day, she never charges him if he needs some bud to go to a party or something, or even if he just needs it for himself. Sure, they fought about as much as any siblings do, but they loved each other.

Lorenzo finally pulled up to the gates of Frazier’s Glen, and drove into the community. He did his best to drive slow, as plenty of their neighbors had complained to his parents time and time again about him racing through the streets of the community, which was over exaggerated bullshit as far as he was concerned, but he didn’t feel like listening to another lecture from his parents or from a neighbor who couldn’t mind their own business. He pulled in to his usual spot in front of his house and hopped out of the car as soon as he slammed it into park. He could see Marina’s car in her usual spot in the driveway. He grabbed his backpack out of the back seat and stomped his cigarette out on the pavement before jogging to the front door. He entered the code on the front door to get into the house, and flung the door open. The house was pretty dark and quiet, almost as if no one had been home. Lorenzo wondered where Marina could be.

“Yo! Rina! Where are you?” he called out to the uncomfortably silent house. He heard some shuffling from above and started to head for the staircase.

“In my room!” She called back, but her voice seemed off, like it was hoarse. Lorenzo trudged up the stairs, and passing by his room in the upstairs hallway, he flung his backpack inside before continuing to his sister’s bedroom.

Lorenzo pushed the door open and peeked his head around the door. There was his sister, sitting on her bed, hands balled up in fists at her sides, tightly gripping the comforter of her bed. Her face looked like she’d been crying recently, her makeup badly smeared. Her eyes looked puffy and even redder than normal. Lorenzo walked in and sat down next to her, not sure what to say first. He wasn’t good at situations like these, but his brotherly instinct kicked into high gear and he put his hand on top of hers and squeezed gently.

“Hey… what’s going on? What’s wrong?” Marina didn’t even lift her head, she just looked at him through the corners of her eyes. Her mouth quivered a bit before she cleared her throat and began to speak.

“I’m totally fucked. Like fucked to the nth degree.” She sob-laughed at her own comment, and Lorenzo could see the tears start to well up in her eyes.

“I missed my fucking period.” Those words made Lorenzo’s heart stop for a second and he felt like his breath was caught in his throat. Holy fucking shit. No way was this conversation about to fucking happen. She continued, and Lorenzo started at her like a deer caught in the headlights.

“It’s been late a few times, so i figured that’s all it was, but it’s been two weeks now, and that means…” She couldn’t finish the sentence. She wiped away the tears in her eyes with her right hand, and finally lifted her face to look at her brother.

“I bought a test to be sure… but I'm too fucking chicken to do it by myself. Can you just wait for the results with me?” Lorenzo simply nodded in response. Marina smiled at him and thanked him, before forcing herself into a standing position, and grabbing a box off of her nightstand. She left the room to go take the test in the bathroom, and Lorenzo dutifully waited in her room for her to finish and come out.

Lorenzo didn’t know what to think. His sister could be fucking pregnant! The first emotion he could feel was anger. What son-of-a-bitch knocked his fucking sister up?! He’d ring that asshole’s neck. She was always hanging around that Dalton guy, and he was a fucking loser, if it was him, Lorenzo would absolutely beat the ever-loving shit out of him. What about his parents? Holy fuck, his mom would have a goddamn heart-attack. And his father? That man would explode if he found out something like this. Lorenzo took out his phone and saw a message from Bianca.

Bianca: We havent eaten dinner yet cuz mom keeps asking a million questions
Bianca: Its gonna be a while

Lorenzo sighed in relief. At least that was good. They had time to think up a plan if the test came out positive. Lorenzo laughed weakly at that thought. What the fuck kind of plan were they going to come up with by themselves? Holy shit this really was a mess and a half, and he’d had such a good fucking day before this. He heard the bathroom door open, and patiently waited for his sister to come back into the room. She came in with her phone in her hand and slumped down on the bed.

“Five minutes till we find out how fucked I am.” She hollowly said. Lorenzo winced and tried to come up with something comforting to say.

“It’s gonna be okay. Even if you are pregnant, there's options and stuff, right?” He smiled awkwardly.

“Yeah, like I could do something like that. FUCK! I can’t be a fucking parent!”

“Rina… You’d be a great mom, y’know?” Marina looked at him incredulously.

“Oh yeah, a fucking art student and a drug dealer, just a number one mom in the fucking making, Lorenzo!”

He winced and watched as the tears started to fall down her face. Lorenzo didn’t know what to say anymore, so instead he just grabbed her and pulled her into a tight hug. At first she attempted to escape his embrace, but eventually she buried her face into his shoulder and sobbed quietly, wrapping her arms around him in return and squeezing hard. He simply held her, no words necessary or able to be spoken. They just waited together until Marina’s fate was decided by the ticking clock. Before the two knew it, the countdown was over, and Marina’s buzzing phone let them know it was time to check the test. Marina lifted herself out of lorenzo’s embrace, and she wiped her face with the back of her hand. Lorenzo smiled reassuringly at her, and the two stood together and walked to the test. Marina stopped at the door to her room and looked back at her brother.

“I’m so scared.” her voice shook as she spoke. Lorenzo placed his hand on her shoulder and squeezed.

“I’m right behind you. It’s gonna be fine.”

“You promise?”

“Yeah. It’s gonna be fine. No matter what.”

Marina smiled weakly and continued on to the bathroom to check the results. Lorenzo followed behind, but stopped at the bathroom door. He gave her as much space as he could. His heart was racing. The suspense was palpable. Marina picked the test up and looked at the screen. All of a sudden her expression changed and she started to loudly laugh and the tears spilled down her cheeks like a river. Lorenzo got severely nervous at first, but then a sense of relief washed over him as she turned to him smiling showing him the test.


Lorenzo let out a gasp and ran into the bathroom and hugged his sister. Marina squealed in delight and happily laughed.

“Oh fuck me! Thank fuck!” she happily exclaimed.

“You fucking bitch! Holy shit I was gonna pass out!”

“Oh my god… I need to lay down. That was way too much fucking stress for one day.” Marina smiled and looked her brother in the eyes. “Thanks, Lorenzo. I’m glad you were here with me.”

“Dumb-ass.” Lorenzo laughed and messed up her hair. “I’m always gonna be here, idiot. We’re family, you couldn’t get rid of me if you tried.” Marina shoved his hand off her head and took her fist and bumped him in the chest.

“Yeah I know. I love you, you dick.”

“Love you too, bitch.” Lorenzo sighed and stretched his arms up, popping his shoulder. “Now that this is fucking over, I’m starving. Wanna order something?”

“Ugh, my stomach is still all fucked. I’m gonna take a nap.”

“Kay, I’m gonna order pizza so there’s gonna be leftovers I guess.”

“Whatever.” Marina pushed past him and walked back to her room. At her doorway she turned and smiled again. “Thanks again. Sometimes you’re not the worst brother ever.”

“Yeah you’ve got your moments too, I guess.” He grinned and spun around, heading for the stairs and to the kitchen to find something to drink and order some food.

[Lorenzo Tavares Continued Elsewhere]