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The Smell of Blood

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:17 pm
by Kaishi*
((OOC: Coming from Cillian~It's My Birthday.))

In terror, and on pure adrenaline, Mason had ran from Cillian. Running towards the gunshots, and the figures in the distance, and then to the large clouds of smoke. Sure, it might've been a stupid move in the end, but Mason didn't care. As long as he got away from that madman. Besides, other people were probably drawn to the smoke aswell, and maybe they were all meeting there to discuss a way off of this island. Mason smiled softly at the thought of everyone getting away, but the smile sooned turned grim as he reached the School Building. If he had been following the map correctly, he should've been at the Bamboo Coppice, and not the School Building.

Cursing himself inwardly, he covered the lower half of his face with the map of the island, and then jumped over a dense part of the flames surrounding the School Building. They danced menacingly, getting dangerously close to the School Building and then jumping back away, as if to mock Mason. With one last look at the flames, he jumped through a broken window, and into the School Building. "Hello." His voice came out hoarse, instead of the loud shout he wanted it to be. "Don't shoot, don't shoot."

The smell of blood soon made its way to Mason's nostrils. He fought the urge to throw up as he dropped down to his knees. Because of the smoke outside, it smelled like the blood was burning. Almost like burning flesh, yet not quite. Either way, it still reeked of death. Mason spotted the laptop, laying broken nearby. He sighed. If only someone hadn't been clumsy enough to drop it like an idiot. He laughed at the hopelessness of it all. Maybe the laptop was a way of saying that there was no way out of this nightmare. If only, if only... He turned slightly, and his eyes widened as his mouth feel open on its own accord.

A dead body...of a girl. Her neck was torn open. No, more like blown open, as if there was some sort of explosion on her neck. Ah...collar explosion. Mason crawled over to her body. If her body had been completely intact, Mason would've recognized her as Tayli E. Vreeland. Sure, they never really talked in school, he knew her from the student council. He placed a hand on her stomach with a frown. "Poor, poor you...what an unfair death." But, really, girl, you must've been an idiot just to sit in a danger zone like that. ...I'm not going to die like this. Definitely not. Mason began to get a little dizzy from the smell. He stood up, his legs trembling. He soon fell back down onto his knees when he spotted the other deadbody.

Now this was just too much...not only had a girl gotten her neck exploded, but there was some guy lying in a pool of his own blood, blood running down from his mouth and a grand bullethole in his chest. Too much, too much! Mason threw up, barely missing the head of the dead Sydney Morvran. Although Sydney was intact - more or less - Mason didn't recognize the boy. "God, what happened here?" There were so many peices of the puzzle missing. Perhaps, someone ran in and shot the boy, killing him, and the girl just sat there weeping over her love's death? Maybe, the boy got in the way of a shot for the girl, and the girl simply weeped over his death eventually getting killed via collar explosion? Perhaps the boy shot himself for the sake of being with the girl, but like an idiot missed his heart, and the girl wrestled away the gun from his hands and yada yada?

Or, maybe - Mason laughed at the thought - the girl was carrying in the laptop, thinking she had found a way out of there, tripped, and the laptop fell and broke, and her gun went off, hitting the boy in the lungs. Mason wiped his mouth with his sleeve, snickering all the while. "And then, the girl is crying over his death, instead of getting out of the danger zone. That has got to be one of the stupidest things I've heard." He smacked himself in the forehead, realizing that he was laughing over someone's deaths. People were playing this stupid game. They had given in already, those idiots. Didn't they realize no one had to play? Or, maybe they all decided to start playing, having heard the announcements?

"Idiots, idiots, idiots!!" Mason held his head in his hands. "No one has to play..." Angrily, he shoved his bag off of his back, and unzipped it in a haste. He pulled out the GPS Scanner, staring at its screen. It was an overview of the island map, with dots every which way. Dots representing people all over the island. Some were alone, others in groups of two, three, four, five and six.... He sighed. Shame the dots didn't tell you who anyone was. They were just that...dots. He sighed, his gaze falling on the girl once more. He hadn't noticed it before, but on her belt was a gun. Mason smirked. Maybe I'll take part in the game... He reached over, and took her Glock with a small chuckle. He walked around, looking for the two's bags. He only found one, but he didn't care.

He transferred all the food, drinks, and random things from the first aid kit into his own bag. Mason hid the Glock inside of his bag, before wandering about. He took what he figured were hand grenades off of a nearby desk, and put them into his bag aswell. "Sigh..." He took out a water bottle and began to idly take small sips, glancing every now and then to the broken window leading outside.

Re: The Smell of Blood

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:17 pm
by Kuze*
(occ continued from Starting Point: G02

Heather slowly stumbled from the dirt path untill she reached a decrepit building supposedally a school building.She started to slightly drag her leg towards the front door looking around to see if anyone was there.

After a good 5 minutes she reached the front door, Pushing the door open with her right hand, Heather walked into the building still looking in every direction,hoping there was another person with a gun here.

Re: The Smell of Blood

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:17 pm
by Kaishi*
Mason pulled the Glock out of his bag, keeping his water bottle in his other hand just in case he had to use it as a suprise tactic. He began to walk along in a crouch, keeping low to the ground, a hard glare on his face. He stopped, seeing Heather. Phew...just a terribly injured girl. Nothing to worry about. Unless, of course, it was some sort of act. He aimed the gun up at her, not caring how goofy he looked practically crawling on the ground towards Heather. Maybe, aside from him looking like a goofy idiot, he kind of looked crazy. He scrunched up his face, trying to copy what Cillian did to scare Heather. All that look did was make Mason look rather...constipated, but Mason wasn't aware of that.

"What do you want?"

Re: The Smell of Blood

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:17 pm
by Kuze*

Heather looked at the boy like that guy from that terrible horror movie what was it again Oh yeah Tomie:Re-play who looked like he was tring to pop his eyes out.

"Are you consipated or something"

Great tring to humor the crazy looking kid with a gun nice move Heather. If I ran he would still probibally shoot her tring to limp away try to make freinds Repress that goddamn memory.

Heather still stared in fear at the boy who had a strange smell came from the room he came out of it smelt worse than the smell of the fresh blood that she had been bleeding.

Re: The Smell of Blood

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:18 pm
by Kaishi*
Mason broke out into a roaring fit of laughter at the way Heather asked him if he was constipated. "The look on your face...oh my gosh." He wiped his mouth again with his sleeve, looking Heather up and down. Seemed as if she had been in some sort of fight with someone. A dangerous gunfight, at that. "C'mon in, you look terrible, Girl." He didn't know her name, so to him, she would be dubbed Girl. Mason stood up with a small yawn. He needed the company so badly. "Watch your step, seems as some lovestruck couple died here, or something. Might wanna cover your nose, too."

He walked backwards, keeping his eyes on Heather all the while. He didn't recognize her, but that didn't matter much to him. "Sit down, right there." He sat down, and pointed right infront of him with his gun. "And tell me your name, please."

Re: The Smell of Blood

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:18 pm
by Kuze*
Heather nodded and followed the boy into the classroom to find 2 dead students and a fresh puddle of vomit on the ground,"Oh...your...god" She said as she looked at the corpses and gagged tring to hold in the vomit.

"My name..Is Heather,and I dont reconize anyone here"

Heather said as she covered her nose with her right hand and sat down infront of the boy and struggled to move her Half-circled glasses up her nose with her left hand whitch was connected to the arm that was wounded

"Dont worry im unarmed, some Jockish looking guy stole my gun than shot at me 14 times..5 hit."

Re: The Smell of Blood

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:18 pm
by Kaishi*
Mason narrowed his eyes, not really believing her. He put down his waterbottle, and then crawled over to his bag. Picking it up, he sat back down next to Heather. "Your assigned weapon was a gun, huh? I got a pretty useless tracking thingamabob. Still trying to figure out what to do with it." He pulled it out of his bag and placed it gently next to him with a small sigh. "Are you playing this game? I think I might, I don't know." There were still so many things out there to figure out. Whether or not to play was one of those many things. Mason hugged the gun before putting it down into his bag and pulling out a first aid kit.

"My name is Mason. Now, show me that arm of yours, and any other wounds you might have. It might help to take off your clothes so I can help you better." Mason commanded smugly. "Don't think nothing of it, Heather. I'm going to do my best to not hurt you in anyway, alright?"

Re: The Smell of Blood

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:18 pm
by Kuze*
Heather Stared at Mason like he was crazy.On the dirt path she did her best to bandage her wounds but she may have fucked soemthing up.

"I'm not playing ,and I did bandage my wounds earlier but,Your eyes deviate I hit you"

Heather said as she placed her bag on the floor. Unzipping her vest and slipping it off. Heathers eyes never unfocused off of where Mason's eyes were looking.

"Got it Mason"

Re: The Smell of Blood

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:18 pm
by Kaishi*
"I got it, Heather. No worries." He held her arm, undoing the bandages on her arm. "Ouch, that looks like it hurt." He winced inwardly, opening up the first aid kit and taking out the roll of gauze. He slowly proceeded to wrap her wounds in the gauze. "Now, my hands and eyes are going to wander a bit, okay? Only to check where more wounds are." Mason winked, letting his hands wander over her thighs to check if she had any leg wounds. "Sorry, but you're going to have to take off your pants, and tell me where all your wounds are."

Of course, he could've just asked her in the beginning instead of feeling all over her legs, but he didn't care. For all he knew, he was going to die tomorrow. Why not have a little fun before venturing off?

Re: The Smell of Blood

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:18 pm
by Kuze*
Heather felt Mason wander along her Thigh,She raised her right hand up and swung it at Mason's face.

"That includes the hands too, Mason"

Heather brushed Mason's hand off of her thigh.Pervert being in a death game doesnt give you the right and if you rubbed the wrong area you'd get a shock a bigass one.

Re: The Smell of Blood

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:18 pm
by Kaishi*
"Ow!!" Mason cried out, getting hit. "You're lucky I'm a nice guy, really you are." He glared. "I'm not going to force you to do anything, but really..." He rubbed the side of his face with a small sigh. "Don't you know that we might die as soon as we walk outside? Don't you just want to be touched, just once? Or, to touch a boy just once?" He smiled, his eyes slightly pleading now. "You know, I've never kissed a girl'd be my first. My first, and probably my last." His smile turned a little grim as his last words dawned on him. Any breath could be the last. Any step, any sip of water. Anything.

"You must like someone at your school, right? If it'll make you want to, you can call me by his name. I'm sure that you liked someone." He moved a little closer to Heather, his smile softening a little.

((OOC: Whomever doesn't really like Mason at the moment isn't alone. :P ))

Re: The Smell of Blood

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:18 pm
by Kuze*
Heather backed away from Mason.Bad memories returning from when the baseball team took turns raping her,And the fact that she has Squishy man parts.

"no way Mason,No way in hell, not gonna rape me like they did no fucking way"

Heather continued to back away from Mason who was desperate for sex.The only way out of this was in his bag...The gun!

Heather circled around Mason, grabbed his bag, Unzipped it and produced the Glock that could get her out of this. Aiming the glock at Mason, She said No, means NO!" slightly gasping for air.

Re: The Smell of Blood

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:18 pm
by Kaishi*
Mason's eyes widened, and he practically froze when she mentioned being raped. When he finally moved, she had already taken his bag and gotten out the gun. "Alright, alright!" He held up his hands. "I...I wasn't going to force you. Honest, Heather, I wasn't. I'm not that desperate. I mean, c'mon." He slowly lowered his hands with a small sigh. "I'm sorry if I was coming onto you like a pervert, or anything like that. I'm not really like that you know. I'm a nice guy when you get to know me. Bad gambling addiction, but I'm a nice guy.

"But you know...I couldn't really help feeling that way." He smirked, hoping that she was like the brainless, guy-chasing girls of Barry Coleson High. "You're very pretty. And I mean it." Nope, he didn't. Not really, anyway. More or less, he was trying to butter her up, just so that she wouldn't shoot him then and there. "I can't believe those guys did that to you.... That's terrible. Girls should be treated nicely, not forced into things." He smiled, trying to look honest.

Re: The Smell of Blood

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:19 pm
by Kuze*
Still aiming the Glock at Mason she walked over to her bag to pick up her vest. Picking up her vest she said "I'm leaving now and im taking your bag with me."

Holding her vest in her Left hand and the glock in her right hand and walking back towards the door pausing breifly to look back towards Mason.

"I dont beleve you,and I dont trust you anymore,so good bye"

Heather Said as she walked out of the room than paused to turn around and shoot a 9mm bullet at Mason than walked towards the exit of the building.

Re: The Smell of Blood

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:19 pm
by Kaishi*
"Wait, what?" Mason's eyes widened as she talked about taking his bag. Inside were the grenades, all the food, all the drinks...the extra first aid kits, too. She even had the gun, leaving Mason with that stupid GPS Scanner. His jaw dropped as she started to leave, his mouth only closing when she turned around and shot at him. He fell sideways onto the floor, and in the process got shot squarely in the shoulder. "It hurts!!" Mason wailed, grabbing his shoulder. "Heather! Don't go!!" He bit his tongue lightly, to silence himself. His shoulder felt as if it was burning.

What did he have left now? His waterbottle, his GPS Scanner, and the first aid kit he had been using on Heather. No food. Unless, Mason was prepared to convert to cannibalism and eat the corpses. "It's not fair, Heather!!! I just wanted to help you." His other arm clutched his injured shoulder as his blinked back tears of pain.