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Boy #22

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:42 pm
by riserugu†
The movements of Hawley Faust had no thoughts behind them, just a word, a single word; run.

He’d couldn’t remember how long he’d been running, neither did he care he just knew he had to find cover… he had to find somewhere so he could figure what the hell was happening. When he’d woken up, he’d woken up to the sound of rushing water and it took him a moment to realize that everything wasn’t as he remembered.

A flash of memory ran through his mind, of the video, of the man, of the bodies. They where sent to this island to kill, eyes flashing over to the somewhat large bag swinging on his shoulder. He hadn’t bothered to look through it when he woke up; finding a place to hide seemed a better option at that moment than sitting out in the open.

Cutting off the man-made path he had been running on for the time into a grove a trees and bushes run dropping into a slow walk, trying to fill his lungs and even out his breathing before continuing. His legs where shaking to hold his weight, his whole body was shaking but he couldn’t stop…

He couldn’t stop…

“I – I got to… to keep moving.” Hawley gasped, pushing off the tree he had laid himself against and starting off again, but it didn’t last long as he felt his mud-covered shoes catch an above ground root sending him rolling head over heels. His form hitting and rolling down the small hill that jutted down from the grove of trees the contents of the bag given to him spilling out as he rolled, coming to a sudden, and hard stop on against the dirt ground.

Tears where starting to bead through his closed eyes as he pushed himself onto his knees, Hawley’s glasses having now fallen off and lay scratched and cracked a few feet away. “Damn it.” He cried out, as he crawled toward his bag and spilled equipment grabbing them quickly and trying to push them back into the bag. The young man’s hand lingered as he touched the weapon he had gotten… a shotgun.

The thoughts of tears seemed to disappear right then, as a soft chuckle escaped Hawley’s lips at that point when his hand grabbed the weapon, pulling him and the weapon up as he moved to his fallen glasses, bending over and picking them up. Resting them back on his nose, his attention fell upon the building that lay before him. Tear-stained eyes gave a quick look about; no one seemed to be here… that didn’t mean he couldn’t be careful. Adjusting the bag, he aimed his weapon out before him and made his way forward.

As he neared the building, his thoughts of no one being here where further confirmed to some degree. Using the muzzle of his gun to push the half-open door open, Hawley poked his head in listening… After a moment he stepped in, using his foot to close the door behind him. He made his way about the small one-roomed building; the white tile almost reminded him of the rooms from the hospital, hands finding a tighter grip about the weapon at the thought.

“This might not be so bad… this game.” Hawley mused speaking to himself as he threw the bag to the ground, making his way toward a stretcher lying abandoned in the center of the room. He placing the weapon down on it as he pushed the stretcher, pushing it against the door hoping that this would help keep this door in check from anyone trying to get in. He would have to watch the second door that lay off to the side of the room.

This was kind of ironic, both his parents being doctors and he finding his hiding place within what seemed to be a clinic of sorts. Giving the thoughts a light noise of annoyance he once again took his weapon in hand and moved till he allowed his body to fall against one of the tiled walls, sliding down it into a sitting position against the dirty floor. Resting his head back, eyes closing lightly as another laugh found its way out and a grin twisted against his lips.

Re: Boy #22

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:43 pm
by orangeflamingo*
Amongst the grove of trees a light humming sound could be heard coming from the form of Helena Van Garret. She sat atop her the bag she had brought with her for the trip, fingers combing through her wavy blond hair; she had just finished her shower at the nearby creek. Though Helena thoughts were wondering, she’d been awake for a few hours now and yet she hadn’t seen one of her fellow classmates.

Chewing lightly on her bottom lip, Helena sighed and reached down taking a hold of a discarded hair band moving to pull her hair up into a rather messy bun, placing clips here and there to try and get it to look more decent. Standing she twisted in her place, her feet covered by simply slip-on-shoes white in color. She still wearing the orange sundress she had, had on the plane, the end of it blowing about her mid-thigh while the neck was cut into a rather low v-neck.

Simply prefect, she had to admit even if she was stuck on this stupid island.

So…” She muttered, pursing lip-glossed lips out somewhat as she picked up the manual she had begun reading before deciding on the bath. “Our mission is to kill one another.” huffing somewhat, she tossed it to the side and into the brush. “How stupid.”

Crouching down against the ground she opened the kit she had been given (in quite an ugly bag she had to add, it went with nothing she owned.) and dug through. Bread… water… crackers, none of which, besides of the water, went with her diet.

Digging in deeper she let out a yelp as she with drew her hand, her index and middle finger now holding a thin jagged cut along them. Helena reached in again, though more carefully bringing out what she guessed to be her weapon, a saw was it?

She over looked it lightly, pursing her lips more at the disappointment in the choice she was given. She stood, pushing the food and water into her own shoulder bag, tossing the ugly one to the side. As she stood, placing her’s over her shoulder and glancing to the hacksaw in her right hand. “Better than nothing I suppose…”

Stepping off onto a small path, she continued along humming the tune of a song that was currently on her mind as she walked about, a little way in her step. She song paused thought as she stopped in an opening in the trees, eyes casting down onto a small building at the bottom of the hill. Helena eyes watching it lightly, were people there… or was it abandoned?

Though when a flash of red hair passed by the window, she found a smile curling on her lips. “Good, someone to use for some protection.” She mused, before slowly starting down the small hill. Waving a long arm in way of the building, “Hello! Whoever’s in there, hello! It’s Helena, Helena Van Garret!”

Re: Boy #22

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:43 pm
by riserugu†
((Just throwing her out there for the picking, aren’t you duckie? xD))

The past few minutes Hawley had taken to searching the cabinets and drawers about the room, though there was a vast amount of first kid kits laying about, most where empty. Amongst some of the cabinets, he finding a syringe and a couple of bottles of different drugs from antibacterial, to morphine… though all where outdated it seemed, making most of the drugs where useless in this state, he making a disapproving noise at this.

Moving back across the room, he sat down against the floor allowing his right leg to lay out straight before him. He pushing up the dark blue pants where wore, the upper half of his body covered by a dark green shirt, with a black long-sleeved undershirt that was rather long, just enough to cover his hands. The young man let out a pained intake of air as he pulled the pants leg came up over his knee, the knee having been wounded in his fall. It at the moment swollen somewhat and taking on a purple hue, pouts of blood dye and new coating it.

Reaching out to his bag, he pulled it over digging out the first aid kit he’d remembered seeing when it had spilled out of his bag. Bringing it out, he went through trying to locate what was needed. Finding a small thing of rubbing alcohol, and some bandages he quickly went to work cleaning the wound and wrapping it. Pushing up into a standing position, he flexed the knee, feeling only little pain compared to before he felt happy with he’s job.

“Hello! Whoever’s in there, hello! It’s Helena, Helena Van Garret!”

Hawley whole body froze at the voice, mind racing, the Van Garret bitch? He smirked to himself; quite surprised she’d stayed alive this long into the game. Limping away, he picked up his weapon moving about to each window the building offered, trying to see where her voice had come from. Finally spotting her, in her rather noticeable dress, he unlatched the window pushing the plane of glass up enough to get the muzzle of his gun pointing outside.

Breathing in, he tried to steady himself. He’d never fired a gun before, and was rather nervous but the thought of maybe getting rid of one of those who had wronged him so much during school… made his blood run hot, and wild. Closing his brown eye, blue one trying to focus on the target from beyond his messed up glass lens.

And without a second thought his finger found the trigger, and he pulled hard.

A thundering blast erupting in it’s wake…

Re: Boy #22

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:44 pm
by orangeflamingo*
((Yes, I know. But she is a stupid blond; well strawberry-blond… this’ll be fun though. And then I get to throw August into the party.))

Clearing the hill, Helena had begun the short track across the dirt ground toward the building. Her hand brushing a strand of hair from about her face, frowning when their was no answer given to her calls, she sure she had saw someone. She knew she just wasn’t seeing things…

Stopping in place, she placed her hands over her mouth in an attempt to be louder. “Hel – AH!”

Helena’s call had been cut off into a scream as a thunderous blast sounded. Her hands covering her ears as she jumped back falling against the ground as she tried to dodge the blast her weapon bouncing against the ground as she hit, spinning a few feet away. The bullet having lodged into the ground just a mere foot from where she had been standing, it kicking dirt up as it hit.

Her body sat, shaking against the ground as she stared wide-eyed at where the small hole in the ground was, her hands still covered her ears but the blast was still ringing in the still air to her. Something wet had begun to trail her cheeks, they slipping into her mouth, the salty substance becoming clear. Tears… she was crying… how frightened was she?

‘Am I going to die?’ She wondered lightly, her hands finally falling from her ears as she begun to move, trying to get onto her feet as she made her way, half-crawling, half-walking toward her weapon. She had to run… she couldn’t die. No she couldn’t!

Re: Boy #22

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:44 pm
by riserugu†
Hawley found himself making another disapproving noise under his breath as he saw his shot miss, and instead lodge into the ground. Though at the sight of her scrambling to get onto her feet, he found a smirk once again coming to his lips.

“All the more fun…” He mused, pulling the gun back in as he moved to the side door of the building. Undoing the lock and stepping out, glancing about the area in general before setting off toward the girl in question. His hands moving to cock another shell from the shotgun’s magazine into place, the empty shell being casted out as another took its place in the chamber.

Stopping in place, he lifted the shotgun up somewhat, once again closing an eye and trying to take aim on the target. “Oi! Miss. Van Garret!” He called, using the term he gave to all of the members of the popular crowd while he was at school, playing his role. He having called each ‘Mr.’ Or ‘Miss.’ and usually doing whatever he was told by them, be homework or lunch money, but he didn’t have to play that role out here. There was no role, no stage, no one to pull his strings from behind.

Fixing his aim, he fired another shot, cocking the weapon again. Ready to fire if need be…

Re: Boy #22

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:45 pm
by orangeflamingo*
When her hands finally reached her weapon, she bringing it up before her though how was a saw supposed to protect her from a gun? Whimpering lightly, she found her feet planted as she watched the door to the building start to open. The figure finally becoming clear as he stepped out into the light…

At first her mind couldn’t place the boy, he was around the same height as she was. He’s skin pale even in the daylight, but his red hair looked ablaze as he lifted the weapon, cocking it and lifting it and his head up as he took aim, took aim on her.

“Oi! Miss. Van Garret!”

Helena found her breath catching in her throat as the young man’s face became clear, his bright hair should have given it away to her in the first place. But she had never, ever thought of befriending the likes of Hawley during school. Her thoughts, as well as many others, where all the same…

“He’s such a freak…” She had muttered to her friend, August, during literature one day, the class was allowed to spilt into groups. Hawley had remained alone, in the corner of the room, silently doing his work on his own.

“I wonder why he’s always wear long-sleeved shirts, and what about that ugly scar on his throat?” August questioned back softly, her pale blue eyes focused on the young man they where speaking about from across the room.

“He’s probably one of those… you know, one of those people who cuts himself for fun. Probably the closest thing to pleasure he’d ever get.” She giggled, taking her pencil and running it across her wrist, giggling more after that before sighing, “He’s just another nobody, just born to take up space. Waste of air if you ask me…”

Her thoughts where destroyed, like punching a mirror as another blast sounded in the air. A sharp, horrible pain filling her belly. A loud scream tearing from her throat as she dropped to her knees, her weapon once again falling from her hands as she curled into herself. Hands trying to stop the bleeding, but no matter how hard she seemed to push the blood continue to slip through her fingers.

Coughing hard, she felt a metallic taste unknown to her entered her mouth. Spitting to try and rid the taste, the ground soon caking red in both from her leaking wound and from what she spat from her mouth. Tears where coming more now, the pain overwhelming everything else in her. Head lifting as she looked to the figure… “W—Why?” Helena whimpered, more blood spilling from her mouth as she spoke.

Re: Boy #22

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:45 pm
by riserugu†
Watching the shot find it’s mark, the blood spewing from her belly as the bullet torn into her flesh. Staining her pretty orange dress red, red with her own blood. Hawley could feel his own blood racing as she screamed, falling onto her knees in a bleeding mess… stepping closer to the mess of a girl he listened over her crying and whimpering, though something caught his ears best.


He was taken back by this question somewhat, eyes narrowing as he stopped just inches from her. A thoughtful expression passing over his face, before he crouched down before the girl. Placing the muzzle of gun under her chin, to push it up somewhat so he could look at her as he spoke. A soft laugh escaping him again,

“Why? Of all questions, you should know me… I always follow the orders given to me. Our orders here are to kill, or be killed. And I’m not to fond of the second option, so I find myself here.” He mused the answer, grinning all the way. “So, let me ask you. How does it feel to have the tables turned, there’s no throne for you to call your power from here… here we’re all even.”

Re: Boy #22

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:46 pm
by orangeflamingo*
Her whimpers became louder as he came up to her, her… whimpering before a person she was supposed to be better than, she was worth her place in the world. He… he was a nobody… he was no one.

Helena thoughts stopped as the warm metal of the gun’s muzzle came under her chin, forcing her to look at him as he laughed, laughing! She gulped the lead ball down her throat when he shot his own question, questioning if how she felt about the tables being turned. He being in control of her, instead of the other way… the right way.

Anger now raising, she reached her hand out and took a hold of her discarded weapon. Tear-stained eyes narrowing in angry, “No!!!” She screamed into the air pushing back as she spit up at his face, also swinging her weapon as she crawled back forcing herself up onto her feet turning and starting to run. Her body was starting to limp from blood lose as Helena also had to fight every protest given that she should stop, she had to get away now.

Re: Boy #22

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:46 pm
by riserugu†
Hawley was once again taken back when she screamed, though he found himself falling back onto backside when she spit blood into face, coating his glasses in the substance. A howl of pain soon following as a pain ribbed across his shin, the hacksaw cutting through the fabric of his jeans and tearing into the flesh.

Growling in frustration, he threw his glasses to the side as he stood to his feet. Attention focusing on the girl as she limped away, leaving a trail of her bright blood behind… He lifting his weapon once again. Though harder to see without his glasses, everything somewhat of a blur in the further distance. Breathing in pulled hard against the trigger.

Re: Boy #22

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:46 pm
by orangeflamingo*
“So what are you going to do once you leave school Helena?” August had asked her one afternoon, days before this trip took place… this nightmare.

“Oh… I dono know. I think I’m just going to take a year off, go somewhere where know one knows and just, relax.” She admitted, pulling her knees closer to her from where they sat on the school’s front steps.

August smiled, nodding in her agreement. “That… sounds wonderful.”

The pain in her belly was soon matched by another entering the back of her thigh, the blast passing through and spewing blood through the front, her feet tripping over themselves as she collapsed against the ground. Curling into a fetal position in the pain all over her.

‘I’m going to die…’ She thought bitterly, a small smile passing over her lips. ‘I’m sorry I never found you August, I never got the chance to ask you what you where going to do when you left school… guess my year of relaxation has started early, and will probably last longer too…’

A soft laugh escaped Helena blood-spotted lips, as she pushed herself into a sitting position. Glazed eyes looking at Hawley, the tears still brightly following down her cheeks, though a small grin had found place on her lips now.

((Haha, Killin time. You get Hawley to pull the trigger, and I'll explain the lovely details. x3))

Re: Boy #22

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:46 pm
by riserugu†
"Don't you know, chasing the prey makes it all the more fun..." He mused, the grin returned once again as he limped toward the fallen girl. Surprised though that the girl could move, let alone push herself up. The grinning only growing at her own smile as he once again came to stand over Helena, lifting the shotgun and cocking it, once finished pushing the muzzle of gun into the tan skin of her forehead.

“I always hated you… this is your punishment. The others like you are also going to meet their fates, so don’t feel alone. Others will be joining you soon.” Hawley whispered harshly, laughing once he finished. Placing a finger against trigger, once again giving a sharp smile at her before pulling back on the it.

Re: Boy #22

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:47 pm
by orangeflamingo*
As the shot went off, blood, bone and brain matter sprayed forth from the hole now nestled in the back of her head. Hollow gasps admitting from her throat, as she fought to breathe. Her green eyes stared at her murderer wide as she swayed somewhat, back and foth before falling onto her side. Blood already starting to pool about her paling form…

“That’s a beautiful dress Helena.”

Helena twilled, the orange and yellow dress spinning about her as she moved. Stopping and smiling, “I love it Mummy… It’s wonderful. I make sure not to even ruin it, thank you.”


“Helena. I know this isn’t a great present, but I figured you might like it.”

The six-year-old form of Helena blinked in curiosity as she was handed a small box, peeking over the top to the soft purring sound, a light squeal admitting from her as she pulled the small kitten from the box. Hugging it lightly from her chest. “Thank you daddy! I love you!”


“You’re my only true friend Helena, I never want to lose your friendship.”

“I feel the same August…”

G06 – Helena Van Garret - Dead

Re: Boy #22

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:47 pm
by riserugu†
Hawley watched over the sight with some interest for a few moments, pulling his foot out her pushed it into the shoulder of the fallen female. Pushing her dead form onto her back, lips pouting out somewhat as he bent over and undid her shoulder bag from about her and carrying it along, ignoring the blood staining the bag that was now staining into his clothes. As he turned away and begun walking back toward the building…

Stopping half-way there, he picked up the hacksaw that had been Helena’s weapon, he supposed if you killed them you got their spoils… Hrm. Continuing along, he made his way back into the building shutting and locking the door behind him as he did. It wouldn’t be long till someone came across her body and figure the killer to be in here, but maybe seeing what he did would scare them off, keep them away. If not… he could always do it again he had to admit, killing her had, had his blood racing the whole time.

Smiling he took a long glance up at the ceiling of the clinic, “No. This game isn’t bad at all..."

((Continued in: Starting Place for Boy 09))