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from dust till dawn

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:33 pm
by baby_g†
((Continued from In the Darkest of times))

Cutting threw places here and there, trying to remember where the danger zones were and not stepping in them were alot harder than it seemed. Matty, Rob and Steph had walking along and somehow decided that they'd go back to the mall. Matthew was still alittle shifty about the Steph girl, but it almost seemed like Rob had taken a liking to her. dumb fuck.


Jenna had been following the group for a while once more and ended up at the mall. Everything about this placed seemed erie. She figured that following these kids would be a waste of time, so the only thing she could think of was turning around and just leaving to be alone. As she turned and began to walk away, she wasn't paying attention to the ground as she tripped with a loud thud to the ground.



The loud noise of someone falling against the earth followed by curse wasn't hard to miss. Matthew instinctivly grabbed his gun and held it out towards the noise.

"Rob, was that you?"

"Of course it wasn't!" Stephanie interupted. It was clear the noise had come from about 20 feet behind them. "Don't you think it would have been even louder if it was him, idiot!"

"I'm not in the mood for your smartass remarks."

"Fuck you, you're just another guy on this island looking to score with the good looking desperate chicks."


Fucking kids...

There was nothing Jenna could really do but charge the group. They were fighting about something, the first boy and girl. There was another boy behind them, so if she wanted to take anyone out, it would have to be the girl in the middle. No one would be able to react fast enough, if she ran really fast... hopefully.


Before Matthew really had a chance to say anything back to the low blow Steph had delivered, a blur had ran up and took out her anyways. In his mind she was happy, and relieved. Maybe this person can kill her. On the other side of his mind, this kid.. whatever it was, was attacking them and had to be dealt with. It was a girl, now mounted ontop of Stephanie, delivering blow after blow to her face. Matthew ran over and tackled the girl off Stephanie and held her hands forcefully down as Stephanie shook it off and walked over to her.

Stephanie had been hit in the face before, but never so brutally as just now. She could feel her cheeks and jaw burn as she got up and walked over to where Matthew had been holding the girl down. She was thrashing back and forth, wanting to out.

"Fucking bitch!" She called out and a strong kick was given to the strangers side. Stephanie kicked again and again to the girls ribs until she heard a sickening crack sound of the bones being broken. The idea of someone just taking her down like she had just been, so close to dying. What if the girl had a knife... that's it!

Stephanie ran over to where she was when the girl knocked her down. The knife had fallen out of her hands, so she searched for it and brought it back to the girl.

"Come on Steph, you already broke her ribs, put that away." Matthew called as she came closer. He couldn't help but feel completely horrible, knowing that this was really going to happen. As Steph got closer, right before she was going to strike, he let go of the girl who was know screaming in pain. "I'm not going to fucking hold her down while you hack the shit out of her."



Jenna screamed out as she could feel the blow after blow cave in the right side of her body. The bones, when they had broke, felt worse than any other pain she could have gone threw. The boy backed off as the girl came back at her again. Jenna rolled on her her left side, trying take pressure off her right. As she did so she could feel something tear even more. Her body began to bleed as she felt the warm thick feeling of blood at the back of her throat.


The same feeling that had taken Stephanie over at the park the day she killed the girl, was coming over her again. She felt her hand grip tightly on the handle of the blade as she neared the body. Before she could even think it over fully in her head. Stephanie dove at the girl, stabbing her over and over again, like when she was at the park. The force was strong as she would draw her knife up high and stab it down as hard as she could. Blood splatter over she face and shirt as the girl cried out more and more.. till she didn't say anything.


The girl lunged at Jenna stabbing her again and again. The wounds hurt so bad that she began to scream as loud as she could. She hoped that the boys who were there would help her. She cried out to them, looking at them with eyes that screamed louder than her voice 'Why won't you do anyting!'. At first she felt warm, as her blood soaked over her body and down her sides. It was quicly replaced by the intense feeling of being bitterly cold and all alone. She had never figured she would die like this... She looked up, as she felt her body let go of everything. She wanted to say something, but all she could do when she opened her mouth was cough more blood out. She looked to the girl, the one who showed nothing but utter hatred, she looked right into her eyes and smiled a bloody smile.

G27 Jenna Cassidy: DEAD


Stephanie backed off as the girl looked at her and smiled. That image would be burned into her memory till the day she died. How could she let this happen again? Steph turned to see where Rob was. Out of the two boys he seemed the nicest. She got up and ran to him, dropping the knife as she did so and wrapping her arms around him. She burried her face in his shoulder as she began to cry. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!!"

Re: from dust till dawn

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:33 pm
by Ares
((continued from In the Darkest of Times))

Rob watched the whole event transpire as if it were a movie.

All I need is some damn popcorn.

There was a brief moment before Stephanie laid the final blows to this other girl where her eyes made contact with Rob's, and had a look of pleading. Rob had actually placed a hand on the grip of his Desert Eagle, however, he could not bring himself to do anything more than that. The girl had attacked the group from behind, and Stephanie was acting in self-defense.

After the final blow, Stephanie had charged at him, wrapping her arms around him and began crying.

As she lay her head on his shoulder, he glanced at Matty with a quick, What the fuck? type of look.

Gently he put his gun back inside the bag that hung to his side, and returned the embrace.

"It's ok. You were acting in self defense, there was nothing we could do."

Rob looked up once again at Matty and mouthed, "What do I do now?"

Re: from dust till dawn

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:34 pm
by baby_g†
"Oh fuck her, she's fuckin lying." Matty spat as he walked back over to the body of the dead girl. He didn't dare touch her, though in respect he pulled her eye lids down using his index and middle finger. Watching the pain in her eyes as she looked up at both him and Rob before she died sent chills down his spine.

"Fuck you!" Stephanie screamed as she pulled away from Rob. She had appreciated his return of the embrace, but could help but feel like this was all useless. This whole time she figured she could manipulate her way around the island, getting what she wanted and taking it how she pleased. Being around Matthew and Rob made her 'acting' feel too weird. "I don't need your bullshit. I didn't ask for you to take me along with you!"

"Then fucking leave. What's keeping you here?"

"Shut up!"

"No. You're just like all the other girls on this island, using their body to fuck around and then get what you want, like this is some fucking movie or something."

They began to yell louder at eachother as they moved closer together.

"You have some nerve Matty!"

"Coming from a bitch who tries to be all concerned and then literally kicks the shit out of someone. Fuck You."

The two now stood face to face, chests right up against eachother, both with fists tight in balls at their sides. Neither one of them wanted to be here, neither one of them thought that this would actually ever happen to them, but both of them have killed... and they both wouldn't mind doing it again.

Stephanie spat in Matthews face as he grabbed her wrist, bending it backwards making her fall to the ground. He walked over and picked up her knife, pocketing it.

"Don't follow us."

Re: from dust till dawn

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:34 pm
by Ares
Once again Rob felt as though he was in one of those B movies. Those ones where you know the actors are over acting, yet you cannot look away. He had really thought Stephanie was being sincere, but then again, she had just brutally murdered someone.

Rob had a feeling the exchange would go no where important, so he took the time to check the dead girl's bag. He didn't like doing it, but he understood that it was part of doing what he had to to survive. The girl apparently had been issued a dartboard, which was useless, so Rob just took her remaining food and water.

After zipping up his own bag, Rob saw the girl spit in Matty's face.

Oh fuck... He thought as Matt threw the girl down and picked up her knife.

Rob was about to protest what he thought would be the knife's second murder in a matter of minutes, but Matty just pocketed it and walked away, giving the girl a stern warning.

Rob decided it best to follow Matty, on his way by the girl, he bent down slightly and said, "There is a dartboard in the girl's bag. I know its pretty useless, but it might come in handy."

Re: from dust till dawn

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:34 pm
by baby_g†
"Rob please!!" Stephanie cried out, grasping on to the leg of his pants as he began to walk away. "I'm desperate! Please, please don't leave me!"

Her tears began to pour out once more. Half was truely honest tears, while the other was wanting to get her way. She clicked in that Rob might have more of a softer side that Matt, and she needed to play off it if she was going to get anywhere. She pushed her cheek into his boot and began to weep.

"Rob, I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry... Please... Please Rob.. Don't leave me here..."

Come on.....

Re: from dust till dawn

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:35 pm
by Ares
Why me?

Rob pulled his foot out from under the girl, and stepped back. The decision of what to do played on his mind. He now understood what this game could do to you. Hell, it happened to him when he'd gone on a rant in the industrial district. Luckily his friends had been there when he'd finished his rant to calm him down and help him think clearly. He could see this girl was stressed about more than just being a murderer. The way she was talking made it seem like there was something more.

"Stephanie, look at me. I want to know something, and don't lie, or I'll let Matty here give you back to Mother Earth the way you came to her in the first place, screaming and bloody. I want to know what else has happened to you. You don't seem like some weak little girl who would just cry if she was left alone out here. Are you looking for protection from someone, or whats your deal?"

It came out harsher than Rob meant it to, but he needed to put up some form of front, in case Matty was watching. He knew Matt didn't trust the girl, and Rob didn't want what he did to Sarah Dao, to happen again with this girl.

Re: from dust till dawn

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:35 pm
by baby_g†
"What's my deal? I've been stuck here just as long as you, and have killed two people I don't even know, it's been horrifying having to see all this.. I've never been on my own before.. My friends have died all around me and you're ASKING ME WHAT MY DEAL IS?!"

Stephanie began grasping for twigs and leaves infront of her as tears became more and more real as they poured out her eyes. she crawled over to his leg, pulling herself up now holding on to his hand that had the gun in it.

"Don't you get it? I need protection from my fucking self!"

Re: from dust till dawn

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:36 pm
by Ares
Rob once again had to pull away. He didn't like the way this girl reacted to his question, and he didn't want her anywhere near his gun. If there was one thing he was over protecting on this island it was his Deagle. What she said hit him hard though.

"I've killed two people..."

Rob thought about what girl said.

She's killed two people, and says she needs protection from herself. It seems like its people that need protection from her

"Matt, get the fuck back here." Rob yelled in his direction. "As for you," he said turning back again to Stephanie, "I seriously don't know what to tell you. I want to believe you Steph, believe me I do. But how can I trust you. I've already had 3 or 4 bad experience with women on this island, and I've killed one of them myself. You know what, I didn't even care that I killed her either, and I knew the broad. So don't go crying that you need protection for yourself. You've also killed two people. How the fuck are we supposed to trust you?"

Rob could feel his anger rising inside him.

"Do you think we like it out here? Not knowing who we can trust, or which of our friends are still alive or who is dead? I've already lost one friend, and are an untrustworthy little bitch. I can see right through you. I can't believe it took me this long. Especially considering its the same stupid routine the others tried to pull on Matt. I ain't falling for it sister. Do us all a favor and kill yourself, because if you so much as think about following us, I'll blow your head clean off. You get me? I don't want to play this fucking game, but so help me God, if I have to kill you I fucking will."

Rob quickly turned his back to the girl, quite satisfied with what he had just said. What he said about not wanting to play the game, brought back an image in his head. It was something from his past, where he'd heard someone talking about how they knew a way out of that SoTF show on television.

Escape....I know who I need to find now.

Rob walked over to where Matt now stood. He leaned over and whispered to him, "I need to find Dan Johnson. I remember that kid. He was a damn good hockey player from the area. I know not many people liked him, but I heard his name announced as killing someone so I know he's here. I think I remember him saying a long time ago when the first SoTF happened that he might have known a way off. Yeah, it was him, I was watching one of the inter-school hockey games, and he was injured. Up in the stands, him and some chick were talking about it."

For all I know he could have been blowing smoke out of his ass to impress that broad, but it could be something to go on.

Re: from dust till dawn

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:36 pm
by baby_g†
Matthew returned to the scene of Rob and Stephanie, seeing only the most pathetic excuse for a human being laying before Rob begging for attention.

"Get the fuck up Stephanie." He shouted as he approached her. He would have loved nothing more than to grab her by the hair, pull her up and shoot her in the face.. but he wasn't that cruel.

"Go away!" Stephanie cried. Half of her was being sincere while the rest of her just wanted to die. "I cant take this anymore!"

Stephanie staggered quickly to her feet, stumbling towards Matthew hand where he held his gun. Matthew kicked her in the gut, knocking her again to the ground. She made another attempt for his weapon and this time grabbing hold of it. They staggered around before Matthew was forced to let go.

Steph tottered backwards holding Matthews gun close to her chest as she did so. Cocking the gun, she placed it to her temple and pulled the trigger.

"Fuck you Matthew!"

The tears in her eyes made it hard for her to see if he was laughing or actually feeling sorry for her. Chances were it was the former, but that didn't matter any more. Bang.

G30- Stephanie Crew- DEAD

Once again Matthew was covered in someone else's blood.

He whispered as he knelt over the body grabbing his gun back from the dead girls' hand. He couldn't help but be amused at what he saw, and chuckled a bit as he turned to Rob saying, "At least I can't really say a bullet was wasted... Hey.. seeing as it was my gun.. Do you think that counts as my kill?"

Re: from dust till dawn

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:37 pm
by Ares
Rob just shook his head as the whole scene transpired. He could see it coming the minute Stephanie said "Go Away". Granted, Rob had pointed his own weapon at Stephanie just in case, but he had a gut feeling she would turn it on herself.

Pity, she couldn't see past herself.

Rob then chuckled as well at Matt's comment.

"I'm not sure. It was your gun, however I say we split the kill 50/50 since it was your gun and your final words, yet it was my ranting too. We'll have to wait for our next announcement. What do you think of my idea to find that Dan Johnson guy? Sound like some sort of idea?"

Re: from dust till dawn

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:37 pm
by baby_g†
"Yea man," He continued as he whiped the blood from his face and arms with his shirt. He chucked it over on the body of Stephanie, not even carring to close her eyes like he did for the first girl just before. "Too bad you don't have abs like mine Rob... Then you wouldn't feel so awkward walking around shirtless."

He checked his bag, slinging it again over his shoulder and started walking towards where he was before Rob called him back. "We have to be careful, the dangerzones are all over the place."

((continued elsewhere...))

Re: from dust till dawn

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:38 pm
by Ares
And so it continues... Rob thought to himself.

The game really was winding down, and they would all have to face the ultimate punishment sooner or later. Unless of course Rob and Matt could find Dan Johnson, but then even that is just a small hope. The island is large, and the dangerzones make for the detours they have to take, to make them walk longer distances, killing precious time.

Rob glanced one last time at the newly fallen corpse. Once again, it scared him that he was feeling nothing, and if he won, he supposed he'd need to see every shrink in the state of New Jersey.

I'll have to survive until then, for that to happen

Rob kept pace with Matt this time, wondering where they should even begin to look.

((continued elsewhere))