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The Lovers Arcana

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 1:35 am
by Tonyksin
[Amelia Fischer Prom Start]

The cafeteria.

It was a place of great mystery. Students huddled together in clans, segregating themselves based on tertiary similarities. The lunch table was a sacred place to these students. There was a unspoken hierarchy at some, with the various kings and queens of each social group dictating who could and could not join the table. It was a vicious dog-eat-dog society in the lunchroom, with students doing their best to curry favor and be seated in a optimal position at their leader’s side. Lying, cheating, and throwing each other under the bus just to boost themselves just a bit higher on the charts. It was messy and cruel, and even dangerous if you crossed into an area you didn’t belong. Everyone knew their place, and did their best to avoid pissing off the wrong group.

Amelia watched the students with curiosity and bewilderment.

She sat at her own table of same-class students. Right now she was alone at the right end, awaiting her group of friends to arrive. She watched the other kids in her school as they collected their food and made their ways to their peer-selected seats. It was interesting, to say the least. Amelia never ate lunch at school, she always brought her own. Today’s offering was a PB&J sandwich on whole wheat bread, a banana, and a Greek yogurt with some berries on the side (raspberries and blackberries, yum). Artem, Dolly and Marceline were late today, and Amelia was feeling particularly hungry, so she’d already eaten her meal. So she simply sat in wait of someone to converse with, doodling in her notebook and people watching. She had her Tarot cards with her of course, but she couldn’t very well do anything with them until someone joined her. She was hoping to get some practice in today. Oh well, she was a patient person, so a little waiting would be fine.

Re: The Lovers Arcana

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 9:27 pm
by backslash
Normally, Dolly wasn't one for impatience; she liked to take things at her own pace and respected when others did the same. It was when people took things at their own pace at the expense of Dolly's own time and others' that she got annoyed.

When Ms. Yan finally let class out a few minutes after the lunch bell had tolled its last, Dolly would say that her needle was hovering on the edge of mildly and moderately annoyed. She recognized that part of it was just that she was cranky due to low blood sugar ("hangry", as Marceline would put it), but she was mildly to moderately annoyed nonetheless. Having three regular meals a day was important, and students weren't able to devote as much time as they needed to eating and properly digesting already. She didn't appreciate having her lunch period infringed upon because they had gotten behind in lecture.

But at least that was in the past, or was soon to be. With the briefest of stops at their lockers to retrieve their respective lunches, she and Artem were on their way. Hopefully Amelia hadn't managed to get herself into trouble by the time they joined her.

"Sorry if I'm a bit brisk," she said offhandedly to Artem as they approached the cafeteria. He got it in his head sometimes that people were mad at him for no reason, and she liked to reassure him whenever she was in a bad mood that it had nothing to do with him. "I'd have brought snacks if they didn't have such strict rules about food in the labs. You would think they'd value our health more than this." Her voice lifted slightly at the end, facetious.

Dolly understood, for the most part, how and why the system worked as it did. That didn't mean she was above taking it to task every so often.

Re: The Lovers Arcana

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 10:03 am
by Fenris

"The chemical smell in the air isn't great for the taste of food, I imagine. I sneak snacks to the bathroom sometimes."

Artem sounded almost bashful as he made the most minor of rule-breaking admissions on the way to the cafeteria. Not that he was the goodiest of two-shoes or anything, but the idea of getting in trouble paralyzed him with enough fear that he walked the straight and narrow, at least inside of school hours, and at least as long as tracing magic circles between his bio notes qualified as "straight and narrow". But sometimes he got hungry, and there wasn't any real rule about eating in the bathroom. Right?

At any rate, he couldn't help but be somewhat heartened by Dolly's words. She'd been increasingly irritable as the class had progressed, and as her lab partner it was easy to assume that there was something he'd done or said that had set her off, though he couldn't think of what that might be. If she were anyone else he'd worry that perhaps he'd been a little overeager about today's fetal pig dissection, but if anyone understood his particular fascinations it was her. So, her being annoyed for reasons unrelated to him was what made the most sense, logically speaking. It would be nice if his anxiety operated on logic sometimes.

In the end, though, it was fine. She always did have the perfect thing to say.

"Looks like we kept her waiting," Artem opined as they headed toward Amelia's place at the lunch table, observing her concentration on an entirely non-food-related task. The best word to describe Amelia, in his opinion, was probably eccentric, or perhaps unconventional, or, simply, interesting. None of those properly conveyed fondness, though; they all felt like words used to charitably describe a character whose primary purpose is to be difficult to deal with, and while he'd be lying if he said Amelia wasn't occasionally difficult to deal with, her quirks were why he liked her. He sat down across from her with a small smile.

"Afternoon, Amelia. You ate awfully fast." He fetched his own lunch: a grape juice box, a BLT sandwich on white bread, two hard-boiled eggs, a Ziploc bag full of blueberries, a small, half-eaten bag of sour cream and onion chips that he'd pilfered a few handfuls of earlier in the day, and two M&M and chocolate chip cookies. He took the juice box, the blueberries, and one of the cookies, and pushed the rest of the food to the center of the table. Artem never ate much; his mother, and he did appreciate her efforts, always packed a quantity of food that would easily get him through three meals. It was a practical lunchtime tradition that he'd offer most of his lunch to his friends around the table. Throwing it out was the only alternative, as his mom would notice if he made the mistake of bringing anything home, and she'd get all worried about him not getting enough nutrition. And throwing it out would serve mainly to make him feel guilty as hell.

Re: The Lovers Arcana

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 12:04 am
by Tonyksin
The sounds of pen on paper were the only thing Amelia could hear, focusing all her attention on drawing a sketch of her idea of an alien life-form. It was as if everything around her vanished and she was in her own small pocket-space, private and serene. Her pen flew across the page, adding small details to her curious looking critter, like antennae and scales on the six legs. Her mind was a flutter with ideas and questions. Maybe she’d add some fish-like gills to this alien? And maybe a crab-like claw? The possibilities were endless! After all, no one had seen what an alien life-form really looked like, so she could make it look however she wanted. Maybe one of her doodles would end up being correct, who knows? Before she knew it, she was snapped out of her concentration by the arrival of Artem and Dolly. She smiled happily at the pair, and collected her scattered papers to make room for them to set down their lunches.

“Ah, hello Artem, hello Dolly.” She nodded to each of them as they settled in.

“Yes, I was unusually hungry today, I’m sorry I didn’t wait.” Amelia blushed lightly and she rubbed her stomach to illustrate her comment. She grabbed the notebook she'd been doodling in, and her eyes lit up as she flashed the sketch she’d been working on at her two friends.

“Do you like my alien? I think this one looks pretty neat, I gave him scales and stuff!” She giggled a bit with glee. Spying the chips, Amelia reached to the center of the table, nabbing a few of the sour cream and onion flavored goodies from Artem’s open bag and began to munch on them happily. Amelia turned to look at Dolly and tilted her head to the side questioningly.

“Where is Marceline? Have you spoken to her today?”

Re: The Lovers Arcana

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 4:09 am
by VoltTurtle
Marceline slowly approached the lunch table her friends were sitting at, doing her best to stay out of the line of sight of Artem and Amelia.

Dolly had seen her coming ahead of time, but a knowing wink seemed to clue her in as to what Marceline was doing. It wasn't often that she was late to sit down, most of the time she was even the first one to sit down for lunch, half because she bolted out of every classroom the instant the bell rang, and partly because her locker was fairly close to the lunchroom, so the majority of the time she would just have to grab it on the way in.

Today was different, though. She had been daydreaming so much about the upcoming prom with Dolly that she had lost track of time, and before she knew it the bell was ringing and all her stuff was still scattered across her desk. It was no real trouble for her, however, she could adapt, and she wasn't about to let a chance like this go to waste. Closing in on the lunch table and hefting her heavy, metal lunchbox up in preparation for what she was about to do, Marceline dropped all pretenses and went in for the kill.

She slammed her lunchbox down on the table at full force, the metallic thud echoing throughout the lunch room, ever so briefly stopping the constant buzz of conversation due to the unexpected noise.

"Sup motherfuckers! I bet you won't know what I have today!"

Opening her lunchbox and pointing inside of it, Marceline exclaimed, "Mother. Fucking. Lunchables."

Sitting down next to her now thoroughly jumpscared friends, Marceline gave Dolly (who had smartly covered her ears just as Marceline got to the table) another wink and began digging into her stash of lunchables. She was hungry, and more than anything right now she just wanted to stuff something down her gullet. No time for conversation, only food.

She had brought two containers of the cheese pizza lunchables, and after opening them, slowly began to assemble what she affectionately referred to as a "double decker pizza sandwich", with all of the cheese and sauce in the container stuffed between the three pizza bases that came in every tin.

As the conversation at the table slowly returned to normal, Marceline briefly tuned it all out as she took bites out of her crudely put together lunch, almost-but-not-quite unhinging her jaw like a snake as she stuffed each bit into her mouth. The sandwiches were always a mess of way too much flavor, but that's what Marceline liked about it.

Plus, it usually freaked people out when she did it. That was always a bonus.

Finishing her first set of lunchables, Marceline finally returned to the reality around her, addressing her friends in her normal, casual demeanor. "So uh, did you guys say anything? I was eating."

Re: The Lovers Arcana

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:39 pm
by backslash
"I texted her this morning," was as far as Dolly got before Marceline herself made a glorious appearance. Truth be told, Dolly hadn't been entirely sure what Marceline was going to do before she reached the table, but she saw the hefted lunchbox and quickly covered her ears.

She couldn't help a soft sigh that was mixed fondness and exasperation once Marceline properly took her seat and greeted the table. Dolly reached over to brush Artem's arm in an absent-minded gesture of comfort. He wasn't a fan of loud noises.

"I've seen her now," Dolly said dryly, once the noise had faded. Marceline tore into her lunch with aplomb, and Dolly took the opportunity to unpack her own food. Pasta salad with a side of hard-boiled eggs and mixed fruit, plus a thermos of iced tea, was today's fare. Dolly had been packing her own lunches, and Petra's too, for most of high school. It was nice to have more control over what she got to eat, and her mom appreciated the opportunity to sleep in on school days while Dolly took care of getting herself and Petra ready.

She did smile once Marceline emerged from her food-inspired fugue state. "No, not really. We just got here, and I think Amelia's already done." She glanced over at Amelia somewhat questioningly. She hoped that Amelia had finished her lunch, as opposed to forgetting it at home. It wouldn't have been the first time they'd all chipped in to make sure that she didn't go the whole day without eating thanks to absentmindedness.

Re: The Lovers Arcana

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 1:59 am
by Fenris
"You did a good job," Artem said with a small smile as he looked at Amelia's notebook. She was a pretty good artist, and that besides there wasn't really any way for him to deny that she had skillfully portrayed a creature that had previously existed only in her own mind. It was impossible to argue that she had quite the imagination. He hadn't personally dived into science fiction, so he hadn't yet needed to come up with any aliens, but he'd keep her in mind when he inevitably did. Or maybe she could draw him some eldritch abominations? It was in the same ballpark, right?

Then a loud noise completely shattered his train of thought.

He started, eyes flicking around wildly until they caught on the source of the sound. Marceline. Naturally. He settled quickly, but his lips set in a hard line. He felt Dolly's hand on his arm and normally that would be enough to distract him from anything, but the echoing noise of that lunchbox was still rattling around in his brain. Artem hated loud noises. There was absolutely no way Marceline didn't know that.

He turned his full attention to his juice box, letting someone else answer Marceline's question.

Re: The Lovers Arcana

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 2:12 pm
by Tonyksin
Almost as soon as Amelia asked the question, Marceline arrived with a bang, literally. Amelia jumped a bit in her seat at the commotion the girl made with her entrance and clutched her hand to the front of her sweater in surprise. Once the initial shock faded, Amelia was quite happy to see Marceline was in high spirits, as per usual. She made a show of showing the group her exciting lunch of pizza lunchables, and then dug in hastily, ripping the packages open and stuffing herself. Amelia watched bemusedly, and laughed at Dolly’s comment that she’d seen her now. Amelia looked over at Artem, who had earlier applauded her alien drawing and smiled at him comfortingly. Artem didn’t do well with loudness, and after Marceline’s entrance seemed to become absorbed in his juice box. Amelia tried to think up a way to cheer him up, but fell short on ideas. Instead she turned her notebook to a fresh page and doodled a silly little stick figure comic of Marceline’s entrance, but ending with Artem summoning a monster to block her from slamming the lunchbox down. She slid the doodle over to Artem and grinned, hoping the silly doodle would make him feel better.

“Look!” She whispered, smiling giddily at her silver-haired friend, hoping that this would help.

Marceline seemed to finally come up for air from her Meal, and asked if she’d missed anything. Dolly confirmed that she hadn’t, and questioningly said that Amelia had finished her food. Amelia blushed and nodded in the affirmative. There had been a few times that she forgot to bring lunch and would try to hide it from the others so as not to look silly, although she was always found out as she wasn’t the best liar. Dolly had reason to question her, but this time she indeed had eaten.

“Yes, I finished, I promise. See?” She opened up her lunchbox, a soft insulated cooler with planet and star stickers all over it, and showed her friends the leftover garbage from her already eaten meal. She grinned widely and zipped the lunchbox back up, storing it back in her backpack.

Amelia looked at Dolly and Marceline and smiled. The two were so cute together. She was happy to have friends in a relationship that worked so well. They were different, but somehow the combination was amazing. She herself had never put much thought into things like relationships. She’d never even kissed someone before, after all. It kind of made her tummy hurt to think about, honestly. But when she looked at how happy the two of them were, it made her maybe want something like that too. She felt herself turning red because of her own thoughts, so she quickly shook her head to try and clear the ideas away. She looked around the lunchroom to try and find something else to talk about to distract her mind and saw a poster for the upcoming prom.

“Oh!” She gasped, attempting to get the attention of the group. “I forgot prom was coming. Did you get your tickets?” She directed that question towards the couple in the group.

Re: The Lovers Arcana

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 4:48 am
by VoltTurtle
"Mhm! Got some tickets courtesy of our parents," Marceline said, slowly scooting her chair closer to her girlfriend.

Marceline didn't really feel all that strongly about prom, as she saw it, it was a chance for her to spend time with her girlfriend, something she could do almost anytime she wanted, anyway. Dolly seemed to care about it, however, so therefore Marceline would care about it. And, of course, it gave her girlfriend an excuse to dress up extra nicely, which was always a plus.

"Dunno what I'm going to wear. Probably a cute sundress or something," Marceline said, as she finished her slow scooting over to her wonderful partner. Now that they were close enough for it, she began to rest her head on Dolly's shoulder, before sighing happily and closing her eyes. She could spend the whole day like this without a care in the world.

"Dolly-Doll, what do you think you're going to wear? What should I wear?" She asked, not moving her head from where it rested.

Re: The Lovers Arcana

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:55 pm
by backslash
"Oh! I have pictures. One moment." While Dolly didn't object at all to Marceline snuggling up to her, she had to shrug her off briefly to locate her phone. Most of her skirts had pockets, either built in or added by herself, but there was always the question of which one she'd stashed her things in. With a quick glance around to confirm that there were no teachers hovering around, waiting to confiscate it, Dolly located her phone and pulled it out.

"I've been making some adjustments, so it's not completely ready yet, but look." She opened her photos and swiped through them so that Marceline could see. All were of the dress form that Dolly kept in her room, adorned with the prom dress in question. It was shorter than what she usually wore, though not enough to be indecent; she had some thigh-high socks, and if she could get away with it in the dress code, lacy garters that she wanted to wear with it. It was a shade somewhere between midnight blue and medium purple, accented with black ribbons down the sides to make a cinched shape, and of course matching ruffled trim around the bottom of the skirt. Dolly swiped a couple of pictures over to show off the matching cloak she'd been working on, turning her phone first to Marceline and then to Artem and Amelia.

"I know it's kind of dramatic, but I thought that senior prom was the best occasion to go all-out. Hopefully they'll let me in." She giggled a little. She really was proud of the outfit and couldn't wait to show it off. With a glance and a smile over at Marceline, she added, "If you have a few ideas to choose from, I can help you pick something out." She looked back over at their friends. "And what about you two?" She knew that Artem had been hesitant on the idea of prom, but she'd been encouraging him to go.

Re: The Lovers Arcana

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 2:49 am
by Fenris
"It's pretty,"

he said, shortly, almost curtly, before turning back to his barely-touched lunch. An unusual reaction from him, and he knew it wouldn't get away unscrutinized as the words came out of his mouth. Artem loved Dolly's work, he had for as long as she'd been sewing. He'd modeled for her more than once. His praise was, generally, effusive, and this particular dress was one of her more ambitious projects. He should say more. He should smile, probably. Bitterness was typically not a good look, especially in a friend.

But he didn't want to talk about prom anymore. Amelia wouldn't know, she was innocent, but Dolly and by extension Marceline certainly knew that he had absolutely no intention of going, or even thinking about the subject more than necessary. He would never accuse Dolly of malevolent intent (Marceline's was up in the air, really), but he did know that she wanted to come. But why? He didn't understand. He didn't have a date. He didn't dance. Dolly would be spending all night with Marceline, and if he tried to take up any of her time he would probably get a stink-eye in response.

It wasn't that he didn't understand the concept. He would go, if he could. It was one of those important, seminal moments, one of those experiences that you either had or had to leave behind. But he'd just be standing on the dance floor alone.

He took a breath before speaking, and a smile that at least approached genuine pulled on the corners of his mouth.

"It really is, Dolly. It's gorgeous. The cloak is a perfect touch." He scratched the back of his head and glanced over at Amelia, her notebook still turned open to her little doodle of Marceline. She was a good friend.

"I... don't think I'm going to go, still. Maybe if the yearbook photo booth needs me." He really, really hoped they didn't. That would be an exceptionally depressing way to spend the night. "I'm sure you two will have a good time."

"What about you?" He asked Amelia politely. "Any plans?" We could do something, if you're not, he didn't say. Contextually it seemed a bit too forward. Amelia was a good friend, but he wasn't interested in her in any other sense, he didn't think.

Re: The Lovers Arcana

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 12:51 am
by Tonyksin
Amelia smiled at her friends as they gushed about the upcoming prom. Marceline said that their parents had bought their tickets already, and that was good to hear. Amelia’s grandparents had asked if they should give her money to buy one but she wasn’t sure if she was going yet. It wasn’t like anyone had asked her. To be honest, until now she’d almost forgotten about the whole thing. She wasn’t against going, after all some of her friends would obviously be there. And it sounded like a fun theme, glow in the dark, like the alien stickers she had in her room! But she didn’t want to go by herself, that would be silly. People were supposed to go to a prom with someone else, right?

Dolly showed them a picture of what she’d be wearing, and Amelia’s eyes went wide. Wow! Dolly was going to look so pretty! And that cloak was so elegant! Amelia really wanted to see Dolly in the dress! She grinned at her friend and excitingly exclaimed her approval.

“Wow, Dolly! I like it!”

Then Dolly asked Artem and herself what they had planned and Amelia had to scratch her head. Artem looked at her and said he didn’t know if he was gonna go. Amelia frowned a bit. Artem would look so handsome in a suit! He should definitely go! He was such a worrywart though, he was probably too nervous to ask anyone. He asked her if she had any plans, and a silly idea popped into her head, bringing a huge smile to her face.

“Oh! I know, I know! Why don’t me and you go together Artem?!” She clapped her hands together as she spoke, and looked over to Dolly and Marceline for encouragement.

“That way we can all be together!” She clapped her hands a few more times in joy.

“It’ll be so much fun! We’re all gonna look so cool!” At this point, she’d run off on the conclusion it was happening, without waiting for Artem’s response.

“Ooo! Let’s get black flowers for the corsige… corsege… corsages!” That was a hard word.

Re: The Lovers Arcana

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 7:50 am
by Fenris

Words were Artem's thing. They were just about the only thing he had, much of the time. He opened his mouth, trusting them to work for him.


Re: The Lovers Arcana

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:57 am
by backslash
Ah. This had taken a turn.

There were a few things Dolly could address here, but stopping herself from laughing at Amelia's sudden declaration and Artem's floundering was the most immediate, lest it seem like she was laughing at him. She managed that, but couldn't quite keep a smile off her face, though she made a cursory effort to conceal it behind her phone.

"Nobody had asked you yet, Amelia? That's a bit of a surprise." Less of one than Dolly would say out loud, but Amelia was a pretty girl, and events like these tended to bring out a boldness in people that they otherwise wouldn't have.

She wasn't sure what to say to Artem, though. Going together as a group would be fun for at least three of them, but Artem? Dolly had tried not to pressure him into going to prom, since it seemed like he wasn't anticipating a good time, but on the other hand, it was the only senior prom any of them were going to have. Picturing him spending the night all alone at home while the rest of them were out mingling was rather depressing.

"A group could be fun," she said finally, vague enough to be interpreted one way or another.

Re: The Lovers Arcana

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 4:52 am
by Tonyksin
Artem looked like he was confused, but Amelia just kept on smiling and nodding at him. This was the best plan, after all. They could all get dressed up all fancy and take lots of picture and have lots of fun! She really didn’t even process that Artem technically had yet to agree to her proposal. As far as she was concerned, everything was already set in stone. Dolly’s voice broke her concentration on Artem for a moment, and she seemed surprised that no one had asked Amelia to prom. Amelia scratched the side of her face with her pointer finger and tried to think if anyone had asked her. As far as she could remember she didn’t think so. Her only male friends were Artem, Declyn and Dean, and none of them had asked, so it would be strange for someone else to have, right?

“No, or at least I don’t remember if someone did.” She answered honestly.

“But that’s okay, I’d rather go with Artem anyway!” She turned and grinned at the boy again.

Dolly admitted that a group could be a fun idea, and Amelia was happy. The only way she’d want to go somewhere like prom is if she got to be with her best friends after all. If not, what was the point? Artem still seemed a bit dazed, and Amelia wondered if maybe he didn’t want to go with her after all. It sort of deflated her excitement a bit, but she would understand if he’d rather go with someone else or something. She figured she should find out for sure before she got too ahead of herself like she often tended to.

“Is that okay, Artem? Me and you can go together? Then the four of us can have fun all night.” She smiled again.