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When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:32 am
by Theseus†
((Lenny and Elizabeth Priestly continued from One By One))

It was a short walk from the hollow tree to the northern coast, but a quiet walk. At least Lenny was quiet. Like always, he kept his focus on where he was going, yet continued to check to make sure James was near. He granted the boy more freedom this time. He earned it. Yet he still didn't trust him enough. Lenny was threatening his life after all.

Stepping onto the sand, Lenny took the time to enjoy the site of the dark ocean ahead of him. It was nice, it really was. Lenny always enjoyed going to the beach, and the beach at night was just as spectacular. He didn't even see the two dead bodies, which compared to most locations made this a peaceful area.

A peaceful area with no cover.

Shameeca could be coming, or the mysterious shooter from the tree.

Cover was something Lenny knew not only he needed, but everyone else as well.

Elizabeth finally emerged from the treeline and walked next to him and stared ahead towards the ocean with her brother.

"It's nice isn't it Lenny."

"Yeah, it makes me think of home."

"We're going to go home Lenny. We will."

"No Liz. You're going to go home. I made you a promise, I'm going to keep it."

She didn't say anything else as her brother turned around and made his way back to the treeline. There was lots of cover in the treeline behind the trees. Making his way up the beach he reached the jungle treeline and sat on a log flanked by two large trees. Trees were everywhere. He had never been in an actual jungle before this stay on the island.

They were different from forests, a lot more foliage. A lot more cover.

The rain too. So much rain.

Elizabeth sat down next to her brother in silence, and together they waited for the group to catch up.

Together they waited.


Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:32 am
by ZombiexCreame†
((Lulu Altaire and James Martinek continued from One By One))

James stumbled through the forest. He had just tripped over a log in the jungle and cursed quietly to himself. Ahead of him, he could see Elizabeth and Lenny sitting on a log, back to him. If he wanted to, he could run away. Would he make it? Or would Lenny catch on and shoot? Either way, James wasn't feeling too brave so he didn't make any suspicious moves.

He could see the beach ahead of him with the dark waters lapping the shore. It was a peaceful sound and reminded him of the days when he and Bree would walk along the shore. He would always find a beautiful shell to give her. Once, he even made her a necklace of small tiny shells. She adored it. How was she doing now? Hopefully she was okay. If anyone was to ever lay a hand on Bree..He wasn't sure what he would do. Probably try to fight them. Revenge. Yes, revenge solved nothing but James would not let someone get away with killing his one and only love. His fiance.

But Bree wasn't the only girl he was worrying about. He also set his thoughts on Shameeca. Where was she? Was she okay? (Nearly identical thoughts to what he had thought about Bree) He hoped Shameeca would come in time and if she did, she wouldn't be hurt.

James looked back. Lulu, Anna and Lauren were still a slight ways back. Maybe he could quickly ask his question before the girls came forward. James rounded the log and knelt down next to Lenny. Leaning in closer, he whispered, "If..Shameeca does won't hurt her or anything..will you?", James asked, biting his lip. How horrible would it be for Shameeca to finally come and claim James and then only to be killed. That would be terrible.

Lulu sighed as she saw the three in the distance. The walk was short, but she was still feeling a little exhausted. No more shots had been fired since then, so she assumed that Liam and Carson were safe. Unless they apprehended the shooter. She looked back at Anna. "How do you think Carson and Liam are holding up?", She asked. In the back of her mind, she wished no harm upon anyone. No one deserved that.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:32 am
by Ciel†
((Anna Kateridge continued from One by One))

Anna couldn't help but to sigh. The world, it seemed, had turned very logically flawed over the past decade or so and she hadn't noticed the change. She, Lulu and Lauren were the smart ones it seemed... or maybe she was just being conceited. Maybe Anna was the one who was wrong, but up until now it was nigh on impossible for her to even register that possibility. She had been walking behind everyone else but during that time her mind was blank. Then Lulu broke the silence and Anna was brought back into reality.

Her eyes stared at Lulu for a brief moment, and she could help but to notice that her red hair was disorganized again. Anna frowned at the thought of all of the work she put into it being blushed down the drain, but she couldn't help but to examine her face even further. She was a little rough around the edges but all things considered she was as cute as a button. The bright orange hair only served to improve upon her appearance although her height might have canceled this out. She was decent looking...

Certainly not as charming as Ianto. Certainly not. Anna held him at a higher pedestal though and maybe Lulu was better looking. She had something for him... One may call this a "crush" but Anna did not consider it as such.

... I hope he's alright.

Anna pulled the sword out of the dufflebag and left the handle sticking out of the zipper. Hmm... I might as well keep this out. Wouldn't want someone to attack me... Then she looked back at Lulu, and gave her a simple smile.

"Well... to say that I wish them dead is a little..." Anna hesitated before she went on. "extreme... but I do believe that one of those boys will be the doom of the other. Liam was probably what brought that unknown assailant to our doorstep, his jabbering on about trust and thought she knew what he was talking about. It's pathetic... and Carson is no better. He was playing his game and I am very sure he wasn't paying attention at all... Actually, scratch that, Carson is redeemable. He stayed to help Liam... that is a very stupid move but I respect him... if only a little bit.

"... he doesn't realize... LIAM doesn't realize that I don't trust anyone one hundred percent. I am smart enough to catch on... I think that something is very strange, how Lenny is protecting James like he's known him all his life. I don't think it was as extreme as Liam put it but there is something there."

Anna smiled, making sure that she was as close to Lulu as possible. She didn't want anyone other than Lulu to hear what she whispered in the girl's ear. "If you want the truth... I trust you much more than them, and I wouldn't think to ever harm you, much more than anyone else. Do you trust me Lulu?"

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:32 am
by Namira
((Rob continued from: Mano E Mano))

Well, this certainly wasn't the hollow tree, but there was no harm, Rob supposed, in following the beach enroute to the location. Who knew? Heath, Shamee and himself could get lucky in searching. But... there was a whole island to go through, minus dangerzones, and from the look of things, it was almost daybreak. Luck was something they needed... in abundance.

He hesitated at the treeline, peering down the beach. This was an exposed area, and Bobby had no wish to be caught out in the open, best to play it cautious... He tucked back behind a tree and checked that the SIG was loaded. Filled to capacity he found, which was no surprise, since he'd checked it not five minutes ago. Now only to wait for Shamee and Heath to catch up, and continue their frantic search...

They'd better hurry.

I can't let this guy die.

Petra... I think she was a lost cause, but this guy isn't.

If we don't make it in time?


My fault.

It will not happen.

Will not.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:32 am
by Lexi†
((Shameeca continued from: Mano e Mano))

Shortly behind Rob came Shameeca with Heath bringing up the rear. It was funny how things turned out. The quickest way to where she believed that Lenny would take James was the Northern Coast, but little did she know that this was where she would find her prize and possibly a fight to the death. Holding the Carbine in her hand, its heaviness evident, she followed her fellow student along that path, her bag slung over her shoulder. She looked definitely worse for wear, dirty with blood splatter from Petra on her chest thanks to her attempts to save the girls life. She had failed then, she was determined not to fail now. The rifle she held nealy scrapped the floor, yet she refused to let it do so, she would need it good to aim, just so that son of a bitch Lenny could catch one right between the eyes. Well, with luck he would, but Shameeca doubted it would happen that way. Life rarely did.

She stopped behind Bobby as they came to the edge of the trees. In front of them was a wide open pathway, a clear way across. It was also a clear target zone for someone to take potshots at whoever tries to cross it. No, she would need to listen to Rob for this, he probably knew a lot more than her what was going on. Hoisting the Carbine slightly so that it was carried with both arms, she whispered to Bobby.

"Do you reckon that its safe? Should we make a break across the beach or go through the trees, Rob?" she uttered quietly, before she saw the gun in his hand. Ok, they were prepared a lot more now for whatever may come with their guns out and ready to fight if they needed to. Dawn wasn't far off and with it came the announcements. And that spelled death for James if she, they, didn't manage to stop Lenny's crazied game. Shameeca was praying in her heart that he would still be alive when they found him.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:33 am
by ZombiexCreame†
((I'm breaking the post order because..because..CIEL MADE ME. D:))

Lulu followed beside Anna. She noticed that Anna was examining her. What was she thinking? Perhaps Anna was weighing her reliability or strength. Maybe she was thinking, "Can I trust this girl?" or "I wonder what kind of shampoo she uses." Lulu honestly had no clue. Anna was a mystery to her. She was very unique, Lulu could never infer what Anna was thinking.

When Lulu noticed the handle of the blade poking out of her duffel bag, Lulu stared for a few seconds. "Ooh. You have a sword? Or a knife or something? That's pretty neat.", She said, in idle conversation. Lulu had no clue why a weapon was 'neat.' She would have never said such a thing in the past. Weapons never interested her, they just seemed like tools of harm. "I've changed a lot..", She thought with a sigh.

Lulu nodded in agreement with Anna, her red hair brushing across her shoulder, falling against her back. Since the trek in the jungle, more sticks and leaves had adhered themselves to Lulu's head.

Lulu grinned widely when Anna told her that she trusted Lulu more than them and she would never harm her. Lulu knew she couldn't have met anyone more perfect in this situation. But Anna's question made Lulu think. Did she trust Anna? Lulu didn't know her too well. Didn't know Anna's past..Much about her at all. Did she have a hidden agenda? Despite all these questions, Anna had never been rude or made Lulu feel suspicious. Even if this was all a guise, even if Anna would eventually back stab Lulu in the end, Lulu would be fine with it. She trusted Anna more than anyone at this point. Then again..She also trusted that Amanda girl...Who was now gone. Where did she go? Lulu had no clue. But Anna was different.

Lulu stopped walking, turning to Anna. They were a short ways away from Lenny, Elizabeth and James. They appeared to be talking quietly. Pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose, she nodded. "I definitely trust you. I trust you and Lauren. Call me over trusting, but I even trust Lenny, Elizabeth and James.", She said with a grin. She shook her head as if she just said something silly and ridiculous.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:33 am
by Muninn†
((Lauren Howard continued from One by One))

After struggling to catch up with the others who had left before her, Lauren finally managed to catch up with them and relax her pace a little. She'd still ended up trailing along some distance behind them and had occasionally wondered about whether or not they even realized that she was there, but she was at a distance where she was confident that they would not get separated.

The others stopped when they reached the northern shores of the island. Lauren halted a little outside of the stopping point to rest for a short while and catch her breath. It probably would have made just as much sense for her to have entered the area with the others, but fatigue and a lack of decent sleep was starting to get to her. She hadn't caught much sleep the night before they'd moved to the tree, and since then they'd been up and traveling for most of the time. Hopefully this region of the island would be a good haven for them to wait a little while and recover from the past events.

"I definitely trust you. I trust you and Lauren. Call me over trusting, but I even trust Lenny, Elizabeth, and James."

As Lauren approached her companions, she caught the end of Lulu's comment to Anna. Was it overly trusting for them to accept James and the Priestly twins? Lauren hadn't really thought about it that much. She'd simply taken it for granted that everybody they'd met so far was of the same mindset that they were. So far it had worked... so did that make them smart, or just lucky? Liam's accusations aside, their three new companions were rather nice, even if they did keep to themselves a lot.

The only thing wrong with your instincts, Lulu, is that you trust me. I'll never betray you, but so far I haven't exactly been helpful to the rest of my friends when it gets to the point where they really need it. She didn't say anything to the others, though. Instead, she put on a slight smile and went over to join them.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:33 am
by Theseus†
Lenny listened to James as he knelt close and whispered to him. Would he hurt Shameeca when she came? He told her that he wouldn't give James up easy, and he didn't plan on it. Though would he kill her? She was unarmed, at least the last time he saw her, and that wouldn't be fun at all just to shoot her and be done with it. Maybe she would earn her right to walk away with James. It all depended on the many variables that would arise.

Looking at his hostage, Lenny only said, "We'll see." Then he turned his attention to the girls. Lulu and Anna were talking, and soon Lauren approached them as well. Lenny didn't know what they were talking about, and really, he didn't care. He doubted they were plotting against him, and that's all that mattered.

Where are you Shameeca...

Would she come before dawn?

Elizabeth looked at James and her mind raced with possibilities. She could maybe talk to her brother now, convince him to let James go. Maybe she could cause a distraction to help him long as it wasn't dawn, James was safe. In an odd twisted ironic way, he was more safe here, with his armed capture, then he was out on his own.

At least until dawn.

Dawn was when everything changed.

So the question was, where was Shameeca? When she came, what would happen?

Would Lulu, Anna, and Lauren help Lenny fight her off? Would Lenny accept defeat and hand James to her?

Lenny looked into the darkness and felt his sisters hand touch his shoulder.

"It's going to be ok Lenny."

Lenny was cool headed, he wasn't worried. Yet. Maybe it would come. So far his experiences on the island have been good. He's managed to be on top. He's lost control a couple of times...but he was in control now.

"I know Liz. I know."

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:33 am
by Neuphim†
(Heath continued from Mano e Mano)

Heath was shocked that he was able to catch up to Rob and Shamee both. Even more than that, he was surprised that they caught up with them. Yet, he paid little to this and moreover to something a little more... prominent. Something know as worry.

OK, so I'm suppose to go out there and distract this Lenny.

Fine, just how the hell should I do that? Just go up to them? Shit, it is nearly dawn. I don't have time to wait, I need to do this NOW. Well, wish me luck, you two.

Heath walked nonchalantly onto the beach. He saw that there were two groups of three. One all girls, and the other had two guys and a girl. OK, so which one is Lenny? Oh, perhaps the one packing the most heat. Yeah...

He walked towards the the latter group, trying his best not to look like a threat. Granted, having an arm in a sling would do just that. "Hey," Heath began, trying his best to be as amiable as possible. "have you seen a girl around? Her name is Petra Andrews. She's a really good friend of mine and I need to find her." Even though he wasn't sure if using Petra's names was such a good idea, it was the only name he could think of.

Hope this works.

(Edited due to Ciel's giving me a valid point)

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:33 am
by Ciel†
((OOC: Neuphim didn't state which group he was speaking to. He fixed it, so it's all kewl.))

Anna shrugged. "I don't know what it is, but five to one it's probably the sword Liam was talking about. I didn't make the connection at the time, but it's all very easy to see now... but it's not like I would have just handed it over to him if he asked. It isn't that simple unfortunately."

She smiled. "Oh, I'm glad... or at least as glad as a person could be. All things considered I'm envious that you can trust people the way you do, because with me... my head just keeps questioning everything to the point of near paranoia. Like just now, when Liam was screaming... I didn't believe him at all but you must admit that something is strange with what they're telling us. I don't know what but..."

This was when Lauren came up to the three of them and the sight of this made Anna relieved. "Ahh, Lauren. I was afraid we left you behind when we were moving. Good, glad we didn't leave anyone behind..." she hesitated then sighed softly. "well... no one important."

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:33 am
by ZombiexCreame†
Lulu noticed that Lauren had finally caught up and turned to wave. "Oooh, there ya are.", She said with a grin. Lulu adjusted her glasses for a second, then ruffled her hair, which knocked some leaves and dirt free from her red hair. It was a little gross, especially in the presence of others so Lulu looked down. "Oopsies. What I would give for a shower..", She muttered, half to herself and half to the two girls before her.

Lulu glanced over at Anna, nodding. She remembered Liam talking about that "katana" thing. Wasn't that a Japanese sword or something? Lulu wasn't too knowledgeable about Japanese things. "Well, of course you wouldn't. Liam was crazy thinking we'd just hand over a weapon to him...Like he really needs one.", Lulu said with a chuckle.

"I guess..I've always trusted people. Or..most people. Some people I obviously don't trust..Like Liam or Carson.", Lulu told Anna. Occasionally, Lulu felt a little paranoid too, but usually dismissed those thoughts. She generally wasn't a very paranoid person.

"Hmm..Something strange..Maybe. Liam did come to quite a conclusion..Or maybe James really does need help..", Lulu looked indecisive. At this point, Lulu felt that she would just follow Anna's lead. If Anna wanted to help James, then Lulu would help. If Anna wanted to leave, Lulu would leave too. The latter didn't sound too shabby, especially since Lulu had no way to help James. She wasn't much of a fighter. But she did give her word to Lenny that she'd help...Lulu felt this situation was far more complicated then she thought it would be.

James nodded slightly at Lenny. "We'll see.", wasn't the response that James really wanted. He either wanted a solid yes or no. Actually..he wanted a solid no. 'We'll see' was just ended.

If Shameeca was hurt...James might take it into his own hands to hurt Lenny. But could he? James had nothing but his own judo skills, which definitely wouldn't come in handy with someone with a gun.

James felt a little crazy thinking this, but a part of him even liked Lenny a little. For some reason, playing the role of Lenny's friend earlier just felt so natural. Back when Liam had unraveled their little plot. Lenny had kept James relatively safe so far. But he knew deep down that there was no friendship. It was just a facade for now. When it came down to it, Lenny probably would kill both Shameeca and James, if provoked. James had no clue what would happen, what would be the outcome.

James would have continued his train of thought but he realized that someone had approached them. James wasn't too familiar of the boy, but he did recognize him as 'Heath'. Apparently, he was looking for a girl named Petra Andrews. James thought back, but couldn't recall seeing anyone. He hadn't seen much of anyone really.

James shook his head. "Hmm. Nope.", He told Heath. "Best of luck in finding her. Maybe our companions have seen her?", James said hopefully, looking over at Lenny and Elizabeth, then back at Anna, Lauren and Lulu. He thought it was a little odd that someone would stumble upon them without suspicions. (Who would willingly approach someone with a gun?) But maybe this guy was so desperately searching for Petra, that he didn't mind. James was like that at one time as well. Searching for Bree...When you're searching for a good friend or someone you love, maybe all caution is thrown to the wind. Earnestly, James did hope that Heath could find Petra. He had no clue that Petra was dead.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:33 am
by Namira
It wasn't too long before Shameeca caught up to him, and Heath soon thereafter. Rob was impatient to get moving again, but decided that they needed a little time to reform and get into a good walking order once again before simply haring off. Obviously, the beach would be a much faster route to take, since the going would be far easier than the jungle, but Rob worried that the trio would wind up merely following the beaches and not actually covering much ground. The coast hardly cut into the island at all, and they needed to find James, and more importantly: Lenny, fast.

Still... moving along the beach for a while couldn't hurt. The view it offered was considerably greater than that which the jungle offered, so in a sense, a short time spent on the coast would make for valuable searching. If they were out on the sands, the pursuers would see them.

"It's never safe," Bobby told Shamee, then looked up and down the beach again. "I suppose we can head out onto the sand for a little while, just to see if we can spot anyone, but the less time spent out in the open the better I think. But we're wasting time, we need to hurry," Rob took one last look, and froze. "What the hell is he doing?" Bobby hissed, spying a familiar figure. Heath had stepped out of cover and was brazenly strolling down the beach, from the looks of things, he had seen somebody... And... he hadn't called for the two of them?

"Shamee!" Rob whispered urgently. "I think Heath's spotted Lenny! Quickly, move into the trees, and circle their group. I'm going to go provide a little backup for Heath," he sidled along, keeping to the treeline and the shadows, crouched right over, and hoping fervantly he wouldn't be seen.

We're only gonna get one shot.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:33 am
by Theseus†
Lenny turned his attention to the boy walking out openly in the beach. Through the darkness he could make out it was Heath Tren...Tren something. Lenny didn't know him that well, but knew him well enough to discern him from the darkness. He must be crazy or desperate...or very trusting. Walking towards a group out in the open was never a smart move, and this late in the "game" a move that most of the students should have learned to be a no no by now.

He was asking about Petra Andrews. Lenny didn't know her, but Elizabeth did. She had spoken to the girl several times in school, for they shared multiple classes together.

Looking at her brother, Elizabeth wondered what he would say.

James already gave his polite answer. Maybe he was trying to usher the boy off, as a warning. Like flies to the spider web. He would need to leave if he didn't want to get caught. James was proof that when a gun or a...madman was involved that there wasn't much to do.

Jame's was quite taller than Lenny, and from his background, probably more muscular as well. However, the boy showed no signs of resistance. Smart? Stupid? Elizabeth didn't know. She was still determined to help him make it out of this alive. She just didn't know how yet.

Lenny aimed his handgun at Heath and said, "Sorry for the gun. Can't trust anyone you know? I doubt you're playing, but I'm just trying to protect my friends."

Lenny cast a glance towards James.

Elizabeth tried to figure out that glance. Was he saying James was his ally? His friend? Or was he telling James not to do anything stupid? She couldn't figure her brother out. Was he good? Was he bad?

"Me and my sister haven't seen Petra though. I'm sorry. Though I don't recommend staying around with us. We're trouble."

Lenny winked at the boy, knowing in the dark it would probably go unseen.

Lenny just wanted him to go away. He felt tempted to pull the trigger. It would be so easy.

He felt his finger gently stroking the trigger, wanting so bad to pull it again. He didn't though. He was different. He wasn't a psycho like others. He was only here to protect his sister. That's all.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:34 am
by Lexi†
Stupid boy! That was the first thought that ran through Shameeca's head as she saw Heath walk past them and out into the open. Did he want to join Petra that bad that he would walk out into what was basically a free-range for anyone with a gun? Not only was it foolish, it seemed borderline suicidal, especially with his arm in a sling. If he came across people who were playing, poor Heath would be biting a bullet. Then she heard what Rob had said and suddenly it all made a lot more sense. This was it, the event that she had been searching for, the climax of Lenny's twisted game.

"Ok, Rob, I'm on it" whispered Shameeca. Making her way through the trees around the back of the group was easy, there was enough pre-dawn light for her to see where she was heading but her once bright green top was dirty enough to look like it was part of the foliage and she was pretty much unseeable at first glance as she moved slowly around the trees till she saw the backs of some people. People she thought were Elizabeth, Lenny and James. Here she would only have probably time to shoot a few times at them before they would reach her. She just prayed that her aim was good enough as she lifted the barrel of her gun and started to aim it towards the group, focusing on the back of Lenny who hopefully would be distracted enough by Heath and whatever Rob was going to do.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:34 am
by Muninn†
Lauren tried to follow Lulu's line of thinking. It was possible that Liam might have been at least partially right, there was no point in denying that. In fact, after stopping to think about it, she could vaguely recall hearing about the Priestly's on the announcements. Either that, or she thought she remembered hearing something similar to that. It could have just been her imagination, though.

"Do you really think he might have been right?" she asked the others. She didn't see anything strange in the way the other three were acting, but Liam must have had something to base his suspicions off of.

She didn't really expect an answer, though. Over by where James, Lenny, and Elizabeth were, it looked like they had a visitor. It looked to be Heath Trennoby, and Lauren desperately hoped that he would turn out to be friendly as well, since they'd already had enough excitement within the past day as it was.