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#1: New Paths

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:54 pm
by Namira
((Sean continued from: The Stench of Reality))

Sean was fucked, there were no two ways about it. Taking his map out after leaving the chapel had been a risk, he knew that, but one he believed he needed to take. It hadn't paid off, the vital information next to disintergrating in the rain, leaving him with only sodden fragments and an incredibly explicit curse on his lips.

From there, Sean had proceeded to get very lost indeed.

"What the heck is this place?"

The building now in front of Sean wasn't one he had encountered before on the island, and if he remembered the landmarks on his map correctly (he hardly claimed to have a photographic memory) it didn't match up to any of them either. There were a set of barracks, he'd been there, but unless several years of decay had been miraculously sped up to happen in the day or so since he'd left them, this wasn't the same place.

It didn't look like much, but Sean was soaked through to the skin - having spent the majority of the previous day in the Chapel, he hadn't had the opportunity to get all that wet. Sean now appreciated just how much shelter the large building had given him, and now was grateful for even this scant opportunity to get out of the wet.

Sean ducked into the scant shelter, tucking himself into the driest corner he could find, before curling up and putting his head on his raised knees.

"I fucking hate this island," he muttered to himself. "Every new place I find just makes me discover another thing to despise,"

Re: #1: New Paths

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:54 pm
by Ciel†
(Brad Kavanagh continued from The Beginning is the End is the Beginning)


Brad looked at the building in front of him. They looked alot like the barracks that he had passed by days ago but it was ruined. Broken and rusted, probably crawling with bug and mites as well. Brad sighed loudly, rubbing his damp hair back and forth. Hmm... where the hell is this on the map? He pulled the map from his backpocket. Neither he or the others had wandered far away from the airfield and they headed north but strangely this place wasn't marked down at all. Could they have stumbled onto a place where the terrorists have forgotten to check?


It really didn't matter anyway. He was staring directly at a camera, placed in one of the trees to the right side of the last barrack. He grumbled slightly. "I'm really tired of all these cameras following us around. I think Neil's got the right idea, knocking them down... wait, what the hell am I saying? Danya's blowing collars for every camera that's destroyed. Never mind..."

It was times like these he really wished he had met Kara on the island. She bled energy and Brad was running out of it. He felt numb in the sense that death was next door and that there was nothing he could do to stop it from coming. He sighed, pressing his palm against his head. Was he getting sick? On this island? No way, he wasn't going to get sick. Get yourself back together Brad. Damn it, be a man. Be a man. Strange. Didn't Kara say something along those lines a few days before this nightmare began?

No time to look back on the past. Brad had to keep on his toes.

Brad looked back to see if Ianto or Terrie were just behind him. "Hey guys! Come here! I think I've found some shelter... well, not exactly shelter but it'll have to do for now. This rain isn't going to let up anytime soon."

Re: #1: New Paths

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:54 pm
by Namira
Sean's head jerked up, his eyes narrowing, but after a few moments, he relaxed. He recognised the voice: Brad Kavanagh unless he was very much mistaken (in which case he'd be very much dead too, but if that was the case, it wasn't as though he'd be missing much). He carefully levered himself to his feet, wincing as the movement caused his head to begin pounding once again. The deep gash in the side of his head still hadn't healed yet, and Sean was beginning to grow worried about infection, despite the fact the wound had been treated not once but twice.

But... damn, Pascal's dead, and he helped me out. Not only him but that Antonio, Anthony kid. What the hell happened after I left? Did somebody come along and take them both out, did they kill each other or something? Well, if Danya isn't saying what exactly how things turned out, heading back there is hardly going to help.

Sean moved out into the open, staggering a step, but managing to regain his balance without falling over, which would hardly have given off a good first impression. Then again, when had Sean ever cared what people thought about him? Well... post-Andy at least, before that he'd been ego central.

Come a long way Sean. A long way from the smug bastard who flipped out because of an accident. A long way from the lovestruck romantic looking to the future with his boyfriend. I don't think I could be further from that than I am right now, and every moment that passes I just get further and further away. Still, I've always been a traveller, guess this is just another new path to take hey?

Catching sight of the newcomer whose voice he had heard, Sean confirmed that his guess was right and it was indeed Brad Kavanagh. He seemed to have taken some punishment, sporting what appeared to be a broken nose, as well as numerous other injuries, some minor, some rather nasty. Sean stopped in the entranceway to the rundown building, half smirked, and spoke up.

"Brad," Sean said levelly, meeting the eyes of the other kid standing outside in the rain. "Did anyone chance to tell you that you looked like death warmed up?"

Laugh or cry.

Laugh. Or cry.

Re: #1: New Paths

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:54 pm
by riserugu†
Continuing along from the airfield Ianto made sure he kept the other two in sight as he paced along one of the many winding pathways that covered this island, probably one of many, many more—probably some their little group of three hadn't traveled on. Which of course would be silly, because besides the few breaks for food, some sleep or whatever else that's all they had been doing since they met up back near that tree. A whole lot of walking, and not much else... because whenever they seemed to stop and try and take shelter in some place the whole place had to go to hell in a hand basket within two minutes of them getting there, nevertheless he was happy to have taken two shots with this rifle... compared to almost a week ago now he thought he would have been forced to use this a lot more than he would have wanted.

Though glancing around the area of jungle they where currently moving through, Ianto couldn't help but feel a sort of... well something, not to mention he hadn't a clue just where they heading as he glanced over his map. Pursing his lips over this before glancing toward Brad and then over to Terrie, he had thankfully managed to put a bandage over his head wound... though he wondered how long it would last if they kept walking in this rain. Though he didn't want to offer up the idea of heading toward any sort of shelter because of their less than grand experiences with said situations...

Still Ianto pushed the thought away for the time being as they continued walking, sifting the rifle slapped across his back somewhat as well as his pack and glancing up a little to where Brad had managed to vanish when he had gotten ahead of Terrie and himself. Glancing toward said girl, mostly to see how she was doing now that everything had managed to calm down somewhat since what happened back at the mess hall and then once again having to escape before their necks were blown off at the airfield. Sighing somewhat and tugging a bit at the collar of his drenched shirt, trying to find some comfort in the humid rain mist/drizzle/stuff but finding little to no luck at all.

Brad's voice calling from ahead caught Ianto's attention, listening for a moment at the words that were being called out before sighing as he glanced toward Terrie. "Let's hope this goes better than the last we places we decided to hold up in." He muttered faintly, shaking his head with a chuckle as he moved to pick up the pace somewhat and head toward where Brad had called from. Slowly his pace though as the other's outline became clear, as well as someone else's... curious over this for a moment before the familiar voice became a familiar face and Ianto the chance to smile at the sight of Sean. Knowing him briefly from some of the sports team he had dabbled in playing on over his high school career, smirking somewhat to the comment made told Brad as he shook his head and continued to approach. "Of course at this point that could be said about all of us... all starting to look like deranged mountain men." He muttered, itching somewhat at his chin with a sigh.

"Glad to also see I'm not the only one sporting a head wound either... hopefully though unlike mine yours wasn't self-inflicted."

Re: #1: New Paths

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:54 pm
by Namira
"I think I got dropped on a rock or something. I woke up bleeding like hell,"

Sean regarded the pair, and at the moment, felt a trickle of water run down his back, causing him to shiver, despite the fact he was already thoroughly soaked.

"Know what? I'm not sticking around this place any longer, it's practically made of holes. Hole up here if you want but you're hardly gonna get any shelter from it," Sean walked past Brad and Ianto. "Later guys. Good luck in..." Sean hesitated. "Whatever it is you're doing," he shrugged and headed off into the jungle once again.

((Sean continued in: Freedom or Bust))

Re: #1: New Paths

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:54 pm
by Ciel†
"Jesus. Wait Sean, don't leave." Brad tried to protest but to no avail. Sean walked away from the ruins, making Brad worry even more. If Brad just let him go on and Sean just happened to get killed, then his blood would be on Brad's hands. He knew it was a very foolish decision but Brad turned to Ianto and said, "Ianto... I'm going after him. You saw him right? He looks like shit, he isn't in the condition to go running around the island and... I-I can't just let him get killed. I'll never forgive myself if he gets killed because it'll be OUR fault."

Brad ran after Sean without a second's hesitation.

(Brad continued in Freedom or Bust)

Re: #1: New Paths

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:54 pm
by riserugu†
Ianto frowned lightly as Brad left, having not wanted to get to far ahead of Terrie in their trip though figured with where they were heading it wouldn't be too hard for the girl to follow and find them. Sifting his rifle and daysack somewhat as he followed after Brad in a slow jog, hoping to catch up with the lead he had taken on him since leaving the area to follow Sean.

[[ Ianto continued in Freedom or Bust ]]

Re: #1: New Paths

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:54 pm
by SOTF_Help
((Footage Continued on Camera #2))