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The Best Thing About Me Is You

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:49 pm
by riserugu†
'I thought I loved you...'

After leaving the lookout tower Bree found herself once again wondering about the jungle for any signs of just where the one person she had been searching for since she had woken up could be... after everything she had figured she might have heard something, seen anything that could possibly lead her to where James was. But still... nothing, nothing had brought her any closer than what she had been when she had first woken up all those ago... how many days had it been? Everything felt so timeless now, and the announcements hadn't seemed to have happened in a long time. But did she really want the next announcement to happen? That happening meant that there was a risk of James being on there, and if that happened... then she just didn't know how she could continue on.

But what then, what if James did show up on the announcements? Revenge? Bree didn't think she'd be capable of something like that if something like that was to happen. Suicide? She briefly remembered, the names escaped her though, of a few of her classmates having committed suicide. If James did end up having been killed, would that be the only road left for her to take? Or maybe she could try and survive, but that seemed as likely to happen as her and the whole revenge plot, she'd most likely end up as another name on some player's kill list, that and she knew she couldn't live a life without that perfect love there.

Then of course the thought struck her of why she was even thinking of this to start with... James wouldn't just let someone kill him, this causing a small moment a laughter to escape her as she dug around her partly empty day pack for one of her water bottles.

Though when she finally found it she was reminded with the fact she didn't have any water to start with, glancing to the empty bottle and shrugging as she tossed it aside along the jungle floor she was walking on. Sure she hadn't had anything to really drink in about... gosh, three days now? Bree couldn't remember the last time she ate anything either. But really, what did all that matter when she was still separated from James. 'That' was important, not stupid things like worrying about food and water. Sure, she was feeling warm (who wouldn't in a place like this?) and even a little dizzy (that would be the four days without any sleep wearing down on her) but again... what did it matter?

With everything blurry around the edges like it was, it was getting a little hard to just see where her foot was going to land next. Swaying somewhat in place as she felt her feet almost give out under the slippery, still muddy ground from the rain storm that had been pounding down on them. Closing her eyes for a moment and trying to get everything from being all dizzy... and spinney... and all--taking another step forward but it was all to late to notice she had taken the wrong step until she was sent tumbling the embankment, rolling through the mud and leaves before coming to a halt at the bottom and finding herself crying out. But at what? The pain? Frustration? Bree wasn't sure as she slowly managed to push herself onto her knee, mud stained face now being streaked with tears as she nursed her now-injured arm with her other hand. The soft whimpers becoming all out sobbing within a minute as all the pent-up pain, anger, sadness, and loneliness finally came spilling out.

"Ja-James... Why-why haven't you found me yet... why have you left me all alone.."

'I wanted to hear your voice more and more...'


Bree found herself blinking at the sound of her name being said... well not so much her name, but the way it was said, the voice behind it. Her now puffy red eyes glancing up and around, sure--just sure that she knew who had said it. After all, no one else said her name like that... like they actually cared--loved--her. And sure enough she spotted the shadowed figure in the distance amongst the trees, eyes widening as she scrambled to her feet, not caring about the pain racing up her sprained ankle or her the contents of her day pack that had been thrown about the area as she partly ran, partly limped told the figure still hidden in the shadows being casted by the trees. The blur that had been present before returning, causing her to more than once bump into the trees that surrounded them, heart racing as she grew closer and closer to him... to James, who had finally found her.

But just as she got close enough to reach out the shadowed figure turned and began to move away, Bree crying out as almost fell back to the ground in her attempt to reach out and keep him from moving. Sniffing somewhat as she paused, another dizzy spell almost taking her over as she watched the figure continue moving until her blurred vision almost couldn't see him anymore. Crying out again as she pushed off the tree and moving after the person she was so sure was James as he continued moving through the trees, leading her somewhere... somewhere safe, he had to be. What else would he be doing, pushing her body to it's limits as she noticed the tree-line starting to break--breathing quickened as she continued--forward, and forward until she finally moved from the jungle and out into the open. Blinking somewhat as she looked to the mass of ugly water before her eyes focused long enough to see the figure of her James standing there, his back was to her but there was no doubt that it was him.

Almost crying again as she struggled forward, an odd sound reaching her ears but she ignored it... because James... James was right here after all this time apart they could finally be together again.

"Ja-James, finally. Oh James, I love you so much... and we finally found one another."

'And while my hand reaches for yours...'

"Now we can find to go home and start a new life." Slowly reached forward she moved to grasp his hand, fingertips brushing against his hand and--

With a pop the explosion of her collar left Bree's head snapped back, throat blown apart and spraying blood onto her and the ground in front of her. Bree's lifeless eyes gazing skyward as a single tear spilled down her face, body finally crumbling to the ground the once beautiful engagement ring that shined on her hand now stained a grim shade of crimson.

Bree North - Deceased

'I can't see what the future holds.'