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Thread of the Manatee

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:42 am
by Ciel†
(Joey McHaimond continued from that one thread in the caves)

((OOC: Yo, bitch. This thread is private. Entering it will cause very extreme pain to you. VERY EXTREME PAIN.))

Joey McHaimond was what you would consider a coward. Any person watching SOTF could see that quite well, since he had just ran away from a couple of people who were perfectly safe to begin with. That was just who Joey was. He was a cowardous bastard, and what's more he didn't give a shit what anyone said about him. Though, of course, if Kallie Majors were watching him that moment he would care much more but that wasn't the case.

As Joey arrived at the bridge and saw the body of the beautiful Courtney Blagge, he came to a realitization. He said words that he would have never imagined himself saying.

"If I'm going to get out of this shit, I've got to kill."

It was a shock, but it was the truth.

Joey cared whether or not he lived. Hell, he liked living, even though he really didn't have anything to live for. He liked living, he didn't want to die. That would be a bad thing. Hense, he should try his best to live. That meant he had to play the game, even if he really didn't think he could kill. He had been bulshitting around, but no longer. He... he was going to attack the next person he saw, and he was going to fucking kill the unlucky son of a bitch. The thought of it... it made Joey grin. Why was he grinning? That didn't make sense. He gripped the iron fan tightly, looking from side to side to make sure no one was around.

"Gotta stay outta sight. Don't want anyone sneaking up on me."

And that's what Joey planned, hiding back in the shadows of a tree, like a tiger.

Re: Thread of the Manatee

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:42 am
by Mimi
Images flashed through her head. Unspeakable things, really. Things that would make even the strongest man become nauseous; people jumping from windows to their demise, people burning, people screaming out in pain. Oddly enough, Cara was used to these kinds of dreams. They had accompanied her through her childhood, almost so much so that it really didn't surprise her anymore when she had them. But somehow she convinced herself that was all they were- dreams. That didn't stop them from being terrifying, however. And that's why Cara Scholte, or G44, woke with a start.

As her eyes adjusted to the early morning light, Cara couldn't help but be perplexed. Her eyes scanned her surroundings and she discovered that she was lying underneath a tree in what appeared to be a jungle, the lightest drizzle of rain falling on her between the canopies of leaves.

Inspecting the area around her, Cara was instantly drawn to the duffel bag that was lying a few feet away from her. Was it hers? Peering behind her should as if she was a bad kid sneaking candy; Cara inched closer to the bag. Her fingers went straight to the zipper and slowly pulled it down. It was exciting, honestly... like opening a Christmas present. But what lay in front of Cara was far from any present she had ever gotten.

A strange looking gun lay on the top of a pile. It stared Cara down, as if trying to intimidate her. And it worked.

Cara forced the zipper up without looking at the rest of the contents. Her heart raced. Why in the world would she be in the middle of a jungle with a duffel bag that had a gun in it? Nothing made sense. She tried and tried to remember what had happened. Nothing was coming to mind except the bus ride.

It was then that the light bulb in Cara's head went off.

This was Survival of the Fittest. That sick reality show where kids killed each other. It really never seemed real to Cara, as she always thought it was some disgusting faked reality show. Like The Blair Witch Project or something. Right now, though, all those doubts were instantly extinguished. This was real. This was all real. There was no way to get out of it. Except to kill, but that was something Cara refused to do.

As the pieces began to fit together, Cara started to noticed the feeling of something around her neck. The infamous explosives collars. Her heart dropped. It all seemed even more real now.

Peering at the duffel bag out of the corner of her eye, Cara's instincts got the best of her. She pulled the zipper down again. She timidly pushed the gun to the side and looked at the rest of the contents. A loaf of bread, a tin of crackers, two bottles of water, a compass, a map, what looked to be an instruction booklet, and a flashlight. And of course that gun, but she made sure that would stay in her duffel bag.

Cara's stomach growled and she finally came to the realization that she was hungry. She could tell that she probably hadn't eaten for a few days, but couldn't be sure of how many. Maybe two at the most? As she opened the tin of crackers, she eagerly stuffed quite a few in her mouth. She wasn't full, obviously, but couldn't waste her rations all in one sitting. She did the same with the water and drank about half of one.

Somewhat satisfied, Cara brainstormed what to do next. She was friendly with just about everyone in school, so maybe she should try and meet up with some of them? Cara packed up her duffel bag and slung it over her shoulder.

"Which way?" Cara thought aloud.

She sighed and randomly decided to go south. It was an intuition kind of thing and she pretty much just went with the flow, little did she know what she would find wouldn't be what she was looking for.


As Cara traversed through the dense jungle, she had an eerie feeling come over her. The air had started to stink and she could tell it wasn't a natural kind of stench. It smelled... rotten. It was faint, but as she kept walking it was getting stronger and stronger, more and more pungent.

As Cara pushed her way through the last of the thicket, she was met with a horrifying sight. The body of what used to be Courtney Blaggé lay on the ground, her throat had a large red gash on it. As her eyes wandered, they fell on Joey McHaimond. She had talked to him occasional during class or in the halls, but nothing more really. She knew he was really devoted into surfing and that he was pretty much an all around nice guy, if not a little timid.

But the Joey McHaimond she saw now wasn't the one she knew from school. This Joey had an almost crazed look in his eyes. He just didn't look right.

"...Joey, are you okay?" Cara stepped forward a little bit. Her voice was soft and comforting, as if she was trying to lull Joey to sleep. "What's wrong?" She worried.

In all honesty, she felt bad for the boy. Not once did it cross her mind that he could have killed Courtney. He just didn't seem the type to do something like that.

Re: Thread of the Manatee

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:42 am
by Ciel†

Joey looked back, noticing that someone had just noticed him. It was Cara Scholte. She was a girl he had seen in the hallways a bunch of times. A cute girl, she wasn't the person Joey was picturing in his mind when he said 'I have to kill the next person I see'. It was... a bad choice. He blushed slightly, stepping away.

"Oh... y-yo Cara." he forced a smile, laughing softly. Jesus, she's like... I dunknow, the first person I've seen that isn't ready to tear my neck out like some rabid dog. Jesus, it's so safe now. "Oh, th-there's nothing wrong. Well, of course there's something wrong, a-about all that's happening, but I-I'm... not letting it stress me, you know. Gotta stay calm, really calm, can't freak out."

Wow... you know, she's pretty cute. Doesn't have a scratch on her... heh...

Re: Thread of the Manatee

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:42 am
by Mimi
Fear began to slowly sweep through Cara. Joey just wasn't right anymore. He had changed from how he was back in school. The way he was acting was giving off some really bad vibes... vibes that spoke to her very soul and told her to run. Sure it sounded good in her mind, but just up and running would most likely set Joey off. She'd have to try and make herself seem extremely inconspicuous, which would provide her with the opportunity to escape.

"Yeah," Cara started, "Calm is the way to go. You can't think straight if you're freakin' out."

Cara's uncomfort raised when she caught Joey eyeing here up. Things were really starting to get out of control now. As she began to panic, Cara caught a glance at Courtney again. After suppressing the urge to vomit, she began to think clearly again. She didn't want to end up like Courtney, there's no way she would let that happen.

"... Hey Joey?" Cara's fear was rising yet again, "Will you meet me at the cottage?" Her mind instantly went to a place on the map she remembered seeing. "I have to go find someone first and then we'll meet you there. It'd be to dangerous for three of us to travel together."

That's it. She's make Joey go on a wild goose chase and hopefully never meet up with him again.

Re: Thread of the Manatee

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:42 am
by Ciel†
Joey could just tell that Cara was trying to get away from him. Why was she getting so nervous? Did she think that he killed Courtney? That wasn't any of Joey's doing, that was all Tsai's fault, that sick fuck. Why was she jumping to conclusions, Joey was perfectly fine? Joey couldn't let her go, she was the only person on the island that seemed perfectly normal. If he wasn't going to have Kallie by his side, he was going to have Cara. Joey forgot about the game and how he told himself that he was going to play. He forgot about all of that, and only focused on Cara. Cara... he needed her to stay.

"No, Cara." Joey said suddenly, looking rather nervous at the thought of her leaving. "I-I need you to stay here al'ight? I don't feel safe by myself."

He stepped closer to her, not even realizing how creepy he was looking. What, acting like this? No, no, this was only perfectly normal. Joey didn't see any problem in it. He's done alot more creepy things in his life. Cara must be the only person in the entire world who could ever have a problem with how he was acting How uncool was that? Cara was very lame in his eyes, but she was a pretty girl so Joey didn't mind so much. Yeah, Cara was a pretty girl, he wouldn't mind her following him around the island. Even while he was walking towards her, he took a quick glance at her body without noticing it.

"Please Cara. It's alright, don't be scared." He said this in the nicest tone he could muster. However, the biggest problem was that in doing so, his tone became even more creepy and leecherous.

Re: Thread of the Manatee

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:43 am
by Mimi
Cara's breath was coming out rigid. Her heart was inches from jumping out of her chest. The plan wasn't working and Joey was just getting more suspicious. All she wanted to do was get away from him. She needed to get away from him. There was no way she was dying here. Her family needed her and she wasn't about to let them down.

"Joey.. I'm not gonna leave you. I'm gonna meet right back up with you once I find Tegan." Cara picked a name off the top of her head and hoped that they weren't dead. She knew Tegan, obviously, they spoke occasionally and were in a few classes together. "We promised to meet each other at the mess hall."

Cara wasn't one to lie, but desperate times call for desperate measures. She had to get out of this game alive. Who else would take care of her family?

As soon as Joey began to get closer to her, the hair on the back of Cara's neck began to rise. He was really beginning to scare her and she wasn't sure what Joey McHaimond was capable of doing. He edged even closer to Cara, which resulted in her inching away slightly.

"...don't be scared." He nearly whispered. It almost rolled off his tongue with a sick, demented kind of sweetness.

Cara knew she was in a world of trouble and could do nothing to stop this downward spiral.

Re: Thread of the Manatee

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:43 am
by Ciel†
Joey gave Cara a confused look. "U-Uhh... didn't you just say that we were going to meet up at the cottage?"


Tegan Bianco?

Joey heard that name before. A name with a face? No, but he has heard that name before. As he was gaining closer towards Cara, he remembered that Cara was friends with alot of people at Southridge. That was very unusual, Joey was more popular than her and he certainly couldn't say that. Joey could name alot of people that hated him as though he were the scum of the earth. Shouldn't everyone hate her? She was being a bitch to him, HIM, Joey McHaimond. There, in fact, shouldn't everyone hate her. This sick logic actually made sense inside of Joey's even more sick mind and he wanted to laugh. That is, if he didn't remember that Tegan Bianco offed herself on the first day. Finding this out... it made Joey mad, and he made sure that Cara knew this too.

"You. Lying. BITCH." Joey growled loudly, walking even faster. "You're trying tah get rid of me! Tegan killed herself, she ain't around anymore! You're trying to get away from me! I told yah that I'm okay, that I'm calm! There's nothing to be afraid of!" ... of course, this would have made sense if he wasn't yelling at Cara, and lurching forward like a serial killer. Then, as though by magic, his voice transformed once again into a gentle one. "Trust me, you're okay. Haha. Stop being so afraid Cara."

He reached a hand out towards her. "Trust me..."

Re: Thread of the Manatee

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:43 am
by Mimi
He had seen through her lie. She was caught and she knew it. But it was Joey's sudden screaming that frightened her the most. Cara's whole body had begun to tremble after Joey's outburst. There was no possible way that this Joey was the same one she went to in school. This Joey was... creepy. The game had changed him and she doubted the old Joey was anywhere inside him and she could only stare in horror as his voice went back to that creepy, sugar-coated voice.

Trust me, you're okay. Haha. Stop being so afraid Cara.

Stop being so afraid? This was coming form the guy that not even ten seconds earlier had blown up on Cara and now he was telling her not to be afraid? The game was getting to him-bad. And that's when Cara noticed his sleazy hand slithering its way towards her. It was headed straight for her face, towards her cheek.

An almost deafening clap resounded through the area as Cara's palm connected with Joey's hand.

"D-don't...don't touch me, Joey." Cara stuttered weakly.

It was a pathetic attempt to stop Joey, but all Cara wanted him to do was leave her alone. She could go her way and he could go his and they'd never have to see each other again, but it was obviously Joey already had his plans. Cara would do whatever was in her to stop those plans, however.

And with that, Cara Scholte bolted into the tree line, daypack slung over her shoulder.

Thorns and branches attack whatever skin Cara had showing, but she didn't care. Her main priority was getting away from Joey, who she could hear a few feet behind her, but she dare not look.

Joey McHaimond was on the hunt and she was the prey.

Re: Thread of the Manatee

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:43 am
by Namira
((Maxie Dasai continued from: at Dawn. And yeah, I do have permission to be here))

Maxie's mind was in a blur as she moved through the jungle – an altogether very familiar experience after six days on the island. Why would Emma just... turn on her like that? The news of being in SOTF must have shaken her, that was a given, but she just had never thought that somebody could change their colours so quickly. Was Riz really that persuasive? Or was Maxie herself just not somebody people thought they could trust?

It hardly mattered any longer - Emma and Riz were long behind her, and hopefully she would never run into either of them again. Equally, though, Maxie hoped that nobody else ran foul of the pair. Judging by what Riz had said, he was planning quite an action on the game. Maxie sighed... she hoped her inaction wouldn't lead to more death alone the line.

Speaking of death, that Guy Rapide dude seemed to have met a nasty end - it made her wonder what had happened to the rest of the group. Keith, Kallie, and that timid girl whose name Maxie couldn't quite recall. They had quite a tight thing going on apparently - how had they split up? Added to which, how had they reacted upon hearing their friend Darnell was a triple murderer? Ironic that the very guy they had been searching for had been gleefully hacking up his classmates the whole time.

No groups... much better to remain solo.

Maxie was snapped out of her thoughts when somebody blasted past her at top speed - they were moving so quickly that she didn't even get a glimpse of their face. One thing was for sure though, to be moving that first, something (or more accurately, somebody) had to be on their tail. Maxie, eschewing caution, stepped into the middle of the track, facing the opposite direction to which the runner had been headed.

There was a figure further down there.

As Maxie squinted to make them out, her heart sank - she knew this person. Joey McHaimond, Captain Ego. He thought the world revolved around him and his surfing ability. Sure, he could catch a wave pretty good, but that just didn't justify the enormous swagger the guy had.

"McHaimond," Maxie called out neutrally. "Care ta tell why somebody is runnin' from ya like a frighted rabbit?" she didn't want any trouble, but she figured the longer she delayed Joey the bigger chance the person had of getting away. Perhaps it was personal, but as Maxie thought about what she had just done, she slowly realised she'd just placed herself in the firing line instead.

Gotta help da others Maxie, cuz maybe, someday, dey'll do da same for ya.

Re: Thread of the Manatee

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:43 am
by Ciel†
Cara was running away.

Joey didn't like that. He didn't like that at all. It made him mad.

"H-Hey, Cara. Where are you going?!!" Joey called out, annoyance starting to drip from his eyes. "Jesus Christ, get back here! I'm not going to hurt you Cara?!!" This was the point where Joey saw Maxie. Maxie Dasai, and from the looks of it she didn't look particularly happy to see Joey. Joey gulped, looking around nervously as though he actually did something wrong. It could have been pretty easy for Joey to just answer Maxie nonchalantly, since he REALLY didn't do anything to cause such a reaction from Cara. However, he had to make things much more difficult that they should be, and instead of speaking in a low pitch, Joey screamed at Maxie.

"Maxie, you know me. I wouldn't do anything to make someone scream like that. You must be mad right? Haha!"

"I-I didn't do anything, I swear! Jesus Christ, Maxie, yah gotta believe me!"

"Cara just up and ran away. I wanted her to stay, but she's delusional. She thinks I'm going to kill her. I'm not Maxie, trust me."

"That bitch is nuts, she thinks I'm trying tah kill her! The fucking bitch is off her fucking rocker, that's what she is!"

"I... You believe me, right Maxie?"

Maxie was looking at Joey like he was a monster. A stone-cold monster. What the hell gave her the right to look AT JOEY MCHAIMOND in that way? He should slap a bitch, that's what he should do. Maxie had no right, she was just a girl. She was just a girl, and Joey was the guy in control.

"Huh? You don't fucking believe me? HUH? Well fuck you bitch! Fuck you up the ass, and that snot-nosed whore who just ran from me! No one would touch her with a five-foot pole, that's how ugly she is! I'd never-"

Well, that was the worst thing Joey could have ever said. It certainly didn't matter now. He shot forward quickly, his Tessen gripped in his right hand. He cried his loudest, and swung the Iron fan as though it were a baseball bat.

Joey was about to fuck a bitch up.

Re: Thread of the Manatee

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:43 am
by Namira
Maxie just stood there speechlessly as Joey unleashed a tirade of truly epic proportions - she didn't even get the chance to get a word in. He seemed to be... well, pretty crazy, ranting and raving like a lunatic. In fact, so much so that Maxie wasn't sure if he hadn't just lost it, or maybe he needed some calming down.

Figuring the diplomatic option was the better idea, Maxie was just about to offer some soothing opinion to attempt to difuse Joey's temper when he really flipped out - somehow convincing himself that she was hostile too. That caught her unawares, and moreso when Joey decided to attack her. Great, just great. She'd been hoping that maybe she'd get to run into at least one person without getting into an immediate confrontation, but it seemed like there was yet another fight on the cards.

Why does this keep happenin' ta me!?

Fortunately the attack was driven mostly by anger and had very little skill behind it, so it was pretty predictable. Maxie simply stepped aside, the blow going well wide. As it happened, the attack was so wild that Maxie knew that Joey was leaving himself wide open, but she opted not to attack. She might have got involved in her share of fights (both on the island and back home), but the last thing Maxie wanted to do was kill anyone. That was bullshit. Maxie wasn't going to go after another classmate just because that prick Danya told her to.

"Calm th'fuck down!" she shouted at Joey. "I'm not an enemy!"

Re: Thread of the Manatee

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:43 am
by Ciel†
Joey was too crazed to even notice that Maxie was no threat. Too closed minded, too self-centered to ever acknowledge this. There was one thing that he wasn't expecting to deal with, and that was Maxie getting out of the way of his lunge, but there also the fact of Maxie's leg. While her whole body easily got out of the way, Maxie's right leg seemed to stay right in place. Far out enough to trip Joey up. He didn't have time to get out of the way, and while he was trying to regain his balance the Tensen flew into the air, landing some distance away.

Joey didn't care about that. He was pissed, and when he regained his balance he went straight towards Maxie, wrapping his arms around her neck. It was actually successful, and he used his whole strength to strangle the life out of Maxie. "Calm down, Calm DOWN?!! I show you calm, you fucking bitch?!!"

Re: Thread of the Manatee

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:43 am
by Mimi
(I have no idea how to reply, so sorry if it seems a little confusing or rushed or whatever.)

The announcement rang to life as Cara ran through the jungle. This game was just getting more and more disturbing. People she never would have expected to kill another person had done just that. Wade Wilson had killed five people and Steve murdered his own girlfriend.

It all just seemed so wild to Cara. Killing another human being was something she could never imagine doing, and yet people like Mr. Danya get a thrill from watching it.

It was then that Cara heard the screams of the four girls. Four heart-wrenching, tear inducing, horrifying screams. At that moment in time, Cara had forgotten all about Joey McHaimond and stopped running. She fell to her knees and took in all that she heard. All the deaths on the island. All these kids dying just for the sake of entertainment. ...It was sick.

"Calm down, Calm DOWN?!! I show you calm, you fucking bitch?!!"

Joey's voice snapped Cara back into reality. She immediately swung her head towards his voice and saw that he wasn't behind her, which she was extremely grateful for. But who could he be yelling at? None of it made any sense. He was just chasing her a second ago and now he was yelling at someone. She could have sworn that it was just the two of them at the bridge, with the exception of the bodies. Cara knew how dangerous Joey had become and couldn't help but feel obligated to go and help the poor soul out; and so she did.

Her heart raced as she ran back to the area. It probably was a stupid move on her part to go back to where Joey was, but Cara couldn't help it. She couldn't let him hurt someone, and by the tone of his voice, that's what she guessed he was probably doing.

Unfortunately, she was right. Joey had his hands tightly wrapped around Maxie Dasai's neck.

Cara panicked. What could she do? If she were to step into the middle of the fight, Joey would surely attack her instead. That's when she remembered the gun sitting in her duffel bag. Would she really be able to kill someone though? Sure, Joey was a whole different person that who he was back home, but she doubted he was truly evil. It was the sick, sadistic game. Maybe in time it would change her too, but Cara knew what she had to do.

Joey would surely kill Maxie if she didn't do it.

With that, Cara opened up her daypack and pulled out the Mauser. And with shaky hands, she pointed it right at Joey's back and squeezed her eyes shut as she fired the gun.

Re: Thread of the Manatee

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:43 am
by Ciel†
Joey didn't exactly have much time to react to the bullets being shot at him. He was too focused on trying to strangle Maxie that he had completely forgotten about Cara. Many would have guessed that he had just assumed that Cara had run off ahead, but the truth of the matter was that Joey had simply forgotten about her. Even the sound of bullets being shot wasn't enough to get him to turn around because, again, he was way too focused on trying to kill Maxie that any other sounds other than his angered grunting were blocked completely. OF COURSE, it was rather hard to ignore a bullet blasting right through your back, as Joey was about to learn.

First he screamed. The gun didn't hurt as much as one would imagine, but it certainly wasn't a nice feeling. Mostly, it was all due to the shock the bullet caused. Had he been expecting the bullet to hit him, he probably wouldn't have screamed as loudly as he had. Next came the anger. Of course Joey would be mad. Someone had shot him! That was something no one would have wanted to happen to them. He turned around to look at who had shot him, slightly surprised to see Cara standing there with a Mauser. Lastly, surprisingly yet not too unfitting, came the crying. The sick, baby-like crying as he stared at Cara with the hatred he had built up minutes ago. Yes, Joey was an emotional mess.

"Y... You shot me."

Joey was the one who always pointed out the obvious at the most inopportune times.

"You shot me..."

He pushed Maxie away his hardest (which truthfully wasn't exactly hard enough to knock her off her feet), tears streaming from his eyes. He started to pant, like a little child, tears dripping inside of his mouth.

"You Shot Me! Why d-did you shoot me?!! I-I'll kill you, you bitch! You fucking bitch, I'll make you pay!"

What came next was unintentionally funny to the audience: Joey ran forward at her, his arms extended, rotating round and around in circles. It seemed impossible for him to look even more childish than he already was, but he certainly proved all of those thinking that wrong. Joey was a child, a spoiled brat through and through, and very stupid to boot. No one in their right mind would go charging at a gun wielding assailant head first, swinging their arms back and forth. Of course, Joey was out of his mind to begin with, so it made much more sense.

"I'll get you! I-I'll get you!" He cried, tears falling from all over.

Re: Thread of the Manatee

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:43 am
by Namira
Gasping for breath and massaging her throat, Maxie collapsed to her knees. She hadn't expected Joey to just lunge at her like that and he'd taken her off guard, managing to get a good grip of her neck. Maxie probably would've been able to throw him off of her, but it most surely would have been a close run thing. She didn't know who had rescued her - but she was grateful as hell for it. Then again... Maxie had to remind herself that there was no-one saying it was a rescue and not some player just looking for two for the price of one?

That (fully justified) paranoia in mind, Maxie hit the deck and rolled behind a nearby tree to recuperate from Joey's attack, hoping, somewhat guiltily that if it was indeed a hostile attacker that they would concentrate on Joey and leave her. This was some serious trouble either way. Perhaps if they spent their time preoccupied with McHaimond, especially since it seemed that he hadn't been killed by the first burst of gunfire, Maxie would have time to beat a retreat.

Guy has it comin'. Maxie thought to herself, dispelling any sympathy for Joey she was holding.. I tried ta help him, calm th' guy down. He tried ta strangle me.

"I hope that fuckin' hurt McHaimond!" Maxie about managed to croak out, but judging by the lack of volume, she doubted the target of her insult even heard her. It didn't matter, it made her feel better nonetheless. Much as she didn't want to participate in this game, Maxie didn't think she was about to cry for somebody that had just tried to kill her. What goes around, comes around, karma was currently kicking down Joey's door.